19 research outputs found

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education


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    O objetivo do estudo Ă© analisar a implementação das expectativas dos alunos de estudar na Universidade. O mĂ©todo principal para o estudo desse problema Ă© o mĂ©todo do questionário, que permite o estudo mais qualitativo e aprofundado das expectativas dos jovens em relação ao ensino superior. É revelado que os problemas existentes tĂŞm um impacto negativo na atitude dos alunos em relação Ă  sua instituição educacional e, consequentemente, reduzir sua imagem aos olhos dos futuros alunos e do pĂşblico em geral. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho podem ser utilizados nas áreas de psicologia da educação, psicologia da idade, psicologia social, pedagogia, sociologia, bem como para o desenvolvimento teĂłrico adicional desta questĂŁo.El objetivo del estudio es analizar la implementaciĂłn de las expectativas de los estudiantes al estudiar en la Universidad. El mĂ©todo principal para el estudio de este problema es el mĂ©todo del cuestionario, que permite el estudio más cualitativo y profundo de las expectativas de los jĂłvenes en relaciĂłn con la educaciĂłn superior. Se revela que los problemas existentes tienen un impacto negativo. sobre la actitud de los estudiantes hacia su instituciĂłn educativa y, en consecuencia, reducir su imagen ante los futuros estudiantes y el pĂşblico en general. Los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden utilizarse en psicologĂ­a de la educaciĂłn, psicologĂ­a de la edad, psicologĂ­a social, pedagogĂ­a, sociologĂ­a, asĂ­ como para un mayor desarrollo teĂłrico de este tema.The aim of the study is to analyze the implementation of students' expectations from studying at the University. The leading method for the study of this problem is the method of the questionnaire, which allows the most qualitative and in-depth study of the expectations of young people in relation to higher education.. It is revealed that the existing problems have a negative impact on the attitude of students to their educational institution and, consequently, reduce its image in the eyes of future students and the public as a whole. The data obtained in this work can be used in the psychology of education, age psychology, social psychology, pedagogy, sociology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Pedagogical managerial mechanisms of the labor market needs in a new generation of specialists

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.Supply and demand are implemented in the competition between workers for engaging in a particular workplace or work performing, as well as among employers to attract the necessary labor force as a commodity, possessing intelligence, competence, qualification. Under these circumstances, a graduate of an educational institution is not in a favorable position for himself, because he does not have the expected by the customers, practical experience. The paper is aimed at scientific justification of pedagogical mechanisms of management of labor market needs in specialists of a new generation. The leading method in the study of this problem is the comparative method identifying pedagogical mechanisms of supply and demand management in specialists of the new generation in the labor market. The paper presents the results of significant increase fixing in the number of youth unemployment that requires the use of preventive and corrective measures in the management of the needs of the labor market. The authors revealed the structure and content of an innovative model of educational institutes’ specialist graduates, including the structure of the individual; personal qualities; managerial roles; formulation of objectives; analysis, examination; the integration of new management ideas; the use of modern information and others. Presented in the article model of training of a competent professional, expected by labor market, also includes the curriculum (list of subjects, number of hours), requirements for the competence of each academic subject, and indicators and criteria of training quality, the detailed content of the curricula, scientific-methodical maintenance of educational process

    Features of the Professional and Motivating Training Content Design for Students Majoring in “Tourism”

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. The urgency of the problem is based on the fact that professional motivating training of students majoring in "Tourism" should be primarily aimed at the formation of their orientation to the professional activity in the field of tourism. A key element of this training is its content, aimed at maintaining the interests of students and the predisposition to their chosen profession. The paper presents the content design features of professional and motivating training of students majoring in "Tourism" in the region with well-developed folk arts and crafts on the theoretical, regulatory, educational, personal levels and on the level of tourist activity. The article submission may be useful for teachers in selecting and structuring the content of professional and motivating training of students majoring in "Tourism"

    Didactic principles of university information educational systems designing

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    © Authors. The attention of all parts of perspective education system should be focused on promising information technologies - a catalyst for development. Presenting information as a new resource for society development, the authors determine the didactic basis for designing effective information educational systems. Universal didactic principles for information educational systems design have been developed, the details of which for discipline and for the subject adapt them to the university organizational and pedagogical conditions. The pedagogical management functions in modern educational conditions that determine the students' motivation and stimulation initiation mechanism for mastering a knowledge new system to develop the individual's creative abilities, self-development are revealed. The paper is intended for researchers, teachers, and specialists in the field of information educational technologies

    Management effectiveness of students socialization as a development imperative of cultures dialogue and civilizations partnership

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is conditioned by the ways’ search to prevent the civilizations’ clash and to settle local inter-civilizational conflicts. In the context of globalization the world is increasingly integrated into a single wholeness which is constantly faced with the necessity of cultural pluralism in problems’ solving of contemporaneity. At the end of the twentieth century, with the initiative of the United Nations the idea of an “Alliance of civilizations” appeared aimed at eliminating of the gap between Muslim and Christian communities. The society demanded from research universities training of professionals, which are not only competitive in the labor market, but also possess civil position, ready to self-realization and construction of their own life in the flux of social transformations. The article is aimed at clarifying of the management peculiarities of National Research University students’ socialization as a development imperative of the cultures’ dialogue and civilizations’ partnership. The leading method is the method of action research, allowing to obtain new knowledge about the interaction processes of socialization, cultures’ dialogue and civilizations’ partnership and to develop the management mechanism of National Research University students’ socialization as a development imperative of the cultures’ dialogue and civilizations’ partnership. The article reveals the essence of socialization, cultures’ dialogue and civilizations’ partnership; gives the characteristic of professional education as agent of socialization; clarifies universal mechanisms of socialization (traditional, institutional, stylized, interpersonal, reflexive); determines pedagogical principles (dialectic inclusion of national culture in national and world culture system, multicultural identity and self-actualization of personality, axiological, multiculturalism) of management of National Research University students’ socialization as a development imperative of the cultures’ dialogue and civilizations’ partnership; clarifies pedagogical tools (content and technology) and pedagogical conditions (inclusion in the educational content of the educational material that provides the dialectical relationship between national identity of the learners with the development of social and moral norms of behavior; formation of the system of cultural imperatives; the formation of an integrated poly-cultural worldview in all agents of socialization) of management effectiveness in National Research University students’ socialization as a development imperative of the cultures’ dialogue and civilizations’ partnership; presents the developed management mechanism in the socialization of students of National Research University as a development imperative of the dialogue of cultures and partnership of civilizations. The paper submissions can be useful for teachers of research universities; specialists of centers of qualification improvement and personnel retraining the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff of research universities

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education

    Pedagogical managerial mechanisms of the labor market needs in a new generation of specialists

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.Supply and demand are implemented in the competition between workers for engaging in a particular workplace or work performing, as well as among employers to attract the necessary labor force as a commodity, possessing intelligence, competence, qualification. Under these circumstances, a graduate of an educational institution is not in a favorable position for himself, because he does not have the expected by the customers, practical experience. The paper is aimed at scientific justification of pedagogical mechanisms of management of labor market needs in specialists of a new generation. The leading method in the study of this problem is the comparative method identifying pedagogical mechanisms of supply and demand management in specialists of the new generation in the labor market. The paper presents the results of significant increase fixing in the number of youth unemployment that requires the use of preventive and corrective measures in the management of the needs of the labor market. The authors revealed the structure and content of an innovative model of educational institutes’ specialist graduates, including the structure of the individual; personal qualities; managerial roles; formulation of objectives; analysis, examination; the integration of new management ideas; the use of modern information and others. Presented in the article model of training of a competent professional, expected by labor market, also includes the curriculum (list of subjects, number of hours), requirements for the competence of each academic subject, and indicators and criteria of training quality, the detailed content of the curricula, scientific-methodical maintenance of educational process

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education