418 research outputs found

    Untersuchung zur Wirkung und Wirkmechanismus von NHE-1-Inhibitoren auf die Hypertrophie adulter Rattenkardiomyozyten

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    Die Inhibition des Natrium-Protonen-Austauschproteins, Subtyp-1 (NHE-1), stellt möglicherweise ein wichtiges Prinzip zur Behandlung der Herzhypertrophie und damit der frĂŒhen Herzinsuffizienz dar. Als Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass der oral bioverfĂŒgbare und selektive NHE-1-Inhibitor Cariporide dabei u.a. in einem transgenen Tiermodell wirkt, bei dem die Hypertrophie nicht durch Myokardinfarkt, sondern mittels transgener Überexpression des beta-1-adrenergen Rezeptors erzeugt wurde, die Hypertrophie-Entwicklung verhinderte. Um die Wirkung und vor allem den Wirkmechanismus von NHE-1-Inhibitoren nĂ€her zu untersuchen, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein zellulĂ€res Modell der alpha-1-adrenergen Hypertrophie-Induktion in adulten Kardiomyozyten aus Rattenherzen aufgebaut und mittels gĂ€ngiger Parameter wie Zellvolumen, Protein und RNA-Neusynthese validiert. Dabei konnte ein klassenspezifischer Hemmeffekt aller eingesetzten NHE-1-Inhibitoren auf die untersuchten Hypertrophie-Parameter gezeigt werden. Interessante molekulare Mechanismen der Hypertrophie-Inhibition durch spezifische NHE-1- Inhibitoren konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit aufgedeckt werden. Nach alpha-1-adrenerger Stimulation und gleichzeitiger NHE-1-Inhibition waren nur wenige Gene in ihrer Expression deutlich differentiell reguliert, darunter der Angiotensin-II AT-1 Rezeptor und die sogenannte Rho-kinase (ROCK). Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus ergeben sich neue mögliche Ansatzpunkte zum Wirkmechanismus von NHE-1-Inhibitoren. Im Gegensatz zu Befunden bei HerzischĂ€mie scheint es bei der Herzhypertrophie im vorliegenden Modell keine Kopplung zwischen dem NHE-1 und einem weiteren Austauschprotein, dem Natrium-Calcium-Austauscher, zu geben. Die Hypertrophie der adulten Kardiomyozyten ließ sich nicht durch einen selektiven Hemmstoff dieses Austauschers, SEA0400, hemmen. Bei nĂ€herer Untersuchung auf Translationsebene zeigten sich ĂŒberraschende Ergebnisse, die fĂŒr eine Hemmung der Hypertrophie-Entwicklung in Anwesenheit eines NHE-1-Inhibitors verantwortlich gemacht werden könnten. So war auf der einen Seite die Translokation von in adulten Kardiomyozyten exprimierten PKC-Subtypen (delta und eta) vom Zytosol an die Plasmamembran durch die NHE-1-Inhibition signifikant beeinflusst. Auf der anderen Seite war die Phosphorylierung bestimmter NHE-1-aktivierender Kinasen ĂŒber den gesamten betrachteten Zeitraum verstĂ€rkt vorhanden. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass neben möglichen Autoregulationseffekten in der Zelle, ausgelöst durch eine NHE-1-Inhibition, eine weitere Wirkkomponente eine Rolle bei der Beeinflussung intrazellulĂ€re membranabhĂ€ngiger Translokation spielen könnten

    Hans Paul Kaufmann (1889-1971) - Leben und Werk

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Leben und Werk Hans Paul Kaufmanns (1889–1971) und leistet damit einen Beitrag zur jĂŒngeren Pharmaziegeschichte, die insbesondere fĂŒr die NS-Zeit noch grĂ¶ĂŸere LĂŒcken aufweist. Neben den Quellen aus dem umfangreichen Privatarchiv von Kaufmanns Enkel konnten weitere aus UniversitĂ€ts- und Staatsarchiven, gedruckte Quellen sowie Ê»oral historyÊŒ zur Analyse und WĂŒrdigung seiner Lebensstationen, seiner wissenschaftspolitischen TĂ€tigkeiten, seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sowie seiner Persönlichkeit genutzt werden. Die Recherchen leisteten zudem einen Beitrag zur Geschichte des Reichsforschungsrats, der Reichsinstitute, der Fettchemie sowie der Pharmazeutischen Institute Jena, Berlin und MĂŒnster

    The cell adhesion molecule Fasciclin2 regulates brush border length and organization in Drosophila renal tubules

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    Multicellular organisms rely on cell adhesion molecules to coordinate cell–cell interactions, and to provide navigational cues during tissue formation. In Drosophila, Fasciclin 2 (Fas2) has been intensively studied due to its role in nervous system development and maintenance; yet, Fas2 is most abundantly expressed in the adult renal (Malpighian) tubule rather than in neuronal tissues. The role Fas2 serves in this epithelium is unknown. Here we show that Fas2 is essential to brush border maintenance in renal tubules of Drosophila. Fas2 is dynamically expressed during tubule morphogenesis, localizing to the brush border whenever the tissue is transport competent. Genetic manipulations of Fas2 expression levels impact on both microvilli length and organization, which in turn dramatically affect stimulated rates of fluid secretion by the tissue. Consequently, we demonstrate a radically different role for this well-known cell adhesion molecule, and propose that Fas2-mediated intermicrovillar homophilic adhesion complexes help stabilize the brush border

    Author Correction: Drosophila ßHeavy-Spectrin is required in polarized ensheathing glia that form a diffusion-barrier around the neuropil.

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    In the central nervous system (CNS), functional tasks are often allocated to distinct compartments. This is also evident in the Drosophila CNS where synapses and dendrites are clustered in distinct neuropil regions. The neuropil is separated from neuronal cell bodies by ensheathing glia, which as we show using dye injection experiments, contribute to the formation of an internal diffusion barrier. We find that ensheathing glia are polarized with a basolateral plasma membrane rich in phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-triphosphate (PIP3) and the Na+/K+-ATPase Nervana2 (Nrv2) that abuts an extracellular matrix formed at neuropil-cortex interface. The apical plasma membrane is facing the neuropil and is rich in phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2) that is supported by a sub-membranous ßHeavy-Spectrin cytoskeleton. ßHeavy-spectrin mutant larvae affect ensheathing glial cell polarity with delocalized PIP2 and Nrv2 and exhibit an abnormal locomotion which is similarly shown by ensheathing glia ablated larvae. Thus, polarized glia compartmentalizes the brain and is essential for proper nervous system function

    Genetic Variants in ARHGEF6 Cause Congenital Anomalies of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract in Humans, Mice, and Frogs

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    Background About 40 disease genes have been described to date for isolated congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT), the most common cause of childhood chronic kidney disease. However, these genes account for only 20% of cases. ARHGEF6, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is implicated in such biologic processes as cell migration and focal adhesion, acts downstream of integrin linked kinase (ILK) and parvin proteins. A genetic variant of ILK that causes murine renal agenesis abrogates the interaction of ILK with a murine focal adhesion protein encoded by Parva, leading to CAKUT in mice with this variant. Methods To identify novel genes that, when mutated, result in CAKUT, we performed exome sequencing in an international cohort of 1265 families with CAKUT. We also assessed the effects in vitro of wild-type and mutant ARHGEF6 proteins, as well as the effects of Arhgef6 deficiency in mouse and frog models. Results We detected six different hemizygous variants in the gene ARHGEF6 (which is located on the X chromosome in humans) in eight individuals from six families with CAKUT. In kidney cells, overexpression of wild-type ARHGEF6-but not proband-derived mutant ARHGEF6- increased active levels of CDC42/RAC1, induced lamellipodia formation, and stimulated PARVAdependent cell spreading. ARHGEF6 mutant proteins showed loss of interaction with PARVA. Three-dimensional MDCK cell cultures expressing ARHGEF6 mutant proteins exhibited reduced lumen formation and polarity defects. Arhgef6 deficiency in mouse and frog models recapitulated features of human CAKUT. Conclusions Deleterious variants in ARHGEF6 may cause dysregulation of integrin-parvinRAC1/CDC42 signaling, thereby leading to X-linked CAKUT

    Novel Behavioral and Developmental Defects Associated with Drosophila single-minded

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    In Drosophila, the development of the midline cells of the embryonic ventral nerve cord depends on the function of the bHLH-PAS transcription factor Single-minded (Sim). The expression domain of sim, however, is also found anterior and posterior to the developing ventral cord throughout the germ band. Indeed, mutations in sim were identified based on their characteristic cuticle phenotype. Eight abdominal segments (A1–A8) can be easily seen in the larval cuticle, while three more can be identified during embryogenesis. Cells located in A8–A10 give rise to the formation of the genital imaginal discs, and a highly modified A11 segment gives rise to the anal pads that flank the anus. sim is expressed in all these segments and is required for the formation of both the anal pads and the genital imaginal discs. A new temperature-sensitive sim allele allowed an assessment of possible postembryonic function(s) of sim. Reduction of sim function below a 50% threshold leads to sterile flies with marked behavioral deficits. Most mutant sim flies were only able to walk in circles. Further analyses indicated that this phenotype is likely due to defects in the brain central complex. This brain region, which has previously been implicated in the control of walking behavior, expresses high levels of nuclear Sim protein in three clusters of neurons in each central brain hemisphere. Additional Sim localization in the medullary and laminar neurons of the optic lobes may correlate with the presence of ectopic axon bundles observed in the optic lobes of sim mutant flies

    Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects

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    In this paper, we discuss and compare state-of-the-art 3D tracking paradigms for flying insects such as Drosophila melanogaster. If two cameras are employed to estimate the trajectories of these identical appearing objects, calculating stereo and temporal correspondences leads to an NP-hard assignment problem. Currently, there are two different types of approaches discussed in the literature: probabilistic approaches and global correspondence selection approaches. Both have advantages and limitations in terms of accuracy and complexity. Here, we present algorithms for both paradigms. The probabilistic approach utilizes the Kalman filter for temporal tracking. The correspondence selection approach calculates the trajectories based on an overall cost function. Limitations of both approaches are addressed by integrating a third camera to verify consistency of the stereo pairings and to reduce the complexity of the global selection. Furthermore, a novel greedy optimization scheme is introduced for the correspondence selection approach. We compare both paradigms based on synthetic data with ground truth availability. Results show that the global selection is more accurate, while the previously proposed tracking-by-matching (probabilistic) approach is causal and feasible for longer tracking periods and very high target densities. We further demonstrate that our extended global selection scheme outperforms current correspondence selection approaches in tracking accuracy and tracking time
