97 research outputs found

    Mirror instability in a plasma with cold gyrating dust particles

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    In this work linear stability analysis of a magnetized dusty plasma with an anisotropic dust component having transversal motions much stronger than motions parallel to the external magnetic field, and isotropic light plasma components is described. Such a situation presumably establishes in a shock compressed space dusty plasma downstream the shock front. Oblique low-frequency magneto-hydrodynamic waves (ωωcd\omega\ll \omega_{cd}, ωcd\omega_{cd} being the dust cyclotron frequency) are shown to be undergone to the mirror instability. Consequences for nonthermal dust destruction behind shock fronts in the interstellar medium are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figs, accepted to Phys. Pasma

    Historical Retrospective Review of Idea of University: Complementarily of Reason and Spirituality

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    Background: In the paper the Idea of the University and its transformations throughout the history are analysed. The content of the Idea of the University was based on understanding of spirituality when the man is upcoming to enlightening. Religion, philosophy, and education get together, when spirituality is defined as the categories and personal characteristics of a human. According to philosophy, spirituality is a non-physical way of a human being, which was granted to him as the ability of self-education. Religion understands spirituality as invariant of enlightening. The scientific-methodical apparatus of education was created to realize the potential ways for raising a person to enlightening in secular or religious schools. The spiritual aura was constantly presented at the University. Methods: A general philosophical approach and comparative historical method were used in the research. Results: Understanding the role of spirituality in the University education was absolutely manifested. The University was based on the idea of going up from individual towards the Universal Truth and Absolute Spirit. Knowledge and Truth are ideological categories of the University. Truth contained the spirituality and rational knowledge in the unity. Conclusions: The University has not lost its Idea throughout the history. The basic conclusion of the paper is that its Idea as well as its essence is the change of its criteria in response to the new historical reality

    Algorithm of Emergency Elimination when Working inside Bio-Safety Cabinets with Pathogenic Biological Agents

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    Considered have been possible variants of emergencies, which may arise while working in BSC with pathogenic microorganisms. Put forward have been the algorithms for localization and control of the incident when working in BSC Safety Class II without spills; with spills within the working chamber; with spills and release of infectious material beyond the BSC working chamber; and incidents with compromised personal protection equipment

    Development of Instruction and Methodical Data Basis of the Institution as an Element of Biosafety Provision as Regards Works with Pathogenic Biological Agents

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    A set of documents concerning biological safety at the institutional level is prepared and put in to practice. Three levels of specialists` admission for works with pathogenic biological agents of the I-IV groups have been developed, substantiated and introduced. Considered are the variants of execution of coupled (simultaneous) work with PBA of different groups. The statement on control of disinfectants received by the institution defines the order of control execution as regards newly received disinfectants and correspondence of disinfectants` working solutions in the laboratories to the requirements of sanitary regulations. Demonstrated is practicability of the assessment of protective efficacy of air-cleaning filters in the exhaust ventilation systems of “contaminated” area rooms in the laboratories carrying out the works with PBA using bacterial aerosol and physical method

    LiGaSe2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser

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    Optical parametric oscillation is demonstrated for the first time with the chalcogenide nonlinear crystal LiGaSe2 pumped by a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser. Angle tuning provides coverage of the 4.8–9.9 μm spectral range in the mid-IR by idler pulses

    Molecular epidemiology of serogroup a meningitis in Moscow, 1969 to 1997.

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    Molecular analysis of 103 serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis strains isolated in Moscow from 1969 to 1997 showed that four independent clonal groupings were responsible for successive waves of meningococcal disease. An epidemic from 1969 to the mid-1970s was caused by genocloud 2 of subgroup III, possibly imported from China. Subsequent endemic disease through the early 1990s was caused by subgroup X and then by subgroup VI, which has also caused endemic disease elsewhere in eastern Europe. A 1996 epidemic was part of the pandemic spread from Asia of genocloud 8 of subgroup III. Recent genocloud 8 epidemic disease in Moscow may represent an early warning for spread of these bacteria to other countries in Europe

    Особливості архітектурної побудови систем формування тривимірних зображень

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    У сучасних умовах комп’ютерна графіка стрімко розвивається, оскільки забезпечує високий рівень інформативності, відтворює найвагоміші аспекти процесу або явища. Найбільшу реалістичність забезпечує тривимірна графіка, основана на роботі з просторовими моделями об’єктів, що обумовлює її широке використання в багатьох галузях, пов’язаних з комп’ютерним моделюванням та проектуванням

    Substantiation of Proposals on Improvement of Normative and Legal Regulation in the Field of Pathogenic Biological Agents Handling in the Russian Federation

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    Presented are the results of assessment of the national regulatory framework in the field of pathogenic biological agents handling in comparison with the same foreign one and WHO recommendations. Shown is the necessity of timely introduction of amendments or revision of the national regulatory documents. The topical issues requiring decision are specified. The proposals on improvement of normative legal regulations are submitted. The development of the common regulatory document integrating the issues of biological safety provision seems to be advisable