7 research outputs found

    The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math

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    The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss several ideas which relate to technology as well as to creative teaching. Educational experience, common sense and educational research have all proven how important for comprehensive understanding different cognitive representations are. We will present and discuss several elementary mathematical ideas of which mechanical realisations mean ingenius technological inventions (for example: ‘car differential’ and ‘digital sound technology’). Technological insights can provide deep intuitive understanding of otherwise abstract mathematical concepts and therefore yield also better comprehension of mathematics. Besides that we will use and present the technology in the form of dynamic geometry programs to show, provoke and motivate rethinking and deeper understanding of several elementary mathematical concepts

    The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math

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    The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss several ideas which relate to technology as well as to creative teaching. Educational experience, common sense and educational research have all proven how important for comprehensive understanding different cognitive representations are. We will present and discuss several elementary mathematical ideas of which mechanical realisations mean ingenius technological inventions (for example: ‘car differential’ and ‘digital sound technology’). Technological insights can provide deep intuitive understanding of otherwise abstract mathematical concepts and therefore yield also better comprehension of mathematics. Besides that we will use and present the technology in the form of dynamic geometry programs to show, provoke and motivate rethinking and deeper understanding of several elementary mathematical concepts

    The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math

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    The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss several ideas which relate to technology as well as to creative teaching. Educational experience, common sense and educational research have all proven how important for comprehensive understanding different cognitive representations are. We will present and discuss several elementary mathematical ideas of which mechanical realisations mean ingenius technological inventions (for example: ‘car differential’ and ‘digital sound technology’). Technological insights can provide deep intuitive understanding of otherwise abstract mathematical concepts and therefore yield also better comprehension of mathematics. Besides that we will use and present the technology in the form of dynamic geometry programs to show, provoke and motivate rethinking and deeper understanding of several elementary mathematical concepts

    Preserving diagonalisability on upper triangular matrices

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    (e-) Mind Thinking with e-Um

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    Modern technology has opened up many new possibilities in learning. Unfortunately, technology's uncritical use can also be damaging. In promoting productive and comprehensive IT learning the essential issue lies within the capability of the teacher and IT material to use computer to promote the basic cognitive aspects of learning and not only to manipulate the learner to remain motivated. Motivation is productive only if used with a focus towards knowledge and understanding. Especially in mathematics the concepts, we try to teach, are simple and logical, but often abstract. Smart use of computers can motivate this abstract concepts through intuitive simulations and animations as well as provide a sophisticated but simple insight into the causality of mathematical thinking. Thus, we argue that preparation of good e-Learning materials requires an almost contemplative focus on what we want to communicate in order not to overwhelm the student with too many effects that the technology offers. The concept and the vision of E-um project has been based on the above premises with a comprehensive system of simple technical, mathematical and didactical guidelines, together with a dynamic and creative system of permanent self evaluation and control. To support those premises new software package based on the Exe open source system has been developed. In order to provide an adequate technical framework for our conceptual ideas new emerging technologies with an emphasis on writing mathematical texts had been used

    The role of the different aspects of academic motivation and competitiveness in explaining self-handicapping

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    In the present research on self-handicapping, the goal was to examine the role of different types of academic motivation according to the level of self-determination. Since the existing research on self-handicapping has examined only the role of interpersonal competition, we also aimed to explore the role of different kinds of competition, i.e., the role of the reasons that motivate people to participate in competition, and the role of the reasons for the avoidance of competition. 748 high school students participated in the study. Regarding the role of academic motivation in self-handicapping the prevailing role of amotivation stood out. Intrinsic motivation predicted self-handicapping negatively, but extrinsic motivation proved to be a positive predictor. The factor structure of the Academic Motivation Scale only enabled differentiation of the reasons for education on the level of three basic types. With regard to the role of the different dimensions of competitiveness in self-handicapping, results show that those denoted by fear of failure and self-worth protection proved to be more characteristic of self-handicapping than those defined by a high valuation of the importance of quality of task accomplishment. Among others, our research suggests that by diverting students away from hypercompetitive values, functionality of self-handicapping can be decreased

    The origins, the plans and E-um users feedback

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    Ustvarjalci projekta E-um smo pripravili spletni portal s preko 1100 interaktivnimi gradivi iz osnovnošolske in gimnazijske matematike, ki je po 20-mesečni aktivnosti sedaj na voljo uporabnikom. Glavni namen prispevka je komentirati odzive uporabnikov in strokovne javnosti na objavljena gradiva in jih soočiti z začetnimi konceptualnimi izhodišči projekta ter iz njih izpeljati nekatere smernice za nadaljnje izboljšave portala. Posebej opozarjamo na eno od izhodišč, ki se nanaša na skrb za poglobljeno predstavljanje snovi. Ker se matematično izobraževanje pri nas vse bolj zožuje le na pripravo na pisne preizkuse znanja, menimo, da bi prav nekatera naša gradiva lahko odigrala pomembno vlogo v promociji ideje, da je matematika mnogo več kot le reševanje rutinskih nalog.E-um portal was designed to become a widely used primary and secondary school e-learning aid for mathematics. Now, after about 20 months ofE-um activities the portal with over 1100 e-learning units is freely accessible. In this paper we comment on feedbacks of users and professionals. Considering these opinions, we revise our conceptual origins and draw some plans for further improvements. One of our main principles in preparation of e-learning units was emphasizing understanding. In their feedbacks users hardly notice that e-learning units provide and stimulate deeper understanding. We assume, this is the consequence of general set of educational values, which emphasize and focus primarily on test productivity, white diminishing the value of understanding. Therefore, we plan to use E-um learning materials also as a promotion of learning focused on understanding