7,590 research outputs found

    Local Statistics of Realizable Vertex Models

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    We study planar "vertex" models, which are probability measures on edge subsets of a planar graph, satisfying certain constraints at each vertex, examples including dimer model, and 1-2 model, which we will define. We express the local statistics of a large class of vertex models on a finite hexagonal lattice as a linear combination of the local statistics of dimers on the corresponding Fisher graph, with the help of a generalized holographic algorithm. Using an n×nn\times n torus to approximate the periodic infinite graph, we give an explicit integral formula for the free energy and local statistics for configurations of the vertex model on an infinite bi-periodic graph. As an example, we simulate the 1-2 model by the technique of Glauber dynamics

    Pattern densities in fluid dimer models

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    In this paper, we introduce a family of observables for the dimer model on a bi-periodic bipartite planar graph, called pattern density fields. We study the scaling limit of these objects for liquid and gaseous Gibbs measures of the dimer model, and prove that they converge to a linear combination of a derivative of the Gaussian massless free field and an independent white noise.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure

    Dimers and cluster integrable systems

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    We show that the dimer model on a bipartite graph on a torus gives rise to a quantum integrable system of special type - a cluster integrable system. The phase space of the classical system contains, as an open dense subset, the moduli space of line bundles with connections on the graph. The sum of Hamiltonians is essentially the partition function of the dimer model. Any graph on a torus gives rise to a bipartite graph on the torus. We show that the phase space of the latter has a Lagrangian subvariety. We identify it with the space parametrizing resistor networks on the original graph.We construct several discrete quantum integrable systems.Comment: This is an updated version, 75 pages, which will appear in Ann. Sci. EN

    Quadri-tilings of the plane

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    We introduce {\em quadri-tilings} and show that they are in bijection with dimer models on a {\em family} of graphs {R}\{R^*\} arising from rhombus tilings. Using two height functions, we interpret a sub-family of all quadri-tilings, called {\em triangular quadri-tilings}, as an interface model in dimension 2+2. Assigning "critical" weights to edges of RR^*, we prove an explicit expression, only depending on the local geometry of the graph RR^*, for the minimal free energy per fundamental domain Gibbs measure; this solves a conjecture of \cite{Kenyon1}. We also show that when edges of RR^* are asymptotically far apart, the probability of their occurrence only depends on this set of edges. Finally, we give an expression for a Gibbs measure on the set of {\em all} triangular quadri-tilings whose marginals are the above Gibbs measures, and conjecture it to be that of minimal free energy per fundamental domain.Comment: Revised version, minor changes. 30 pages, 13 figure

    Random skew plane partitions with a piecewise periodic back wall

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    Random skew plane partitions of large size distributed according to an appropriately scaled Schur process develop limit shapes. In the present work we consider the limit of large random skew plane partitions where the inner boundary approaches a piecewise linear curve with non-lattice slopes, describing the limit shape and the local fluctuations in various regions. This analysis is fairly similar to that in [OR2], but we do find some new behavior. For instance, the boundary of the limit shape is now a single smooth (not algebraic) curve, whereas the boundary in [OR2] is singular. We also observe the bead process introduced in [B] appearing in the asymptotics at the top of the limit shape.Comment: 24 pages. This version to appear in Annales Henri Poincar

    Discrete complex analysis on planar quad-graphs

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    We develop a linear theory of discrete complex analysis on general quad-graphs, continuing and extending previous work of Duffin, Mercat, Kenyon, Chelkak and Smirnov on discrete complex analysis on rhombic quad-graphs. Our approach based on the medial graph yields more instructive proofs of discrete analogs of several classical theorems and even new results. We provide discrete counterparts of fundamental concepts in complex analysis such as holomorphic functions, derivatives, the Laplacian, and exterior calculus. Also, we discuss discrete versions of important basic theorems such as Green's identities and Cauchy's integral formulae. For the first time, we discretize Green's first identity and Cauchy's integral formula for the derivative of a holomorphic function. In this paper, we focus on planar quad-graphs, but we would like to mention that many notions and theorems can be adapted to discrete Riemann surfaces in a straightforward way. In the case of planar parallelogram-graphs with bounded interior angles and bounded ratio of side lengths, we construct a discrete Green's function and discrete Cauchy's kernels with asymptotics comparable to the smooth case. Further restricting to the integer lattice of a two-dimensional skew coordinate system yields appropriate discrete Cauchy's integral formulae for higher order derivatives.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamical evolution of thin dispersion-dominated planetesimal disks

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    We study the dynamics of a vertically thin, dispersion-dominated disk of planetesimals with eccentricities ee and inclinations ii (normalized in Hill units) satisfying e>>1e >> 1, i<<e2<<1i << e^{-2} << 1. This situation may be typical for e.g. a population of protoplanetary cores in the end of the oligarchic phase of planet formation. In this regime of orbital parameters planetesimal scattering has an anisotropic character and strongly differs from scattering in thick (i ei ~ e) disks. We derive analytical expressions for the planetesimal scattering coefficients and compare them with numerical calculations. We find significant discrepancies in the inclination scattering coefficients obtained by the two approaches and ascribe this difference to the effects not accounted for in the analytical calculation: multiple scattering events (temporary captures, which may be relevant for the production of distant planetary satellites outside the Hill sphere) and distant interaction of planetesimals prior to their close encounter. Our calculations show that the inclination of a thin, dispersion-dominated planetesimal disk grows exponentially on a very short time scale implying that (1) such disks must be very short-lived and (2) planetesimal accretion in this dynamical phase is insignificant. Our results are also applicable to the dynamics of shear-dominated disks switching to the dispersion-dominated regime.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, submitted to A

    A Study of Proton Induced Effects on Reflective Surfaces of Space Mirrors

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    Proton radiation effects at synchronous earth orbits on telescope mirror reflective surfaces and substrate

    A high-throughput mass spectrometric assay for discovery of human lipoxygenase inhibitors and allosteric effectors.

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    Lipoxygenases (LOXs) regulate inflammation through the production of a variety of molecules whose specific downstream effects are not entirely understood due to the complexity of the inflammation pathway. The generation of these biomolecules can potentially be inhibited and/or allosterically regulated by small synthetic molecules. The current work describes the first mass spectrometric high-throughput method for identifying small molecule LOX inhibitors and LOX allosteric effectors that change the substrate preference of human lipoxygenase enzymes. Using a volatile buffer and an acid-labile detergent, enzymatic products can be directly detected using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) without the need for organic extraction. The method also reduces the required enzyme concentration compared with traditional ultraviolet (UV) absorbance methods by approximately 30-fold, allowing accurate binding affinity measurements for inhibitors with nanomolar affinity. The procedure was validated using known LOX inhibitors and the allosteric effector 13(S)-hydroxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid (13-HODE)

    Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs around Sigma Orionis

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    We present optical spectroscopy of 71 photometric candidate low-mass members of the cluster associated with Sigma Orionis. Thirty-five of these are found to pass the lithium test and hence are confirmed as true cluster members, covering a mass range of <0.055-0.3M_{sun}, assuming a mean cluster age of <5 Myr. We find evidence for an age spread on the (I, I-J) colour magnitude diagram, members appearing to lie in the range 1-7 Myr. There are, however, a significant fraction of candidates that are non-members, including some previously identified as members based on photometry alone. We see some evidence that the ratio of spectroscopically confirmed members to photometric candidates decreases with brightness and mass. This highlights the importance of spectroscopy in determining the true initial mass-function.Comment: To appear in the 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars Stellar Systems and the Su