15 research outputs found

    Variability and Action Mechanism of a Family of Anticomplement Proteins in Ixodes ricinus

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    Background: Ticks are blood feeding arachnids that characteristically take a long blood meal. They must therefore counteract host defence mechanisms such as hemostasis, inflammation and the immune response. This is achieved by expressing batteries of salivary proteins coded by multigene families. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report the in-depth analysis of a tick multigene family and describe five new anticomplement proteins in ixodes ricinus. Compared to previously described Ixodes anticomplement proteins, these segregated into a new phylogenetic group or subfamily. These proteins have a novel action mechanism as they specifically bind to properdin, leading to the inhibition of C3 convertase and the alternative complement pathway. An excess of non-synonymous over synonymous changes indicated that coding sequences had undergone diversifying selection. Diversification was not associated with structural, biochemical o, functional diversity, adaptation to host species or stage specificity but rather to differences in antigenicity. Conclusion/Significance: Anticomplement proteins from I. ricinus are the first inhibitors that specifically target a positive regulator of complement, properdin. They may provide new tools for the investigation of role of properdin in physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms. They may also be useful in disorders affecting the alternative complement pathway, Looking for and detecting the different selection pressures involved will help in understanding the evolution of multigene families and hematophagy in arthropods. © 2008 Couveur et al.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Desmin is essential for the structure and function of the sinoatrial node: implications for increased arrhythmogenesis

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    Our objective was to investigate the effect of desmin depletion on the structure and function of the sinoatrial pacemaker complex (SANcl) and its implication in arrhythmogenesis. Analysis of mice and humans (SANcl) indicated that the sinoatrial node exhibits high amounts of desmin, desmoplakin, N-cadherin, and β-catenin in structures we call “lateral intercalated disks” connecting myocytes side by side. Examination of the SANcl from an arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy model, desmin-deficient (Des-/-) mouse, by immunofluorescence, ultrastructural, and Western blot analysis showed that the number of these lateral intercalated disks was diminished. Also, electrophysiological recordings of the isolated compact sinoatrial node revealed increased pacemaker systolic potential and higher diastolic depolarization rate compared with wild-type mice. Prolonged interatrial conduction expressed as a longer P wave duration was also observed in Des-/mice. Upregulation of mRNA levels of both T-type Ca2+ current channels, Cav3.1 and Cav3.2, in the Des-/- myocardium (1.8- and 2.3-fold, respectively) and a 1.9-fold reduction of funny hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated K+ channel 1 could underlie these functional differences. To investigate arrhythmogenicity, electrocardiographic analysis of Des-deficient mice revealed a major increase in supraventricular and ventricular ectopic beats compared with wild-type mice. Heart rate variability analysis indicated a sympathetic predominance in Des-/- mice, which may further contribute to arrhythmogenicity. In conclusion, our results indicate that desmin elimination leads to structural and functional abnormalities of the SANcl. These alterations may be enhanced by the sympathetic component of the cardiac autonomic nervous system, which is predominant in the desmin-deficient heart, thus leading to increased arrhythmogenesis. Copyright © 2020 the American Physiological Societ

    Complement component C3 - The "Swiss Army Knife" of innate immunity and host defense

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    As a preformed defense system, complement faces a delicate challenge in providing an immediate, forceful response to pathogens even at first encounter, while sparing host cells in the process. For this purpose, it engages a tightly regulated network of plasma proteins, cell surface receptors, and regulators. Complement component C3 plays a particularly versatile role in this process by keeping the cascade alert, acting as a point of convergence of activation pathways, fueling the amplification of the complement response, exerting direct effector functions, and helping to coordinate downstream immune responses. In recent years, it has become evident that nature engages the power of C3 not only to clear pathogens but also for a variety of homeostatic processes ranging from tissue regeneration and synapse pruning to clearing debris and controlling tumor cell progression. At the same time, its central position in immune surveillance makes C3 a target for microbial immune evasion and, if improperly engaged, a trigger point for various clinical conditions. In our review, we look at the versatile roles and evolutionary journey of C3, discuss new insights into the molecular basis for C3 function, provide examples of disease involvement, and summarize the emerging potential of C3 as a therapeutic target

    Separation of decay-accelerating and cofactor functional activities of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus complement control protein using monoclonal antibodies

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    Complement is an essential part of the innate immune system, which clears pathogens without requirement for previous exposure, although it also greatly enhances the efficacy and response of the cellular and humoral immune systems. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the most recently identified human herpesvirus and the likely aetiological agent of Kaposi's sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric Castleman's disease. We previously reported that the KSHV complement control protein (KCP) was expressed on infected cells and virions, and could inhibit complement through decay-accelerating activity (DAA) of the classical C3 convertase and cofactor activity (CFA) for factor I (FI)-mediated degradation of C4b and C3b, as well as acting as an attachment factor for binding to heparan sulphate on permissive cells. Here, we determined the ability of a panel of monoclonal anti-KCP antibodies to block KCP functions relative to their recognized epitopes, as determined through binding to recombinant KCP containing large (entire domain) or small (2–3 amino acid residue) alterations. One antibody recognizing complement control protein (CCP) domain 1 blocked heparin binding, DAA and C4b CFA, but was poor at blocking C3b CFA, while a second antibody recognizing CCP4 blocked C3b CFA and 80% DAA, but not C4b CFA or heparan sulphate binding. Two antibodies recognizing CCP2 and CCP3 were capable of blocking C3b and C4b CFA and heparan sulphate binding, but only one could inhibit DAA. These results show that, while KCP is a multifunctional protein, these activities do not completely overlap and can be isolated through incubation with monoclonal antibodies