1,511 research outputs found

    Elemental Mercury Exposure and Sleep Disorder

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    Homeopathic products and homeopathic treatment in veterinary medicine in Republic of Slovenia

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    Doctors and veterinarians in many countries of the world have an opportunity to select between allopathic or homeopathic drugs. The selection of an appropriate method for medical treatment should be performed from the individual point of view.

    The Powers of the Head of State in the Legislative and Executive Branch in Former Socialist Systems

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    This paper deals with the position and the powers of head of state in the legislative and the executive branch in former socialist systems. It examines the system in countries that emerged from socialist regimes, where the parliamentary system and the function of the President of the Republic as the individual head of state were introduced in the 1990s, namely in 10 (newest) Member States of the European Union. The paper elaborates on the position of the President of the Republic, the extent of the office’s powers, and the resulting cooperation between the office of the President, the executive and legislative bodies, which is also one of the fundamental criteria of the standard classification of political regimes. The powers of the President in the field of legislation are the powers based on which the relationship between the President of the Republic and the legislative authority is established. The analyzed powers that the President exercises vis-à-vis the parliament are the powers of the President in relation to the adoption of an Act, the powers that the President of the Republic has in the domain of announcing parliamentary elections and convening a parliamentary sitting, as well as the powers in the domain of dissolving the parliament and announcing early elections. In the second part the paper focuses on the relationship between the President of the Republic and the government, and, consequently, the President's powers in the formation of the government and the appointing of state officials


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    This paper will focus on the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme, whose aim is to create a permanently increasing network of schools across the European Union. Gimnazija Nova Gorica became part of the network in 2016, and since then the school has en-gaged with the Slovenian European Parliament Liaison Office, the European Parliament and its Members, and has carried out teaching activities that raise awareness of Europe, European democracy and citizenship at large. This paper will also demonstrate various activities and events organized by Junior Ambassador students at Gimnazija Nova Gorica and their mentors. Not only does the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme enable students to develop critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving skills, but it also helps participants raise concerns about issues concerning the European Uni-on and develop their ideas for a better Europe in the context of multilingualism and multicultural EU policy.Članak se usredotočuje na program "Škola ambasador Europskog parlamenta", koja ostvaruje razvijajuću se mrežu škola ambasadorica u Europskoj uniji. Gimnazija Nova Gorica uključuje se u program 2016. godine i sve od tada izvodi obrazovne djelatnosti u stalnoj suradnji sa Uredom Europskog parlamenta u Sloveniji, Europskim parlamentom te njegovim predstavnicima – europskim zastupnicima. Projekt je prije svega namijenjen osvješćivanju mladih o Europi, europskoj parlamentarnoj demokraciji i europskom državljanstvu. Pored toga u članku su predstavljeni različiti događaji i aktivnosti, koje su mladi ambasadori zajedno sa mentoricama organizirali u Gimnaziji Nova Gorica. Program "Škola ambasador Europskog parlamenta" ne samo da učenicima omogućuje razvijanje vještina kritičnog mišljenja, sudjelovanja i rješavanja problema, već i pripomaže k tome, da se učenici suočavaju sa problemima s kojima se Europska unija suočava, te traže rješenja koja bi pripomogla k tome, da bi buduća Europa postala takvom, kakvom si želimo u kontekstu višejezičnosti i višekulturnosti

    La integración hombre-máquina : lo concebible y lo realizable en la ciencia real y en la ciencia ficción

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    L'arribada de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) va produir canvis d'ordre qualitatiu en el tecnològic realitzable i en el tecnològic concebible. Aquestes transformacions s'han expressat respectivament en canvis de registre material i conceptual en el nostre esperit d'època, una nova era en la història de la humanitat marcada per l'ús quotidià i natural de les noves tecnologies. Tant en el domini de la ciència real com en el de la ciència ficció, els discursos relatius a la integració home-màquina, que discorren sobre la fusió entre biologia i tecnologia, apunten a la idea central que les TIC donaran lloc, en un punt proper del seu desenvolupament, a una singularitat tecnològica, punt històric d'inflexió i canvi transcendental expressat en l'aparició d'androides i poshumans, figures artificials ontològicament idèntiques, i fins i tot superiors, als éssers originals en què s'inspiren.La llegada de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) produjo cambios de orden cualitativo en lo tecnológico realizable y en lo tecnológico concebible. Estas transformaciones se han expresado respectivamente en cambios de registro material y conceptual en nuestro espíritu de época, una nueva era en la historia de la humanidad signada por el uso cotidiano y natural de las nuevas tecnologías. Tanto en el dominio de la ciencia real como en el de la ciencia ficción, los discursos relativos a la integración hombre-máquina, que discurren acerca de la fusión entre biología y tecnología, apuntan a la idea central de que las TIC darán lugar, en un punto cercano de su desarrollo, a una singularidad tecnológica, punto histórico de inflexión y cambio trascendental expresado en la aparición de androides y posthumanos, figuras artificiales ontológicamente idénticas, e incluso superiores, a los seres originales en que se inspiran.The arrival of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) produced a qualitative change in the technological feasible and technological conceivable realities. These transformations are expressed respectively in changes in the conceptual and material register of our time spirit, a new era in human history marked by the natural and everyday use of new technologies. Both in the field of real science and in that of science fiction, discourses on human-machine integration, which run about the merge between biology and technology, point to the central idea that ICT will generate, in the near future, a technological singularity, a historical turning point expressed in the appearance of androids and posthumans, artificial figures ontologically identical, or even superior to the original beings in which they are inspired

    The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math

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    The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss several ideas which relate to technology as well as to creative teaching. Educational experience, common sense and educational research have all proven how important for comprehensive understanding different cognitive representations are. We will present and discuss several elementary mathematical ideas of which mechanical realisations mean ingenius technological inventions (for example: ‘car differential’ and ‘digital sound technology’). Technological insights can provide deep intuitive understanding of otherwise abstract mathematical concepts and therefore yield also better comprehension of mathematics. Besides that we will use and present the technology in the form of dynamic geometry programs to show, provoke and motivate rethinking and deeper understanding of several elementary mathematical concepts