1,117 research outputs found

    Skills Market System in Kosovo: How Relevant is to the Labour Market Needs

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    The paper will study whether current skills market system provides right skills and occupation required by the labour market and analyze in detail which are the critical functions required being in place in order to improve the relevance of the skills market system. The paper will initially review formal skills providers (vocational schools, tertiary education both public and private) as well non formal providers (Vocational training centers, private sector and NGO providers). Subsequently, the paper will review the occupations and skills required by the labour market and will draw attention to relevance of the skills generated by the formal and non-formal skills providers. Finally, the paper will analyze in detail what kind of supporting functions is required to be in place that will drive the skills market system to improve its relevance

    Evaluating coverage of the environment: a comparative study of the observations of academics and journalists

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    This study is a comparative analysis of the way that academics and journalists evaluate media coverage of news about the environment. The purpose is to gain insight into the kind of contributions that each of these groups can make to debates about the role that such coverage should play within processes of public deliberations about the environment. The dissertation begins by establishing theoretical terms of reference for assessing discussions of the journalistic coverage of the environment. It proposes that it is of value to consider the conceptualisation, within such discussions, of credible knowledge about the environment and, more particularly, to establish whether such conceptualisation is based within a positivist, interpretive, or critical realist paradigm. It is demonstrated that each of these epistemological traditions brings valuable perspectives to the discussion of journalism about the environment within such literature. It is, however, the positivist perspective that remains dominant, and this limits the extent to which the potential of the other two epistemological positions are fully realized. It is also demonstrated that there is a tendency, within this literature, to focus on the performance of individual journalists with minimal attention to the particularities of institutional and social context. It is proposed that this tendency results from the adherence to a positivist approach to the evaluation of journalism. The dissertation then describes the design and implementation of the empirical component of the study - dealing with decisions made about the overall methodological framing, the choice of method, the fieldwork plan and the approach to analysis. It is explained that the aim of the empirical component was to examine South African print journalists’ discussions of coverage of the environment in their own publications, and to compare such discussion to that which is represented in the academic literature. The dissertation then presents a summary of the themes that emerged from the analysis of the interview material that formed part of this empirical work. It is demonstrated that the evaluation of coverage of the environment, as articulated by the research participants, is informed by many of the assumptions and values that can be identified within academic literature. Such evaluation is, furthermore, similarly informed by a positivist, interpretive and critical treatment of knowledge - with, again, a tendency for the positivist position to dominate. One important difference is that the research participants include more references to institutional context. It is proposed, however, that the tendency to prioritise a positivist epistemological framing continues to place limitations on the extent to which the participants are able to fully articulate their knowledge about such context

    Postcolonially Bittersweet in America: Ecojustice and Sacramental Agency

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    Liturgical Art for a Media Culture and A Moving Word: Media Art in Worship

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    Genero indarkeriaren aurrean babesteko neurriak jasotzen dituen 1/2004 Lege Organikoa

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    En diciembre de 2004, el pleno del Congreso español aprobó, por unanimidad, la Ley Orgánica de medidas de protección integral contra la violencia de género, con el fin de erradicar un hecho que ha encendido la alarma roja en la sociedad. La normativa introduce novedades que inciden en diversos ámbitos, incluyendo disposiciones dirigidas tanto al mundo de la publicidad, como a la creación de nuevos órganos administrativos.2004ko abenduan, genero indarkeria prebenitu eta biktimei laguntza emateko neurriak jasotzen dituen Lege Organikoa onartu zuen espainiar Kongresuak, aho batez. Gizartean alarma gorria piztuta daukan gai honi aurre egiteko asmoz, esparru ezberdin ugaritan eragiten duten berrikuntzak ekarri ditu araudiak, iragarkien mundura zuzendutako xedapenak eta organo administratibo berrien sorrera tarteko.En décembre 2004, la Séance Plénière du Congrès espagnol a approuvé à l'unanimitél a Loi Organique de mesures de protection intégrale contre la violence de genre, afin d'éradiquer un fait qui a déclenché l'alarme rouge dans la société. La réglementation introduit des nouveautés qui ont une incidence sur divers domaines, y compris des dispositions adressées aussi bien au monde de la publicité qu'à la création de nouveaux organes administratifs.On December 2004, the plenary of the Spanish Congress unanimously approved the Organic Law on measures of integral protection against gender violence, with the objective of eradicating something that had effectively alarmed society. The norms introduce novelties which have an incidence in various spheres, including sections on the world of publicity, and the creation of new administrative organs

    Christian Worship: Postcolonial Perspectives

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    La cabaña ganadera del yacimiento de La Renke (Alava, País Vasco)

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    Se estudian los restos del yacimieno Neolítico y Clacolítico de La Renke (Álava), analizando el material en su conjunto y en cada un de las estructuras tipo cabaña descubiertas durante la excavación. Se analiza también el material biométricamente y este análisis apoya la hipótesis de una posible domesticación del uro en el País Vasco, de forma que si esta hipótesis se confirma en el futuro con nuevos hallazgos, podríamos afirmar que se importó no solamente el vacuno domesticado, sino también las técnicas de domesticación

    Once More on (the Lightness of) Postcolonial Naming: Which Europe and Whose Eurocentrism?

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    A Transformative Dialogue of Emancipatory Methodologies

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    This dialogical presentation is about emancipatory methodologies to explore ways in which qualitative research can be more culturally-nurturing. Following a study of alternative epistemologies research began to look, sound, and feel different and it now holds different purposes and goals. Rather than rendering people of color as pathological and misrepresented emancipatory methodologies can rehumanize qualitative research and dismantle deficit and devalued images of communities of color