12 research outputs found

    Technological application of algae

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    Alge su izrazito velika i raznolika taksonomska skupina živih organizama koja je prije 3,5 milijardi godina omogućila formaciju aerobnog života na Zemlji. S obzirom na sve brojnija otkrića vezana uz fiziologiju algi, mnoge tehnoloÅ”ke grane traže primjenu algi u različitim industrijama. Zbog količine lipida koje sadrže, alge se danas smatraju potencijalnim izvorom biogoriva koje bi jednoga dana zamijenilo fosilna goriva. Lipidi nisu jedini spojevi koje alge sadrže pa su se tako počeli iskoriÅ”tavati i mnogobrojni drugi spojevi u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i drugim industrijama. Za daljnje napretke u tehnologiji nužno je viÅ”e istraživanja posvetiti određivanju fiziologije alga jer će u suprotnom puni potencijal algi ostati neotkriven i neiskoriÅ”ten.Algae are extremely large and diverse taxonomic group of living organisms that enabled the formation of aerobic life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago. Considering the growing number of discoveries related to algal physiology , many technological branches are looking for the application of algae in different industries. Because of their content of lipids, algae are considered potential source of biofuel that may one day replace fossil fuels. Lipids are not the only component found in algae. Many other compounds have found use in pharmaceutical, food and other industries. For future progress in technology, it is necessary to do more research in determining physiology of algae, otherwise. the full potential of algae will remain undiscovered and unuse

    Technological application of algae

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    Alge su izrazito velika i raznolika taksonomska skupina živih organizama koja je prije 3,5 milijardi godina omogućila formaciju aerobnog života na Zemlji. S obzirom na sve brojnija otkrića vezana uz fiziologiju algi, mnoge tehnoloÅ”ke grane traže primjenu algi u različitim industrijama. Zbog količine lipida koje sadrže, alge se danas smatraju potencijalnim izvorom biogoriva koje bi jednoga dana zamijenilo fosilna goriva. Lipidi nisu jedini spojevi koje alge sadrže pa su se tako počeli iskoriÅ”tavati i mnogobrojni drugi spojevi u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i drugim industrijama. Za daljnje napretke u tehnologiji nužno je viÅ”e istraživanja posvetiti određivanju fiziologije alga jer će u suprotnom puni potencijal algi ostati neotkriven i neiskoriÅ”ten.Algae are extremely large and diverse taxonomic group of living organisms that enabled the formation of aerobic life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago. Considering the growing number of discoveries related to algal physiology , many technological branches are looking for the application of algae in different industries. Because of their content of lipids, algae are considered potential source of biofuel that may one day replace fossil fuels. Lipids are not the only component found in algae. Many other compounds have found use in pharmaceutical, food and other industries. For future progress in technology, it is necessary to do more research in determining physiology of algae, otherwise. the full potential of algae will remain undiscovered and unuse

    FADS1 and FADS2 as biomarkers of Zn status ā€“ a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Despite enormous research efforts, a sufficiently sensitive and reliable biomarker for the assessment of zinc (Zn) status has not been identified to date. Zn affects fatty acid metabolism and alters the activity of certain desaturases; thus, desaturase activity has been proposed as a potential new biomarker of Zn status. This systematic review complied and assessed studies that examined changes in fatty acid desaturase 1 (FADS1) and fatty acid desaturase 2 (FADS2) activities in relation to modifications in dietary Zn intake. A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, and Central with strictly defined search, inclusion, and exclusion criteria. Twenty-one studies were included, 8 animal and 13 human trials (5 randomized controlled trials, two non-randomized controlled trials, and 6 cross-sectional studies). This systematic review was performed using PRISMA guidelines and where feasible a random-effects meta-analysis was conducted. No significant correlation was seen between the delta 6 desaturase and Zn status (-0.0958, 95% CIs (-0.2912; 0.1074), pā€‰=ā€‰0.2928). Delta 6 desaturase seems to respond in a greater magnitude than Zn status to Zn-containing interventions (the standardized mean difference for delta 6 desaturase was āˆ’0.6052, 95% CIs (-2.7162; 1.5058), pā€‰=ā€‰0.4289, while for plasma/serum Zn it was 0.0319, 95% CIs (-0.9133; 0.9770), pā€‰=ā€‰0.9213). Finally, two separate meta-analyses on same studies that assessed the correlations between LA:DGLA and Zn intake and Zn status and Zn intake revealed that the magnitude of correlations was only slightly different (the pooled correlation coefficient between the LA:DGLA ratio and Zn intake had a value of āˆ’0.1050, 95% CIs (-0.5356; 0.3690), pā€‰=ā€‰0.454, while between plasma Zn and Zn intake had a value of āˆ’0.0647, 95% CIs (-0.4224; 0.3106), pā€‰=ā€‰0.5453). According to the descriptive analysis, the magnitude of variation in desaturase activities in response to Zn intake was not consistent among studies, FADS1 and FADS2 activity corresponded to dietary Zn manipulations, both in animals and humans. A plausible explanation for this observation might be the difference between the studies in study populations, types of dietary interventions, study durations, etc. In addition, several potential confounders and covariates are identified from the qualitative synthesis, such as gender, age, the type of fat provided within the dietary intervention, the size of Zn particles, among others. Further high-quality studies are needed to additionally clarify the suggested associations and applicability of utilizing fatty acid desaturase activities as Zn status biomarkers

    Is There a Link between Zinc Intake and Status with Plasma Fatty Acid Profile and Desaturase Activities in Dyslipidemic Subjects?

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    The prevalence of obesity and dyslipidemia has increased worldwide. The role of trace elements in the pathogenesis of these conditions is not well understood. This study examines the relationship between dietary zinc (Zn) intake and plasma concentrations of Zn, copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) with lipid profile indicators, fatty acid composition in plasma phospholipids and desaturase enzyme activities in a dyslipidemic population. The role of the newly proposed biomarker of Zn status, the linoleic:dihomo-gama-linolenic acid (LA:DGLA) ratio, in predicting Zn status of dyslipidemic subjects has been explored. The study included 27 dyslipidemic adults, 39-72 years old. Trace elements were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry and fatty acid composition by a liquid gas chromatography. Desaturase activities were calculated from product-precursor fatty acid ratios. Dietary data were obtained using 24 h recall questionnaires. Insufficient dietary intake of Zn, low plasma Zn concentrations and an altered Cu:Zn ratio is related to modified fatty acid profile in subjects with dyslipidemia. Plasma Zn status was associated with obesity. There was no correlation between dietary Zn intake and plasma Zn status. The LA:DGLA ratio was inversely linked to dietary Zn intake. Cu, in addition to Zn, may directly or indirectly, affect the activity of desaturase enzymes

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the MntR protein from the bacterium Halalkalibacterium halodurans

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    Ioni prijelaznih metala neizostavna su komponenta brojnih staničnih procesa živih organizama. Ipak, prevelika stanična koncentracija metalnih iona može biti toksična za stanicu pa su neophodni osjetljivi mehanizmi regulacije njihove stanične koncentracije. Protein MntR je transkripcijski faktor koji sudjeluje u mehanizmu regulacije stanične koncentracije manganovih(II) iona u bakteriji Halalkalibacterium halodurans. U otopini je prisutan kao homodimer koji se vezanjem dva manganova(II) iona aktivira za vezanje na DNA te sprječava transkripciju gena za unos manganovih(II) iona. Simulacijama molekulske dinamike (MD) istražene su razlike u strukturnim i dinamičkim svojstvima proteina MntR u apo (bez vezanih manganovih(II) iona) i holo (s vezanim manganovim(II) ionima) obliku. Analizom MD simulacija identificirane su konformacijske odlike koje holo strukturi olakÅ”avaju vezanje u dva susjedna velika utora molekule DNA. Pronađene su nekovalentne interakcije koje potencijalno imaju važnu ulogu u molekulskom mehanizmu koji dovodi do povećanja afiniteta MntR proteina prema DNA uslijed vezanja manganovih(II) iona. Rezultati simulacija upućuju da prisustvo manganovih(II) iona u veznom mjestu proteina dovodi do zamijene vodikove veze Arg72 i Asp111 s kationā€“Ļ€ interakcijom između Arg72 i Trp107 Å”to se reflektira na savijanje Ī±4 ā€“ zavojnice i udaljenost između DNA vezujućih domena. Računalni rezultati uspoređeni su s literaturno dostupnim eksperimentalnim podacima. Ključne riječi: homeostaza mangana, alosterička aktivacija, nekovalentna interakcija, vodikova veza, kation-Ļ€ interakcijaTransition metal ions are an indispensable component of numerous cellular processes of living organisms. However, excessive cellular concentration of metal ions can be toxic to the cell, so sensitive mechanisms of regulation of their cellular concentration are necessary. The MntR protein is a transcription factor that participates in the mechanism of regulation of the cellular concentration of manganese(II) ions in the bacterium Halalkalibacterium halodurans. In the solution, it is present as a homodimer which, by binding two manganese(II) ions, is activated to bind to DNA and prevents the transcription of genes for the intake of manganese(II) ions. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate the differences in the structural and dynamic properties of the MntR protein in the apoprotein (without bound manganese(II) ions) and holoprotein (with bound manganese(II) ions) form. The analysis of MD simulations identified conformational features that facilitate the binding of the holoprotein in two adjacent large grooves of the DNA molecule. Noncovalent interactions were found that potentially play an important role in the molecular mechanism that leads to an increase in the affinity of the MntR protein to DNA due to the binding of manganese(II) ions. The simulation results suggest that the presence of manganese(II) ions in the binding site of the protein leads to the replacement of the hydrogen bond between Arg72 and Asp111 with a cationā€“Ļ€ interaction between Arg72 and Trp107, which is reflected in the bending of the Ī±4 helix and the distance between the DNA binding domains. The computational results were compared with experimental data available in the literatur

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the MntR protein from the bacterium Halalkalibacterium halodurans

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    Ioni prijelaznih metala neizostavna su komponenta brojnih staničnih procesa živih organizama. Ipak, prevelika stanična koncentracija metalnih iona može biti toksična za stanicu pa su neophodni osjetljivi mehanizmi regulacije njihove stanične koncentracije. Protein MntR je transkripcijski faktor koji sudjeluje u mehanizmu regulacije stanične koncentracije manganovih(II) iona u bakteriji Halalkalibacterium halodurans. U otopini je prisutan kao homodimer koji se vezanjem dva manganova(II) iona aktivira za vezanje na DNA te sprječava transkripciju gena za unos manganovih(II) iona. Simulacijama molekulske dinamike (MD) istražene su razlike u strukturnim i dinamičkim svojstvima proteina MntR u apo (bez vezanih manganovih(II) iona) i holo (s vezanim manganovim(II) ionima) obliku. Analizom MD simulacija identificirane su konformacijske odlike koje holo strukturi olakÅ”avaju vezanje u dva susjedna velika utora molekule DNA. Pronađene su nekovalentne interakcije koje potencijalno imaju važnu ulogu u molekulskom mehanizmu koji dovodi do povećanja afiniteta MntR proteina prema DNA uslijed vezanja manganovih(II) iona. Rezultati simulacija upućuju da prisustvo manganovih(II) iona u veznom mjestu proteina dovodi do zamijene vodikove veze Arg72 i Asp111 s kationā€“Ļ€ interakcijom između Arg72 i Trp107 Å”to se reflektira na savijanje Ī±4 ā€“ zavojnice i udaljenost između DNA vezujućih domena. Računalni rezultati uspoređeni su s literaturno dostupnim eksperimentalnim podacima. Ključne riječi: homeostaza mangana, alosterička aktivacija, nekovalentna interakcija, vodikova veza, kation-Ļ€ interakcijaTransition metal ions are an indispensable component of numerous cellular processes of living organisms. However, excessive cellular concentration of metal ions can be toxic to the cell, so sensitive mechanisms of regulation of their cellular concentration are necessary. The MntR protein is a transcription factor that participates in the mechanism of regulation of the cellular concentration of manganese(II) ions in the bacterium Halalkalibacterium halodurans. In the solution, it is present as a homodimer which, by binding two manganese(II) ions, is activated to bind to DNA and prevents the transcription of genes for the intake of manganese(II) ions. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate the differences in the structural and dynamic properties of the MntR protein in the apoprotein (without bound manganese(II) ions) and holoprotein (with bound manganese(II) ions) form. The analysis of MD simulations identified conformational features that facilitate the binding of the holoprotein in two adjacent large grooves of the DNA molecule. Noncovalent interactions were found that potentially play an important role in the molecular mechanism that leads to an increase in the affinity of the MntR protein to DNA due to the binding of manganese(II) ions. The simulation results suggest that the presence of manganese(II) ions in the binding site of the protein leads to the replacement of the hydrogen bond between Arg72 and Asp111 with a cationā€“Ļ€ interaction between Arg72 and Trp107, which is reflected in the bending of the Ī±4 helix and the distance between the DNA binding domains. The computational results were compared with experimental data available in the literatur

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the MntR protein from the bacterium Halalkalibacterium halodurans

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    Ioni prijelaznih metala neizostavna su komponenta brojnih staničnih procesa živih organizama. Ipak, prevelika stanična koncentracija metalnih iona može biti toksična za stanicu pa su neophodni osjetljivi mehanizmi regulacije njihove stanične koncentracije. Protein MntR je transkripcijski faktor koji sudjeluje u mehanizmu regulacije stanične koncentracije manganovih(II) iona u bakteriji Halalkalibacterium halodurans. U otopini je prisutan kao homodimer koji se vezanjem dva manganova(II) iona aktivira za vezanje na DNA te sprječava transkripciju gena za unos manganovih(II) iona. Simulacijama molekulske dinamike (MD) istražene su razlike u strukturnim i dinamičkim svojstvima proteina MntR u apo (bez vezanih manganovih(II) iona) i holo (s vezanim manganovim(II) ionima) obliku. Analizom MD simulacija identificirane su konformacijske odlike koje holo strukturi olakÅ”avaju vezanje u dva susjedna velika utora molekule DNA. Pronađene su nekovalentne interakcije koje potencijalno imaju važnu ulogu u molekulskom mehanizmu koji dovodi do povećanja afiniteta MntR proteina prema DNA uslijed vezanja manganovih(II) iona. Rezultati simulacija upućuju da prisustvo manganovih(II) iona u veznom mjestu proteina dovodi do zamijene vodikove veze Arg72 i Asp111 s kationā€“Ļ€ interakcijom između Arg72 i Trp107 Å”to se reflektira na savijanje Ī±4 ā€“ zavojnice i udaljenost između DNA vezujućih domena. Računalni rezultati uspoređeni su s literaturno dostupnim eksperimentalnim podacima. Ključne riječi: homeostaza mangana, alosterička aktivacija, nekovalentna interakcija, vodikova veza, kation-Ļ€ interakcijaTransition metal ions are an indispensable component of numerous cellular processes of living organisms. However, excessive cellular concentration of metal ions can be toxic to the cell, so sensitive mechanisms of regulation of their cellular concentration are necessary. The MntR protein is a transcription factor that participates in the mechanism of regulation of the cellular concentration of manganese(II) ions in the bacterium Halalkalibacterium halodurans. In the solution, it is present as a homodimer which, by binding two manganese(II) ions, is activated to bind to DNA and prevents the transcription of genes for the intake of manganese(II) ions. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate the differences in the structural and dynamic properties of the MntR protein in the apoprotein (without bound manganese(II) ions) and holoprotein (with bound manganese(II) ions) form. The analysis of MD simulations identified conformational features that facilitate the binding of the holoprotein in two adjacent large grooves of the DNA molecule. Noncovalent interactions were found that potentially play an important role in the molecular mechanism that leads to an increase in the affinity of the MntR protein to DNA due to the binding of manganese(II) ions. The simulation results suggest that the presence of manganese(II) ions in the binding site of the protein leads to the replacement of the hydrogen bond between Arg72 and Asp111 with a cationā€“Ļ€ interaction between Arg72 and Trp107, which is reflected in the bending of the Ī±4 helix and the distance between the DNA binding domains. The computational results were compared with experimental data available in the literatur

    Immunotherapy for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer : real-world data from an academic Central and Eastern European center

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    Background. Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) recently became the standard treatment for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Here, we present the first results of a real-world observational study on the effectiveness of ICI monotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC treated at a single academic center in a Central and Eastern European (CEE) country. Materials and methods. Overall, 66 consecutive patients with advanced NSCLC treated with ICIs in everyday clinical practice, either with first-line pembrolizumab (26 patients) or second-line atezolizumab, nivolumab, or pembrolizumab (40 patients), from August 2015 to November 2018, were included. All data were retrieved from a hospital lung cancer registry, in which the data is collected prospectively. Results. Included patients had a median age of 64 years, most were male (55%), 6% were in performance status >/=2, and 18% had controlled central nervous system metastases at baseline. In first-line, the median progression-free survival (mPFS) was 9.3 months, while the median overall survival (mOS) was not reached. The 1-year overall survival (OS) was 62%. In second-line, the mPFS and mOS were 3.5 months and 9.9 months, respectively, with a 1-year OS of 35%. In the overall population, adverse events of any grade were recorded in 79% of patients and of severe grade (3-4) in 12% of patients. Conclusion. The first real-world outcomes of NSCLC immunotherapy from a CEE country suggest comparable effectiveness to those observed in clinical trials and other real-world series, mainly coming from North America and Western European countries. Further data to inform on the real-world effectiveness of immunotherapy worldwide are needed


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    In this work, immobilization of laccase from Trametes versicolor using different immobilization techniques was investigated and obtained results regarding immobilized enzyme activity were compared. The enzyme was successfully immobilized onto different nanoparticles such as magnetic (MNPs) as well as cellulose (CNP) and silica nanoparticles (SNP). Functionalized MNPs were prepared by co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions, which were initially coated with a layer of citric acid to prevent particle agglomeration. Further, they were coated with sodium silicate and functionalized with aminosilane. MNPs were activated with the crosslinking reagent glutaraldehyde and laccase was immobilized onto functionalized MNPs. On the other hand, CNPs were prepared by ultrasonic treatment of microcellulose while the SNPs were obtained from rice. Functionalization of these nanoparticles was performed by introducing amino groups onto their surface, by modification of CNPs with poly(ethyleneimine) and with organosilane in case of SNPs. Additionally, the immobilized laccase in the form of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (Lac-CLEAs) was prepared by simple immobilization method involving precipitation of the enzyme from aqueous buffer using ethanol as precipitation solvent followed by cross-linking of aggregates of enzyme molecules by glutaraldehyde. When the magnetic cross-linked enzyme aggregates from laccase (Lac-mCLEAs) were synthesized, magnetic nanoparticles were added to the synthesis process. The immobilization yield of laccase immobilized onto nanoparticles was 95%, 83% and 84% for MNPs, CNPs and SNPs, respectively, followed by activity yield of 77%, 73% and 66%, respectively. Some lower immobilization yield was achieved for the Lac-CLEAs and Lac-mCLEAs, 74% and 75%, respectively. Lac-mCLEAs showed the highest activity yield (85%) while activity yield of 76% was achieved for Lac-CLEAs when BSA, as proteic feeder was used. Obtained results suggest that laccase could be successfully immobilized using different supports and immobilization techniques