16 research outputs found

    Investigation of antimicrobial activity and morphological properties of metal coated textile surfaces

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    The results of investigation antimicrobial and surface properties of the textiles metal coated by means of magnetron or the cleaning-deposition system, which is based on sequentially arranged DC anode layer accelerator and hollow cathode, are presented. The antimicrobial properties against bacteria E. coli and S. aureus of cotton and polyester/cotton textiles coated by Cu, Ti and Ag with the use of two different systems were examined and compared.Представлены результаты исследования антимикробных и поверхностных свойств тканей с металлическими напылениями, созданными при помощи магнетрона или чистяще-распылительного устройства на базе последовательно расположенных ускорителя с анодным слоем и полого катода. Определены и сопоставлены антимикробные свойства тканей из хлопка и смеси хлопок/полиэстер с напылениями из Cu, Ti и Ag, созданными с использованием двух этих устройств, против бактерий E. coli и S. aureus.Представлено результати досліджень антимікробних і поверхневих властивостей тканин з металевими напиленнями, створеними за допомогою магнетрона та чистяче-розпилювального пристрою на базі послідовно розташованих прискорювача з анодним шаром та порожнистого катода. Визначені та співставлені антимікробні властивості тканин з бавовни та суміші бавовна/поліестер з напиленнями з Cu, Ti та Ag, створених за допомогою цих пристроїв, проти бактерій E. coli та S. aureus

    Association of TNF- & and IL-10 to Chronic Periodontitis

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    Periodontitis is a common inflammatory disease caused predominantly by anaerobic bacteria which can activate inflammatory mechanisms in the periodontal tissues. The inflammatory response to chronic infections such as periodontitis can be central to the systemic implications of these diseases. IL&ndash;10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine, which has been shown to modulate disease expression in chronic inflammatory diseases and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) is a potent proinflammatory cytokine which plays an important role in inflammatory and immune responses. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the possible association between IL&ndash;10 and TNF-a cytokine gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to chronic periodontitis in the Turkish population. Method: 40 chronic periodontitis patients and 86 healthy controls were compared. Genotyping was carried out by ARMS-PCR (amplification refractory mutation system) in the promoter sites of interleukin 10 (IL&ndash;10) at positions -1082 (A/G), -819 (C/T) and -592 (A/C) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) at position -308 (A/G). The distributions of the polymorphisms were compared in periodontal patients and healthy controls using Chi square test (c2), in SPSS statistical analysis software and odds ratio and confidence intervals calculated. Result: IL-10-1082 (A/G) (OR= 4.737, p&lt;0.05), (A/A) (OR= 0.156, p&lt;0.05) and TNF- a-308 (G/G) (OR=2.889, p&lt;0.05), (A/G) (OR=0.269, p&lt;0.05) were seen to be statistically significant in chronic periodontitis patients. Conclusions: Our finding shows that the TNF-a and IL-10 gene polymorphisms are significantly associated with susceptibility to chronic periodontitis in the Turkish population.</p

    Photosensitization of Porphyromonas Gingivalis by KTP Laser and Methylene Blue

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    At the present time photodynamic therapy (PDT) is receiving considerable interest for its potential as an antimicrobial therapy. Peri-implantitis is considered to be a multifactorial process involving bacterial contamination of the implant surface. Porphyromonas gingivalis, has been stated as one of the etiological agents of peri-implantitis. Previous studies have shown a variety of photosensitizers, including porphyrins, chlorophyll derivatives, phthalocyanines and azines to be effective in the photokilling of many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens in addition to parasites, fungi, and viruses. Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a KTP (Potassium-titanyl-phosphate) laser (532nm) (Deka, Turkey) in vitro on P.gingivalis cultures with Methylene Blue (MB) as the photosensitizer. Method: KTP laser at different fluence parameters (between 10-100 J/cm&sup2;) and time points were applied to bacterial suspensions of 30 microliters (0,05% w/v MB) in 96 well-plates. Following laser radiation the samples were anaerobically incubated in an anaerobic cabinet (Don Whitley, UK) for 48 hours and the number of colony-forming units (CFU/ml) calculated. Results: Laser radiation with the presence of methylene blue showed total erradication of P.gingivalis at the optimal parameters of 56,81 J/cm&sup2; (30 seconds of laser radiation at 0,6W). Conclusion: the photoactivation of methylene blue with KTP laser radiation at 532nm has potential use as a biocidal mechanism for peri implantitis.</p