84 research outputs found

    Fossiele planten: voer voor Dino’s?

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    Банда і злочинна організація: проблема співвідношення понять

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    Розкривається проблема співвідношення понять «банда» та «злочинна організація». На основі критичного аналізу існуючих наукових підходів до визначення сутнісних ознак понять «банда» та «злочинна організація» та судової практики розгляду кримінальних справ про злочини, вчинені такими злочинними об’єднаннями, автором пропонуються конкретні підходи до їх співвідношення.Раскрывается проблема соотношения понятий «банда» и «преступная организация». На основе критического анализа существующих научных подходов на определение сущностных признаков понятий «банда» и «преступная организация» и судебной практики рассмотрения уголовных дел о преступлениях, совершенных такими преступными объединениями автором предлагаются конкретные подходы к их соотношению.Opens up the problem of correlation of the concepts «band» and «criminal organization». Founded on critical analysis of the existing scientific approaches at definition of the essence signs of the concepts «band» and «criminal organization» and judicial practice of consideration criminal cases about crimes are committed by that criminal associations author offers certain approaches at their correlation

    Earliest Jurassic River Deposits in Northeast Bavaria, Germany

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    In northeastern Bavaria/Germany the onset of the Jurassic is indicated by fluvial deposits. Their Jurassic age is proved by paleoflora. The deposits start with a fluvial channel fill composed by fine-grained sandstone and coaly shale containing a small paleofloral assemblage. The streams are draining the slightly higher hinterland of the Bohemian-Variscan Mountains. This channel follows unconformably late Triassic beds of alluvial sheet flows with clayey load and few sandy and muddy channels originating from a mountainous hinterland with subtropical–tropical weathering (Rhaetian Itz Subformation). In contrast to the paleofloral cut at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary the lithologic development does not indicate a severe cut. Only later a change of the relief and the lithology is visible

    Angiopteris blackii van Cittert nom. nov.

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    The new species name Angiopteris blackii is established for those fossils that earlier were assigned to Angiopteris neglecta van Cittert 1966. This latter species name is illegitimate as it is a later homonym of A. neglecta Ching et Wang 1959

    Androstrobus major, A new male cycad cone from the Jurassic of Yorkshire (England)

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    A new Androstrobus from the Jurassic of Yorkshire is described and compared with other, earlier identified, Androstrobus species

    Some notes on Marattia anglica from the Jurassic of Yorkshire

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    In this paper the spores of the Jurassic fern Marattia anglica are redescribed. It appeared that at least 30% of the spores have a more or less trilete, instead of the usual monolete, laesura. In Marattia muensteri, M. hoerensis and M. crenulata (three species from the Jurassic), trilete spores also appeared to occur, although in much lower percentages than in M. anglica. The spores of M. anglica are compared with recent Marattia spores and with Jurassic dispersed spores. Furthermore, the systematic position of M. anglica and other Jurassic Marattia species is discussed

    Fossiele planten: voer voor Dino’s?

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    Exine ultrastructure of in situ pollen from the cycadalean cone Androstrobus prisma Thomas et Harris 1960 from the Jurassic of England

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    Pollen grains extracted from the cycad pollen cone Androstrobus prisma Thomas et Harris 1960 from the Bajocian of Yorkshire were studied by means of LM, SEM and TEM. The species is characterized by rounded-oval, inaperturate pollen with an indistinctly verrucate surface and predominantly homogeneous exine with occasional alveolate areas. Present and earlier published data on the fine morphology of pollen grains of fossil cycads are discussed in the light of the differentiation between Mesozoic non-saccate and presumably monosulcate pollen produced by a number of gymnosperm groups. Although the exine pattern in pollen grains of fossil cycads is usually indistinct in transmitted light, SEM reveals minute, but various sculpturing that can be used for taxonomic purposes, particularly to differentiate between species. Elongated ectexinal alveolae, situated mostly in one row and covered by a thin tectum, is an unequivocal cycadalean character. Sufficiently well preserved fossil cycad pollen clearly shows this type of exine ultrastructure. Poorly preserved cycad pollen grains commonly show an alternation of alveolate and homogeneous regions in the exine with predominance of homogeneous regions. This peculiar mode of preservation can be used as a hint to reveal cycadalean affinity. Inaperturate pollen grains are unknown in bennettites or ginkgophytes. Therefore, if a dispersed, non-saccate and boat-shaped pollen grain is proved by means of electron microscopy to lack an aperture, this would indicate a possible cycadalean affinity

    A nomenclatural note on Monanthesia and Bennettites

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    This is a short nomenclatural note on the place of publication of Monanthesia and the lectotypification of Bennettites