726 research outputs found

    The impacts of automating manual processes in software maintenance

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study was to find out how automating a software maintenance task affects the software developers and end users of the information system. The study was conducted as a case study in a Finnish IT organization that provides information systems for organizations. This study focused on software maintenance tasks that are done in the production environments. The main research question was “How has the new automated process affected the stakeholders in the case?” In order to address the research question, the stakeholder groups had to be identified. Two stakeholder groups were defined and two supporting questions were formulated in order to find answers to the main question. The two supporting questions are “How do the software developers experience the changes that took place after automation?” and “How do the customers experience the changes that took place after automation?” The study utilised triangulation, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative data was collected with interviews and a questionnaire, and quantitative analysis was conducted to the maintenance request tickets with an MMG (Maintenance Model Graph) analysis. The findings of the quantitative MMG analysis were used to support the results found with qualitative methods. Automating a repetitive maintenance task was found to affect especially the software developers, who experienced the manual task to be time-consuming and arduous. Based on the developer interviews, four factors were found to have been affected by the automation: (1) degree of difficulty, (2) overall workload, (3) incoming maintenance requests and (4) future development. Customers were affected by the automation indirectly. The new solution was found to provide them with more accurate data and enhanced documentation, but it was also experienced to be arduous to familiarize with. Overall the results from customer questionnaire pointed out that the new solution was experienced as an upgrade. The familiarization will be handled in the case organization by providing training sessions directly to the customer organizations. The contribution of this study is the additional knowledge it provided about automating the repetitive tasks of software maintenance. As software maintenance is a very expensive part of the SW life cycle, it is beneficial to consider automating some of the most frequent tasks

    Stationarity of SLE

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    A new method to study a stopped hull of SLE(kappa,rho) is presented. In this approach, the law of the conformal map associated to the hull is invariant under a SLE induced flow. The full trace of a chordal SLE(kappa) can be studied using this approach. Some example calculations are presented.Comment: 14 pages with 1 figur

    Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Europe: Health-related and sociodemographic determinants

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    Aims: The aim of this research was to study health-related and sociodemographic determinants of the use of different complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments in Europe and differences in CAM use in various European countries. Methods: The study was based on a design-based logistic regression analysis of the European Social Survey (ESS), Round 7. We distinguished four CAM modalities: manual therapies, alternative medicinal systems, traditional Asian medical systems and mind-body therapies. Results: In total, 25.9% of the general population had used CAM during the last 12 months. Typically, only one CAM treatment had been used, and it was used more often as complementary rather than alternative treatment. The use of CAM varied greatly by country, from 10% in Hungary to almost 40% in Germany. Compared to those in good health, the use of CAM was two to fourfold greater among those with health problems. The health profiles of users of different CAM modalities varied. For example, back or neck pain was associated with all types of CAM, whereas depression was associated only with the use of mind-body therapies. Individuals with difficult to diagnose health conditions were more inclined to utilize CAM, and CAM use was more common among women and those with a higher education. Lower income was associated with the use of mind-body therapies, whereas the other three CAM modalities were associated with higher income. Conclusions: Help-seeking differed according to the health problem, something that should be acknowledged by clinical professionals to ensure safe care. The findings also point towards possible socioeconomic inequalities in health service use.</p

    Se oli kesä ja kuutamoilta, lavatanssit ja haitari soi:harmonikansoittajan kasvupolku tanssimusiikkiin

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää harmonikansoittajien kehitystä tanssimuusikoiksi. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, millaiset seikat ovat johtaneet ja tukeneet tanssimuusikon uralle hakeutumista. Tutkielman aihe on tärkeä, koska aikaisempaa tutkimusmateriaalia ei juurikaan löydy Suomesta, ja koska harmonikkamusiikki suomalaisen tanssimusiikin erityisosa-alueena on musiikkikulttuurillisesti ainutlaatuinen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta muodostuu muusikon identiteetin käsitteen ja identiteetin kehittymisen ympärille. Musiikin oppimista on tarkasteltu formaalin, musiikkioppilaitoksessa tapahtuvan oppimisen lisäksi informaalina oppimisena, joka on tyypillistä populaarimusiikin piirissä. Tutkimus toteutettiin joulukuussa 2020. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet harmonikansoittajat ovat tanssimuusikkoja, joiden ura tanssimusiikin ammattilaisina vaihteli 10–40 vuoden välillä. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja haastattelumetodina on käytetty kerronnallista haastattelumenetelmää. Aineisto on analysoitu temaattista analyysia apuna käyttäen ja aineistosta nousi lopulta esille neljä pääteemaa. Tutkimustuloksista selvisi, että haastateltavien kasvupoluissa oli yhteneväisyyksiä. Tanssimusiikkiin on ikään kuin kasvettu, sillä sitä on kuultu lapsesta saakka. Lisäksi harmonikan osalta monella oli ollut kyseiseen soittimeen kosketuspintaa aivan lapsuudesta saakka, sillä soitin on löytynyt jo kotoa. Harmonikkaa oltiin lisäksi kuultu radiosta tai nähty televisiosta, mikä oli vaikuttanut soittimen valintaan. Keikkailu oli aloitettu nuorena ja suurimmalla osalla ammatillinen siirtyminen tanssimuusikoksi oli tapahtunut armeijan jälkeen. Tanssimusiikin soittaminen koettiin luonnollisena jatkumona harmonikansoittajana ja tanssimusiikki oli juuri mieleistä soitettavaa. Jokainen näki uransa jatkuvan tanssimuusikkona tulevaisuudessa

    Distribution of Airborne Particles from Multi-Emission Source

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    The purpose of this work was to study the distribution of airborne particles in the surroundings of an iron and steel factory in southern Finland. Several sources of particulate emissions are lying side by side, causing heavy dust loading to the environment. This complicated multi-pollutant situation was studied mainly by SEM/EDX methodology. Particles accumulated on Scots pine bark were identified and quantitatively measured according to their element content, size and shape. As a result, distribution maps of particulate elements were drawn and the amount of different particle types along the study lines was plotted. Particulate emissions from the industrial or energy production processes were not the main dust source. Most emissions were produced from the clinker crusher. Numerous stockpiles of the industrial wastes and raw materials also gave rise to particulate emissions as a result of wind erosion. It was concluded that SEM/EDXmethodology is a useful tool for studying the distribution of particulate pollutants

    Skeletal muscle mitochondrial DNA content and aerobic metabolism in patients with antiretroviral therapy-associated lipoatrophy

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    Objectives To assess whether mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle characterizes antiretroviral therapy (ART)-associated lipoatrophy (LA). Methods A cross-sectional study comparing HIV-infected, antiretroviral-treated patients with LA (n = 5; LA+) and without LA (n = 5; non-LA) was conducted. Positron emission tomography was used to measure blood flow, oxygen extraction and oxygen consumption in quadriceps femoris muscle during rest and aerobic exercise. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was quantified by PCR. Body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and magnetic resonance imaging. All data are given as means ± SEM. Results Compared with the non-LA group, the LA+ group had significantly less limb fat and more intra-abdominal fat, but similar leg muscle mass. The LA+ group versus the non-LA group had reduced mtDNA content per nucleus in adipose tissue (173 ± 38 versus 328 ± 62; P = 0.067), but not in skeletal muscle (2606 ± 375 versus 2842 ± 309; P = 0.64). Perfusion in resting muscle (34 ± 7 versus 28 ± 6 mL/kg/min in the LA+ group versus the non-LA group; P = 0.5), and the mean absolute (277 ± 30 versus 274 ± 43 mL/kg/min, respectively; P = 0.95) and relative (10.6 ± 2.5- versus 11.9 ± 1.5-fold change, respectively; P = 0.67) increases in perfusion during exercise were similar between the groups. Oxygen consumption at rest (2.2 ± 0.7 versus 2.1 ± 0.3 mL/kg/min in the LA+ group versus the non-LA group; P = 0.9), and the mean absolute (14.6 ± 1.7 versus 24.3 ± 8.8 mL/kg/min, respectively; P = 0.3) and relative (10.3 ± 2.8- versus 11.7 ± 2.4-fold change, respectively; P = 0.73) exercise-induced increases in oxygen consumption were similar between the groups. The oxygen extraction fraction was comparable between the groups, both at rest and during exercise. Plasma lactate concentrations remained unchanged in both groups during exercise. Conclusions HIV-infected patients with ART-associated LA have similar mtDNA content in skeletal muscle and comparable skeletal muscle aerobic exercise metabolism to antiretroviral-treated non-lipoatrophic patient

    Clinical Value of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Response Evaluation after Primary Treatment of Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

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    Aims: To prospectively evaluate the use of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (F-18-FDG-PET/CT) in the definition of the treatment response after primary treatment of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Materials and methods: Forty-nine patients with advanced EOC had an F-18-FDG PET/CT scan before and after primary treatment. The treatment response was defined with the currently used radiological and serological Response Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST1.1/GCIC) criteria and the modified PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors (PERCIST). The concordance of the two methods was analysed. If the patient had a complete response to primary treatment by conventional criteria, the end of treatment F-18-FDG PET/CT scan (etPET/CT) was not opened until retrospectively at the time of disease progression. The ability of etPET/CT to predict the time to disease recurrence was analysed. The recurrence patterns were observed with an F-18-FDG PET/CT at the first relapse. Results: The agreement of the RECIST1.1/GCIC and modified PERCIST criteria in defining the primary treatment response in the whole patient cohort was good (weighted kappa coefficient = 0.78 ). Of the complete responders (n = 28), 34% had metabolically active lesions present in the etPET/CT, most typically in the lymph nodes. The same anatomical sites tended to activate at disease relapse, but were seldom the only site of relapse. In patients with widespread intra-abdominal carsinosis at diagnosis, the definition of metabolic response was challenging due to problems in distinguishing the physiological FDG accumulation in the bowel loops from the residual tumour in the same area. The presence of metabolically active lesions in the etPET/CT did not predict earlier disease relapse in the complete responders. Conclusions: In the present study, etPET/CT revealed metabolically active lesions in complete responders after EOC primary therapy, but they were insignificant for the patient's prognosis. The current study does not favour routine use of F-18-FDG PET/CT after EOC primary treatment for complete responders. (C) 2018 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    A cytoplasmic suppressor of a nuclear mutation affecting mitochondrial functions in Drosophila

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    Phenotypes relevant to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in eukaryotes are jointly determined by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Thus, in humans, the variable clinical presentations of mitochondrial disease patients bearing the same primary mutation, whether in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA, have been attributed to putative genetic determinants carried in the other genome, though their identity and the molecular mechanism(s) by which they might act remain elusive. Here we demonstrate cytoplasmic suppression of the mitochondrial disease-like phenotype of the Drosophila melanogaster nuclear mutant tko25t, which includes developmental delay, seizure sensitivity, and defective male courtship. The tko25t strain carries a mutation in a mitoribosomal protein gene, causing OXPHOS deficiency due to defective intramitochondrial protein synthesis. Phenotypic suppression was associated with increased mtDNA copy number and increased mitochondrial biogenesis, as measured by the expression levels of porin voltage dependent anion channel and Spargel (PGC1α). Ubiquitous overexpression of Spargel in tko25t flies phenocopied the suppressor, identifying it as a key mechanistic target thereof. Suppressor-strain mtDNAs differed from related nonsuppressor strain mtDNAs by several coding-region polymorphisms and by length and sequence variation in the noncoding region (NCR), in which the origin of mtDNA replication is located. Cytoplasm from four of five originally Wolbachia-infected strains showed the same suppressor effect, whereas that from neither of two uninfected strains did so, suggesting that the stress of chronic Wolbachia infection may provide evolutionary selection for improved mitochondrial fitness under metabolic stress. Our findings provide a paradigm for understanding the role of mtDNA genotype in human disease

    A cytoplasmic suppressor of a nuclear mutation affecting mitochondrial functions in Drosophila

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    Phenotypes relevant to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in eukaryotes are jointly determined by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Thus, in humans, the variable clinical presentations of mitochondrial disease patients bearing the same primary mutation, whether in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA, have been attributed to putative genetic determinants carried in the other genome, though their identity and the molecular mechanism(s) by which they might act remain elusive. Here we demonstrate cytoplasmic suppression of the mitochondrial disease-like phenotype of the Drosophila melanogaster nuclear mutant tko25t, which includes developmental delay, seizure sensitivity, and defective male courtship. The tko25t strain carries a mutation in a mitoribosomal protein gene, causing OXPHOS deficiency due to defective intramitochondrial protein synthesis. Phenotypic suppression was associated with increased mtDNA copy number and increased mitochondrial biogenesis, as measured by the expression levels of porin voltage dependent anion channel and Spargel (PGC1α). Ubiquitous overexpression of Spargel in tko25t flies phenocopied the suppressor, identifying it as a key mechanistic target thereof. Suppressor-strain mtDNAs differed from related nonsuppressor strain mtDNAs by several coding-region polymorphisms and by length and sequence variation in the noncoding region (NCR), in which the origin of mtDNA replication is located. Cytoplasm from four of five originally Wolbachia-infected strains showed the same suppressor effect, whereas that from neither of two uninfected strains did so, suggesting that the stress of chronic Wolbachia infection may provide evolutionary selection for improved mitochondrial fitness under metabolic stress. Our findings provide a paradigm for understanding the role of mtDNA genotype in human disease

    Population transcriptomics reveals weak parallel genetic basis in repeated marine and freshwater divergence in nine-spined sticklebacks

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    Abstract The degree to which adaptation to similar selection pressures is underlain by parallel vs. non-parallel genetic changes is a topic of broad interest in contemporary evolutionary biology. Sticklebacks provide opportunities to characterize and compare the genetic underpinnings of repeated marine-freshwater divergences at both intra- and interspecific levels. While the degree of genetic parallelism in repeated marine-freshwater divergences has been frequently studied in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), much less is known about this in other stickleback species. Using a population transcriptomic approach, we identified both genetic and gene expression variations associated with marine-freshwater divergence in the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius). Specifically, we used a genome-wide association study approach, and found that ~1% of the total 173,491 identified SNPs showed marine-freshwater ecotypic differentiation. A total of 861 genes were identified to have SNPs associated with marine-freshwater divergence in nine-spined stickleback, but only 12 of these genes have also been reported as candidates associated with marine-freshwater divergence in the three-spined stickleback. Hence, our results indicate a low degree of interspecific genetic parallelism in marine-freshwater divergence. Moreover, 1,578 genes in the brain and 1,050 genes in the liver were differentially expressed between marine and freshwater nine-spined sticklebacks, ~5% of which have also been identified as candidates associated with marine-freshwater divergence in the three-spined stickleback. However, only few of these (e.g., CLDND1) appear to have been involved in repeated marine-freshwater divergence in nine-spined sticklebacks. Taken together, the results indicate a low degree of genetic parallelism in repeated marine-freshwater divergence both at intra- and interspecific levels.Peer reviewe
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