12,084 research outputs found

    Effect of Vinyl and Silicon Monomers on Mechanical and Degradation Properties of Bio-Degradable Jute-Biopol® Composite

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Composites of jute fabrics (Hessian cloth) and Biopol® were prepared by compression molding process. Three types of Biopol® (3-hydroxbutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalarate) such as D300G, D400G and D600G, depending on the concentration of 3-hydroxyvalarate (3HV) in 3-hydroxbutyrate (3HB) were taken for this purpose. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength (TS), bending strength (BS), elongation at break (Eb) and impact strength (IS) of the jute-Biopol® composites were studied. It was found that the composite with D400G produced higher mechanical properties in comparison to the other two types of Biopol®. To increase mechanical properties as well as interfacial adhesion between fiber and matrix, 2-ethyl hydroxy acrylate (EHA), vinyl tri-methoxy silane (VMS) and 3-methacryloxypropyl tri-methoxy silane (MPS) were taken as coupling agents. Enhanced mechanical properties of the composites were obtained by using these coupling agents. Biopol® D400G composites showed the highest mechanical properties. Among the coupling agents EHA depicts the highest increase of mechanical properties such as tensile strength (80%), bending strength (81%), elongation at break (33%) and impact strength (130%) compared pure Biopol. SEM investigations demonstrate that the coupling agents improve the interfacial adhesion between fiber and matrix. The surface of the silanized jute was characterized by FTIR and found the deposition of silane on jute fiber was observed. Soil degradation test proved that the composite prepared with EHA treated jute exhibits better degradation properties in comparison to pure Biopol®

    Evolution of vacancy pores in bounded particles

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    In the present work, the behavior of vacancy pore inside of spherical particle is investigated. On the assumption of quasistationarity of diffusion fluxes, the nonlinear equation set was obtained analytically, that describes completely pore behavior inside of spherical particle. Limiting cases of small and large pores are considered. The comparison of numerical results with asymptotic behavior of considered limiting cases of small and large pores is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Detecting atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the ATLAS detector at CERN

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    We discuss the possibility to study oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Due to the large total detector mass, a significant number of events is expected, and during the shutdown phases of the LHC, reconstruction of these events will be possible with very good energy and angular resolutions, and with charge identification. We argue that 500 live days of neutrino running could be achieved, and that a total of ~160 contained \nu_\mu events and ~360 upward going muons could be collected during this time. Despite the low statistics, the excellent detector resolution will allow for an unambiguous confirmation of atmospheric neutrino oscillations and for measurements of the leading oscillation parameters. Though our detailed simulations show that the sensitivity of ATLAS is worse than that of dedicated neutrino experiments, we demonstrate that more sophisticated detectors, e.g. at the ILC, could be highly competitive with upcoming superbeam experiments, and might even give indications for the mass hierarchy and for the value of theta-13.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, RevTeX 4; modified treatment of upward going muons, results unchanged; matches published versio

    Profile Monitor SEM's for the NuMI Beam at FNAL

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    The Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) project will extract 120 GeV protons from the FNAL Main Injector in 8.56usec spills of 4E13 protons every 1.9 sec. We have designed secondary emission monitor (SEM) detectors to measure beam profile and halo along the proton beam transport line. The SEM?s are Ti foils 5um in thickness segmented in either 1?mm or 0.5?mm pitch strips, resulting in beam loss ~5E-6. We discuss aspects of the mechanical design, calculations of expected beam heating, and results of a beam test at the 8 GeV transport line to MiniBoone at FNAL.Comment: to appear in proceedings of 11th Beam Instrumentation Workshop, Oak Ridge, T

    Информационная поддержка анализа навыков и умений контингента студентов высшего учебного заведения

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    In the below article, the application of the fuzzy logical conclusion method is considered as decision-maker in the process of analyzing the students skills and abilities based on the requirements of potential employers, in order to reduce the time of the first interview for potential candidates on a vacant position. When analyzing the results of the assessment of the competence of university students, a certain degree of fuzziness arises. In modern practice, fuzzy logic is used in many different assessment methods, including questioning, interviewing, testing, descriptive method, classification method, pairwise comparison, rating method, business games competence models, and the like. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but they are effective only as part of a unified personnel management system. As a method for implementing a systematic approach to the assessment of the contingent of students, it is proposed to use fuzzy logic, a mathematical apparatus that allows you to build a model of an object based on fuzzy judgments. The use of fuzzy logic, the mathematical apparatus of which allows you to build a model of the object, based on fuzzy reasoning and rules. The most important condition for creating such a model is to translate the fuzzy, qualitative assessments used by man into the language of mathematics, which will be understood by the computer. The most used are fuzzy inferences using the Mamdani and Sugeno methods. In a fuzzy inference of the Mamdani type, the value of the output variable is given by fuzzy terms, in the conclusion of the Sugeno type, as a linear combination of the input variables. Research in the field of application of fuzzy logic in socio-economic systems suggests that it can be used to assess the competencies of university students.В данной работе рассмотрено использование метода нечеткого логического вывода для поддержки принятия решения в задачах анализа навыков и умений контингента студентов исходя из требований потенциальных работодателей, с целью уменьшения времени на первичную обработку информации касательно потенциальных кандидатов на вакантную должность. При анализе результатов оценки компетентности студентов вузов возникает определенная степень нечеткости. В современной практике нечеткая логика применяется во многих различных методах оценки, в том числе анкетирование, интервью, тестирование, описательный метод, метод классификации, парное сравнение, рейтинговый метод, деловые игры модели компетентности и тому подобное. Каждый из методов имеет свои преимущества и недостатки, но эффективны они только в составе единой системы управления персоналом. Как метод для реализации системного подхода к оценке контингента студентов предложено использовать нечеткую логику, математический аппарат, который позволяет построить модель объекта, основанную на нечетких суждениях. Использование нечеткой логики, математический аппарат которой позволяет построить модель объекта, основываясь на нечетких рассуждениях и правилах. Важнейшее условие создания такой модели заключается в том, чтобы перевести нечеткие, качественные оценки, применяемые человеком, на язык математики, которая будет понятна вычислительной машине. Наиболее используемыми являются нечеткие выводы с помощью способов Мамдани и Сугено. В нечетком выводе типа Мамдани значение выходной переменной задаются нечеткими термами, в заключении типа Сугено – как линейная комбинация входных переменных. Исследования в области применения нечеткой логики в социоэкономических системах позволяют говорить о возможности ее использования для оценки компетенций студентов вузов