153 research outputs found

    Evaluating the efficacy of a self-guided Web-based CBT intervention for reducing cancer-distress: a randomised controlled trial.

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    The author manuscript is made available following 12 months embargo from date of publication (Aug 7 2015) in accordance with publisher copyright policy. “The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00520-015-2867-6."Purpose This study evaluated the efficacy of a self-guided Web-based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) intervention compared to an attention control in improving cancer-related distress, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and maladaptive coping, among people recently diagnosed with cancer. Methods Sixty individuals with cancer diagnosed in the previous 6 months and receiving treatment with curative intent were randomised to receive either the 6-week intervention Cancer Coping Online (CCO: n = 30) or the 6-week Web-based attention control (n = 30). Outcome measures, including cancer distress (the Posttraumatic Stress Scale—Self-Report), general distress (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale), quality of life (EORTC QLQ-C30), and coping (mini-MAC), were administered at baseline, immediately post-intervention, and at 3 and 6 months post-intervention. Results Significant main effects for time were found for cancer distress, global QOL, physical function, role function, social function, and anxious preoccupation. Post hoc between-group comparisons showed CCO participants had statistically significantly higher physical functioning compared to controls at 3 months of follow-up (d = −0.52, p = 0.02). Furthermore, compared to controls, post hoc comparisons found moderate between-group effect sizes favouring CCO post-intervention for cancer distress (d = 0.43) and anxious preoccupation (d = 0.38), and at 6 months of follow-up for global QOL (d = −0.43). Conclusions These results provide preliminary support for the potential efficacy of a self-guided Web-based CBT programme in improving aspects of HRQOL, cancer-related distress, and anxious preoccupation after cancer diagnosis. This paper provides justification for, and will help inform the development of, subsequent larger multi-site studies

    A qualitative exploration of barriers and facilitatorsto adherence to an online self-help intervention for cancer-related distress

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    This author accepted manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (March 2017) in accordance with the publisher’s copyright policyObjective This study qualitatively explored barriers and facilitators of adherence to an online psychological intervention for cancer-related distress. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 adults with cancer, randomised to receive either a 6-week intervention (n = 8) or attention control (n = 5) as part of a larger RCT. Transcripts were coded for themes and subthemes, and recruitment ceased when saturation of themes occurred. Results Adherence overall was high: six participants completed all six modules, three completed five modules, two completed four modules, one completed one module, and one did not access the program. The total numbers of barriers (n = 19) and facilitators (n = 17) identified were equivalent and were categorised into five overarching themes: illness factors, psychological factors, personal factors, intervention factors and computer factors. However, the prevalence with which themes were discussed differed: illness factors (specifically cancer treatment side effects) were the main reported barrier to adherence; intervention factors (email reminders, program satisfaction, ease of use, program content) were the most common facilitators. Conclusion While some factors were cited as both facilitating and barring adherence, and therefore reflective of personal preferences and circumstances, a number of recommendations were derived regarding (i) the best timing for online interventions and (ii) the need for multi-platform programs

    Characteristics of patients with haematological and breast cancer (1996–2009) who died of heart failure-related causes after cancer therapy

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    Aims: To describe the characteristics and time to death of patients with breast or haematological cancer who died of heart failure (HF) after cancer therapy. Patients with an index admission for HF who died of HF-related causes (IAHF) and those with no index admission for HF who died of HF-related causes (NIAHF) were compared. Methods and results: We performed a linked data analysis of cancer registry, death registry, and hospital administration records (n = 15 987). Index HF admission must have occurred after cancer diagnosis. Of the 4894 patients who were deceased (30.6% of cohort), 734 died of HF-related causes (50.1% female) of which 279 (38.0%) had at least one IAHF (41.9% female) post-cancer diagnosis. Median age was 71 years [interquartile range (IQR) 62–78] for IAHF and 66 years (IQR 56–74) for NIAHF. There were fewer chemotherapy separations for IAHF patients (median = 4, IQR 2–9) compared with NIAHF patients (median = 6, IQR 2–12). Of the IAHF patients, 71% had died within 1 year of the index HF admission. There was no significant difference in HF-related mortality in IAHF patients compared with NIAHF (HR, 1.10, 95% CI, 0.94–1.29, P = 0.225). Conclusions: The profile of IAHF patients who died of HF-related causes after cancer treatment matched the current profile of HF in the general population (over half were aged ≥70 years). However, NIAHF were younger (62% were aged ≤69 years), female patients with breast cancer that died of HF-related causes before hospital admission for HF-related causes—a group that may have been undiagnosed or undertreated until death

    Shared Care Involving Cancer Specialists and Primary Care Providers - What Do Cancer Survivors Want?

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    This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving'. Copyright (2017) John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. This author accepted manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (May 2017) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyBackground Cancer survivors are living longer, prompting greater focus on managing cancer as a chronic condition. Shared care between primary care providers (PCPs) and cancer specialists, involving explicit partnership in how care is communicated, could ensure effective transitions between services. However, little is known about cancer patients' and survivors' preferences regarding shared care. Objective To explore Australian cancer survivors' views on shared care: what cancer survivors need from shared care; enablers and barriers to advancing shared care; and what successful shared care looks like. Setting and Participants Community forum held in Adelaide, Australia, in 2015 with 21 participants: 11 cancer survivors, 2 family caregivers, and 8 clinicians and researchers (members of PC4-Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group). Intervention Qualitative data from group discussion of the objectives. Results Participants stressed that successful shared care required patients being at the centre, ensuring accurate communication, ownership, and access to their medical records. PCPs were perceived to lack skills and confidence to lead complex cancer care. Patients expressed burden in being responsible for navigating information sharing and communication processes between health professionals and services. Effective shared care should include: shared electronic health records, key individuals as care coordinators; case conferences; shared decision making; preparing patients for self-management; building general practitioners' skills; and measuring outcomes. Discussion and Conclusions There was clear support for shared care but a lack of good examples to help guide it for this population. Recognizing cancer as a chronic condition requires a shift in how care is provided to these patients

    Finding My Way: protocol of a randomised controlled trial evaluating an internet self-help program for cancer-related distress

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    © 2015 Beatty et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.BACKGROUND: A cancer diagnosis elicits greater distress than any other medical diagnosis, and yet very few studies have evaluated the efficacy of structured online self-help therapeutic programs to alleviate this distress. This study aims to assess the efficacy over time of an internet Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (iCBT) intervention ('Finding My Way') in improving distress, coping and quality of life for individuals with a recent diagnosis of early stage cancer of any type. METHODS/DESIGN: The study is a multi-site Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) seeking to enrol 188 participants who will be randomised to either the Finding My Way Intervention or an attention-control condition. Both conditions are delivered online; with 6 modules released once per week, and an additional booster module released one month after program-completion. Participants complete online questionnaires on 4 occasions: at baseline (immediately prior to accessing the modules); post-treatment (immediately after program-completion); then three and six months later. Primary outcomes are general distress and cancer-specific distress, with secondary outcomes including Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), coping, health service utilisation, intervention adherence, and user satisfaction. A range of baseline measures will be assessed as potential moderators of outcomes. Eligible participants are individuals recently diagnosed with any type of cancer, being treated with curative intent, aged over 18 years with sufficient English language literacy, internet access and an active email account and phone number. Participants are blinded to treatment group allocation. Randomisation is computer generated and stratified by gender. DISCUSSION: Compared to the few prior published studies, Finding My Way will be the first adequately powered trial to offer an iCBT intervention to curatively treated patients of heterogeneous cancer types in the immediate post-diagnosis/treatment period. If found efficacious, Finding My Way will assist with overcoming common barriers to face-to-face therapy in a cost-effective and accessible way, thus helping to reduce distress after cancer diagnosis and consequently decrease the cancer burden for individuals and the health system. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12613000001796 16.10.13

    Serum vitamin D decreases during chemotherapy: an Australian prospective cohort study

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    Background and Objectives: Vitamin D plays an important role in bone and muscle function, and cell prolifera-tion. The impact of chemotherapy and associated behavioural changes such as fatigue and sun avoidance on vit-amin D (25(OH) D) is unknown. This study aims to evaluate variations in serum vitamin D during chemotherapy and the predictive value of latitude, season and pre-existing vitamin D deficiency. Methods and Study Design: A 12-week prospective cohort study was conducted in chemotherapy-naïve patients in two Australian locations with different sun exposure. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as ≤ 25 nmol/L and insufficiency 26-50 nmol/L 25(OH) D. Demographics, chemotherapy regimen, nutritional status, sun exposure, geographic location, and sea-son were collected at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks after commencing chemotherapy. Results: Eighty-five patients (μ55.3±13.4 years of age; 49% female) were recruited, 96% Caucasian. Fifty-four patients were treated with cura-tive intent (mostly for breast [n=29] or colorectal [n=12] cancers). At baseline, 10 patients were vitamin D defi-cient and 33 were insufficient. Mean serum 25(OH) D (nmol/L) was higher at latitude -27.5o (Brisbane) than lati-tude -34.9o (Adelaide) (μ61.9±22.1 vs μ42.2±19.2, p < 0.001) and varied according to season (spring: μ46.9±20.3, summer: μ50.8±18.2, autumn: μ76.4±25.2, winter: μ36.5±15.7, p < 0.001). Serum 25(OH) D decreased with chemotherapy (baseline: μ49.2±22.3, 6-weeks: μ40.9±19.0, 12-weeks: μ45.9±19.7, p=0.05), with a significant and more rapid decline in winter and autumn (p=0.03). Conclusions: Chemotherapy is associated with a decrease in serum vitamin D, particularly during winter and autumn. Investigations into the underlying mechanism and as-sociated potential outcomes with this decrease requires further investigation

    Differences in the health, mental health and health-promoting behaviours of rural versus urban cancer survivors in Australia

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    Purpose People affected by cancer who live in rural Australia experience inferior survival compared to their urban counterparts. This study determines whether self-reported physical and mental health, as well as health-promoting behaviours, also differ between rural and urban Australian adults with a history of cancer. Methods Weighted, representative population data were collected via the South Australian Monitoring and Surveillance System between 1 January 2010 and 1 June 2015. Data for participants with a history of cancer (n = 4295) were analysed with adjustment for survey year, gender, age group, education, income, family structure, work status, country of birth and area-level relative socioeconomic disadvantage (SEIFA). Results Cancer risk factors and co-morbid physical and mental health issues were prevalent among cancer survivors regardless of residential location. In unadjusted analyses, rural survivors were more likely than urban survivors to be obese and be physically inactive. They were equally likely to experience other co-morbidities (diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, arthritis or osteoporosis). With adjustment for SEIFA, rural/urban differences in obesity and physical activity disappeared. Rural survivors were more likely to have trust in their communities, less likely to report high/very high distress, but equally likely to report a mental health condition, both with and without adjustment for SEIFA. Conclusions There is a need for deeper understanding of the impact of relative socioeconomic disadvantage on health (particularly physical activity and obesity) in rural settings and the development of accessible and culturally appropriate interventions to address rural cancer survivors’ specific needs and risk factors

    Differences in chronic conditions and lifestyle behaviour between people with a history of cancer and matched controls

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether people with a history of cancer have a higher prevalence of chronic conditions or different lifestyle behaviour compared with controls.  DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional, self-reported data from a telephone survey conducted between 1 January 2010 and 31 March 2012 of adult residents of South Australia who self-reported a previous cancer diagnosis (cases) and randomly selected age- and sex-matched residents with no cancer diagnosis (controls).  MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-reported medically diagnosed cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes and osteoporosis; lifestyle behaviour (smoking, physical activity and diet); body mass index (BMI); psychological distress and self-reported health.  RESULTS: A total of 2103 cases and 4185 controls were included in the analyses. For men, after adjusting for age, cancer survivors were more likely than controls to have ever had cardiovascular disease (P<0.001), high blood pressure (P=0.001), high cholesterol (P<0.001) and diabetes (P=0.04). These associations remained significant after controlling for socioeconomic status (SES), with the exception of high blood pressure (P=0.09). For women, there was an increased prevalence of high cholesterol (P=0.005), diabetes (P=0.02) and osteoporosis (P=0.005) in cancer cases, but after adjusting for SES, these associations were no longer significant. Women with a previous cancer diagnosis were more likely than controls to have ever smoked, after adjusting for SES (P=0.001). There were no other differences in lifestyle behaviour or BMI between cases and controls for men or women.  CONCLUSION: Despite similar lifestyle habits and BMI, the prevalence of chronic conditions was significantly higher among people with a history of cancer than among controls without cancer. This supports the importance of chronic disease management as part of health care after a diagnosis of cancer

    Diet and exercise advice and referrals for cancer survivors: An integrative review of medical and nursing perspectives

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    Purpose: To examine the perspectives of medical and nursing health professionals concerning their roles and responsibilities in providing dietary and exercise advice to cancer survivors, and referrals to allied health professionals. Methods: An integrative review. PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, Web of Science databases, and bibliographies of relevant studies were searched from December 2011 to June 2021. All studies were eligible for inclusion. The Mixed-Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to critically appraise included studies. Data were extracted and synthesised regarding the perspectives of medical and nursing health professionals on their roles, responsibilities, barriers, and facilitators. Results: Twenty-one studies involving 3401 medical and nursing health professionals and 264 cancer survivors of diverse cancer types were included. Ten quantitative, nine qualitative, and two mixed-methods studies were eligible. All included studies met at least 80% of the quality criteria in the MMAT. Major findings include the following: (1) medical and nursing health professionals were unclear on their roles in providing dietary and exercise advice to cancer survivors but agreed they play a key role in referrals to dietitians and exercise professionals; (2) most cancer survivors valued the involvement of their general practitioner when receiving dietary and exercise advice. Conclusion: Although medical and nursing health professionals understand that referrals to allied health professionals form part of their role, there is a lack of clarity regarding their roles to provide dietary and exercise advice to cancer survivors. Future studies should address barriers and facilitators of dietary and exercise advice and referral by medical and nursing health professionals

    Is self-management feasible and acceptable for addressing nutrition and physical activity needs of cancer survivors?

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: [Lawn S, Zrim S, Leggett S, Miller M, Woodman R, Jones L, Kichenadasse G, Sukumaran S, Karapetis C and Koczwara B (2014) Is self-management feasible and acceptable for addressing nutrition and physical activity needs of cancer survivors? . Original Research Paper. Health Expectations], which has been published in final form at [DOI:10.1111/hex.12327]. Background: Self-management is recommended for patients with chronic conditions but its use with cancer survivors is underexplored. Optimal strategies for achieving lifestyle changes in cancer survivors are not known. Objective: We aimed to determine feasibility, acceptability and preliminary efficacy of self-management based nutrition and physical activity interventions for cancer survivors. Design, Setting and Participants: Adult survivors (n=25) during (Group1, n=11) or post (Group2, n=14) curative chemotherapy for solid tumours, most (n=20, 80%) with breast cancer, were recruited prospectively from a single clinical centre. Intervention: The Flinders Living Well Self-Management Program™, a generic self-management care planning program, was utilised to establish patient-led nutrition and exercise goals within a tailored 12-week intervention. Fortnightly progress reviews occurred with assessments at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. Results: Most participants (84%) found the intervention acceptable/very acceptable. Both groups showed a trend towards significant improvement in the self-management capability ‘knowledge about changing risk factors’ (p=0.047); and Group2 showed a trend towards significantly improved ‘psychological impacts’ (p=0.007). Goal ratings improved for both groups (p=0.001). Quality of life improved for both groups for emotional functioning (p=0.03). Physical functioning improved for Group2 (p=0.05); however, most symptom domains worsened for Group1, as expected given their treatment stage. Discussion and Conclusions: Self-management interventions are feasible for this population. In particular, building self-management capacity during the active phase of patients’ cancer treatment provides health and psychosocial benefits. Larger randomised controlled trials are required to further determine efficacy. Further translational research is also needed to determine acceptability, feasibility, enablers and barriers for clinicians embedding this approach into routine cancer survivorship care
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