113 research outputs found

    Computing metric hulls in graphs

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    We prove that, given a closure function the smallest preimage of a closed set can be calculated in polynomial time in the number of closed sets. This confirms a conjecture of Albenque and Knauer and implies that there is a polynomial time algorithm to compute the convex hull-number of a graph, when all its convex subgraphs are given as input. We then show that computing if the smallest preimage of a closed set is logarithmic in the size of the ground set is LOGSNP-complete if only the ground set is given. A special instance of this problem is computing the dimension of a poset given its linear extension graph, that was conjectured to be in P. The intent to show that the latter problem is LOGSNP-complete leads to several interesting questions and to the definition of the isometric hull, i.e., a smallest isometric subgraph containing a given set of vertices SS. While for ∣S∣=2|S|=2 an isometric hull is just a shortest path, we show that computing the isometric hull of a set of vertices is NP-complete even if ∣S∣=3|S|=3. Finally, we consider the problem of computing the isometric hull-number of a graph and show that computing it is Σ2P\Sigma^P_2 complete.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Cuts in matchings of 3-connected cubic graphs

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    We discuss conjectures on Hamiltonicity in cubic graphs (Tait, Barnette, Tutte), on the dichromatic number of planar oriented graphs (Neumann-Lara), and on even graphs in digraphs whose contraction is strongly connected (Hochst\"attler). We show that all of them fit into the same framework related to cuts in matchings. This allows us to find a counterexample to the conjecture of Hochst\"attler and show that the conjecture of Neumann-Lara holds for all planar graphs on at most 26 vertices. Finally, we state a new conjecture on bipartite cubic oriented graphs, that naturally arises in this setting.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Improved expositio

    Chomp on numerical semigroups

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    We consider the two-player game chomp on posets associated to numerical semigroups and show that the analysis of strategies for chomp is strongly related to classical properties of semigroups. We characterize, which player has a winning-strategy for symmetric semigroups, semigroups of maximal embedding dimension and several families of numerical semigroups generated by arithmetic sequences. Furthermore, we show that which player wins on a given numerical semigroup is a decidable question. Finally, we extend several of our results to the more general setting of subsemigroups of N×T\mathbb{N} \times T, where TT is a finite abelian group.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 1 table (improved exposition

    Hypercellular graphs: partial cubes without Q3−Q_3^- as partial cube minor

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    We investigate the structure of isometric subgraphs of hypercubes (i.e., partial cubes) which do not contain finite convex subgraphs contractible to the 3-cube minus one vertex Q3−Q^-_3 (here contraction means contracting the edges corresponding to the same coordinate of the hypercube). Extending similar results for median and cellular graphs, we show that the convex hull of an isometric cycle of such a graph is gated and isomorphic to the Cartesian product of edges and even cycles. Furthermore, we show that our graphs are exactly the class of partial cubes in which any finite convex subgraph can be obtained from the Cartesian products of edges and even cycles via successive gated amalgams. This decomposition result enables us to establish a variety of results. In particular, it yields that our class of graphs generalizes median and cellular graphs, which motivates naming our graphs hypercellular. Furthermore, we show that hypercellular graphs are tope graphs of zonotopal complexes of oriented matroids. Finally, we characterize hypercellular graphs as being median-cell -- a property naturally generalizing the notion of median graphs.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, added example answering Question 1 from earlier draft (Figure 6.

    COMs: Complexes of Oriented Matroids

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    In his seminal 1983 paper, Jim Lawrence introduced lopsided sets and featured them as asymmetric counterparts of oriented matroids, both sharing the key property of strong elimination. Moreover, symmetry of faces holds in both structures as well as in the so-called affine oriented matroids. These two fundamental properties (formulated for covectors) together lead to the natural notion of "conditional oriented matroid" (abbreviated COM). These novel structures can be characterized in terms of three cocircuits axioms, generalizing the familiar characterization for oriented matroids. We describe a binary composition scheme by which every COM can successively be erected as a certain complex of oriented matroids, in essentially the same way as a lopsided set can be glued together from its maximal hypercube faces. A realizable COM is represented by a hyperplane arrangement restricted to an open convex set. Among these are the examples formed by linear extensions of ordered sets, generalizing the oriented matroids corresponding to the permutohedra. Relaxing realizability to local realizability, we capture a wider class of combinatorial objects: we show that non-positively curved Coxeter zonotopal complexes give rise to locally realizable COMs.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures, (improved exposition

    Classification of coupled dynamical systems with multiple delays: Finding the minimal number of delays

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    In this article we study networks of coupled dynamical systems with time-delayed connections. If two such networks hold different delays on the connections it is in general possible that they exhibit different dynamical behavior as well. We prove that for particular sets of delays this is not the case. To this aim we introduce a componentwise timeshift transformation (CTT) which allows to classify systems which possess equivalent dynamics, though possibly different sets of connection delays. In particular, we show for a large class of semiflows (including the case of delay differential equations) that the stability of attractors is invariant under this transformation. Moreover we show that each equivalence class which is mediated by the CTT possesses a representative system in which the number of different delays is not larger than the cycle space dimension of the underlying graph. We conclude that the 'true' dimension of the corresponding parameter space of delays is in general smaller than it appears at first glance
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