1,042 research outputs found

    Finnish Education Professionals’ Thoughts on Adaptive Learning Technologies

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    With the rapidly increased use of digital technologies in education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to discuss these technologies’ impact on the teaching profession. Using thematic analysis and epistemic network analysis (ENA), we analyzed 114 social media posts by Finnish education professionals commenting on an opinion piece about technology partly taking responsibilities usually attributed to a teacher. Out of the analyzed posts, 32 were supportive, 30 ambivalent, and 52 critical towards the presented scenario. The epistemic network analysis graphs showed some differences between posts with a different attitude. Supportive posts, on average emphasized technological capabilities and their connections with teacher workload and self-directed/self-regulated learning. In comparison, the critical posts on average emphasized human presence and its connections with pupil diversity and technological capability. Our findings both reveal the relevant themes in the discussion about technologies’ impact on the teaching profession and underline the differences in supportive and critical argumentation.Peer reviewe

    Blood Pressure and Fibrinogen Responses to Mental Stress as Predictors of Incident Hypertension over an 8-Year Period.

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    BACKGROUND: Heightened blood pressure (BP) responses to mental stress predict raised BP levels over subsequent years, but evidence for associations with incident hypertension is limited, and the significance of inflammatory responses is uncertain. PURPOSE: We investigated the relationship between BP and plasma fibrinogen responses to stress and incident hypertension over an average 8-year follow-up. METHOD: Participants were 636 men and women (mean age 59.1 years) from the Whitehall II epidemiological cohort with no history of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. They performed standardized behavioral tasks (color/word conflict and mirror tracing), and hypertension was defined by clinic measures and medication status. RESULTS: Of participants in the highest systolic BP reactivity tertile, 29.3 % became hypertensive over the follow-up period compared with 16.5 % of those in the lowest tertile, with an odds ratio of 2.02 (95 % CI 1.17-3.88, p = 0.012) after adjustment for age, sex, grade of employment, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, follow-up time, subjective stress response, perceived task difficulty, perceived task engagement, and baseline BP. Similar associations were observed for diastolic BP reactivity (odds ratio 2.05, 95 % CI 1.23-3.40, p = 0.006) and for impaired systolic BP post-stress recovery (odds ratio 2.06, 95 % CI 1.19-3.57, p = 0.010). Fibrinogen reactions to tasks also predicted future hypertension in women (odds ratio 2.64, 95 % CI 1.11-6.30, p = 0.029) but not men. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that heightened cardiovascular and inflammatory reactivity to mental stress is associated with hypertension risk, and may be a mechanism through which psychosocial factors impact on the development of hypertension

    Angle-resolved Auger spectrum of the N<sub>2</sub> molecule

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    Angle-resolved Auger electron spectra of N2 have been measured with good statistics at photon energies corresponding to the π* resonance and the σ* shape resonance, below and above the N 1s threshold, respectively. Angular anisotropy is observed in both cases, but disappears as expected far above threshold. Satellite Auger transitions also show some angular anisotropy close to the N 1s threshold. This is attributed to the creation and decay of conjugate shakeup initial states, which have non-ground-state symmetry

    Negative Ion Positive Ion Coincidence Yields of Core Excited Water

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    We report yields of mass-resolved negative ions and positive ions measured in coincidence after core-excitation of water molecules. The analysis of negative-ion/positive-ion and negative-ion/positive-ion/positive-ion coincidence events provides new information on pathways leading to negative ion production, enhancing the present understanding of the dissociation processes of the water molecule. Dissociation following (resonant) Auger decay dominates negative ion production, but radiative decay is shown to contribute above the O 1s ionization threshold. A peak in the H-/O+ yield above the O 1s threshold is attributed to decay from doubly excited states

    Tuloksenjärjestely suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä analyytikoiden tulosennusteisiin pääsemiseksi

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradun tarkoituksena on selvittää, järjestelevätkö suomalaiset pörssiyhtiöt tulostaan harkinnanvaraisia muuntoeroja käyttäen, jotta analyytikoiden tulosennusteet voitaisiin saavuttaa. Aiheesta on tehty paljon tutkimusta erityisesti Yhdysvalloissa. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että sellaisilla yrityksillä, jotka pääsevät analyytikoiden tulosennusteisiin, on keskimäärin enemmän harkinnanvaraisia muuntoeroja tilinpäätöksessään. Tutkimustulokset ovat osoittaneet tulosyllätysten jakaumia tarkasteltaessa myös, että hieman nollan negatiiviselle puolelle tulosennusteesta jäävien havaintojen määrä on epätavallisen pieni, kun taas vastaavasti juuri nollan positiiviselle puolelle pääsevien määrä on poikkeuksellisen suuri. Tämän tutkimuksen hypoteesit on asetettu aiempien tutkimusten perusteella. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu suomalaisista pörssiyhtiöistä vuosilta 2008–2018. Aineisto analyytikoiden tulosennusteista ja yhtiöiden tilinpäätöstiedoista on kerätty Thomson Reutersin Datastream -tietokannasta. Tässä tutkimuksessa harkinnanvaraisten muuntoerojen estimoimiseksi käytetään Jonesin (1991) alkuperäistä mallia, jota on käytetty laajasti aiemmassa tutkimuksessa. Harkinnanvaraisten muuntoerojen ja sen suhdetta, kuinka monta kertaa yritys onnistuu tilikauden aikana pääsemään tulosennusteeseen, tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa tilastollisten tunnuslukujen ja jakaumien avulla. Saadut tutkimustulokset eivät tue asetettuja hypoteeseja. Tutkimustulokset eivät anna vahvistusta sille olettamukselle, että pörssiyhtiöt Suomessa järjestelisivät tulostaan analyytikoiden tulosennusteisiin pääsemiseksi. Aineiston perusteella ei myöskään voida sanoa, että yritykset erityisesti välttelisivät negatiivisia tulosyllätyksiä, sillä graafisesti esitettynä pienten negatiivisten tulosyllätysten kohdalla ei näytä olevan laskua havaintojen määrässä. Vastaavasti myöskään pienten positiivisten tulosyllätysten osalta jakaumassa ei ole merkittävää kasvua. Tuloksenjärjestely on aineiston yritysten keskuudessa enimmäkseen tulosta pienentävää, riippumatta siitä, kuinka monta kertaa tulosennusteeseen päästään tilikauden aikana. Suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden tuloksenjärjestelyn tarkempaa analysointia varten olisi mielenkiintoista jatkotutkimuksin selvittää, mitkä tulostavoitteet suomalaisissa pörssiyhtiöissä koetaan keskeisimmiksi, ja kuinka tuloksenjärjestelyä ilmenee suhteessa näihin tavoitteisiin

    Associations of coffee drinking with physical performance in the oldest-old community-dwelling men The Helsinki Businessmen Study (HBS)

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    Background: Habitual coffee drinking has been associated with lower risk of various chronic diseases linked to poor physical performance. Objective: We explored cross-sectional associations between coffee consumption and physical performance among oldest-old community-dwelling men in the Helsinki Businessmen Study (HBS). Methods: A random sample of HBS survivors (n = 126, mean age 87 years) attended a clinic visit in 2017/2018, including measurements of body composition, physical performance [Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB)], and cognition. Coffee consumption was retrieved from 3-day food diaries. Results: Coffee consumption was positively associated with higher gait speed (p = 0.003), SPPB score (p = 0.035), and chair rise points (p = 0.043). Association of coffee with gait speed remained after adjustment for age, waist circumference, physical activity, pulse rate, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Conclusion: Higher coffee consumption was independently associated with better physical performance reflected as faster gait speed in oldest-old men

    Clinical, socioeconomic, and behavioural factors at age 50 years and risk of cardiometabolic multimorbidity and mortality: A cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Multimorbidity is increasingly common and is associated with adverse health outcomes, highlighting the need to broaden the single-disease framework that dominates medical research. We examined the role of midlife clinical characteristics, socioeconomic position, and behavioural factors in the development of cardiometabolic multimorbidity (at least 2 of diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke), along with how these factors modify risk of mortality. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Data on 8,270 men and women were drawn from the Whitehall II cohort study, with mean follow-up of 23.7 years (1985 to 2017). Three sets of risk factors were assessed at age 50 years, each on a 5-point scale: clinical profile (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, overweight/obesity, family history of cardiometabolic disease), occupational position, and behavioural factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity). The outcomes examined were cardiometabolic disease (diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke), cardiometabolic multimorbidity, and mortality. We used multi-state models to examine the role of risk factors in 5 components of the cardiometabolic disease trajectory: from healthy state to first cardiometabolic disease, from first cardiometabolic disease to cardiometabolic multimorbidity, from healthy state to death, from first cardiometabolic disease to death, and from cardiometabolic multimorbidity to death. A total of 2,501 participants developed 1 of the 3 cardiometabolic diseases, 511 developed cardiometabolic multimorbidity, and 1,406 died. When behavioural and clinical risk factors were considered individually, only smoking was associated with all five transitions. In a model containing all 3 risk factor scales, midlife clinical profile was the strongest predictor of first cardiometabolic disease (hazard ratio for the least versus most favourable profile: 3.74; 95% CI: 3.14-4.45) among disease-free participants. Among participants with 1 cardiometabolic disease, adverse midlife socioeconomic (1.54; 95% CI: 1.10-2.15) and behavioural factors (2.00; 95% CI: 1.40-2.85), but not clinical characteristics, were associated with progression to cardiometabolic multimorbidity. Only midlife behavioural factors predicted mortality among participants with cardiometabolic disease (2.12; 95% CI: 1.41-3.18) or cardiometabolic multimorbidity (3.47; 95% CI: 1.81-6.66). A limitation is that the study was not large enough to estimate transitions between each disease and subsequent outcomes and between all possible pairs of diseases. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of specific midlife factors in disease progression, from disease-free state to single disease, multimorbidity, and death, varies depending on the disease stage. While clinical risk factors at age 50 determine the risk of incident cardiometabolic disease in a disease-free population, midlife socioeconomic and behavioural factors are stronger predictors of progression to multimorbidity and mortality in people with cardiometabolic disease

    Nonlinear dispersion in resonant Auger decay of H<sub>2</sub>O molecules

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    We have measured the resonant Auger decay spectrum of the water molecule at the oxygen K edge. Strong deviations from the expected linear dispersion of the participator lines (which correspond to single-hole valence states) are observed. In a simplified picture the effect can be attributed to the combined effect of the intermediate- and final-state potential curves

    Core Hole Double-Excitation and Atomiclike Auger Decay in N<sub>2</sub>

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    Core hole decay spectra of the free N2 molecule show evidence for hitherto unobserved molecular resonances both below and above the K-shell photoionization threshold. Based on earlier calculations they are assigned to doubly excited neutral states which could not be seen below threshold in recent high resolution absorption spectra because of the more intense core-to-Rydberg excitations. By calculating the Auger spectrum of core-excited nitrogen atoms, we show that the features are atomiclike

    Subnatural Linewidths in Core Level Excitation Spectra

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    We have measured a core excitation spectrum on the N2 1s→π* transition in which the experimental linewidth is limited by the instrumental resolution rather than by the lifetime of the core hole. The measurement is performed by recording the partial yield of resonant Auger electrons within a fixed kinetic energy window. The factors contributing to the line shape and the general applicability of the method are discussed