84 research outputs found

    The Friction Coefficient of Fractal Aggregates in the Continuum and Transition Regimes

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    A methodology is introduced for friction-coefficient calculations of fractal-like aggregates that relates the friction coefficient to a solution of the diffusion equation. Synthetic fractal aggregates were created with a cluster-cluster aggregation algorithm. Their fiction coefficients were obtained from gas molecule-aggregate collision rates that were calculated with the COMSOL Multiphysics software. Results were compared and validated with literature values. The effect of aggregate structure on dynamical properties of the aggregate, in particular mobility, was also studied. Both the fractal dimension and the fractal prefactor are required to characterize fully an aggregate.JRC.F.8-Sustainable Transpor

    Study of brake wear particle emissions of a minivan on a chassis dynamometer

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    Car brakes appear to be a significant atmospheric pollutant source, with a contribution to total non-exhaust traffic-related PM10 emissions being estimated at approximately 55% in big cities and urban environments (Bukowiecki et al., 2009). Brake wear particle emissions of a minivan running on a chassis dynamometer were measured using a custom sampling system, positioned close to the braking system, under different initial speeds (30 km/h and 50 km/h), deceleration rates (0.5 m/s2, 1.5 m/s2, 2.5 m/s2), and ambient temperatures (0 °C, 15 °C and 25 °C). Braking from 50 km/h to full stop, results in 40–100% more particles compared to 30 km/h, depending on the deceleration rate. It was also found that only 9–50% of the total particles emitted, are released during the braking phase and therefore the most significant amount is released on the following acceleration phase. High brake pad temperature results in a bimodal distribution with the first peak being at 1 μm and the second falling at the nanometer scale at 200 nm. The ambient temperature appears to have a negligible effect on the particle generation. Document type: Articl

    Experimental theoretical methodology for determination of inertial pressure drop distribution and pore structure properties in wall-flow diesel particulate filters (DPFs)

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    Wall-flow particulate filters have been placed as a standard technology for Diesel engines because of the increasing restrictions to soot emissions. The inclusion of this system within the exhaust line requires the development of computational tools to properly simulate its flow dynamics and acoustics behaviour. These aspects become the key to understand the influence on engine performance and driveability as a function of the filter placement. Since the pressure drop and the filtration process are strongly depending on the pore structure properties - permeability, porosity and pore size - a reliable definition of these characteristics is essential for model development. In this work a methodology is proposed to determine such properties based on the combination of the pressure drop rement in a steady flow test rig and two theoretical approaches. The later are a lumped model and a one-dimensional (1D) unsteady compressible flow model. The purpose is to simplify the integration of particulate filters into the global engine modelling and development processes avoiding the need to resort to specific and expensive characterisation tests. The proposed methodology was validated against measurements of the response of an uncoated diesel particulate filter (DPF) under different flow conditions as cold steady flow, impulsive flow and hot pulsating flow. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through grant number DPI2010-20891-C02-02.Payri González, F.; Broatch Jacobi, JA.; Serrano Cruz, JR.; Piqueras Cabrera, P. (2011). Experimental theoretical methodology for determination of inertial pressure drop distribution and pore structure properties in wall-flow diesel particulate filters (DPFs). Energy. 36(12):6731-6744. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2011.10.033S67316744361

    A methodology to calculate the friction coefficient in the transition regime: Application to straight chains

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    A methodology is introduced, the Collision Rate Method (CRM), to calculate the friction coefficient of power-law aggregates across the entire momentum-transfer regime. The friction coefficient is calculated via the ratio of two fictitious particle-aggregate collision rates evaluated in the continuum and slip-flow regimes. The effective collision rates are obtained from the numerical solution of the Laplace equation with Robin boundary condition. The methodology was justified by comparing the slip correction factor of straight chains composed of up to 50 spherical monomers with literature results. We determined the validity of the CRM to lie in an extended slip-flow regime, the maximum monomer Knudsen number being 2. We calculated the adjusted-sphere radius, the radius of a sphere with the same slip correction factor as the chain, in slip flow. We found it to be weakly dependent on flow conditions, as specified by the carrier-gas mean free path, a dependence that leads to a weak effect on calculated slip correction factors. The CRM was combined with the Adjusted-Sphere Method to extend its validity to all Knudsen numbers. Excellent agreement of straight-chain slip correction factors with literature values was obtained for monomer Knudsen numbers up to 100. Various characteristic length scales, geometric (equivalent volume radius, radius of gyration) and dynamic (equivalent hydrodynamic and mobility radii), were calculated.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Monolithic Ceramic Redox Materials for Thermochemical Heat Storage Applications in CSP Plants

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    AbstractThe present work relates to the investigation of cobalt and manganese oxide based compositions as candidate materials for the storage of surplus energy, available in the form of heat, generated from high temperature concentrated solar power plants (e.g. solar tower, solar dish) via a two-step thermochemical cyclic redox process under air flow. Emphasis is given on the utilization of small structured monolithic bodies (flow-through pellets) made entirely from the two aforementioned oxides. As compared to the respective powders, and in addition to the natural advantage of substantially lower pressure drop that monolithic structures can offer, this study demonstrated that structured bodies can also improve redox kinetics to a measurable extent. Cobalt oxide was found to be superior to manganese oxide both from an estimated energy density and from a redox reactions kinetics point-of-view. Among the redox conditions studied, the optimum reduction-oxidation operating window for the former oxide was determined to be in the range of 1000-800°C, while for the latter material no clear conclusion was drawn with reduction reaching its maximum extent at 1000°C and oxidation occurring in the range of 500-650°C. In both cases, no significant degradation of redox performance was observed upon cyclic operation (up to 10 cycles), however manganese oxide showed notably slower oxidation kinetics

    On-Line / In-Line Measurements of Particle Emissions by a Combustion Aerosol Standard

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    A system for the on-line/in-line measurement of soot particle sizes and concentrations in the undiluted exhaust gas of diesel engines was developed and successfully tested. The unit uses the individual attenuations of three different laser wavelengths and is combined with an optical cell (white principle) with adjustable path lengths from 2.5 to 15 meters

    Particle Model Investigation For The Thermochemical Steps Of The Sulfur–Ammonia Water Splitting Cycle

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    Solar-driven hybrid sulfur–ammonia water splitting cycle (HySA) is a promising technology for energy and environment applications. The advantage of the proposed cycle is the utilization of both solar photon and thermal radiation in a series of reaction steps from ambient temperature to less than 900 °C. It uses molten salts as reagents to control products of each step and as potential thermochemical energy storage. The use of a solar aerosol based reactor for the thermochemical steps of the cycle appears promising, therefore a particle model is required. Reliable thermodynamic data are necessary to develop an efficient conceptual particle model. Therefore, in this present study, we perform thermal analysis experiments and thermodynamic calculations for the related compounds and their reciprocal mixtures. Based on the experimental and numerical findings, we discuss the conceptual particle model according to the thermochemical steps of the hybrid sulfur–ammonia water splitting cycle
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