143 research outputs found

    benchmarking cases for pilot project

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Management,2018.In the 20th century, the construction of large dams has had a negative social and economic impact on the residents. The area around the dam has been submerged, causing most residents to migrate. As a result, the local economic structure weakened and the area around the dam has been restricted to various regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to improve regulations and activate the waterfront around the dam to make it a more friendly facility for the residents. The introductory chapter explains the background of why the area around the dam must be given attention. Each of the subjects of study is handled independently or synthetically in each chapter using a similar kind of Preliminary Feasibility Study. Chapter 2 explores the background study on the status and conflicts about environmental regulation and the utilization of the area around the dam. Chapter 3 examines the brief economic analysis of its revitalization. Chapter 4 studies policy and regional development analysis with cases on improving environmental regulation. Chapter 5 suggests an establishment of governance for revitalization. The suggested measure to revitalize Daecheong dam (lake) is elaborated in Chapter 6, along with the review of basic concepts and suggestions on proper revitalization. Finally, Chapter 7 focuses on the discussion of the research findings and suggest initiatives on the revitalization, as follows. First, revitalize by improving regulations corresponding to the changes in people''s demand for the waterfront and technical progress of water treatment. Second, enhance the value of the area around the dam as a local attraction. Third, activate the project by establishing good deliberative governance.I. INTRODUCTION II. BACKGROUND STUDY III. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS IV. POLICY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ANAYSIS V. GOVERNANCE VI. PILOT PROJECT VII. CONCLUSIONmasterpublishedDokyoon, KIM

    MildInt: Deep Learning-Based Multimodal Longitudinal Data Integration Framework

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    As large amounts of heterogeneous biomedical data become available, numerous methods for integrating such datasets have been developed to extract complementary knowledge from multiple domains of sources. Recently, a deep learning approach has shown promising results in a variety of research areas. However, applying the deep learning approach requires expertise for constructing a deep architecture that can take multimodal longitudinal data. Thus, in this paper, a deep learning-based python package for data integration is developed. The python package deep learning-based multimodal longitudinal data integration framework (MildInt) provides the preconstructed deep learning architecture for a classification task. MildInt contains two learning phases: learning feature representation from each modality of data and training a classifier for the final decision. Adopting deep architecture in the first phase leads to learning more task-relevant feature representation than a linear model. In the second phase, linear regression classifier is used for detecting and investigating biomarkers from multimodal data. Thus, by combining the linear model and the deep learning model, higher accuracy and better interpretability can be achieved. We validated the performance of our package using simulation data and real data. For the real data, as a pilot study, we used clinical and multimodal neuroimaging datasets in Alzheimer's disease to predict the disease progression. MildInt is capable of integrating multiple forms of numerical data including time series and non-time series data for extracting complementary features from the multimodal dataset

    Recent development of inorganic nanoparticles for biomedical imaging

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    Inorganic nanoparticle-based biomedical imaging probes have been studied extensively as a potential alternative to conventional molecular imaging probes. Not only can they provide better imaging performance but they can also offer greater versatility of multimodal, stimuli-responsive, and targeted imaging. However, inorganic nanoparticle-based probes are still far from practical use in clinics due to safety concerns and less-optimized efficiency. In this context, it would be valuable to look over the underlying issues. This outlook highlights the recent advances in the development of inorganic nanoparticle-based probes for MRI, CT, and anti-Stokes shift-based optical imaging. Various issues and possibilities regarding the construction of imaging probes are discussed, and future research directions are suggested.

    Genetic variation affecting exon skipping contributes to brain structural atrophy in Alzheimer's disease

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    Genetic variation in cis-regulatory elements related to splicing machinery and splicing regulatory elements (SREs) results in exon skipping and undesired protein products. We developed a splicing decision model to identify actionable loci among common SNPs for gene regulation. The splicing decision model identified SNPs affecting exon skipping by analyzing sequence-driven alternative splicing (AS) models and by scanning the genome for the regions with putative SRE motifs. We used non-Hispanic Caucasians with neuroimaging, and fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and identified 17,088 common exonic SNPs affecting exon skipping. GWAS identified one SNP (rs1140317) in HLA-DQB1 as significantly associated with entorhinal cortical thickness, AD neuroimaging biomarker, after controlling for multiple testing. Further analysis revealed that rs1140317 was significantly associated with brain amyloid-f deposition (PET and CSF). HLA-DQB1 is an essential immune gene and may regulate AS, thereby contributing to AD pathology. SRE may hold potential as novel therapeutic targets for AD

    Modeling Path Importance for Effective Alzheimer's Disease Drug Repurposing

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    Recently, drug repurposing has emerged as an effective and resource-efficient paradigm for AD drug discovery. Among various methods for drug repurposing, network-based methods have shown promising results as they are capable of leveraging complex networks that integrate multiple interaction types, such as protein-protein interactions, to more effectively identify candidate drugs. However, existing approaches typically assume paths of the same length in the network have equal importance in identifying the therapeutic effect of drugs. Other domains have found that same length paths do not necessarily have the same importance. Thus, relying on this assumption may be deleterious to drug repurposing attempts. In this work, we propose MPI (Modeling Path Importance), a novel network-based method for AD drug repurposing. MPI is unique in that it prioritizes important paths via learned node embeddings, which can effectively capture a network's rich structural information. Thus, leveraging learned embeddings allows MPI to effectively differentiate the importance among paths. We evaluate MPI against a commonly used baseline method that identifies anti-AD drug candidates primarily based on the shortest paths between drugs and AD in the network. We observe that among the top-50 ranked drugs, MPI prioritizes 20.0% more drugs with anti-AD evidence compared to the baseline. Finally, Cox proportional-hazard models produced from insurance claims data aid us in identifying the use of etodolac, nicotine, and BBB-crossing ACE-INHs as having a reduced risk of AD, suggesting such drugs may be viable candidates for repurposing and should be explored further in future studies.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, 1 supplementary figure, 5 supplementary tables, Preprint of an article accepted for publication in Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing \copyright 2023 World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, http://psb.stanford.edu

    Predicting Alzheimer’s disease progression using multi-modal deep learning approach

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition marked by a decline in cognitive functions with no validated disease modifying treatment. It is critical for timely treatment to detect AD in its earlier stage before clinical manifestation. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is an intermediate stage between cognitively normal older adults and AD. To predict conversion from MCI to probable AD, we applied a deep learning approach, multimodal recurrent neural network. We developed an integrative framework that combines not only cross-sectional neuroimaging biomarkers at baseline but also longitudinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and cognitive performance biomarkers obtained from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohort (ADNI). The proposed framework integrated longitudinal multi-domain data. Our results showed that 1) our prediction model for MCI conversion to AD yielded up to 75% accuracy (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.83) when using only single modality of data separately; and 2) our prediction model achieved the best performance with 81% accuracy (AUC = 0.86) when incorporating longitudinal multi-domain data. A multi-modal deep learning approach has potential to identify persons at risk of developing AD who might benefit most from a clinical trial or as a stratification approach within clinical trials

    Liver imaging features by convolutional neural network to predict the metachronous liver metastasis in stage I-III colorectal cancer patients based on preoperative abdominal CT scan

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    Background Introducing deep learning approach to medical images has rendered a large amount of un-decoded information into usage in clinical research. But mostly, it has been focusing on the performance of the prediction modeling for disease-related entity, but not on the clinical implication of the feature itself. Here we analyzed liver imaging features of abdominal CT images collected from 2019 patients with stage I – III colorectal cancer (CRC) using convolutional neural network (CNN) to elucidate its clinical implication in oncological perspectives. Results CNN generated imaging features from the liver parenchyma. Dimension reduction was done for the features by principal component analysis. We designed multiple prediction models for 5-year metachronous liver metastasis (5YLM) using combinations of clinical variables (age, sex, T stage, N stage) and top principal components (PCs), with logistic regression classification. The model using 1st PC (PC1) + clinical information had the highest performance (mean AUC = 0.747) to predict 5YLM, compared to the model with clinical features alone (mean AUC = 0.709). The PC1 was independently associated with 5YLM in multivariate analysis (beta = − 3.831, P < 0.001). For the 5-year mortality rate, PC1 did not contribute to an improvement to the model with clinical features alone. For the PC1, Kaplan-Meier plots showed a significant difference between PC1 low vs. high group. The 5YLM-free survival of low PC1 was 89.6% and the high PC1 was 95.9%. In addition, PC1 had a significant correlation with sex, body mass index, alcohol consumption, and fatty liver status. Conclusion The imaging features combined with clinical information improved the performance compared to the standardized prediction model using only clinical information. The liver imaging features generated by CNN may have the potential to predict liver metastasis. These results suggest that even though there were no liver metastasis during the primary colectomy, the features of liver imaging can impose characteristics that could be predictive for metachronous liver metastasis.The support for this research in the design of the study, and analysis, interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript was provided by NLM R01 LM012535. Publication costs are funded by NLM R01 funding (LM012535)

    Codon bias among synonymous rare variants is associated with Alzheimer's disease imaging biomarker

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with few biomarkers even though it impacts a relatively large portion of the population and is predicted to affect significantly more individuals in the future. Neuroimaging has been used in concert with genetic information to improve our understanding in relation to how AD arises and how it can be potentially diagnosed. Additionally, evidence suggests synonymous variants can have a functional impact on gene regulatory mechanisms, including those related to AD. Some synonymous codons are preferred over others leading to a codon bias. The bias can arise with respect to codons that are more or less frequently used in the genome. A bias can also result from optimal and non-optimal codons, which have stronger and weaker codon anti-codon interactions, respectively. Although association tests have been utilized before to identify genes associated with AD, it remains unclear how codon bias plays a role and if it can improve rare variant analysis. In this work, rare variants from whole-genome sequencing from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohort were binned into genes using BioBin. An association analysis of the genes with AD-related neuroimaging biomarker was performed using SKAT-O. While using all synonymous variants we did not identify any genomewide significant associations, using only synonymous variants that affected codon frequency we identified several genes as significantly associated with the imaging phenotype. Additionally, significant associations were found using only rare variants that contains an optimal codon in among minor alleles and a non-optimal codon in the major allele. These results suggest that codon bias may play a role in AD and that it can be used to improve detection power in rare variant association analysis

    Multifunctional nanoparticles as a tissue adhesive and an injectable marker for image-guided procedures

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    Tissue adhesives have emerged as an alternative to sutures and staples for wound closure and reconnection of injured tissues after surgery or trauma. Owing to their convenience and effectiveness, these adhesives have received growing attention particularly in minimally invasive procedures. For safe and accurate applications, tissue adhesives should be detectable via clinical imaging modalities and be highly biocompatible for intracorporeal procedures. However, few adhesives meet all these requirements. Herein, we show that biocompatible tantalum oxide/silica core/shell nanoparticles (TSNs) exhibit not only high contrast effects for real-time imaging but also strong adhesive properties. Furthermore, the biocompatible TSNs cause much less cellular toxicity and less inflammation than a clinically used, imageable tissue adhesive (that is, a mixture of cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol). Because of their multifunctional imaging and adhesive property, the TSNs are successfully applied as a hemostatic adhesive for minimally invasive procedures and as an immobilized marker for image-guided procedures.