272 research outputs found


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    Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) contains a series of guarantees that together represent the right to a fair trial. According to the ECHR case law Article 6 of the European Convention applies to proceedings concerning "civil rights and obligations", as well as to proceedings concerning the "criminal charge" (autonomous concepts from Courts practice). According to the linguistic interpretation of the Convention, as well as the earlier practice of the European Court, the guarantees of the right to a fair trial refer only to the accused in the criminal proceedings. However, under the influence of the tendency to protect the rights of the injured party in criminal proceedings, which was promoted by the Council of Europe, the practice of the Court, by applying the "convention as a living instrument" principle, extends the scope of the application of Article 6 to the injured party. The authors deal with a critical analysis of the relevant case law of the Court in this domain, as well as the implications to the national law on the position of the injured party in the criminal proceedings. &nbsp


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    The right to privacy is one of the fundamental human rights. However, the illumination of modern types of crime (especially organized crime) requires the use of technical achievements that necessarily limit the privacy of the persons to whom these measures have been applied. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, interpersonal contacts take place with the absence of the time distance required to move information from the sender to the recipient. It is realistic to expect that the authority of criminal proceedings can hardly resist the temptation to supplement evidence with the insight into the intimacy of the defendant (or suspect). Thus, achievements of scientific and technological progress are the legacy that makes it easier and adorn human life, but it is also "restless Faust" who is tempting a man at every step. Certainly scientific and technical achievements "provoke" the legislator, as well as the police and judicial authorities in the process of clarifying the criminal case. A delicate task is set before the legislator. The provisions of the law must be such as to provide for the suppression of perpetrators of criminal offenses (especially organized crime), who in the performance of their activities of criminal character use the most modern scientific and technical achievements. On the other hand, a border must be determined, dividing legally from unlawful interference with private life, which must not be crossed by the police and judicial authorities, engaged in the criminal prosecution of perpetrators of criminal offenses

    The correlation of milking performances and the somatic cell count in milk of simmental cows

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    Zbog obilnosti i važnosti poslova koji prate proces mužnje, muzna svojstva su postala važna odlika mliječnih krava. Današnja suvremena muzna oprema omogućuje praćenje cjelokupnog procesa mužnje i uvid u svaki njezin dio. Proučavanjem protoka mlijeka i standardizacijom vimena krava, te korištenjem novije mjerne tehnike moglo bi se doći do većeg broja krava prilagođenih strojnoj mužnji, a ujedno i do krava s manjim brojem oboljenja vimena. Rezultati provedenih istraživanja na simentalskim kravama pokazali su dobar kemijsko-fizakalni sastav mlijeka (4,24 % masti, 3,68 % bjelančevina i 9,22 % bezmasne suhe tvari). Količina mlijeka po mužnji iznosila je 8,03 kg, pri prosječnom protoku mlijeka od 1,86 kg/min i vremenu trajanja mužnje od 4,27 min. Iako je prosječni broj somatski stanica u mlijeku bio relativno mali (246.000/ml), čak 22,7 % krava imalo je u uzorcima mlijeka više od 400.000 somatskih stanica/ml. Od ovog dijela, 90 % životinja imalo je kratku plato fazu mužnje ( 3 min). Uvođenjem suvremene mjerne opreme i novih selekcijskih ciljeva u uzgojni program goveda detaljnije bi se proučila muzna svojstva, njihova gospo-darska važnost, kao i povezanost sa zdravljem vimena.Milking performances have become a very important characteristic of milk-cows. Today’s modern milking equipment enables following the entire milking process and the insight into each part of it. By studying the milk flow and standardizing the milk udder, as well as by using the new measuring techniques could be adjusted to machine milking and larger number of cows consequently fewer udder problems. The conducted research results on Simmental cows showed a good chemical and physical milk composition (4.24 % fat, 3.68 % proteins and 9.22 % non-fat dry substance). The milk quantity per milking was 8.03 kg, per average milk flow of 1.86 kg/min and the milking duration of 4.27 minutes. Although the average somatic cell count in milk was rather low (246.000/ml) even 22.7 % of cows had in milk samples more than 400.000 somatic cells/ml. From that, 90 % of animals had a short peak phase ( 2min) and a long descending phase ( 3 min). Introducing modern milking equipment and new selective aims into the cattle breeding program, milking characteristics, their economic significance and correlation to the health of the udder would be studied in more detail

    Estimating the Usefulness of ICT Tools for Implementing Critical Thinking in Higher Education

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    The COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the higher education improvement and highlighted the maintenance of public health as an essential priority. Due to this unexpected situation, the educational system moved from face-to-face to distance learning without prior preparations. This contingency made it possible to study the benefits of ICT tools in the educational process. Starting from the primary function of the educational process and through the forecast of future trends in education, this paper presents the guidelines for improvement of the teaching and learning processes and some opportunities for their implementation. A survey was conducted among the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism students in Split, Croatia, who evaluated the acceptance of various ICT tools. Based on the obtained research results, generic strategic guidelines for the effective use of IT tools in teaching are presented, including their potential impact on accreditation criteria

    Crowdfunding of Entrepreneurial Projects in Sport

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    Crowdfunding, as a specific e-business activity, changes the way in which entrepreneurs collect money for financing their business projects in various business activities starting from social entrepreneurship and software development towards entertainment industry. No business activity is an exception to this trend. Due to its potential to influence and change traditional financial flows and to change traditional principles of financial intermediations, crowdfunding has drawn attention of scientists and practitioners who are trying to explain what could be consequences, risks, development phases and future trends in this field. In this paper, we give a theoretical insight into definitions, development and types of crowdfunding activity in general in the context of entrepreneurial self-financing. Then, on the basis of the case study analysis method, we outline several good practices of self-financing sports projects in developed markets in for each type of crowdfunding. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    Sport is recognized as an area of a great importance for society and national economy. It is evolving into a profitable entrepreneurial activity and marketable activity. There are numerous ways of sports financing. In the context of the modern economy, there is a need to develop models of sports self-financing. As an emerging form of financing, crowdfunding changes the way in which entrepreneurs collect money for financing their business projects in various business activities starting from social entrepreneurship and software development towards entertainment industry. Sport is not an exception to this trend. Due to its potential to influence and change traditional financial flows and to change traditional principles of financial intermediations, crowdfunding has drawn attention of scientists and practitioners who are trying to explain what could be consequences, risks, development phases and future trends in this field. In this paper, firstly, we draw attention to the need and perception of sports self-financing in the sample of future entrepreneurs in Croatia based on conducted primary research. Secondly, we give definition, development and types of crowdfunding activities in the context of entrepreneurial self-financing. Then, based on the case study analysis method, we outline several successful examples of self-financing sports projects in developed markets in order to explain and illustrate potentials of crowdfunding as a financing source in sports

    Crowdfunding of Entrepreneurial Projects in Sport

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    Crowdfunding, as a specific e-business activity, changes the way in which entrepreneurs collect money for financing their business projects in various business activities starting from social entrepreneurship and software development towards entertainment industry. No business activity is an exception to this trend. Due to its potential to influence and change traditional financial flows and to change traditional principles of financial intermediations, crowdfunding has drawn attention of scientists and practitioners who are trying to explain what could be consequences, risks, development phases and future trends in this field. In this paper, we give a theoretical insight into definitions, development and types of crowdfunding activity in general in the context of entrepreneurial self-financing. Then, on the basis of the case study analysis method, we outline several good practices of self-financing sports projects in developed markets in for each type of crowdfunding. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Analysis of Dynamical Behaviour of Ball Bearings Using Artificial NeuralNetworks

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije je analiza dinamičkog ponašanja kotrljajnih ležaja primenom veštačkih neuronskih mreža. Na bazi rezultata eksperimentalnog ispitivanja obučene su veštačke neuronske mreže koje su sposobne da predvide amplitude brzine vibracija ležaja. Vibracije koje ležaj generiše zavise od niza uticajnih parametara koji se mogu podeliti na konstrukcione, tehnološke i eksploatacione. Modeli dobijeni primenom veštačkih neuronskih mreža određuju zavisnosti između uticajnih parametara i amplituda brzine vibracija koje ležaj generiše. Validacija neuronskih modela izvršena je na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata. Analiziran je uticaj svakog parametra ležaja na amplitude brzine vibracija u karakterističnim područjima frekvencija. U radu su prikazani i rezultati međusobnog uticaja više parametara. Modelima su dobijene preporučene vrednosti uticajnih parametara ležaja. Pri analizi tehnoloških parametara uvedeni su: parametar ekvivalentne površinske hrapavosti, parametar ekvivalentne valovitosti i parametar ekvivalentnog odstupanja od kružnosti staza kotrljanja. Novouvedeni parametri omogućavaju bolje razumevanje uticaja na dinamičko ponašanje. U radu je pokazano da su neuronski modeli sposobni da na osnovu parametara ležaja predvide klasu kvaliteta ležaja.The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the dynamic behavior of ball bearings using artificial neural networks. Based on the results of the experimental test, artificial neural networks were trained to be able to predict the amplitudes of the bearing vibration velocity. The vibrations generated by the bearing depend on a number of influential parameters that can be divided into construction, technological and exploitation. Models obtained by applying artificial neural networks determined the dependences between the influencing parameters and the amplitudes of the vibration velocity generated by the bearing. Validation of neural models was performed based on experimental results. The influence of each parameter on the vibration velocity amplitudes in the characteristic frequency ranges was analyzed. The paper also presents the results of the mutual influence of several parameters. The models obtained the recommended values of the influential bearing parameters. In the analysis of technological parameters, the following parameters were introduced: the parameter of equivalent surface roughness, the parameter of equivalent waviness and the parameter of equivalent roundness error of raceways. The newly introduced parameters provide a better understanding of the impact on dynamic behavior. The paper shows that neural models are able to predict the bearing quality class based on bearing parameters

    Preoblikovanje razvodnika snage šumskog traktora za pogon svih kotača i vitla

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    Šumski traktor ili skidder spada u grupu građevnskih strojeva, a služi za izvlačenje srušenih stabala i gotovih trupaca iz nepristupačnih terena šume na lako dostupan put ili skladište odakle se trupci mogu lako dalje transportirati uobičajenim načinom transporta. U tu svrhu, on je opremljen uređajima i alatima za prihvat i vuču ili nošenje trupaca. U ovom slučaju, taj uređaj je užetno vitlo, pomoću kojih operater veže trupce koje traktor vuče za sobom. Riječ je o šumskom traktoru tipa EcoTRAC, model 120V, proizvođača Hittner d.o.o. iz Bjelovara. Traktor kao pogonski stroj koristi šestcilindrični diesel motor Deutz F6L-914 snage 84kW/2300min-1. Pogonski sustav za kretanje traktora sastoji se od mjenjača, sa deset stupnjeva prijenosa za vožnju unaprijed i dva za vožnju unatrag, preko kojeg se, kroz razvodnik pogona, snaga i gibanje, prenose direktno na pogonske mostove traktora te na kraju na četiri kotača koji pogone traktor. Prijenosni odnos prema mostovima je identičan, baš kao i nihova konstrukcija, a svaki most je opremljen s po dva (na svaki kotač) planetarna reduktora koja smanjuju direktno opterećenje pogonskog sustava. Također, budući da se radi o nepristupačnim terenima, mostovi su opremljeni blokadama diferencijala upotrebom kojih se snaga po potrebi može prenijeti na sve kotače istovremeno. Budući da se radi o zglobnom traktoru, upravljanje se vrši zakretanjem polušasija oko središnjeg zgloba traktora, tako da prednji i stražnji kotači imaju isti trag. Traktor je opremljen vitlom s dva nezavisna bubnja. \Na svakom bubnju je namotano uže koje služi za povlačenje i transport trupaca u šumi. Cilj ovog rada je rekonstrukcija postojećeg šumskog traktora radi poboljšanja pogonskog sustava u pogledu kapaciteta vučene mase, jednostavnosti upravljanja, snažnijeg motora, sniženja troškova proizvodnje i zaštite okoliša. Ovdje će to biti provedeno iznalaženjem odgovarajućeg konstrukcijskog rješenja pogodnog za zamjenu hidrostatskog prijenosnika za pogon vitla šumskog traktora klasičnim mehaničkim sustavom, konstrukcijom takvog sustava te rekonstrukcijom vitla radi povećanja kapaciteta vučene mase

    The effect of shading on PV power generation

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    U ovom završnom radu opisani su fotonaponski moduli i sustavi koji su sve više u primjeni za iskorištavanje sunca kao obnovljivog izvora energije. Energija dobivena iz fotonaponskih modula je besplatna, a proizvodnja energije nije štetna za okoliš. Opisane su karakteristike sunčeve energije i zračenja. Jedan od nedostaka fotonaponskih modula je zasjena koja može znatno smanjiti snagu modula. Maksimalna snaga postiže se u slučaju bez zasjenjenja. Izvršena su mjerenja utjecaja zasjenjenja na četiri razlitičita FN modula ( BISOL BMO-250, BISOL BMU-250, SOLARFRONTIER SF-150 i PANASONIC HIT N240) te su dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni i analizirani.In this final work, photovoltaic modules and systems are increasingly being used to exploit the sun as a renewable energy source. Energy obtained from photovoltaic modules is free and energy production is not harmful to the environment. The characteristics of solar energy and radiation are described. One of the shortages of photovoltaic modules is a shade that can significantly reduce the strength of the module. Maximum power is achieved in case of no shading. Measurements of the effect of shading on four distinct FN modules (BISOL BMO-250, BISOL BMU-250, SOLARFRONTIER SF-150 and PANASONIC HIT N240) were performed and results were compared and analyzed