4,054 research outputs found

    The enumeration of simultaneous higher-order contacts between plane curves

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    Using the Semple bundle construction, we derive an intersection-theoretic formula for the number of simultaneous contacts of specified orders between members of a generic family of degree dd plane curves and finitely many fixed curves. The contacts counted by the formula occur at nonsingular points of both the members of the family and the fixed curves.Comment: 32 pages, AmS-TeX v2.1 (Revised statement and proof of one lemma; other minor changes.

    Cartan Prolongation of a Family of Curves Acquiring a Node

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    Using the monster/Semple tower construction, we study the structure of the Cartan prolongation of the family x1x2=tx_1x_2 = t of plane curves with nodal central member

    Stable isotopes of Hawaiian spiders reflect substrate properties along a chronosequence.

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    The Hawaiian Islands offer a unique opportunity to test how changes in the properties of an isolated ecosystem are propagated through the organisms that occur within that ecosystem. The age-structured arrangement of volcanic-derived substrates follows a regular progression over space and, by inference, time. We test how well documented successional changes in soil chemistry and associated vegetation are reflected in organisms at higher trophic levels-specifically, predatory arthropods (spiders)-across a range of functional groups. We focus on three separate spider lineages: one that builds capture webs, one that hunts actively, and one that specializes on eating other spiders. We analyze spiders from three sites across the Hawaiian chronosequence with substrate ages ranging from 200 to 20,000 years. To measure the extent to which chemical signatures of terrestrial substrates are propagated through higher trophic levels, we use standard stable isotope analyses of nitrogen and carbon, with plant leaves included as a baseline. The target taxa show the expected shift in isotope ratios of ÎŽ15N with trophic level, from plants to cursorial spiders to web-builders to spider eaters. Remarkably, organisms at all trophic levels also precisely reflect the successional changes in the soil stoichiometry of the island chronosequence, demonstrating how the biogeochemistry of the entire food web is determined by ecosystem succession of the substrates on which the organisms have evolved

    Selective Multiculturalism? Symbols of Ethnic Identity and Core Values Theory

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    This paper is a retrospective critique of the sociological theory of Symbols of Ethnic Identity and Core Values developed by Jerzy Smolicz, and the social milieu in which it took place. The theory claimed to be based on the inductive, humanistic sociology approach of Florien Znaniecki. It was concerned with ascribing language and ideological values to the identity of students from migrant families in Australia. It proposed that some ethnic groups were more ‘language centred’ than others. This formed the basis for the promotion by Smolicz of the language and cultural rights of some ethnic groups above others. Alongside the development of the theory, Smolicz was deeply involved in multicultural politics and language policy debate in Australia. The development of theory was based on data that was weaker than one might expect and shaped by his engagement in radical political discourse. Smolicz’s dual contribution indicates a selective multiculturalism was at play. DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n1p24


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    In 1905, Catholic Bishop Thomas Sebastian Byrne of Nashville, Tennessee announced that the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament would open an academy and industrial school for black girls in a recently purchased mansion formerly inhabited by wealthy white Nashville banker Samuel J. Keith. Keith and hundreds of white Nashvillians protested the move, but Bishop Byrne and his collaborators refused to give up their plan and established Immaculate Mother Academy. Many black Nashvillians supported the new school, seeing Byrne’s efforts as a challenge to racial prejudice. This study tells the story of the establishment of the first stable black Catholic institutions in Nashville and their reception by white and black Nashvillians. The history of Immaculate Mother Academy shows the complex interconnection of race, religion, segregation, education, and urbanization in Nashville in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The school’s establishment was one step towards remedying the double bind in which black Catholics found themselves—required as Catholics by the Catholic bishops to educate their children in Catholic schools, they found the doors of most Catholic schools closed to black students. The school’s founding took place at a time of serious discussion in Nashville and throughout the U.S. of models of black education and dispute as to whether black students should be denied avenues to higher education. It likewise took place at a time of rapid demographic change in the city of Nashville, as the city center was changed by the expansion of railroads, industry, and the advent of electric streetcars while segregation became more pronounced. This study demonstrates that while anti-black prejudice trumped anti-Catholicism as a motivating factor for white Nashvillians such as Keith, Catholic efforts in the face of such prejudice served as an invitation to black leaders to consider the merits of the Catholic position, and to see Catholics as allies in challenging racial prejudice. The school once successfully established was painted by some white Nashvillians as doing good service in the training of future servants, but by many black Nashvillians as offering black students an opportunity for academic learning and musical education as well as industrial training

    Gendered Conflict Resolution: The Role of Women in Amani Mashinani’s Peacebuiding Processes in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

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    The role of women in peacebuilding is acknowledged by many stakeholders central in peace work. While this is so, there are still concerns about what we know about women’s involvement in peacebuilding structures established by non-state actors. Drawing from Amani Mashinani (Peace at Grassroots) peacebuilding model initiated by the Catholic Church in Kenya’s North Rift region, we examine the role of women in processes of conflict resolution in Uasin Gishu County. Suggestions to support women’s participation will be discussed

    Information Security Surveys: A Review of the Methodologies, the Critics and a Pragmatic Approach to their Purposes and Usage

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    Each year the latest information security surveys are released to the computing and business communities. Often their findings and their methodologies are subject to criticism from the information security community, professional bodies and others in the profession. This paper looks at the viewpoints of both the producers and the critics of the surveys. The criticisms cover such issues as the methodologies, the response rates, the experience of the respondents, the design of the questions and the interpretation of the results. This paper looks at these issues and discusses the validity of these criticisms, the impact of the surveys and their value to business and government. It compares the methodologies of some of the largest local and international players in the area. It discusses the issues arising from flawed methodologies, inaccurate information and poor processes, including the perceived lack of integrity and the accuracy of the measurements and methodologies. Despite the strong criticism a middle ground emerged. Data input by the participants, whether accurate or not, may be highly subjective and influenced by their environment and business profile. Furthermore, security at a business level may be extremely complex, the governance principles dictating that the organisation profile, management ideologies and core business values must be accounted for and balanced even for IT. The paper also considers the interpretation of the results and how they may be influenced by current and future products and the vendors of those products. Finally the paper takes a closer look at the use of the surveys in a business context and attempts to show that if constructively used, these surveys can be powerful metric tools used in driving information security strategies in spite of their perceived deficiencies
