59 research outputs found

    NATural Language Energy for Promoting CONSUMER Sustainable Behaviour

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    Poster presenting NATCONSUMERS H2020 reserach project at Porto (Portugal), Conference: 7'th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Scienc

    Party Nexus Position Generator

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    The role of networks has been growing attention in recent decades in explaining political behaviour. Political nexus aspects also get on the agenda in studying various resources of status attainment. Despite the general realization of these relevant network implications, some conceptual and measurement issues are still debatable. In this paper, we introduce a new tool for measuring political acquaintanceship networks, the Party Nexus Position Generator (PNPG). We will show how one of the most widely used SNA-instruments, the technique of position generator, could be transformed to apply for the measurement of political networks. We tested the tool in two countries, Germany and Hungary, with surveys administered by different methods: online and face-to-face. The presentation of findings on German and Hungarian political networks may help us understand how the broader settings affect the composition of political networks and their influences on political behavior. Results from two different countries may also contribute to assess the validity of the PNPG tools introduced by our study

    A comparison of question order effects on item-by-item and grid formats: visual layout matters

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    Question order effect refers to the phenomenon that previous questions may affect the cognitive response process and respondents' answers. Previous questions generate a context or frame in which questions are interpreted. At the same time, in online surveys, the visual design may also shift responses. Past empirical research has yielded considerable evidence supporting the impact of question order on measurement, but few studies have investigated how question order effects vary with the visual design. Our main research question was whether question order effects are different on item-by-item formats compared to grid formats. The study uses data from an online survey experiment conducted on a non-probability-based online panel in Hungary, in 2019. We used the welfare-related questions of the 8'th wave of ESS. We manipulated the questionnaire by changing the position of a question that calls forth negative stereotypes about such social benefits and services. We further varied the visual design by presenting the questions in separate pages (item-by-item) or one grid. The results show that placing the priming questions right before the target item significantly changed respondents' attitudes in a negative way, but the effect was significant only when questions were presented on separate pages. A possible reason behind this finding may be that respondents engage in a deeper cognition when questions are presented separately. On the other hand, the grid format was robust against question order, in addition, we found little evidence of stronger satisficing on grids. The findings highlight that mixing item-by-item and grids formats in online surveys may introduce measurement inequivalence, especially when question order effects are expected

    How to measure musical preference on Facebook? Evidence from a mixed-method data collection

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    More and more digital data is available for social science analysis. This provides new ways of measuring several concepts. But when we start using new data sources, we have to understand how the new data source could be processed and how it could be analysed effectively. It is especially for Facebook data since there is no established gold standard analysis-framework. However, researchers have in-depth knowledge on how to measure different concepts using survey data. Thus, cross-referencing Facebook data with survey data is a reasonable way to support Facebook data analysis at different decision points. In this paper, we present how music preference could be measured by Facebook data and how survey data could support the selection of main indicators. Based on our results, we provide some general suggestions for Facebook data processing and indicator operationalization.Comment: 35 pages 3 figures, 6 table

    Incumbent party support and perceptions of corruption – an experimental study

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    In the recent national election in April 2018 in Hungary, the incumbent party (Fidesz) won again. During the campaign period, some of the media were full of stories about the scandals and corruption affairs of Fidesz. However, election results showed that these scandals did not decrease incumbent party support. What is the potential explanation for this? During the election campaign, we conducted an online survey experiment in Hungary, giving different treatments to respondents within the different sub-samples. The former were asked to read an article about a relevant corruption affair connected to different political actors. Our main hypothesis was that if people hear about scandals related to the government, support for the incumbent party will decrease. Results of the fitted logistic regression models suggest that information about incumbent-related corruption scandals did not affect voting for the incumbents. The most interesting result was that dominantly pro-government media consumers were more likely to vote for Fidesz after treatment compared to the control group. We thus think that the selection of information, the perceived credibility of sources, and information processing were influenced by partisanship. In a natural reaction, partisan respondents recalled their party identity and tried to respond to questions from the related viewpoints

    A narancs árnyalatai : fiatal és idős Fidesz szavazók diplomán innen és túl

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    Tanulmányomban elsősorban azt vizsgálom, hogyan alakult a Fidesz szavazóbázisa az egyetemisták között, az Aktív Fiatalok Magyarország korábbi hullámaihoz képest, és melyek azok a demográfi ai és ideológia változók, amelyek leginkább meghatározzák a Fidesz szimpátiát. Kiemelten vizsgálom azt is, hogy ideológia szempontból mennyire tér el a Fidesz szavazóbázisa más pártoktól és saját szüleik ideológia beállítódásától. A tanulmány második felében tágabb kontextusba helyezem az eredményeket és megvizsgálom, hogy iskolai végzettség és korcsoport bontások szerint milyen különbségek vannak a Fidesz szimpatizánsok között

    Intelligent energy feedback: Tailoring advice based on consumer values

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    With the roll-out of smart meters across the EU comes the opportunity for more tailored, informative feedback to be offered to domestic consumers regarding their energy consumption. To maximise the energy saving potential of this feedback, it must be accompanied by relevant, interesting advice. In this paper, we explore a mechanism for more effectively tailoring such advice, which is being developed by the Natconsumers project. There are two strands to developing tailored advice: determining what advice to give someone, and determining how to give it. In this paper, we focus on the latter: based upon their interests and motivations, how should advice be framed for different types of people? In what terms should the message be communicated, and in what tone? To investigate this, we have conducted a survey of 4,000 people across four European countries, examining their attitudes, values and demographics. Using these results, we present an attitudinal segmentation model, which allows us to identify what types of messages will be most resonant to different segments of energy consumers. In the wider Natconsumers project, this will be linked with additional segmentation models of load profiles and household characteristics/demographics in order to create a mechanism for the generation of tailored energy efficiency advice across Europe

    A narancs árnyalatai

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