40 research outputs found

    Digitalisierung als Motor von AT, Barrierefreiheit und Inklusion

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    Digitale Technologie und die Digitalisierung werden zur Basis fĂŒr die Inklusion, wenn effiziente Assistierende Technologien (ATs) verfĂŒgbar sind und digitale Barrierefreiheit umgesetzt wird. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet die parallele historische Entwicklung der Selbstbestimmt-Leben- und BĂŒrgerrechtsbewegung von Menschen mit Behinderung und der parallel startenden digitalen Revolution, die gemeinsam Inklusion vorantreiben. Das inkludierende Potential neuer digitaler Technologie im Vergleich zu allen anderen bisherigen (alten) Technologien macht verstĂ€ndlich, welch mĂ€chtiges Werkzeug der Inklusion wir damit an die Hand bekommen.Digital technology and digitisation are the base for inclusion if efficient Assistive Technologies (ATs) are at hand and digital accessibility is implemented. We will look in the parallel historic development of the Disability Independent Living and Human Rights Movement and the upcoming digitisation which together developed as strong supporters of inclusion. We will analyse the inclusive potential of new digital technology in comparison to other traditional (old) technologies to underline what powerful tool to support inclusion we get at hand

    Changing Perspectives on Disability and Technology: Events, Trends and Personal Choices

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    In this chapter, eight (past-)presidents of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) reflect on their personal engagement with the technology and disability field. The result is a patchwork of personal contributions, reflecting aspects of the contemporary history of Assistive Technology in its broadest sense, relevant for our collective memory and for those attracted to this field for their professional career.In diesem Kapitel reflektieren acht (ehemalige) Vorsitzende der Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) ĂŒber ihr persönliches Engagement im Bereich Technologie und Behinderung. Das Ergebnis ist ein Sammelsurium persönlicher BeitrĂ€ge, die Aspekte der gegenwĂ€rtigen Geschichte der Assistiven Technologien im weitesten Sinne widerspiegeln, die fĂŒr unser kollegiales GedĂ€chtnis und fĂŒr diejenigen relevant sind, die sich in ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn fĂŒr diesen Bereich interessieren

    Teaching DfA core knowledge and skill sets; experience in including inclusive design

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    The purpose of this document is twofold. Firstly it is to present the teaching pilots that were undertaken by members of the network, and describes the pilot setting and the material taught, as related to the taxonomy of Design for All knowledge and skill sets developed in previous deliverables. Each pilot indicates topics taught and to which categories of the taxonomy they belong. Furthermore, student expectations and reactions to the DfA teaching pilots are described by means of the information gained from questionnaires. In this way the taxonomy is evaluated by the teaching pilot experiences for robustness in completeness and usefulness. The second purpose of this exercise is to highlight best practices in, and possible obstacles and other challenges to implementing and maintaining of Design for All courses and modules in a range of higher education schemes, so that education policies and strategies may be informed accordingly. Both of these objectives help to further the work on recommendations for curriculum work on Design for All, in terms of content and in terms of sustainability

    Barrierefreiheit. Grundlage gerechter webbasierter Lernchancen

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    E-Learning-Technologien verfĂŒgen ĂŒber ein großes Potenzial, um pĂ€dagogische Konzepte zu realisieren, welche individuelle Anforderungen und Interessen unterstĂŒtzen. Leider behindert mangelndes Bewusstsein und fehlendes Know-How auf Seiten von Lehrenden, Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern und Administratorinnen und Administratoren die Möglichkeiten auszuschöpfen, um Barrieren in Lernmaterialien und Lernumgebungen abzubauen. Dieses Kapitel stellt grundlegende Informationen und Hinweise zur Barrierefreiheit von webbasierten Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zusammen und gibt konkrete Hinweise fĂŒr die Verwendung Assistierender Technologien (AT) in Lehr- und Lernkontexten. (DIPF/Orig.

    Austrian Literature Online (ALO): How Electronic Libraries, Cultural Heritage and Service Provision for Print Disabled People work together

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    Digitisation is one key objective at the beginning of the information society. More and more efforts are spent to make documents usable on computers and via the Internet. This also addresses a major need of print disabled people. Access to documents in digital format is the prerequisite to be able to apply assisitve technology to get access to documents at the Human Computer Interface (HCI).This paper presents the initiative "Austrian Literature Online" and how this project addresses the needs of print disabled people. A virtual library system was developed for presentation and preservation purposes of old literature. This system and the documents handled are designed according to the needs of print disabled people. Research was done on a more efficient and cost effective workflow management in digitisation. Till now copyright free literature has been made available in accessible formats. The system is also developed further to provide blind and visually handicapped students a convenient access to study literature