3 research outputs found

    The study of antithrombotic efficacy, safety and tolerability of aspirin generic in patients with coronary heart disease.

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the antithrombotic efficiency, safety and tolerance of Lospirintm in patients with coronary artery disease. The study involved 50 patients (32 men and 18 women) aged 40-65 years with disease duration from 3 to 27 years, receiving daily one tablet of Lospirintm (75 mg) for 28 days as an antiplatelet agent in addition to basic therapy. General clinical data, hemodynamic parameters, laboratory results of blood tests, urine and agregant state of blood plasma were assessed. During the period of drug application side effects/reactions were not registered. Tolerance of Lospirintm was satisfactory in 100% of patients. Drug intake for 28 days gave good antiplatelet results in 90% of patients with coronary artery disease


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    The aim of the work – to determine the perspective ways of implementing the competence approach in teaching Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine. The main body. Modernization of the traditional educational process at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine requires not only the formation of general and professional competences of a student, but also the review of the teacher’s work. The personal characteristics of the modern teacher, the main directions of his pedagogical activity, various types of competence and ways to achieve them are considered. The necessity of students’ self-development while mastering professional skills is substantiated already at the initial stage of clinical training. Conclusions. Competence approach to teaching Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine involves a close relationship in definition and formation of competencies for teacher and student. The ability to initiate and ensure gradual professional self-development of the student becomes the basic component of teacher’s professionalism.Мета роботи – визначити перспективні шляхи реалізації компетентнісного підходу при викладанні пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини. Основна частина. Модернізація традиційного навчального процесу на кафедрі пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини вимагає не тільки формування загальних та фахових компетенцій студента, але і перегляду роботи викладача. Розглянуто особистісні характеристики сучасного викладача, основні напрямки його педагогічної діяльності, різні види компетентності та способи досягти їх. Обґрунтовано необхідність розвитку самостійності студентів при оволодінні професійними навичками вже на початковому етапі клінічної підготовки. Висновки. Компетентнісний підхід до викладання пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини передбачає тісний взаємозв’язок у визначенні і формуванні компетенцій викладача і студента. Вміння ініціювати та забезпечити поступовий самостійний професійний розвиток студента стає базовою складовою професіоналізму викладача

    The Study of Antithrombotic Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Aspirin Generic in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the antithrombotic efficiency, safety and tolerance of Lospirintm in patients with coronary artery disease. The study involved 50 patients (32 men and 18 women) aged 40-65 years with disease duration from 3 to 27 years, receiving daily one tablet of Lospirintm (75 mg) for 28 days as an antiplatelet agent in addition to basic therapy. General clinical data, hemodynamic parameters, laboratory results of blood tests, urine and agregant state of blood plasma were assessed. During the period of drug application side effects/reactions were not registered. Tolerance of Lospirintm was satisfactory in 100% of patients. Drug intake for 28 days gave good antiplatelet results in 90% of patients with coronary artery disease