21 research outputs found

    Using metacognitive strategies in teaching to facilitate understanding of light concepts among year 9 students

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    Background: Enhancing students’ metacognitive abilities will help to facilitate their understanding of science concepts. Purpose: The study was designed to conduct and evaluate the effectiveness of a repertoire of interventions aimed at enhancing secondary school students’ metacognitive capabilities and their achievements in science. Sample: A class of 35 Year 9 students participated in the study. Design and methods: The study involved a pre-post design, conducted by the first author as part of the regular designated science programme in a class taught by him. In order to enhance the students’ metacognitive capabilities, the first author employed clearly stated focused outcomes, engaging them in collaborative group work, reading scientific texts and using concept mapping techniques during classroom instruction. The data to evaluate the effectiveness of the metacognitive interventions were obtained from pre- and post-test results of two metacognitive questionnaires, the Metacognitive Support Questionnaire (MSpQ) and the Metacognitive Strategies Questionnaire (MStQ), and data from interviews. In addition, pre-test and post-test scores were used from a two-tier multiple-choice test on Light.Results: The results showed gains in the MSpQ but not in the MStQ. However, the qualitative data from interviews suggested high metacognitive capabilities amongst the high- and average-achieving students at the end of the study. Students’ gains were also evident from the test scores in the Light test. Conclusion: Although the quantitative data obtained from the Metacognitive Strategies Questionnaire did not show significant gains in the students’ metacognitive strategies, the qualitative data from interviews suggested positive perceptions of students’ metacognitive strategies amongst the high- and average-achieving students. Data from the Metacognitive Support Questionnaire showed that there were significant gains in the students’ perceptions of their metacognitive support implying that the majority of the students perceived that their learning environment was oriented towards the development of their metacognitive capabilities. The effect of the metacognitive interventions on students’ achievement in the Light test resulted in students displaying the correct declarative knowledge, but quite often they lacked the procedural knowledge by failing to explain their answers correctly

    European experts consensus: BRCA/homologous recombination deficiency testing in first-line ovarian cancer

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    Background: Homologous recombination repair (HRR) enables fault-free repair of double-stranded DNA breaks. HRR deficiency is predicted to occur in around half of high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas. Ovarian cancers harbouring HRR deficiency typically exhibit sensitivity to poly-ADP ribose polymerase inhibitors (PARPi). Current guidelines recommend a range of approaches for genetic testing to identify predictors of sensitivity to PARPi in ovarian cancer and to identify genetic predisposition. Design: To establish a European-wide consensus for genetic testing (including the genetic care pathway), decision making and clinical management of patients with recently diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer, and the validity of biomarkers to predict the effectiveness of PARPi in the first-line setting. The collaborative European experts’ consensus group consisted of a steering committee (n = 14) and contributors (n = 84). A (modified) Delphi process was used to establish consensus statements based on a systematic literature search, conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines. Results: A consensus was reached on 34 statements amongst 98 caregivers (including oncologists, pathologists, clinical geneticists, genetic researchers, and patient advocates). The statements concentrated on (i) the value of testing for BRCA1/2 mutations and HRR deficiency testing, including when and whom to test; (ii) the importance of developing new and better HRR deficiency tests; (iii) the importance of germline non-BRCA HRR and mismatch repair gene mutations for predicting familial risk, but not for predicting sensitivity to PARPi, in the first-line setting; (iv) who should be able to inform patients about genetic testing, and what training and education should these caregivers receive. Conclusion: These consensus recommendations, from a multidisciplinary panel of experts from across Europe, provide clear guidance on the use of BRCA and HRR deficiency testing for recently diagnosed patients with advanced ovarian cancer

    Myrsidea flaviventris Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish 2005

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    <i>Myrsidea flaviventris</i> Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish, 2005 <p> <i>Myrsidea flaviventris</i> Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish, 2005: 8.</p> <p> <b>Type host.</b> <i>Tolmomyias flaviventris</i> (Wied, 1831) —yellow-breasted flycatcher.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> Melajo Forest, Sangre Grande, Trinidad & Tobago.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Ex <i>Tolmomyias sulphurescens</i> (Spix, 1825) —yellow-olive flycatcher: 1♀, Atlántida, Tela, Lancetilla Botanical Garden, Honduras (15°44'N, 87°27'W), 10 August 2014, I. Literak (MMBC).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This is the first record of <i>Myrsidea</i> from <i>Tolmomyias sulphurescens</i>. Until now, <i>Myrsidea flaviventris</i> was known from Trinidad & Tobago and Perú (Price <i>et al.</i> 2005), and this is the first record from Honduras. Our specimen differs from the original description of <i>M. flaviventris</i> by setal counts and dimensions, as follows [data from Price <i>et al.</i> (2005) are in parentheses]:</p> <p> <b>Female (n = 1).</b> Tergal setae: II, 15 (9–11); V, 12 (10–11). Sternal setae: II, in total 17 (24–25) medioanterior and marginal setae; III, 27 (23–25); IV, 36 (31–35); VI, 34 (35–37). Anal fringe with 32 (35–42) dorsal setae. Dimensions: TW, 0.47 (0.46); MW, 0.44 (0.41–0.42); ANW, 0.22 (0.20–0.21).</p>Published as part of <i>Kolencik, Stanislav, Sychra, Oldrich, Papousek, Ivo, Kuabara, Kamila M. D., Valim, Michel P. & Literak, Ivan, 2018, New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves), pp. 401-431 in Zootaxa 4418 (5)</i> on page 424, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4418.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1244956">http://zenodo.org/record/1244956</a&gt

    Myrsidea spellmani Price, Johnson & Dalgleish 2008

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    <i>Myrsidea spellmani</i> Price, Johnson & Dalgleish, 2008 <p> <i>Myrsidea spellmani</i> Price, Johnson & Dalgleish, 2008b: 58.</p> <p> <b>Type host.</b> <i>Hylophylax naevioides</i> (Lafresnaye, 1847) —spotted antbird.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> Rio Mono, Panamá.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Ex <i>Hylophylax naevioides</i>: 2 nymphs II, Rincón de la Vieja National Park, Sector Santa María, Sendero del Padre, Costa Rica (10°46'N, 85°18'W), 20 August 2009, O. Sychra & I. Literak.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Although we only examined nymphs, we believe they are <i>M. spellmani</i> considering that our specimens were collected from the type host species.</p>Published as part of <i>Kolencik, Stanislav, Sychra, Oldrich, Papousek, Ivo, Kuabara, Kamila M. D., Valim, Michel P. & Literak, Ivan, 2018, New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves), pp. 401-431 in Zootaxa 4418 (5)</i> on page 420, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4418.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1244956">http://zenodo.org/record/1244956</a&gt

    Myrsidea barbati Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish 2005

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    <i>Myrsidea barbati</i> Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish, 2005 <p> <i>Myrsidea barbati</i> Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish, 2005: 8, figs 9–10.</p> <p> <b>Type host.</b> <i>Myiobius barbatus</i> (J. F. Gmelin, 1789) —whiskered flycatcher.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> 12 km SW San Isidro de El General, Tinamaste, San José Province, Costa Rica.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Ex <i>Myiobius sulphureipygius</i> (P.L. Sclater, 1857) —sulphur-rumped flycatcher: 1♀, Hitoy Cerere BR, Provincia Limón, Costa Rica (09°40'N, 85°05'W), 28 August 2004, I. Literak, M. Capek & M. Havlicek (MMBC).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This is the first record of a louse from <i>Myiobius suphureipygius</i>. Our specimen differs slightly from the original description of <i>M. barbati</i> by some setal counts, as follows [data from Price <i>et al.</i> (2005) are in parentheses]:</p> <p> <b>Female (n = 1).</b> Sternal setae: IV, 31 (24–29); V, 34 (28–33). Anal fringe with 32 (25–31) dorsal setae.</p>Published as part of <i>Kolencik, Stanislav, Sychra, Oldrich, Papousek, Ivo, Kuabara, Kamila M. D., Valim, Michel P. & Literak, Ivan, 2018, New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves), pp. 401-431 in Zootaxa 4418 (5)</i> on page 422, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4418.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1244956">http://zenodo.org/record/1244956</a&gt

    Myrsidea Waterston 1915

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    <i>Myrsidea</i> sp. <p> We collected a few specimens of <i>Myrsidea</i> from five other species of Tyrannidae, as follows: <i>Contopus virens</i> (Linnaeus, 1766), <i>Elaenia frantzii</i> Lawrence, 1865, <i>Ramphotrigon megacephalum</i> (Swainson, 1835), <i>Rhynchocyclus brevirostris</i> (Cabanis, 1847), and <i>Zimmerius vilissimus</i> (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1859) (see Table 3). They represent first records of <i>Myrsidea</i> from <i>C. virens</i>, and of any louse from the other four hosts. Unfortunately, with one exception, they were all nymphs, from which we were unsuccessful in obtaining genetic data or meaningful morphological data for their identification. The exception was one female from <i>Ramphotrigon megacephalum</i> which, unfortunately, was destroyed during DNA extraction.</p>Published as part of <i>Kolencik, Stanislav, Sychra, Oldrich, Papousek, Ivo, Kuabara, Kamila M. D., Valim, Michel P. & Literak, Ivan, 2018, New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves), pp. 401-431 in Zootaxa 4418 (5)</i> on page 429, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4418.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1244956">http://zenodo.org/record/1244956</a&gt

    Do B Vitamins Enhance the Effect of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Cardiovascular Diseases? A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials

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    Studies have suggested that B vitamins or omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may deter the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This systematic review aims to examine whether the combined supplementation of both B vitamins and omega-3 PUFAs could provide additional beneficial effects to prevent CVD beyond the effect of each supplement based on clinical trials published up to December 2021. The overall findings are inconsistent and inconclusive, yet the combined supplementation of these two nutrients may be more effective at reducing plasma homocysteine, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol than the individual components. The underlying mechanisms mainly include alleviating endothelial dysfunction, inhibiting atherosclerosis and lesion initiation, reducing oxidative stress, suppressing activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, regulating endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and interfering with methylation of genes that promote atherogenesis. Although biologically plausible, the existing literature is insufficient to draw any firm conclusion regarding whether B vitamins can further enhance the potential beneficial effects of omega-3 PUFA intake on either primary or secondary prevention of CVD. The inconsistent findings may be largely explained by the methodological challenges. Therefore, well-designed high-quality trials that will use the combined supplementation of B vitamins and omega-3 PUFAs or dietary patterns rich in these two types of nutrients are warranted

    Myrsidea olivacei Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish 2005

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    <i>Myrsidea olivacei</i> Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish, 2005 <p> <i>Myrsidea olivacei</i> Price, Hellenthal & Dalgleish, 2005: 15, fig. 20.</p> <p> <b>Type host.</b> <i>Mionectes olivaceus</i> Lawrence, 1868 —olive-striped flycatcher.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> Simla near Arima, Trinidad & Tobago.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Ex <i>Mionectes olivaceus</i>: 2♀, 2♂, Rincón de la Vieja, Costa Rica (10°46'N, 85°18'W), 22–24 August 2009, O. Sychra & I. Literak (MMBC); 2♂, Tapantí National Park, Sector Tapantí, Costa Rica (09°46'N, 83°47'W), 6 August 2009, O. Sychra & I. Literak (MMBC).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This is the first record of <i>M. olivacei</i> from Costa Rica. Our specimens differ from the original description of <i>M. olivacei</i> by setal counts and dimensions, as follows [data from Price <i>et al.</i> (2005) are in parentheses]:</p> <p> <b>Female (n = 2).</b> Metanotum with 9–10 (10) marginal setae Tergal setae: I, 8–9 (11); III, 1 3–15 (12–13); IV, 13– 14 (12–13); V, 15–16 (12–13); VI, 12–14 (12–13); VII, 11–12 (10); VIII, 7–9 (6). Sternal setae: II, with 13–16 marginal setae between asters, 4–6 medioanterior (total number of setae on sternite II including aster setae is 25–30 vs 32 in Price <i>et al.</i> 2005); III, 22–24 (24); V, 34 (28–31); VI, 26–29 (28–31); VII, 16 (13); VIII–IX, 8–9; and 12– 13 setae on serrated vulvar margin (total number of VIII–IX sternal setae is 20–22 in comparison with 18 in Price <i>et al.</i> 2005). Dimensions: HL, 0.28–0.29 (0.31); PW, 0.28–0.29 (0.28); MW, 0.41–0.42 (0.43); AWIV, 0.54–0.56 (0.55); ANW, 0.21 (0.20); TL, 1.46–1.49 (1.43).</p> <p> <b>Male (n = 4).</b> Metanotum with 6–9 (8) marginal setae. Tergal setae: I, 7–8 (9); II, 12–14 (13); III, 12–13 (9– 12); IV, 12–15 (9–12); V, 13–15 (9–12); VI, 11–14 (9–12); VII, 8–12 (8); VIII, 7–8 (6). Sternal setae: II, with 13– 14 marginal setae between asters, 4–5 medioanterior (total number of setae on sternite II including aster setae is 25–27 vs 27 in Price <i>et al.</i> 2005); III, 1 7–21 (19); IV, 22–26 (21); V, 28–33 (26); VI, 24–26 (21); VII, 14–16 (12); VIII, 6–7 (5); remainder of plate, 6–9. Dimensions: TW, 0.39–0.40 (0.40); HL, 0.24 (0.28); PW, 0.25–0.26 (0.26); MW, 0.32–0.33 (0.35); AWIV, 0.41–0.42 (0.44); TL, 1.18–1.20 (1.12).</p>Published as part of <i>Kolencik, Stanislav, Sychra, Oldrich, Papousek, Ivo, Kuabara, Kamila M. D., Valim, Michel P. & Literak, Ivan, 2018, New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves), pp. 401-431 in Zootaxa 4418 (5)</i> on page 428, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4418.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1244956">http://zenodo.org/record/1244956</a&gt

    Ticks, Fleas, and Harboured Pathogens from Dogs and Cats in Cyprus

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    Ticks and fleas are blood-sucking ectoparasites that cause irritation and anaemia to their hosts and act as vectors of pathogens (vector-borne pathogens, VBPs) of relevance for animal and human health. In the present study, tick and flea species in dogs and cats from Cyprus were recorded and VBPs were detected in the collected specimens. Ectoparasites were collected from 220 animals (161 dogs and 59 cats), and a questionnaire including demographic, clinical, and other information was filled out for each animal. The ectoparasites were morphologically identified and the detection of VBPs was performed by PCR-coupled sequencing. Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato was found on 108 dogs and 13 cats, and Ixodes gibbosus on 2 dogs. Ctenocephalides felis was the predominant flea species (on 62 dogs and 45 cats), while one dog and one cat were infested by Ctenocephalides canis and Echidnophaga gallinacea, respectively. The VBPs in ticks were Anaplasma platys, Rickettsia massiliae, Rickettsia conorii, Rickettsia felis, Hepatozoon felis and Hepatozoon canis, while Rickettsia felis, Rickettsia sp., Bartonella koehlerae, Bartonella clarridgeiae, and Bartonella henselae were recorded in fleas. Statistical analysis (chi-square test and multiple univariate generalized linear model) showed that animals up to 6 months of age were less likely to be infested with ticks than older animals, but more likely to be infested with fleas. Ticks were more prevalent in sheltered than in owned animals, while the odds ratio of flea presence was higher in owned animals than those living in shelters. The present study is the first investigation on the occurrence of ticks and fleas in dogs and cats from Cyprus, showing the presence of different VBPs in these important ectoparasites. The results point out the importance of systematic ectoparasite control in dogs and cats

    Myrsidea pyriglenae Kolencik & Sychra & Papousek & Kuabara & Valim & Literak 2018, new species

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    <i>Myrsidea pyriglenae</i>, new species <p>(Figs 14–17, 27, 43–44)</p> <p> <b>Type host.</b> <i>Pyriglena leucoptera</i> (Vieillot, 1818) —white-shouldered fire-eye.</p> <p> <b>Type locality.</b> San Rafael National Park, Paraguay (26°30'S, 55°47'W).</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Ex <i>Pyriglena leucoptera</i>: holotype ♀, San Rafael National Park, Paraguay (26°30'S, 55°47'W), 21 August 2012, I. Literak (MMBC). Paratypes: 6♀, 7♂ with the same data as holotype (MMBC).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Myrsidea pyriglenae</i> belongs to the <i>mcleannani</i> species group (<i>sensu</i> Price <i>et al.</i> 2008b), based on the shape of the male genital sac sclerite and the deeply serrated female vulvar margin. According to setal counts and measurements, it is morphologically similar to <i>M</i>. <i>milleri</i> Price, Johnson & Dalgleish, 2008 ex <i>Gymnopithys rufigula</i> (Boddaert, 1783) from Venezuela. However, females of <i>M. pyriglenae</i> n. sp. are distinguished from those of <i>M. milleri</i> by having (1) modified tergites, especially enlarged tergite II (Fig. 27), and (2) larger number of setae on tergite VII (14–16 vs 6–10), tergite VIII (8–9 vs 4), and on anal fringe (83–88 vs 64–74). Males of <i>M. pyriglenae</i> differ from those of <i>M. milleri</i> by having a larger number of setae on tergites VII (11–15 vs 7–9) and VIII (7–8 vs 4). In addition, the host species of these two species of <i>Myrsidea</i> (<i>Pyriglena leucoptera</i> and <i>Gymnopithys rufigula</i>) have different geographical distributions (Clements <i>et al.</i> 2017) and are not phylogenetically closely related (Isler <i>et al.</i> 2013). Considering genetic data, <i>M. pyriglenae</i> is closest to <i>M. patersoni</i> Price & Johnson, 2009 (see Remarks below), but these two species clearly differ in such significant characters as (1) female tergites having completely different shapes (compare Fig. 27 with fig. 3 in Price & Johnson 2009), and (2) completely different genital sac sclerite in males (compare Figs 14–17 with fig. 4 in Price & Johnson 2009).</p> <p> <b>Description. Female (n = 4).</b> As in Figs 27 and 43. Head with lateral sides of preantennal region conspicuously concave. Hypopharyngeal sclerites fully developed. Length of <i>dhs</i> 10, 0.050–0.064; <i>dhs</i> 11, 0.100– 0.113; ratio <i>dhs</i> 10/11, 0.44–0.63; <i>ls5</i> 0.04–0.05 long, latero-ventral fringe with 9–10 setae. Gula with 4–5 setae on each side. Pronotum with 6 setae on posterior margin and 3 short spiniform setae at each lateral corner. First tibia with 3 outer ventro-lateral and 4 dorso-lateral setae. Metanotum not enlarged, with 4–7 marginal setae; metasternal plate with 6–7 setae; metapleurites with 3–4 short strong spiniform setae. Femur III with 14–16 setae in ventral setal brush. Tergites modified as on Fig. 27, with enlarged tergite II and widely convex posterior margin of tergites II and III. Abdominal segments with well-defined median gap in each row of tergal setae. Tergal setae: I, 5–8; II, 6– 8; III, 11–12; IV–V, 15–18; VI, 15–17; VII, 14–16; VIII, 8–9. Postspiracular setae very long on II, IV, VII and VIII (0.35–0.45); long on I (0.23); and short on III, V and VI (0.11–0.16). Inner posterior seta of last tergum not longer than anal fringe setae with length 0.07–0.09 inserted 0.060–0.075 from base of each very long seta; length of short lateral marginal seta of last segment, 0.03–0.04. Pleural setae: I, 6–8; II, 7–10; III, 7–9; IV, 8; V, 6–7; VI, 6; VII, 4– 5; VIII, 3. Pleurites V–VII with 1–2 somewhat slender and longer setae. Pleurite VIII with inner setae (0.06–0.08) as long as outer (0.05–0.06). Anterior margin of sternal plate II with a medial notch. Sternal setae: I, 0; II, 4–6 in each aster: <i>s1</i>, 0.08–0.10; <i>s2</i>, 0.08–0.09; <i>s3</i>, 0.07–0.08; <i>s4</i>, 0.05–0.06; <i>s5</i>, 0.04; with 14–16 marginal setae between asters, 4–7 medioanterior; III, 27–30; IV, 3 3–36; V, 32–39; VI, 28–36; VII, 23–25; VIII–IX, 15–18; and 9–13 setae on deeply serrated vulvar margin; sternites without medioanterior setae. Anal fringe formed by 38–43 dorsal and 42–46 ventral setae. Dimensions: TW, 0.46–0.48; POW, 0.35; HL, 0.28–0.34; PW, 0.29–0.30; MW, 0.44–0.48; AWIV, 0.61–0.66; ANW, 0.21–0.26; TL, 1.55–1.63.</p> <p> <b>Male (n = 4).</b> As in Fig. 44. Similar to female except as follows: length of <i>dhs</i> 10, 0.040–0.058; <i>dhs</i> 11, 0.089– 0.100; ratio <i>dhs</i> 10/11, 0.45–0.64; <i>ls5</i> 0.04 long, latero-ventral fringe with 9–10 setae. Gula with 5 (one specimen with 4 on one side) setae on each side. First tibia with 3 outer ventro-lateral and 4–5 dorso-lateral setae. Metanotum not enlarged with 4 marginal setae; metasternal plate with 5–6 setae; metapleurites with 3 short spiniform strong setae. Femur III with 11–13 setae in ventral setal brush. Abdominal segments with well-defined median gap in each row of tergal setae. Tergal setae: I, 6–8; II, 6–11; III, 14–15; IV, 13–16; V, 15–17; VI, 14–18; VII, 11–15; VIII, 7–8. Postspiracular setae same with the same pattern as in female but shorter. Length of inner posterior seta of last tergum, 0.04–0.06; short lateral marginal seta of last segment, 0.02. Pleural setae: I, 5–6; II, 6–7; III, 7–8; IV, 6–7; V, 5–7; VI, 5–6; VII, 4; VIII, 3. Pleurites IV–VII with 0–3 slender and longer setae. Pleurite VIII with inner setae (0.04–0.05) as long as outer (0.04–0.05). Anterior margin of sternal plate II with a medial notch. Sternal setae: I, 0; II, 4–5 in each aster: <i>s1</i>, 0.08–0.09; <i>s2</i>, 0.07–0.08; <i>s3</i>, 0.06; <i>s4</i>, 0.05–0.06; <i>s5</i>, 0.03; with 12–15 marginal setae between asters, 4–7 medioanterior; III, 1 9–27; IV, 25–29; V, 26–32; VI, 25–27; VII, 19–22; VIII, 7–11; remainder of plate, 8–11; and with 3–4 setae posteriorly; with 8–9 internal anal setae. Genital sac sclerite as in Figs 14–17. Dimensions: TW, 0.41–0.43; POW, 0.31–0.32; HL, 0.27–0.30; PW, 0.26–0.28; MW, 0.35–0.38; AWIV, 0.46–0.47; GW, 0.10–0.11; GSL, 0.08–0.09; TL, 1.25–1.33.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The species epithet is a noun in apposition derived from the generic name of the type host.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> This is the first record of <i>Myrsidea</i> from <i>Pyriglena leucoptera.</i> A portion of COI gene was sequenced from specimens of <i>M</i>. <i>pyriglenae</i> from Paraguay (GenBank MF563533). Comparing our sequence with other known sequences of Neotropical <i>Myrsidea</i>, the divergences exceeded 18% in all cases, the closest being that of <i>M</i>. <i>patersoni</i> Price & Johnson, 2009 (ex <i>Eucometis penicillata</i> (Spix, 1825), family Thraupidae, GenBank GQ454448), with a p-distance of 18.2%. Unfortunately, there are no genetic sequences known from <i>M. milleri</i>, the species morphologically closest to <i>M</i>. <i>pyriglenae</i>. However, considering the combination of morphological differences with <i>M. patersoni</i> and <i>M. milleri</i>, and the large sequence divergence with <i>M. patersoni</i>, we are confident that <i>M. pyriglenae</i> is a new, separate species.</p>Published as part of <i>Kolencik, Stanislav, Sychra, Oldrich, Papousek, Ivo, Kuabara, Kamila M. D., Valim, Michel P. & Literak, Ivan, 2018, New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves), pp. 401-431 in Zootaxa 4418 (5)</i> on pages 418-420, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4418.5.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/1244956">http://zenodo.org/record/1244956</a&gt