77 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of historical and confessional study of the peoples in the middle volga region, the urals and Siberia in Kazan theological academy (the second half of the xix - The beginning of the XX centuries)

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    © Serials Publications.The topical character of the theme under investigation is determined by aspiration of the local and foreign researchers for studying problems having great importance for the investigation of the origin of modern international and inter-confessional relations in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation and Europe as a whole. The object of the paper is to investigate a unique phenomenon of historical and confessional study of the peoples in the Middle Volga region, the Urals and Siberia in Kazan Theological Academy in the second half of the XIX-The beginning of the XX centuries. A leading approach of this research is to present the teachers-missionaries as scientists who had contributed much to the study of history, culture, ethnography and the language of the Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Mongolian peoples. The authors managed to reveal the scientific and educational activities of the missionary department of Kazan Theological Academy, the only one of its kind in Russia, to find out the contribution of its teachers to the study of the peoples in the Middle Volga region, the Urals and Siberia, to find out in the archives different documents (historical, linguistic, ethnographic) concerning the Tatars, the Mari, the Chuvash, the Bashkirs, the Udmurts, the Mordovians, and Siberians. The materials of the paper can be beneficial for anyone interested in the empire, nation, religion and Orthodox missionary policy phenomenon and modern ethno-political processes in the Russian Federation and Europe

    Оценка и анализ интеллектуального потенциала вузов Республики Башкортостан

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    In the conditions of increasing competition in the market of educational services, one of the main tasks of the university management is the effective management of its intellectual potential. This will make it possible to increase the competitiveness of Russian universities. To effectively manage the intellectual potential of an educational institution, its objective evaluation is necessary. Evaluation of the intellectual capacity of the educational institution will allow to quickly manage the activity of the university and determine those areas of innovative development that will ensure its competitiveness, stability and flexibility in changing external conditions.Currently, there is a wide variety of methods for assessing intellectual potential, but insufficiently developed techniques directly applied to the analysis and evaluation of the intellectual potential of a higher education institution. Therefore, the problem of developing a single, universal methodology for assessing intellectual potential, which would allow the most accurate, objective assessment of the intellectual potential of the university, remains urgent. This is due to the fact that the very notion of intellectual potential is relatively new and there are contradictions regarding the definition of its content and structure.The correct choice of the system of indicators, which allows to characterize the potential in a variety of ways in a complex manner, and the choice of the most reliable method for its evaluation will ensure the objectivity of evaluating the intellectual potential of the university. The purpose of this study is the approbation of the proposed system of indicators and methodology for assessing the intellectual potential of the university on the example of universities in the Republic of Bashkortostan.The research materials are based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational institutions of higher education. Methods of research include the method of paired comparisons, a method of comparative analysis.Results of the research: a system of indicators for evaluating the intellectual potential of higher education institutions and a methodology for its evaluation were proposed, an assessment of intellectual potential was made using the example of five universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan and their comparative analysis. Based on the results of the comparative analysis of the universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the relevant conclusions were drawn. The system of indicators proposed in the study and the methodology for evaluating the intellectual potential of the university make it possible to determine the capabilities of the university in the implementation of innovative activity and to make effective management decisions. В условиях возрастающей конкуренции на рынке образовательных услуг одной из главных задач менеджмента вуза является эффективное управление его интеллектуальным потенциалом. Именно это позволит повысить конкурентоспособность российских вузов. Для эффективного управления интеллектуальным потенциалом образовательного учреждения необходима его объективная оценка. Оценка уровня интеллектуального потенциала образовательного учреждения позволит оперативно управлять деятельностью вуза и определять те направления инновационного развития, которые обеспечат его кокурентоспособность, устойчивость и гибкость при изменении внешних условий.В настоящее время существует большое разнообразие методик оценки интеллектуального потенциала, но недостаточно разработано методик, непосредственно применяемых для анализа и оценки интеллектуального потенциала высшего учебного заведения. Поэтому остается актуальной проблема разработки единой, универсальной методики оценки интеллектуального потенциала, которая позволила бы наиболее точно, объективно оценить интеллектуальный потенциал вуза. Это связано с тем, что само понятие интеллектуального потенциала является относительно новым и существуют противоречия по вопросу определения его содержания и структуры.Правильный выбор системы показателей, позволяющих комплексно охарактеризовать потенциал по различным признакам, и выбор наиболее достоверного метода его оценки позволит обеспечить объективность оценки интеллектуального потенциала вуза.Цель данного исследования – апробация предлагаемой системы показателей и методики оценки интеллектуального потенциала вуза на примере вузов Республики Башкортостан. Материалы исследования основаны на результатах мониторинга деятельности образовательных организаций высшего образования. Методы исследования включают метод парных сравнений, метод сравнительного анализа.Результаты исследования: предложена система показателей для оценки интеллектуального потенциала вузов и методика его оценки, проведена оценка интеллектуального потенциала на примере пяти вузов Республики Башкортостан и их сравнительный анализ. По результатам сравнительного анализа вузов РБ сделаны соответствующие выводы. Предложенные в исследовании система показателей и методика оценки интеллектуального потенциала вуза позволяет определить возможности вуза в осуществлении инновационной деятельности и принимать эффективные управленческие решения

    Мониторинг развития ислама в Республике Башкортостан (по материалам 2021–2022 гг.)

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    The growing role of religion in interethnic relations, the importance of the Islamic factor in the socio-political sphere of society, the risks of religious radicalism necessitate annual monitoring of the development of the Islamic community in the Russian Federation. The article is devoted to the state of the Islamic community of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2021–2022. The material used for analysis includes reports from state agencies, press reports, information on websites and pages of Islamic organizations, and materials from field work. Based on the data obtained, the main factors that influenced the development of Islam in the republic during the specified period were identified.Рост роли религии в межнациональных отношениях, значимость исламского фактора в социально-политической сфере общества, риски религиозного радикализма обуславливают необходимость ежегодного мониторинга развития исламского сообщества на территории Российской Федерации. Статья посвящена состоянию ислама в Республике Башкортостан в 2021–2022 гг. В качестве материала для анализа были использованы отчеты государственных органов, сообщения в прессе, информация на сайтах и страницах исламских организаций, материалы полевой работы. На основе полученных данных выделены основные факторы, оказавшие влияние на развитие ислама в республике в указанный период


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    The article deals with the process of development of Islamic education in the Republic of Bashkortostan since the renaissance of religious life in the post-Soviet period. Conceptual changes in the system of religious education, which take place under the infl uence of modern trends and social challenges, are analyzed on the example of a particular region. The author points out the results of transformations in the sphere of Islamic education in Bashkortostan. Russia has a state program for the development of Islamic education, the main goal of which is the development and strengthening of the national system of Islamic education, which can reduce the number of people wishing to study in foreign Islamic centers. All levels of Muslim education are represented in Bashkortostan now. However, the process of creating and implementing a unifi ed concept of Islamic education in the republic, as well as in the country as a whole, is not yet completed.В статье рассматривается процесс становления исламского образования в одном из крупных регионов распространения ислама в России — Республике Башкортостан с начала постсоветского ренессанса религиозной жизни. Анализируются концептуальные изменения в системе обеспечения религиозного образования, произошедшие под влиянием современных тенденций и общественных вызовов на примере отдельного региона. В современной России действует государственная программа по развитию исламского образования, направленная на усиление кадрового потенциала мусульманских институтов перед лицом возрастающих вызовов радикальных и экстремистских угроз. На основе данных социологических исследований, полевых материалов, научной литературы показаны результаты преобразований в сфере исламского образования в республике с учетом интеграции светского и религиозного компонентов в образовательном процессе. Стихийность восстановления системы мусульманского образования в постсоветский период обусловила разнородность учебных заведений и их образовательных программ, что имеет место и в настоящее время. В Башкортостане представлены все ступени мусульманского обучения, однако процесс по созданию и внедрению единой концепции исламского образования в республике, как и в стране в целом, в настоящее время не завершен

    Double-layer potential of axially symmetric Helmholtz lowest term equation

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.1. The classical method for solving boundary value problems is the potential method. Potential kernels are recorded as linear combinations of normal derivatives of the fundamental solutions relating to the corresponding equations. For equations with constant coefficients,the fundamental solutions have,as a rule,a simple form. And as a consequence,it is not difficult to calculate any normal derivatives of them. This topic is described in some university textbooks. Due to numerous applications,the study of equations with singular coefficients is significant in the modern theory of differential equations with partial derivatives. The fundamental solutions are usually recorded as a power series for singular equations; they are limited to the first term in the further studies,and evaluation formulas are used for everything else. Finding a fundamental solution in an explicit form is in itself a significant result. 2. For a singular equation,which is the generalized Helmholtz equation,both with the lowest term and without it,a double-layer potential is found in this work. Potential kernel is a normal derivative of the fundamental solution. In order to find this derivative a special function unit is used. 3. The fundamental solution to the considered equation is expressed in terms of the confluent Horn function. Formula for calculating the normal derivative of this fundamental solution is obtained in the article. The result is written in an explicit form using the same Horn function. Relevance of calculating the normal derivative of the fundamental solution to the axially symmetric Helmholtz equation is determined by its demand in applications and absence of a general theory for this type of equations. 4. When using the formulas associated with the special hypergeometric functions,there was a wide choice to the authors. Using the so-called transformation formula,the result could be recorded in various ways,and not always compactly. The result is recorded in such a way that in calculating the limit values of the potentials the relevant terms will be able to be combined. 5. The potential constructed in this work can be applied to solve any boundary value problems for axially symmetric Helmholtz equation. According to the same scheme,potentials for higher-order equations can be constructed

    Integral representation of a solution to three-dimensional elliptic equation with strong degeneration

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    © 2015, Allerton Press, Inc. In a three-dimensional Euclidean space we consider an elliptic equation with strong degeneration. We derive the first and the second Green formula. We also construct a fundamental solution to the equation and obtain an integral representation of its solution

    The estimation of black-hole masses in distant radio galaxies

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    We have estimated the masses of the central supermassive black holes of 2442 radio galaxies froma catalog compiled using data from the NED, SDSS, and CATS databases. Mass estimates based on optical photometry and radio data are compared. Relationships between the mass of the central black hole MpbhM_p^{bh} and the redshift zpz_p are constructed for both wavelength ranges. The distribution of the galaxies in these diagrams and systematic effects influencing estimation of the black-hole parameters are discussed. Upperenvelope cubic regression fits are obtained using the maximum estimates of the black-hole masses. The optical and radio upper envelopes show similar behavior, and have very similar peaks in position, zp1.9z_p \simeq 1.9, and amplitude, logMpbh\log M_p^{bh} = 9.4. This is consistent with a model in which the growth of the supermassive black holes is self-regulating, with this redshift corresponding to the epoch when the accretion-flow phase begins to end and the nuclear activity falls off.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Formation of common cultural competence in country studies classes (based on Turkish language teaching practice)

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest in promoting the acquisition of common cultural competence in foreign language education. Thus, the present paper looks into methodological frameworks of developing common cultural competence in country studies classes through the Turkish language. Special attention is paid to theoretical basis of country studies teaching methods as well as comparative analysis of academic syllabi and training materials. Fundamental educational principles implemented in teaching country studies (Turkey) and compiling course guides are revealed. System-based approach to the research problem suggests the analysis of methodological frameworks offered by Russian and foreign specialists. The results show that in teaching a foreign language, particularly Turkish, classes of country studies enable learners to acquire simultaneously the knowledge of culture, history, ethnology of the Turkish people, which in its turn contributes to strengthening their motivation to communicate, broadens their cultural horizons and encourages teachers to diversify methods of teaching and classroom applications.The paper findings may be useful in academic studies of the research problem or in foreign language teaching practice.Keywords: linguistics, language education, country studies, teaching methods, oriental languages, Turkish languag

    On the Spectral Index of Distant Radio Galaxies

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    The problems of using the spectral index of radio galaxies in various tests, in particular, in selecting distant radio sources are considered. The history of the question of choosing a criterion of searching for distant radio galaxies based on the spectral index is presented. For a new catalog of 2442 radio galaxies constructed from NED, SDSS, and CATS data, an analytical form of the sp ectral index.redshift relation has been determined for the first time. The spectral index.angular size and spectral index.flux density diagrams have also been constructed. Peculiarities of the distribution of sources on these diagrams are discussed.Comment: 7 pages,5 figure

    Statistics of WMAP ILC map temperature fluctuations towards distant radio galaxies

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    For 2442 galaxies of the catalog, compiled based on the NED, SDSS, and CATS survey data with redshifts z, > 0.3 we conducted an analysis of the amplitude of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in the points, corresponding to the direction to these objects. To this end, we used the ILC map from the WMAP mission seven-year data release. We have estimated the dipole component of the background and tested the hypothesis of Kashlinsky on the existence of a "dark bulk flow", determined for the estimated dipole component of the CMB WMAP by the value of the CMB anisotropy in the direction to the clusters of galaxies. We show that the amplitude of this dipole T max = 0.012mK is located within the {\sigma} interval, estimated by Monte Carlo simulations for the Gaussian fluctuations of the CMB signal in the {\Lambda}CDM model. The low amplitude of the dipole indicates that it is impossible to confirm this hypothesis from the WMAP data. In addition, we studied the statistics of the fluctuation amplitude of the microwave signal in the direction to radio galaxies. A weakening of the absolute value of the mean signal in the corresponding fields was discovered.Comment: 7 pages,4 figures,1 tabl