21 research outputs found
Uddannelseskompetencer i det nye årtusinde
CASE: Børn og unge anvender i stor stil Web 2.0 i sociale kontekster, men er ikke nødvendigvis kompetente i forhold til at anvende de teknologiske muligheder i uddannelsesmæssig og faglig sammenhæng. Denne artikel undersøger det kolosale potentiale for vores uddannelser og biblioteker
Alma møder den danske virkelighed
Professionshøjskolerne UCC og Metropol skiftede i august 2017 bibliotekssystem og discovery-platform. Skiftet til det nye system er på mange måder kontroversielt, da det valgte system er forholdsvis uprøvet blandt danske biblioteker
Policies for agricultural nitrogen management-trends, challenges and prospects for improved efficiency in Denmark
With more than 60% of the land farmed, with vulnerable freshwater and marine environments, and with one of the most intensive, export-oriented livestock sectors in the world, the nitrogen (N) pollution pressure from Danish agriculture is severe. Consequently, a series of policy action plans have been implemented since the mid 1980s with significant effects on the surplus, efficiency and environmental loadings of N. This paper reviews the policies and actions taken and their ability to mitigate effects of reactive N (N _r ) while maintaining agricultural production. In summary, the average N-surplus has been reduced from approximately 170 kg N ha ^−1 yr ^−1 to below 100 kg N ha ^−1 yr ^−1 during the past 30 yrs, while the overall N-efficiency for the agricultural sector (crop + livestock farming) has increased from around 20–30% to 40–45%, the N-leaching from the field root zone has been halved, and N losses to the aquatic and atmospheric environment have been significantly reduced. This has been achieved through a combination of approaches and measures (ranging from command and control legislation, over market-based regulation and governmental expenditure to information and voluntary action), with specific measures addressing the whole N cascade, in order to improve the quality of ground- and surface waters, and to reduce the deposition to terrestrial natural ecosystems. However, there is still a major challenge in complying with the EU Water Framework and Habitats Directives, calling for new approaches, measures and technologies to mitigate agricultural N losses and control N flows