5 research outputs found

    Decompression of Facial Nerve after Temporal Bone Fracture: about 20 Cases

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    Background: Seven to ten percent of facial nerve paralysis occurs in patients with temporal bone fracture. It has become increasingly common due to the development of human activity. One of the main topics of discussion is facial nerve injury management resulting from temporal bone trauma. The purpose of this study is to report the paralysis of facial nerve after temporal bone fractures. Aim: In this study, our goal was to record the facial profile of rhinoplasty applicants in Shiraz. Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 20 cases of traumatic paralysis of facial nerve, which underwent facial nerve decompression. Results: Recovery rate was correlated to the delay of surgery. 83.3% of patients who underwent decompression surgery within the first 2 weeks after trauma had an excellent therapeutic outcome (HB grading I-II) and the difference was statistically significant (p=0.000). Conclusion: Facial nerve paralysis surgical management after bone fracture is controversial. The decision must be taken according to the type of paralysis and the radiological electrophysiological and evolutionary data

    Le carcinome parathyroïdien: à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Le carcinome parathyroïdien est une tumeur maligne, très rare, de la glande parathyroïde. Cliniquement, ce cancer se présente souvent par un tableau d'hyperparathyroïdie primaire sévère. Le diagnostic est histologique mais n'est pas toujours aisé. Le traitement est basé sur la chirurgie. Femme âgée de 59 ans, aux antécédents d'hypertension artérielle, et de lithiases rénales récidivantes, consultait pour des douleurs osseuses diffuses avec asthénie. L'examen du cou a trouvé une tuméfaction basi-cervicale dure et à bord inférieur non palpable. A la biologie: hypercalcémie à 4,1 mmol/l, une hyperparathyroïdie avec valeur de parathormone (PTH) très élevée à 1088 pg/ml soit 13 fois la normale. La scintigraphie au Technétium-99m-sestamibi a montré une plage de fixation anormale de MIBI en projection de la parathyroïde inférieure gauche. Une parathyroïdectomie inférieure gauche, avec évidement médiastino-récurrentiel homolatéral ont été réalisés. Les suites opératoires étaient marquées par la normalisation de la calcémie et de la PTH. L'anatomopathologie était en faveur d'un carcinome parathyroïdien. Le diagnostic de carcinome parathyroïdien est généralement établi sur la conjonction de signes radiologiques biologiques et histologiques. La gravité de cette pathologie est due à l'hypercalcémie sévère et au risque de récidive et de métastases à distance justifiant la surveillance prolongée.Mots clés: Parathyroïde, carcinome, hyperparathyroidie primaireEnglish Title: Parathyroid carcinoma: about a case and review of the literature English AbstractParathyroid carcinoma is a very rare malignant tumor of the parathyroid gland. Clinically, this cancer is characterized by the presence of severe primary hyperparathyroidism. Diagnosis is based on histological examination but is not always easy. Surgery is the treatment of choice. We report the case of a 59-year old woman with a personal history of arterial hypertension and of recurrent renal lithiasis, presenting with diffuse bone pain associated with asthenia. Neck examination showed hard basi-cervical swelling with nonpalpable lower edge. Laboratory tests showed hypercalcaemia 4.1 mmol/l, hyperparathyroidism with very high parathyroid hormone (PTH) value (1088 pg/ml or 13 times normal). Technetium-99m-sestamibi scintigraphy showed fixed MIBI abnormality in the projection of the left inferior parathyroid. The patient underwent left inferior parathyroidectomy, with ipsilateral mediastinal-recurrent nerve dissection. The postoperative course was marked by normalization of plasma calcium and THP. Anatomopathological examination showed parathyroid carcinoma. The diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma is generally based on the combination of biological, radiological and histological signs. The severity of this pathology is due to severe hypercalcaemia and to the risk of recurrence and distant metastases, justifying prolonged monitoring.Keywords: Parathyroid, carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidis

    Cervicofacial lymphatic malformations: diagnosis and management

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    Abstract Background Lymphatic malformations are rare benign tumors that result from congenital and acquired alterations of the lymphatic vessels. They occur most commonly on the head and neck region. The aim of this study is to describe clinical profiles of lymphatic malformations of the head and neck (LMHN) as well as to study therapeutic modalities through our series and review of the literature. Results This is a retrospective record-based descriptive study conducted in the ENT and the Radiology departments over a 17-year period. Our study included twelve patients, aged between 8 months and 52 years. Two swellings were present at birth and had not been prenatally diagnosed in both cases. One patient was affected by TRISOMY 21. All patients consulted for a painless mass of the head or neck. Seven masses were located in the suprahyoid region and five in the infrahyoid region. Ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were realized to establish the diagnosis and assess the extent of the lesions. Surgical excision was performed in 7 patients. It was complete in 6 patients. Five patients were treated with sclerotherapy. The sclerosing agents used were Aetoxisclerol 2%, hypertonic saline, and absolute alcohol. One patient had a reversible paresis of the left mental nerve after surgery. An excellent response to sclerotherapy with complete resolution was obtained in 3 cases with no recurrence of the disease. Conclusions Surgical excision has been the management option of choice for LMHN. The recent advances in sclerotherapy make it safe and effective as a primary treatment modality for these lesions

    Diagnostic strategy and therapeutic management of sinonasal inverted papilloma: our experience with review of literature

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    Abstract Background The sinonasal inverted papilloma is a rare benign tumor, characterized by local aggressiveness, a high rate of recurrence after surgical resection, and the possibility of malignant transformation. The aims of this study are to analyze diagnostic strategy and therapeutic modalities and to evaluate results after surgery. Methods We report a retrospective study, including patients operated for inverted sinonasal papilloma in our department. Preoperatively, all patients were assessed by CT scan (computed tomography), 9 of them by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Results The average age of our patients was 52 years with a male predominance. The most common symptom was unilateral nasal obstruction. The endoscopic appearance was suggestive of inverted papilloma (IP) in 75% of cases. Thirty-two patients underwent an exclusive endonasal endoscopic surgery; one patient was operated with a combined approach. Two patients underwent external approaches. A recurrence was observed in 4 patients (11%). Conclusion Preoperative investigation for IP is essentially based on MRI, also required in case of recurrence. Histological examination of the entire tumor is crucial to rule out an associated carcinoma. The “all endoscopic” management is not always achievable for these tumors