317 research outputs found

    Technology selection and siting of a biogas plant for OFMSW via multi-criteria decision analysis

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    Abstract: Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques were applied to choose a biogas digester technology and a site from a list of potential alternatives for an anaerobic digestion (AD) system utilising the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) based on a case study at the University of Johannesburg’s Doornfontein campus in South Africa. The simple multi-attribute rating technique (SMART) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) techniques of MCDA were used to select a suitable biodigester model and site respectively. From a list of 14 biodigester technologies to be established at 1 of 3 potential sites in the study area, the most preferred model was the Puxin digester to be sited near the Aurum ladies’ residence within the school campus to supply biogas for heating purposes

    Sizing of an anaerobic biodigester for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste

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    The anaerobic digestion (AD) of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) for biogas production is a potential solution to the growing challenges associated with municipal solid waste (MSW) management while simultaneously providing an alternative clean energy source. Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion (AD) of biomass using microorganisms in specifically designed plants called biogas digesters under controlled conditions or naturally in marshes and landfills. It is a rather clean and versatile fuel as opposed to fossil fuels. To design an efficient AD system, a proper understanding of the quality and quantity of available feedstock must be made as well as prevailing operating conditions. This paper represents steps that were taken to come up with an optimal size of biodigester to treat OFMSW produced at the University of Johannesburg’s Doornfontein Campus in downtown Johannesburg. The campus generates 232.2kg of OFMSW per day which required 30m3 of biodigester capacity

    Technology selection of biogas digesters for OFMSW via multi-criteria decision analysis

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    Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques are becoming increasingly popular in decision making for technology selection because of their ability to capture the multi-dimensionality of technologies. Biogas typically refers to an odourless gas produced by anaerobic digestion of biomass using microorganisms. Its production can occur naturally in marshes and landfills or more commonly, in specifically designed plants called biogas digesters under controlled conditions. For techno-economic efficiency of a biodigester, several factors such as cost of plant are taken into consideration. This paper examines various available technologies for biogas digesters using defined selection criteria via MCDA and chooses the best alternatives at various scales of biogas production for a case study in South Africa with municipal biowaste as the target feedstock. 14 biogas plants were analysed in this study and the Puxin and Bio4gas digesters were the best alternatives for small and large scale biogas production respectively

    Malaria Burden through Routine Reporting: Relationship between Incidence and Test Positivity Rates.

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    Test positivity rate (TPR)-confirmed cases per 100 suspected cases tested, and test-confirmed malaria case rate (IR)-cases per 1,000 population, are common indicators used routinely for malaria surveillance. However, few studies have explored relationships between these indicators over time and space. We studied the relationship between these indicators in children aged < 11 years presenting with suspected malaria to the outpatient departments of level IV health centers in Nagongera, Kihihi, and Walukuba in Uganda from October 2011 to June 2016. We evaluated trends in indicators over time and space, and explored associations using multivariable regression models. Overall, 65,710 participants visited the three clinics. Pairwise comparisons of TPR and IR by month showed similar trends, particularly for TPRs < 50% and during low-transmission seasons, but by village, the relationship was complex. Village mean annual TPRs remained constant, whereas IRs drastically declined with increasing distance from the health center. Villages that were furthest away from the health centers (fourth quartile for distance) had significantly lower IRs than nearby villages (first quartile), with an incidence rate ratio of 0.40 in Nagongera (95% CI: 0.23-0.63; P = 0.001), 0.55 in Kihihi (0.40-0.75; P < 0.001), and 0.25 in Walukuba (0.12-0.51; P < 0.001). Regression analysis results emphasized a nonlinear (cubic) relationship between TPR and IR, after accounting for month, village, season, and demographic factors. Results show that the two indicators are highly relevant for monitoring malaria burden. However, interpretation differs with TPR primarily indicating demand for malaria treatment resources and IR indicating malaria risk among health facility catchment populations

    Bio-methane potential of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste

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    Biogas is a gas formed from the breakdown of biomass by microorganisms in an anaerobic environment composed of methane (50%–70%) and carbon dioxide (30%–50%). The upgrading of biogas by the removal of carbon dioxide to increase the percentage of methane to over 92% produces bio-methane which is a potent versatile clean fuel. This paper represents a study that was carried out at the University of Johannesburg’s Doornfontein Campus (UJ DFC) to ascertain the potential of bio-methane recovery from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) collected at the campus’ cafeteria and student residences. ..

    Indoor residual spraying of insecticide and malaria morbidity in a high transmission intensity area of Uganda.

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    BackgroundRecently the use of indoor residual spraying of insecticide (IRS) has greatly increased in Africa; however, limited data exist on the quantitative impacts of IRS on health outcomes in highly malaria endemic areas.Methodology/principal findingsRoutine data were collected on more than 90,000 patient visits at a single health facility over a 56 month period covering five rounds of IRS using three different insecticides. Temporal associations between the timing of IRS and the probability of a patient referred for microscopy having laboratory confirmed malaria were estimated controlling for seasonality and age. Considering patients less than five years of age there was a modest decrease in the odds of malaria following the 1(st) round of IRS using DDT (OR = 0.76, p&lt;0.001) and the 2(nd) round using alpha-cypermethrin (OR = 0.83, p = 0.002). Following rounds 3-5 using bendiocarb there was a much greater decrease in the odds of malaria (ORs 0.34, 0.16, 0.17 respectively, p&lt;0.001 for all comparisons). Overall, the impact of IRS was less pronounced among patients 5 years or older.Conclusions/significanceIRS was associated with a reduction in malaria morbidity in an area of high transmission intensity in Uganda and the benefits appeared to be greatest after switching to a carbamate class of insecticide

    Anti-malarial prescription practices among outpatients with laboratory-confirmed malaria in the setting of a health facility-based sentinel site surveillance system in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Most African countries have adopted artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) as the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria. The World Health Organization now recommends limiting anti-malarial treatment to those with a positive malaria test result. Limited data exist on how these policies have affected ACT prescription practices. METHODS: Data were collected from all outpatients presenting to six public health facilities in Uganda as part of a sentinel site malaria surveillance programme. Training in case management, encouragement of laboratory-based diagnosis of malaria, and regular feedback were provided. Data for this report include patients with laboratory confirmed malaria who were prescribed anti-malarial therapy over a two-year period. Patient visits were analysed in two groups: those considered ACT candidates (defined as uncomplicated malaria with no referral for admission in patients ≥ 4 months of age and ≥ 5 kg in weight) and those who may not have been ACT candidates. Associations between variables of interest and failure to prescribe ACT to patients who were ACT candidates were estimated using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 51,355 patient visits were included in the analysis and 46,265 (90.1%) were classified as ACT candidates. In the ACT candidate group, 94.5% were correctly prescribed ACT. Artemether-lumefantrine made up 97.3% of ACT prescribed. There were significant differences across the sites in the proportion of patients for whom there was a failure to prescribe ACT, ranging from 3.0-9.3%. Young children and woman of childbearing age had higher odds of failure to receive an ACT prescription. Among patients who may not have been ACT candidates, the proportion prescribed quinine versus ACT differed based on if the patient had severe malaria or was referred for admission (93.4% vs 6.5%) or was below age or weight cutoffs for ACT (41.4% vs 57.2%). CONCLUSIONS: High rates of compliance with recommended ACT use can be achieved in resource-limited settings. The unique health facility-based malaria surveillance system operating at these clinical sites may provide a framework for improving appropriate ACT use at other sites in sub-Saharan Africa

    Supervised versus unsupervised antimalarial treatment with six-dose artemether-lumefantrine: pharmacokinetic and dosage-related findings from a clinical trial in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: A six-dose antimalarial regimen of artemether-lumefantrine (A/L) may soon become one of the most widely used drug combination in Africa, despite possible constraints with adherence and poor absorption due to inadequate nutrition, and a lack of pharmacokinetic and effectiveness data. METHODS: Within a trial of supervised versus unsupervised A/L treatment in a stable Ugandan Plasmodium falciparum transmission setting, plasma lumefantrine concentrations were measured in a subset of patients on day 3 (C [lum]day3) and day 7 (C [lum]day7) post-inclusion. Predictors of lumefantrine concentrations were analysed to show how both C [lum]day7 and the weight-adjusted lumefantrine dose affect 28-day recrudescence and re-infection risks. The implications of these novel findings are discussed in terms of the emergence of lumefantrine-resistant strains in Africa. RESULTS: C [lum]day3 and C [lum]day7 distributions among 241 supervised and 238 unsupervised patients were positively skewed. Unsupervised treatment and decreasing weight-adjusted lumefantrine dose were negatively associated with C [lum]day3. Unsupervised treatment and decreasing age showed strong negative associations with C [lum]day7. Both models were poorly predictive (R-squared < 0.25). There were no recrudescences in either arm, but decreasing lumefantrine dose per Kg resulted in up to 13-fold higher adjusted risks of re-infection. Re-infections occurred only among patients with C [lum]day7 below 400 ng/mL (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Maintaining the present six-dose regimen and ensuring high adherence and intake are essential to maximize the public health benefits of this valuable drug combination

    Stakeholder's perceptions of help-seeking behaviour among people with mental health problems in Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Mental health facilities in Uganda remain underutilized, despite efforts to decentralize the services. One of the possible explanations for this is the help-seeking behaviours of people with mental health problems. Unfortunately little is known about the factors that influence the help-seeking behaviours. Delays in seeking proper treatment are known to compromise the outcome of the care.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To examine the help-seeking behaviours of individuals with mental health problems, and the factors that may influence such behaviours in Uganda.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Sixty-two interviews and six focus groups were conducted with stakeholders drawn from national and district levels. Thematic analysis of the data was conducted using a framework analysis approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The findings revealed that in some Ugandan communities, help is mostly sought from traditional healers initially, whereas western form of care is usually considered as a last resort. The factors found to influence help-seeking behaviour within the community include: beliefs about the causes of mental illness, the nature of service delivery, accessibility and cost, stigma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Increasing the uptake of mental health services requires dedicating more human and financial resources to conventional mental health services. Better understanding of socio-cultural factors that may influence accessibility, engagement and collaboration with traditional healers and conventional practitioners is also urgently required.</p

    Factors associated with malaria parasitemia, anemia and serological responses in a spectrum of epidemiological settings in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the current epidemiology of malaria and the relationship between intervention coverage, transmission intensity, and burden of disease is important to guide control activities. We aimed to determine the prevalence of anemia, parasitemia, and serological responses to P. falciparum antigens, and factors associated with these indicators, in three different epidemiological settings in Uganda. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In 2012, cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 200 randomly selected households from each of three sites: Walukuba, Jinja district (peri-urban); Kihihi, Kanungu district (rural); and Nagongera, Tororo district (rural) with corresponding estimates of annual entomologic inoculation rates (aEIR) of 3.8, 26.6, and 125.0, respectively. Of 2737 participants, laboratory testing was done in 2227 (81.4%), including measurement of hemoglobin, parasitemia using microscopy, and serological responses to P. falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) and merozoite surface protein 1, 19 kilodalton fragment (MSP-119). Analysis of laboratory results was restricted to 1949 (87.5%) participants aged ≤ 40 years. Prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin < 11.0 g/dL) was significantly higher in Walukuba (18.9%) and Nagongera (17.4%) than in Kihihi (13.1%), and was strongly associated with decreasing age for those ≤ 5 years at all sites. Parasite prevalence was significantly higher in Nagongera (48.3%) than in Walukuba (12.2%) and Kihihi (12.8%), and significantly increased with age to 11 years, and then significantly decreased at all sites. Seropositivity to AMA-1 was 53.3% in Walukuba, 63.0% in Kihihi, and 83.7% in Nagongera and was associated with increasing age at all sites. AMA-1 seroconversion rates strongly correlated with transmission intensity, while serological responses to MSP-119 did not. CONCLUSION: Anemia was predominant in young children and parasitemia peaked by 11 years across 3 sites with varied transmission intensity. Serological responses to AMA-1 appeared to best reflect transmission intensity, and may be a more accurate indicator for malaria surveillance than anemia or parasitemia