79 research outputs found

    Выкарыстанне мультыкансольных канфігурацый працоўных станцый

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    A brief review of multiseat personal computers (ones, simultaneously used by several users due to additional input/output devices) is done including their advantages and disadvantages. The implementation of multiseat approach is analysed for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. Using Linux-based virtualization is proposed as the only way to get full-functional multiseat Windows environment

    A knowledge-based strategy for renewing a declining industrial city: The Norrkoping way

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    What the future holds for the industrial cities of the past is a life and death question for many municipalities. Researchers, policy makers and ordinary citizens deal with issues related to developing appropriate strategy for renewing a declining industrial city. Searching the industrial landscape for an existing firm to relocate or establish a branch plant, with an offer of subsidies, is typically the first idea for life support. Developing a new economic base from advanced research is often the next thought for resuscitation. In this paper we study how a small city region, formerly dependent upon old labour-intensive industries, has developed a knowledge-based renewal strategy inspired by ideas emanating from a superseded local economy. Prior research has shown that there are four stages of development in a knowledge-intensive region; inception, implementation, consolidation, and renewal, and at the first stage government and academia take initiative (Etzkowitz & Klofsten, 2005). Later on, the initiative is transferred to industrial actors that identify and exploit the opportunities of the new knowledge. In this process knowledge input is a central aspect of regional development, and stakeholders are active in constructing assets for knowledge production (Cooke & Leydesdorff, 2006; Cooke et al, 2007). We further develop the inception phase of the model through of a triple helix "spaces" strategy for regional renewal, with particular focus in this paper on the consensus space. A longitudinal case study is used to explicate the dynamics of change among university-industry-government actors, including consensus building within the city and with its neighbour city. Our study show that the keys to success were (1) cross-institutional entrepreneurship, aggregating regional and national resources to realize a bespoke locally generated strategy as opposed to the adoption of the usual list of high-tech hot-topics e.g. IT, biotech, alternative energy and (2) striking a balance between intra-regional competition and collaboration in order to achieve common objectives and avoid stasis arising from hyper-competitiveness. Comparisons are made to other relevant cases to infer a theoretical model of regional renewal through hybridization of old and new industrial and knowledge elements

    Modeling of distribution costs for maintenance of roads

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    Розглянуто математичну модель оптимізації розподілу інвестицій за типами автодорожніх робіт з урахуванням інтенсивності руху на автошляхахThe optimization mathematical model of the distribution of investments by type of road works including traffic on the roads is considere

    Challenges of circular new ventures: An empirical analysis of 70 cases

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    The challenges encountered by established firms transforming their linear business models into circular business models (CBMs) have received extensive research attention. Such firms have experience and market foothold but tend to adopt an incremental approach to CBMs due to risks of business model cannibalization. However, there is relatively limited research on the challenges experienced by new ventures developing CBMs from scratch – circular new ventures. New ventures are often agile, experimental and deploy disruptive CBMs even though they lack resources. The lack of knowledge specific to this topic is constraining for entities such as incubators and accelerators that seek to facilitate the emergence and scale-up of circular new ventures. Furthermore, researchers cannot presume that the challenges experienced by established firms are the same for new ventures when developing CBMs. Thus, the aim of this article is to explore the challenges that new ventures experience while developing circular business models from scratch, synthesize the sources of these challenges and provide practitioner implications to overcome them. In doing so, we studied 70 circular new ventures across Europe. Our article makes four original contributions to the literature. First, our study is seminal in using a large cross-country dataset to qualitatively analyse the empirical challenges of new ventures developing circular business models. Second, we identify which challenges are generic for CBMs, which challenges are specific for certain CBM types and for circular new ventures in particular. Third, we show that the challenges of circular new ventures are determined by their: (i) type of circular business model, (ii) industrial sector, (iii) institutional context, and (iv) new ventures liabilities. Altogether, we highlight that while circular new ventures and new ventures experience several similar challenges, circular new ventures particularly struggle to scale-up due to their liabilities of newness and smallness which limits their resources and legitimacy to enter strategic partnerships crucial for new venture survival

    Institutional Forces: The Invisible Hand that Shapes Venture Ideas

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    Institutional theory is employed for examining how and to what extent external pressure leads to changes in the venture idea during the start-up and early life of new, knowledge-intensive ventures. From a population of 321 young, knowledge-intensive firms that underwent a training program at Linkoping University, structured telephone interview data were obtained from 167 firms. The results confirmed that the venture idea had undergone more change in ventures that had more external owners, a dominant customer, and an incubator location. The results imply that institutional theory is a meaningful tool for understanding why and how venture ideas change over time

    Generella framgångsfaktorer i kluster : En studie av entreprenörskap och innovation

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    Rapportens resultat kan sammanfattas på följande vis: Det är möjligt att definiera generella kvalitativa framgångsfaktorer på klusternivå och dessa inkluderar klustrets verksamhet (idé, aktiviteter och organisation), aktörer och individer (engagemang och drivkrafter) och dess externa koppling (kritisk massa). Framgångsfaktorerna är alla dynamiska och genom operationalisering så är det högst troligt att dessa går att mäta och praktiskt tillämpa. En klusterplattform måste etableras för att trygga klusterorganisations långsiktiga överlevnad och utveckling. Vid uppföljning och utvärdering av kluster är en processuell ansats att föredra eftersom den: 1) Tillåter analys oberoende typ av kluster eller stadium mognadsprocessen. 2) Möjliggör en bedömning av sambandet mellan orsak och verkan i utvecklingsprocessen. 3) Inkluderar utvecklingsprocessens dynamik och de eventuella lärprocesser som sker i klustret. Genom att använda ett prestationsmått – klusterplattform - går det dessutom att avgöra vad som krävs för att klustret på lång sikt skall bli verksamhetsmässigt hållbart


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