23 research outputs found

    International Lifestyle Migration and Social Marginalization on the Tourism Village

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    By conducting qualitative research that supported with quantitative data analysis, it has founded that International lifestyle migration which committed by Middle East citizens (Saudi Arabian and Qatar) at South Tugu Village, Cisarua in East Java Indonesia as the destination for village tourism - have been raising social unequality. International lifestyle migration process on this village had occured along with International refugee resettlement from Asian country (Pakistan, Afganistan, Morocco,Myanmar ) which is inevitable became as a source of social change. It was begin by the growth of livelihood and economic behavior of local community itself that keenly more dependent on the tourism enterprises. The change of house building and settlement patterns were also followed by the transformation of land occupation and ownership. Moreover, it is identified by manner of speech, eating habits and also public order and security. However, apparently those changes are not enganging with the presence of social welfare equality. On the contrary, such development has been precisely marginalizing the poor community on the village

    Relationhip Between a Type of Leadership Head of Village with the Quality of Village Service

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    Gaya kepemimpinan direktif dan konsultatif diterapkan oleh kepala desa dan disesuaikan untuk permasalahan. Tipe direktif digunakan ketika melimpahkan tugas kepada petugas desa. Tipe konsultatif digunakan dalam mengarahkan pekerja ketika memberikan pelayanan publik. Tujuan penelitianini adalah menganalisis hubungan antara tipe kepemimpinan kepada desa dengan kualitas pelayanan publik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling dengan total responden sebanyak 60 orang. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji korelasi rank-spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan konsultatif dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan masyarakat. Hal ini dibuktikan sebesar 80 persen responden menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya kepemimpinan konsultatif dengan kualitas pelayanan publik

    Ethnic Identity Formation in Local Political Economic Arena

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    Pembentukan identitas etnik di arena ekonomi politik lokal penting untuk dikaji dalam rangka memahami pluralisme di Indonesia. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mempelajari pembentukan identitas etnik di arena ekonomi politik lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan paradigma non-positivistik perspektif struktural-konstruktivisme. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang tinggal di Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, wawancara tertruktur dan Focus Grup Discussion (FGD) yang dilakukan aktor dari latar belakang berbagai etnis (Tolaki, Muna, Buton, dan Bugis) dan berbagai profesi (politisi, birokrasi, akademisi, and aktivis LSM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan identitas etnik di arena politik lokal dipengaruhi oleh sejarah kelompok etnis (posisi) dan pengalaman aktor (disposisi). Dari keduanya, bentuk garis yang berkelanjutan membentuk suatu interaksi (kesenangan) yang dinamakan pembentukan identitas etnik. Struktur ini mengacu pada dua bentuk: (1) bentuk identitas etnik dengan skala besar dan (2) pembentukan batas identitas etnik. Kedua struktur tersebut merupakan penentu arena ekonomi politik lokal. Psinsip hirarki ganda (prinsip hirarki heteronomus dan autonomus) memberikan kontribusi pada pembentukan identitas etnik yang disebabkan oleh mobilisasi [identitas], positif atau negatif

    The Role of Paguyuban in Rural Development

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    Balikpapan merupakan daerah dengan masyarakat yang multietnik. Konsekuensi dari masyarakat beragam tersebut tentunya berdampak pada cukup banyak muculnya paguyuban etnis. Masingmasing paguyuban etnis ini memiliki norma dan nilai yang mempengaruhi individu dalam berprilaku dan mengambil keputusan. Oleh sebab itu penting untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh paguyuban etnis dalam mendorong terbentuknya pilarisasi masyarakat dan dampaknya pada pembangunan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dengan demikian penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dekriptif dan eksplorasi. Kehadiran paguyuban pada dasarnya memperkuat identitas etnik dan mendorong terjadinya pilarisasi masyarakat. Selain itu paguyuban etnis juga mendorong pembangunan kawasan desa melalui elit-elit yang tergabung di paguyuban tersebut untuk kepentingan etnisnya dan menjadi sarana pengaman bagi masyarakat miskin yang tidak bisa menerima manfaat langsung dari pembangunan kawasan tersebut

    Dilema dalam Transformasi Desa ke Nagari : Studi Kasus di Kenagarian IV Koto Palembayan, Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    The implementation of local autonomy regime gives an interesting socio-political explanation of how is the local genuine governance system, the so-called nagari, to operate in West Sumatera. Based on Law No. 22/1999 as amended by Law No. 32/2004, the Regional Government of West Sumatera introduced Regional Law No. 9/2000 as legal foundation to regulate the implementation of nagari in the region. The study, was conducted in Nagari IV Koto Palembayan, District of Agam, Province of West Sumatera. It was intended to 1) describe and analyze the implication of structural change from nagari to desa and its return to nagari system, 2) analyze potential conflicts that occur in the transformation from desa to nagari. The study used qualitative approach, in which data and information were mostly collected by in-depth interviews supported by observation, study of literature and documents. It was found that 1) such intervention brought about widely social change at local level, 2) the transformation from desa to nagari stimulated some potential conflicts at local level. It is realized that it is uneasy for the government to synergize modern and traditional institution of governance in a single system. In case, the control of such a complicated system is very poor, then the implementation of nagari system is substantially hindered

    (Conflict Resolution of Irrigation Development: Case Study in Ibu Subdistrict of West Halmahera District)

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    The objective of this research is to understand the conflict resolution of dam and irrigation development in three subdistrict villages of Ibu Halmahera Barat district 2013. This research uses analysis of dispute style (AGATA) in the form of: avoidance, accommodating, compromise, competitive, and collaboration. The results showed that there are two styles of conflict that is avoid and competitive style. Both style of disputes are transformed into a compromise style after the opposing party offers negotiation of land compensation. Based on this it can reduce the two parties, so that the mediator easily deal with the conflict. The settlement path is through mediation and facilitation by bringing the two conflicting parties together with the mediator of West Halmahera people's parliament. The decision taken is to stop the construction of dam and irrigation channels under construction. The decision, in addition to reducing the escalation of tensions, also to anticipates violet conflict between the two parties (the pros and cons of development)

    Urbanisasi di Kota Balikpapan: Formasi Sosial Keluarga Pendatang Miskin

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    The research aimed to explain the urbanization in Balikpapan City and the poverty that faced by the needy migrant family through their social and formation processes what their experience. Methods use in the researchfrom quantitative and qualitative method. The research was using the primary data through survey, in-depth interview and fi eld log book. The secondary data are use from documentation and related articles to explain the urbanization in Balikpapan City. The result shown that, the urbanization in Balikpapan City connected with the present of the needy family from various regions in Indonesia that seek for jobs. The solidarity among ethnic, become one of the social process that experience by the needy family. The needy migrant families that bond with ethnic bond, than use by the fi nancier as cheap labor that make the migrant family still in poverty