60 research outputs found

    3D Radiative Hydrodynamics Modeling of Convection of Stars to Probe Their Interiors and Photospheric Properties

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    The dramatic flow of data from the Kepler and K2 missions opens the opportunity to significantly improve our knowledge of stellar interiors, surface dynamics, and structure. However, interpretation of these observations is a challenging task because it depends on tiny effects that can be studied only with advanced first-principles modeling. We present results of 3D time-dependent radiative hydrodynamic simulations of stellar outer convection zones and atmospheres taking into account chemical composition, radiative transfer, turbulence effects, and a realistic equation of state for main sequence stars. We will discuss properties of convective structure and dynamics, convective overshoot, effects of magnetic fields and rotation, as well as the potential influence of turbulent surface dynamics on high-precision RV measurements

    Using Realistic MHD Simulations for Modeling and Interpretation of Quiet-Sun Observations with the Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager

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    The solar atmosphere is extremely dynamic, and many important phenomena develop on small scales that are unresolved in observations with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). For correct calibration and interpretation of the observations, it is very important to investigate the effects of small-scale structures and dynamics on the HMI observables, such as Doppler shift, continuum intensity, spectral line depth, and width. We use 3D radiative hydrodynamics simulations of the upper turbulent convective layer and the atmosphere of the Sun, and a spectro-polarimetric radiative transfer code to study observational characteristics of the Fe I 6173A line observed by HMI in quiet-Sun regions. We use the modeling results to investigate the sensitivity of the line Doppler shift to plasma velocity, and also sensitivities of the line parameters to plasma temperature and density, and determine effective line formation heights for observations of solar regions located at different distances from the disc center. These estimates are important for the interpretation of helioseismology measurements. In addition, we consider various center-to-limb effects, such as convective blue-shift, variations of helioseismic travel-times, and the 'concave' Sun effect, and show that the simulations can qualitatively reproduce the observed phenomena, indicating that these effects are related to a complex interaction of the solar dynamics and radiative transfer.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Cluster Analysis of IRIS Spectroscopic Line Profiles and SDO/AIA EUV Emission in Observations and RMHD Simulations of the Solar Atmosphere

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    Spatially-resolved observations from the IRIS and SDO/AIA satellites, especially when coupled with realistic 3D RMHD simulations, are a powerful tool for analysis of processes in the solar chromosphere, transition region, and corona. However, the complexity of the data makes understanding the observations and modeling results difficult. In this work, we apply unsupervised clustering algorithms for analysis of observational and synthetic chromospheric Mg II h&k 2796&2803 and transition region C II 1334&1335 line profiles observed by IRIS, and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission observed by SDO/AIA, for various types of problems. The synthetic line profiles are computed for simulations of the quiescent solar atmosphere (using the StellarBox and RH1.5 codes). The K-Means clustering algorithm is applied, and the selection of an optimal number of clusters is supported by the average silhouette width technique. We discuss applications of the line profile clustering method to 1) visualization of computational and observational spectroscopic imaging data; 2) understanding of evolutionary trends and behavior patterns of quiet Sun emission and during solar flares; and 3) recognition of heating events and shock waves

    Physics-Based Approach to Predict the Solar Activity Cycles

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    Observations of the complex highly non-linear dynamics of global turbulent flows and magnetic fields are currently available only from Earth-side observations. Recent progress in helioseismology has provided us some additional information about the subsurface dynamics, but its relation to the magnetic field evolution is not yet understood. These limitations cause uncertainties that are difficult take into account, and perform proper calibration of dynamo models. The current dynamo models have also uncertainties due to the complicated turbulent physics of magnetic field generation, transport and dissipation. Because of the uncertainties in both observations and theory, the data assimilation approach is natural way for the solar cycle prediction and estimating uncertainties of this prediction. I will discuss the prediction results for the upcoming Solar Cycle 25 and their uncertainties and affect of Ensemble Kalman Filter parameters to resulting predictions

    Synergy of Observations and Dynamo Models to Understand and Predict Solar Activity Cycles

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    The long-standing problem of understanding the evolution of the global magnetic fields that drive solar activity through different temporal scales is becoming more tractable because, in addition to 400 years of sunspot records, we now have almost 4 solar cycles of magnetic field observations. These observations allow us to discern physical connections between dynamo model variables and observations using data assimilation analysis. In particular, the Ensemble Kalman Filter approach takes into account uncertainties in both observations and modeling and allows us to make reliable forecasts of solar cycle activity by using a relatively simple non-linear dynamical model of the solar dynamo. To expand this approach for more complex 2D and 3D dynamo modeling, it is necessary to decompose the observed synoptic magnetograms into poloidal and toroidal field components. In this presentation I will present initial results on magnetogram decomposition and assimilation of magnetogram data into dynamo modeling