159 research outputs found

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengembangan Profesional Tenaga Kependidikan Pada SMA Negeri 5 Darussalam Banda Aceh

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    : The school head master of the school, who has a very important role and position in developing professional educational staffs. The aim of this research is to describe about the school head master strategy in the process of planning design, implementation, and avoiding program in developing the professional educational staffs at Senior High School 5 Darussalam, Banda Aceh. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative through the data collection through observations, interviews, and documentations. The findings show that the efforts being carried out by the school head master in planning was preceded by understanding the vision and mission as within it is described the future picture and insight that must be developed .The implementation of the professional development of education staff was through workshops, seminars, educational training, guiding through annual program, the implementation of the annual program, increasing the work disciplines, creating the loyalty. All these things were being conducted by the school head master, though in its implementation still experiencing the obstacles as it is because that some educational staffs at Senior High School 5 Darussalam, Banda Aceh are still do not deeply understand about their core works. While avoiding professional developing educational staffs carried out by the school head master is through controlling. Supervising, evaluating and guiding upon the program

    What makes growth oriented small scale companies innovative? : a look at absorptive capacities.

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    The purpose of this study is to present the concept of the firm’s absorptive capacity as a multidimensional, dynamic construct to test the relationship with innovative capabilities in the context of growthoriented companies. The study draws on empirical results from 215 MSC status companies. The hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression analysis. Using two separate instruments to measure independent variable: absorptive capacity, and dependent variable: innovative capabilities. The results of the empirical tests give some support to the view that the flow of knowledge is crucial for sustaining innovative capabilities. The regression estimation shows that knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination and knowledge utilization were significantly reflected in the firm’s innovative capabilities. The finding of this study shed some light on the importance of the firm’s ability to acquire, disseminate and utilize knowledge effectively in order to achieve higher innovation

    Dimensi amalan etika profesion

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    A crisis of confidence in the society is partly due to the reason that the society increasingly feels that their interests are not served by the professions. The situation if allowed to continue will not only adversely affect the professions, but will also destabilize the society. This study aims to identify the dimensions of ethical practices among the teaching profession at a public institute of higher learning. Quantitative data were collected from 147 lecturers to determine the basic concept of ethics, while qualitative data were collected through interviews to understand ethical practices. Results from the quantitative study indicate that the respondents opined that ethics can be learned and attitudes were the determinants of ethical practices. Ethical practices were based on spiritual intelligence developed through education at home and the workplace. Qualitative findings showed that the dimensions of ethical practices are founded on religion and values, followed by epistemological foundations and competencies, and practiced through operational and contextual fundamentals. These three dimensions are interrelated and influence each other. Dilemmas on ethical decision making are addressed through strong principles and practiced at each of these dimensions. The implications are directed toward formal and non-formal training of lecturers on spiritual aspects throughout the career of the lecturers

    Intrapreneurship in learning organizations: moderating role of organizational factors

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate moderating effect of organizational factors in the relationship between learning organization and intrapreneurship. In line of this objective it theoretically explores the nature of intrapreneurship dimensions, the nature of learning organization dimensions, how learning organization can be linked to intrapreneurship, and how organizational factors influence the relationship between learning organization and intrapreneurship. This study would help researchers, practitioners and managers to have a better understanding on the relationship between learning organization and intrapreneurship and the role of organizational factors

    Instructional leadership and instructor development: a case study of Malaysia’s research universities

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    Universities are affected by internal factors such as when certain self-imposed procedures complicate the delivery of teaching and learning and thus depriving students and lecturers of needed creativity, flexibility, and time to optimize meaningful learning. A lack of systematic succession planning in academic leadership may also detract from maintaining continuity in the teaching and learning of related policies and practices. All these factors contribute to the need to reconceptualize university teaching and learning. This study provided an in-depth look at the practices of instructional leadership in Malaysian research universities. Primary data were gathered from thematic in-depth interviews. The findings revealed that the research universities planned sustained programmes of educational development , adopted principles of effective learning and teaching, and designed conducive learning environments for students. Academics need a supportive culture to put these principles into practice. Finally, creating a learning culture depended not only on well-educated, well-meaning individual academics but also an academic community working together to create a student-centered attitude

    Makna dan pengalaman kerjasama daripada perspektif kontraktor pembinaan kelas A Melayu di Lembah Klang

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    The study sought to understand the meaning of cooperation by the class A Malay construction contractors and how phenomenon of cooperation takes place. As such, this study explains the meaning and the experience of cooperation based on the practice of selected class A Malay construction contractors in Klang Valley. Phenomenology was used to understand and uncover the cooperation experiences in the career of these class A Malay construction contractors. The narators in this study were class A Malay construction contractors who volunteered to participate and were willing to share their experiences. They have been involved in the business between 15 to 25 years as construction contractors. Criteria based purposive sampling was used to select narators. An open conversation technique was carried out to garner data. The open conversation was tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Analysis began as soon as the data were collected. This study assumed that the class A Malay construction contractors experienced cooperation as they undertook the day-to-day activities in running their business. The experiences of the narators revealed that there were several themes, which described the phenomenon of cooperation. A detailed analysis was carried out to identify the themes and categories in order to answer the research questions. These themes were categorized into (i) the meaning of cooperation, (ii) reasons for cooperation, (iii) enhancing cooperation, and (iv) forms of cooperation. Basically, there were several significant meanings of cooperation in the light of a contractor’s task. The study showed that the meanings of cooperation were perceived as working together, partnership, and group work. These three meanings were intertwined and present in all aspects of construction contractors. In addition, the study revealed the sources of cooperation which included aspects of awareness and realization, cultural practice and principles, survival, and competition. In fact, the study identified four elements that enhanced cooperation among the contractors, which were understanding, sincerity, compatibility and experience, and good relationship.Cooperation experienced by the narators was inclusive, that is, it involved all parties concerned in completing a given task. The concerned parties included financial institutions, contractors and construction material suppliers. The cooperation among the contractors was not formal. It was more like a mutual understanding and trust to see the success of certain projects. It could be concluded that the experience of cooperation among the class A Malay construction contractors, was a significant meaning and values within the culture and the Malay individuals themselves which had been rooted for centuries. In fact, the cooperation did not only benefit other members in the business, but also was in a form of an agreement that cooperation was seen as the best formula for those who wanted to lead a conducive, harmonious, peaceful and happy life. This research suggests that continuous and concrete efforts need to be taken to enhance the values of cooperation which are diminishing. They are also encouraged to inculcate the value of cooperation among their business partners

    The influence of work-family factors on the relationship between job autonomy and intention to stay among single mothers in Malaysia.

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    Employee turnover has been a major concern among researchers in human resource development (HRD) area since it has negative impact on organization. This study was conducted to test the mediating effects of work-family facilitation and family satisfaction on the relationship between job autonomy as the independent variable and intention to stay as the dependent variable. By using self-administered research questionnaire, data was collected from 240 middle age single mother employees. Samples were determined through simple random sampling method whereby six out of 24 single mother associations were selected to obtain research samples. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to describe the respondents. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to determine the relationships among variables and Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS version 16.0 was utilized for model testing and to verify the presence of mediation effects. Then the Soble’s z-test was used to test whether the mediators carry the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The findings indicated that there were positive and negative relationships among variables. The results also established the presence of mediation effects between the independent and dependent variables. Organizations may utilize work-family facilitation and family satisfaction as mechanisms to promote longer retention among employees

    Mediating effects of work-family factors in the relationship between organizational characteristics and intention to stay.

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    Employee attrition has been a major concern among researchers in human resource development (HRD) area since it has negative impact on organization. This study was conducted to test the mediating effects of work-family facilitation and family satisfaction on the relationship between organizational characteristics as the independent variables and intention to stay as the dependent variable. By using self-administered research questionnaire, data was collected from 240 single mother employees age 45 and below and having at least one child. Samples were selected through simple random sampling method whereby six out of 24 single mother associations were selected to obtain research samples. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to describe the respondents. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to determine the relationships among variables and Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS version 16.0 was utilized for model testing and to verify the presence of mediation effects. Then the Soble’s z-test was used to test whether the mediators carry the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The findings indicated that there were positive and negative significant relationships among variables. The results also established the presence of mediation effects between the independent and dependent variables. Organizations may utilize organizational factors along with work-family facilitation and family satisfaction as mechanisms to promote longer retention among employees


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    Abstract: The school head master of the school, who has a very important role and position in developing professional educational staffs. The aim of this research is to describe about the school head master strategy in the process of planning design, implementation, and avoiding program in developing the professional educational staffs at Senior High School 5 Darussalam, Banda Aceh. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative through the data collection through observations, interviews, and documentations. The findings show that the efforts being carried out by the school head master in planning was preceded by understanding the vision and mission as within it is described the future picture and insight that must be developed .The implementation of the professional development of education staff was through workshops, seminars, educational training, guiding through annual program, the implementation of the annual program, increasing the work disciplines, creating the loyalty. All these things were being conducted by the school head master, though in its implementation still experiencing the obstacles as it is because that some educational staffs at Senior High School 5 Darussalam, Banda Aceh are still do not deeply understand about their core works. While avoiding professional developing educational staffs carried out by the school head master is through controlling. Supervising, evaluating and guiding upon the program.Keywords: Planning, Implementation and AvoidingAbstrak: Kepala sekolah merupakan manajer pendidikan di sekolah yang mempunyai peran dan kedudukan yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan profesional tenaga kependidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang strategi kepala sekolah dalam perencanaan program, pelaksanaan program, dan pengendalian program dalam rangka pengembangan profesional tenaga kependidikan pada SMA Negeri 5 Darussalam Banda Aceh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan tehnik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pengembangan profesional tenaga kependidikan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah melalui perencanaan program yang disusun berdasarkan visi, misi dan tujuan sekolah sudah sesuai dengan unsur, syarat, dan fungsi perencanaan, dalam hal ini kepala sekolah telah dapat membuat program-program pengembangan. Pelaksanaan program pengembangan profesional tenaga kependidikan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah melalui workshop, seminar, pendidikan, pelatihan, pembinaan melalui program kerja tahunan, pelaksanaan program kerja tahunan, meningkatkan disiplin kerja, dan membina loyalitas. Semua program kerja ini telah dilaksanakan oleh kepala sekolah, walaupun dalam pelaksanaannya masih mengalami kendala-kendala yang dihadapi, hal ini dikarenakan ada sebahagian tenaga kependidikan pada SMA Negeri 5 Darussalam Banda Aceh belum memahami secara mendalam tentang tugas pokok, fungsi dan tanggung jawab mereka masing-masing. Sedangkan pengendalian program pengembangan profesional tenaga kependidikan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah adalah melalui pengawasan, kontroling, evaluasi, dan pembinaan terhadap pelaksanaan program.Kata kunci: Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan dan Pengendalia