3 research outputs found


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    V diplomski nalogi smo želeli izpostaviti problem socialne interakcije med vzgojiteljem in otroki. S tem so mišljeni predvsem odnosi, ki so prisotni med samim bivanjem v vrtcu. Diplomska naloga temelji na podlagi opazovanja in ocenjevanja socialne interakcije med vzgojiteljem in otroki. Za potrebe opazovanja so bili pripravljeni ustrezni vprašalniki. Vprašalniki, ki so bili uporabljeni za oceno interakcij med odraslimi in otroki, so bili pripravljeni na osnovi trditev za merjenje interakcij. Opazovalke so pri vsakem opazovanju ocenjevale, koliko držijo posamezne trditve, ki se nanašajo na različne interakcije med vzgojiteljem in otroki. Cilj je bil s pomočjo znanstvene literature pobliže spoznati pojem socialna interakcija ter ugotoviti, ali vzgojitelj pravilno pristopa k otrokovim načinom vedenja in koliko časa nameni socialni interakciji. V teoretičnem delu je podrobneje opisana kakovost predšolske vzgoje, socialna interakcija, otrokov razvoj v interakcijah v vrtcu, komunikacija ter vpliv spodbudnega ozračja. V empiričnem delu ugotavljamo visoko raven pozitivnih odnosov med odraslimi in otroki v vrtcu. Težišče je na poudarjanju ubogljivosti otrok. Vzgojiteljice pri delu nimajo permisivnega odnosa, saj neprimerno vedenje grajajo ter so do otrok stroge, kadar je to potrebno. Prisoten je pretiran nadzor nad otroki ter tudi od otrok se pričakuje pretiran samonadzor. Vzgojiteljice večinoma prilagajajo interakcije starosti otrok.In this diploma thesis we wanted to expose the problem of social interaction among educators and children. Hereby, above all, the relationships present during the merely stay in the kindergarten are meant. This work is founded on the basis of students\u27 observation of social interactions among educators and children. Proper questionnaires were prepared for the need of observation. The questionnaires used for the estimation of the interactions among the adults and children were prepared on the basis of the statements for measuring interactions. The observers estimated at each observation how true these statements referring to different interactions among educators and children were. The aim was to become better aware of the idea of social interaction by means of scientific literature as well as to find out if an educator approaches a child\u27s way of behaviour in the right way and how much time he / she intends for social interaction. In the theoretical part the quality of nursery education, social interaction, a child\u27s development in interactions in the kindergarten, communication as well as the influence of a stimulating environment is described in more detail. In the empiric part the high level of positive relationships among adults and children in the kindergarten is being found out. The focus is on the emphasis of the children\u27s obedience. The educators do not have a permissive relationship as they do blame inappropriate behaviour and they are severe with the children when it is necessary. Exaggerated control over the children is present and exaggerated self-control is expected by the children. The educators mostly adapt the interactions to the age of the children

    Preschool teachers' attitudes to foreign language learning in kindergarten

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    The theoretical part presents the general theories of learning and language acquisition, based on different emphasis. None of these theories covers all aspects that affect the acquisition of mother tongue and foreign language learning, but together they can contribute to a greater understanding of language learning. Promoting multilingualism is one of the objectives that can be found in the documents of the European Union, which is why language policy in each country strives to follow this objective with the aim of expansion and early learning of one or more foreign languages at primary or pre-school level of education. Overview of learning of additional languages in the childhood around the world can help us establish objectives and a program that will encourage and ensure the continuity of learning foreign languages from an early age. In formulating the objectives, the child's basis for the acquisition of language should be considered, based primarily on the basics of child development and its predisposition for language learning. In Slovenia a foreign language is not part of the curriculum for kindergartens, so learning a foreign language takes different forms, which does not provide continuity of learning a foreign language. Systemic deregulation at this stage contributes to unequal availability of early foreign language learning, and thus affects further education. Overview of reasons for early learning and the benefits of foreign language learning at this stage give the answer, why seek to lower the age for learning languages. In the continuation we can read what factors affect the early learning of a foreign language, especially highlighted are the competencies and professional development of preschool teacher, which contribute to the success of early foreign language learning. In the empirical part the results of the research show a positive attitude of the surveyed preschool teachers towards learning a foreign language in kindergarten. Preschool teachers who were included in the study, largely indicate agreement with the introduction of a foreign language in kindergarten, and consider it should be taught in kindergarten by a teacher of pre-school children with a finished program for the training of early foreign language teaching. The findings show that a part of preschool teachers is in favour of the implementation of a foreign language in kindergarten, however, the unwillingness of the implementation of a foreign language in kindergarten can be assumed to arise from a lack of competence of preschool teachers to teach a foreign language. Willingness to undertake training in the field of early foreign language learning in the surveyed preschool teachers is great, but under certain conditions, such as free training or education organized by kindergarten. The information obtained may affect the awareness of preschool teachers about the importance of professional development and on foreign language teaching in kindergarten, and can generally help in designing training programs for preschool teachers in the field of foreign language learning

    Preschool teachers\u27 attitudes to foreign language learning in kindergarten

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    V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene splošne teorije učenja in usvajanja jezika, ki temeljijo na različnih poudarkih. Nobena od teh teorij ne zajema vseh vidikov, ki vplivajo na usvajanje maternega jezika in učenje tujega jezika, vendar skupaj lahko prispevajo k večjemu razumevanju učenja jezikov. Spodbujanje večjezičnosti je eden od ciljev, ki jih lahko najdemo v dokumentih Evropske unije, zato si jezikovna politika v posameznih državah prizadeva slediti tem ciljem z namenom razširjenja in zgodnjega učenja enega ali več tujih jezikov na primarni ali predšolski stopnji izobraževanja. Pregled učenja dodatnih jezikov v otroštvu po svetu nam lahko pomaga oblikovati cilje in program, ki bo spodbujal in zagotavljal kontinuiteto učenja tujih jezikov od zgodnjega otroštva dalje. Pri oblikovanju ciljev je treba upoštevati otrokova izhodišča za usvajanje jezikov, ki temeljijo predvsem na osnovah otrokovega razvoja ter njegovih predispozicijah za učenje jezikov. V Sloveniji tuji jezik ni del kurikula za vrtce, zato učenje tujega jezika poteka v različnih oblikah, kar ne zagotavlja kontinuitete učenja tujega jezika. Sistemska neurejenost na tej stopnji pa prispeva k neenakopravni dostopnosti zgodnjega učenja tujega jezika in tako vpliva na nadaljnje šolanje. Pregled razlogov za zgodnje učenje in prednosti učenja tujih jezikov na tej stopnji daje odgovor, zakaj si sploh prizadevati za zniževanje starosti za učenje jezikov. V nadaljevanju lahko preberemo, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na zgodnje učenje tujega jezika, posebej poudarjene so kompetence in profesionalni razvoj vzgojitelja, ki prispevajo k uspešnosti zgodnjega učenja tujega jezika. V empiričnem delu izsledki raziskave kažejo na pozitiven odnos anketiranih vzgojiteljev do učenja tujega jezika v vrtcu. Vzgojitelji, ki so bili vključeni v raziskavo, v večji meri nakazujejo strinjanje z uvajanjem tujega jezika v vrtec in menijo, da naj bi v vrtcu poučeval vzgojitelj predšolskih otrok z opravljenim programom za izpopolnjevanje iz zgodnjega poučevanja tujih jezikov. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je del vzgojiteljev naklonjen k izvajanju tujega jezika v vrtcu, za nepripravljenost izvajanja tujega jezika v vrtcu pa lahko predvidevamo, da izvira iz pomanjkanja kompetenc vzgojiteljev za učenje tujega jezika. Pripravljenost za dodatno usposabljanje na področju zgodnjega učenja tujih jezikov je pri anketiranih vzgojiteljih velika, vendar pod določenimi pogoji, kot je npr. brezplačno usposabljanje ali izobraževanje v organizaciji vrtca. Pridobljeni podatki lahko vplivajo na zavedanje vzgojiteljev o pomembnosti profesionalnega razvoja ter na poučevanje tujih jezikov v vrtcu nasploh in pomagajo pri oblikovanju programov izobraževanja za vzgojitelje na področju učenja tujih jezikov.The theoretical part presents the general theories of learning and language acquisition, based on different emphasis. None of these theories covers all aspects that affect the acquisition of mother tongue and foreign language learning, but together they can contribute to a greater understanding of language learning. Promoting multilingualism is one of the objectives that can be found in the documents of the European Union, which is why language policy in each country strives to follow this objective with the aim of expansion and early learning of one or more foreign languages at primary or pre-school level of education. Overview of learning of additional languages in the childhood around the world can help us establish objectives and a program that will encourage and ensure the continuity of learning foreign languages from an early age. In formulating the objectives, the child\u27s basis for the acquisition of language should be considered, based primarily on the basics of child development and its predisposition for language learning. In Slovenia a foreign language is not part of the curriculum for kindergartens, so learning a foreign language takes different forms, which does not provide continuity of learning a foreign language. Systemic deregulation at this stage contributes to unequal availability of early foreign language learning, and thus affects further education. Overview of reasons for early learning and the benefits of foreign language learning at this stage give the answer, why seek to lower the age for learning languages. In the continuation we can read what factors affect the early learning of a foreign language, especially highlighted are the competencies and professional development of preschool teacher, which contribute to the success of early foreign language learning. In the empirical part the results of the research show a positive attitude of the surveyed preschool teachers towards learning a foreign language in kindergarten. Preschool teachers who were included in the study, largely indicate agreement with the introduction of a foreign language in kindergarten, and consider it should be taught in kindergarten by a teacher of pre-school children with a finished program for the training of early foreign language teaching. The findings show that a part of preschool teachers is in favour of the implementation of a foreign language in kindergarten, however, the unwillingness of the implementation of a foreign language in kindergarten can be assumed to arise from a lack of competence of preschool teachers to teach a foreign language. Willingness to undertake training in the field of early foreign language learning in the surveyed preschool teachers is great, but under certain conditions, such as free training or education organized by kindergarten. The information obtained may affect the awareness of preschool teachers about the importance of professional development and on foreign language teaching in kindergarten, and can generally help in designing training programs for preschool teachers in the field of foreign language learning