54 research outputs found

    A Study of Teaching Materials for Cross-curricular Lesson Planning in an Elementary School: Reading Academic Research for CLIL Materials Development to Connect Social Studies and English Classess

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     本共同研究の目的は孊校教垫が専門科孊研究者が行う研究を教材研究ずしお読み解きその読み解きから䞀人の研究者の「孊習」過皋を読み取り授業づくりに応甚する論文読解から孊習構造ぞの倉換システムを開発するこずにある。  本皿では小孊校における教科暪断型単元を開発するために瀟䌚科ず英語科が協働しお進めるCLILContent and Language Integrated Learning : 内容蚀語統合型孊習単元を事䟋に取り䞊げる。瀟䌚科ず英語科の教員がフロむドシュモヌの掻動を共通事䟋にそれぞれの教科授業を構想し協働した単元を䜜るために共通の教材研究ずしお甚いた論文著曞読解を研究察象ずした。ここではシュモヌに孊ぶ䌚線『ヒロシマの家フロむドシュモヌず仲間たち』の読解から専門科孊研究者の「真正な孊び」を孊習者の孊びぞず倉換する過皋ずその構造を解明した。そのうえで小孊校瀟䌚科・英語科が協働するCLIL 単元を開発しその開発過皋を説明した。この教材研究からCLIL 単元䜜りぞの過皋をどのように進めたのかを明らかにするこずを通しお教科暪断型単元開発における著曞読解その教材研究単元づくりずいう教垫の孊びのプロセスを明らかにした。  明らかにした点は次の3 点である。 小孊校段階においおもたたその教科暪断型単元開発でも論文著曞読解による研究者の孊びの構造理解は教材研究単元づくりの過皋に有効に掻甚するこずができる。 小孊校段階では単元づくりにおいお論文著曞読解で芋いだした研究者の孊びの構造は応甚・掻甚できるが発達段階孊習環境に応じお別のものに倉えた方がよい堎合がある。教科暪断型単元では2぀の教科における孊習双方に有効な材料を芋いだすこずが戊略䞊倧切である。 教材研究ずしおの論文著曞読解においお重芁なこずは その論文著曞の構成に瀺されおいる構造の発芋である。 その構造が瀺す䞭心芳念である。そしおその䞭心芳念が単元づくりの䞭心に掻甚できるかどうかを怜蚎するこずである。 小孊校の教材研究ず単元づくりでは発達段階や子どもの孊習における適切性である。The purpose of this collaborative study is to design a transformation system in which school teachers read academic literature as a way of materials study; they learn a researcher’s learning process by reading his/her research articles/books; and they apply their findings to lesson planning. In particular, the present study focuses on a lesson for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) collaboratively developed by social studies and English teachers in order to carry out cross-curricular lesson planning at the elementary school level. First, a social studies teacher and an English teacher individually planned a lesson based on the activities by Floyd Wilfred Schmoe as a common case and later studied a book about his work as a common ground for collaborative materials development. Here they read the book about Schmoe’s Houses for Hiroshima Projects and learned the process and structure of how to turn professional researchers’ learning to learners’ learning. Then the authors developed a CLIL lesson together and showed its design process. This materials development study shows the process of CLIL lesson planning and by doing so, it showed a teachers’ learning process in cross-curricular lesson planning ranging from reading articles/books, materials study, and lesson planning. There are three findings from this study: (1) Understanding the structure of researchers’ learning process can be utilized in the process of materials study and lesson planning in cross-curricular lesson planning in the elementary school. (2) Although it is possible to apply and use the structure of researchers’ learning found in their articles/books, findings should be adapted to the children’s developmental stages and learning environment. It is important to make sure that the developed cross-curricular lesson should provide effective materials to both subjects. (3) Important things in reading articles/books as materials study are: 1) to identify the structure of the target articles/books 2) to identify the key concepts of the resource materials and see if those concepts can be used as a core in lesson planning 3) to consider if the developed materials/lessons are appropriate for children in elementary school※内容蚂正のためPDFファむル差替え2017幎7月18日

    高霢者の死生芳に関する過去10幎間の文献怜蚎 : 死の準備教育確立に向けおの詊み

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    本研究の目的は、高霢者の死生芳に関する文献怜蚎から、高霢者がどのような死生芳を持っおいるのかを明らかにし、高霢者のみを察象ずした死の準備教育を確立させるための基瀎資料を埗るこずである。資料ずした文献は、『医孊䞭倮雑誌Web(ver.4)(1998幎-2008幎)』で、「高霢者」ず「死生芳」の「AND」怜玢によっお抜出した。これによっお埗られた文献は、160件であった。なお怜玢は、2008幎5月に行った。この結果、高霢者の死の迎え方に関する垌望が倚岐にわたっおいたこず、死を考えるこずで䞍安や恐怖ず結び぀くこずがあるこず、死の準備が必芁であるこずは高霢者にも認識されおいるこずがわかった。しかし、実際に高霢者に察する死の準備教育を䜓系的に行っおいるずいう報告はなく、研究ずしおも芋圓たらなかった。これらのこずから、今埌は高霢者の特城をふたえ、死に察する過床の䞍安や恐怖から健康障害を起こすこずがないような、死の準備教育が行われる必芁性が瀺唆された。The objective of this study is to illustrate how the elderly perceive death through a review of literature dealing with the elderly\u27s attitudes towards death. Using the two key phrases "the elderly" and "attitudes towards death" with the "AND" function, we searched through literature dating from 1998 – 2008 at the "Igaku Chuo Zasshi [Ichushi]" website (ver. 4), and 160 items were retrieved. The results revealed the following; ・The elderly people have different expectations on how to face death. ・Thinking about death is linked to anxiety and fear. ・Elderly people recognize the necessity for preparing for death. ・There was no report that preparatory education for death was offered systematically for elderly people. Therefore, we suggest that it is necessary to provide a preparatory education for death that takes characteristics of the elderly into consideration and seeks to eliminate the occurrence of health problems due to excessive anxiety and fear,

    䜏いに関する孊生による転倒リスクアセスメント : 圚宅高霢者の立堎での物理的偎面を䞭心に

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    本論文の目的は,看護孊生が高霢者の立堎で䜏たいに関する転倒リスクアセスメントをどのような芖点で捉えおいるかを明らかにするこずである。デヌタから孊生のレポヌトを分析し,リスク堎所・芁因を抜出しその内容を怜蚎した。その結果,7぀のリスク堎所が抜出された。济宀,玄関,階段,居宀が39件〜32件で,次いでトむレ,台所,掗面所の順であった。リスク芁因では段差で぀たずくが最倚で,次いで滑る,手すりがない,狭いスペヌス,照明䞍足の順であった。手すりの蚭眮,滑り止めなど,予防策にも着県がされおいた。孊生は高霢者の立堎でリスクアセスメントをしおいた。 本研究から老幎看護孊では,今埌も継続しお転倒アセスメントの芖点を逊う教育をしおいく必芁性が瀺唆された。This report aims to clarify the viewpoints taken by nursing students when they assess home environments for the risk of falling from the perspective of the elderly. Forty-nine sophomores taking a Gerontological Nursing course were asked to do a fall-risk assessment of their own residences and write a report. Data concerning risk locations and factors was extracted and examined. As a result, seven risk locations were identified. Topping the list were bathrooms, entranceways, stairs and living rooms, which were identified by a majority of students ranging from 32 to 39. Also mentioned were toilets, kitchens and washrooms. As for risk factors, tripping over differences in floor levels topped the list, followed by slipping, absence of banisters on stairways, narrow spaces and insufficient lighting. The students also attached importance to prevention, i.e. the installation of handrails, nonslip surfaces, and so forth. The students were able to conduct risk assessment from the standpoint of the elderly. Results of this study highlight the necessity of continuing fall-risk assessment exercises within gerontological nursing education

    Suzaku observation of the giant radio galaxy 3C 326

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    A Suzaku observation of a giant radio galaxy, 3C 326, which has a physical size of about 2 Mpc, was conducted on 2008 January 19 -- 21. In addition to several X-ray sources, diffuse emission was significantly detected associated with its west lobe, but the east lobe was contaminated by an unidentified X-ray source WARP J1552.4+2007. After careful evaluation of the X-ray and Non X-ray background, the 0.4 -- 7 keV X-ray spectrum of the west lobe is described by a power-law model. The photon index and 1 keV flux density was derived as 1.82−0.24+0.26±0.041.82_{-0.24}^{+0.26}\pm0.04 and 19.4−3.2+3.3±3.019.4_{-3.2}^{+3.3}\pm 3.0 nJy, respectively, where the first and second errors represent the statistical and systematic ones. The diffuse X-rays were attributed to be inverse Compton radiation by the synchrotron radio electrons scattering off the cosmic microwave background photons. This radio galaxy is the largest among those with lobes detected through inverse Compton X-ray emission. A comparison of the radio to X-ray fluxes yields the energy densities of electron and magnetic field as ue=(2.3±0.3±0.3)×10−13u_e = (2.3 \pm 0.3 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-13} ergs/cm3 and um=(1.2−0.1+0.2±0.2)×10−14u_m = (1.2_{-0.1}^{+0.2}\pm 0.2) \times 10^{-14} ergs/cm3, respectively. The galaxy is suggested to host a low luminosity nucleus with an absorption-corrected 2 -- 10 keV luminosity of <2×1042<2 \times 10^{42} ergs/s, together with a relatively weak radio core. The energetics in the west lobe of 3C 326 were compared with those of moderate radio galaxies with a size of ∌100\sim 100 kpc. The west lobe of 3C 326 is confirmed to agree with the correlations for the moderate radio galaxies, ue∝D−2.2±0.4u_e \propto D^{-2.2\pm0.4} and um∝D−2.4±0.4u_m \propto D^{-2.4\pm0.4}, where DD is their total physical size. This implies that the lobes of 3C 326 are still being energized by the jet, despite the current weakness of the nucleus.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for ApJ (v706 issue

    PIP3-Phldb2 is crucial for LTP regulating synaptic NMDA and AMPA receptor density and PSD95 turnover

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    The essential involvement of phosphoinositides in synaptic plasticity is well-established, but incomplete knowledge of the downstream molecular entities prevents us from understanding their signalling cascades completely. Here, we determined that Phldb2, of which pleckstrin-homology domain is highly sensitive to PIP3, functions as a phosphoinositide-signalling mediator for synaptic plasticity. BDNF application caused Phldb2 recruitment toward postsynaptic membrane in dendritic spines, whereas PI3K inhibition resulted in its reduced accumulation. Phldb2 bound to postsynaptic scaffolding molecule PSD-95 and was crucial for localization and turnover of PSD-95 in the spine. Phldb2 also bound to GluA1 and GluA2. Phldb2 was indispensable for the interaction between NMDA receptors and CaMKII, and the synaptic density of AMPA receptors. Therefore, PIP3-responsive Phldb2 is pivotal for induction and maintenance of LTP. Memory formation was impaired in our Phldb2−/− mice

    倉圢性膝関節症を患う圚宅高霢者の語り : 受蚺行動が遅れた1事䟋の怜蚎

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    本研究は、倉圢性膝関節症を患った圚宅高霢者の語りから、受蚺行動が遅れた原因を明らかにするこずを目的ずしお行った事䟋研究である。協力者は80歳代の女性1名で、膝痛や膝腫脹があっおも我慢し続けお、歩行困難になった時点で受蚺行動をずっおいた。デヌタ収集はむンタビュヌによっお行い,分析は語られた内容を芁玄しカテゎリヌ化した結果を怜蚎した。その結果,【生死は人間業ではどうにもならない】【嚘時代ほど぀らいこずはない】【嚘に迷惑をかけたくない】の3぀のカテゎリヌが抜出された。そしお、受蚺行動の遅れには嚘時代の぀らい経隓から、自分なりの察凊法をずったこずが圱響しおいた。よっお患者が行う察凊法には、䞀人ひずりの生き方そのものが圱響しおいる可胜性があるため、吊定せず尊重しながら、適切なサポヌトが受けられるように調敎しおいくこずが、看護垫の圹割であるこずが瀺唆された。This paper describes a case study that used narrative analysis to clarify the reasons why an at-home elderly woman with degenerative joint disease of the knee delayed having a medical check-up. The patient, a woman in her eighties, despite enduring gonalgia and a tumor in her knee, delayed having it examined until she experienced difficulty walking. Data was collected through an interview. In the subsequent analysis, three recurrent themes, or categories, were extracted from the narrative"; life and death is beyond human power,"" nothing can compare to the pain of my girlhood,"and" I don\u27t want to trouble my daughter."It was revealed that the hard experiences of her girlhood contributed to coping behaviors that resulted in her delaying to get an examination. Therefore, given that every patient\u27s life experiences are likely to shape their individual coping behaviors, it is suggested that, rather than denying this, one of the roles of nurses is to coordinate appropriate support that respects such personal experience

    圚宅で暮らす元気老幎者がもっおいる死に察する思い : 死生孊に関心がある1事䟋の怜蚎

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    本研究は、圚宅で暮らす元気老幎者の、死に察する思いを明らかにするこずを目的ずしお行った。協力者は、70歳代の男性で、死生孊に関心のある1事䟋であった。協力者に察するむンタビュヌデヌタから《人生課題に察する考え(3)》《死埌の生に察する考え(3)》《死に぀いお話し合う経隓(4)》《死に察する孊習の意矩(2)》《死を孊習する際のポむント(6)》の5぀のカテゎリヌず19個のサブカテゎリヌが抜出された。これらのこずから、老幎者が死を考えるずきは、死ず自らの人生課題に぀いお考える必芁があるこず、老幎者同士が死に぀いお話し合いをするこずで他者の経隓がわかり孊習の機䌚が広がるこず、死埌の䞖界が実際に存圚するかどうかが問題なのではなく、死埌の生に぀いお話しあう䞭で自ら考えるこずが重芁であるこずがわかった。よっお看護垫は導入のための方向づけを行い、話し合いの内容に぀いおは、芋守る姿勢が必芁であるこずが瀺唆された。The objective of this study of healthy elderly persons living at home is to clarify their thoughts toward their own death. The study was conducted through an interview with a cooperative male who was in his seventies and interested in thanatology. From the interview, five categories (thoughts on life tasks, thoughts on life after death, experience of discussing death, implication of learning about death, and important points learned about death), and 19 sub-categories were extracted. The results revealed that, when the elderly think about their own death, it is necessary for them to think about both their own death and life tasks, and discussing death among the elderly makes it possible to know about another person\u27s experience and increases opportunities to learn more about death. It was also discovered that it does not matter whether a world after death exists in reality ; rather, each person needs to actively consider life after death in the discussion. Therefore, it was suggested that nurses could encourage the elderly to have such discussions and to approach them with a wait-and-see attitude regarding the details to be discussed


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    本研究の目的は、倉圢性膝関節症(OA)ず蚺断された圚宅高霢者が、日垞生掻を送る䞊での苊痛や䞍自由さを、どのように察凊行動、折り合いを぀けおいるのかを明らかにするこずである。察象はOAず蚺断され1幎以䞊が経過した、手術療法を受けおいない10名の高霢者であった。デヌタ収集は、症状ず察凊方法を䞭心にしお半構成的むンタビュヌを行い、デヌタ分析は、意味内容の類䌌性に合わせおカテゎリヌ化し、それらの関連を明らかにした。この結果、察象は《苊痛症状》によっおQOLを䜎䞋させ、《察凊行動》《趣味・圹割行動》によっおQOLを向䞊させおいた。぀たりOA患者は《苊痛症状》がある状況を《察凊行動》をずるこず自䜓で、そしお《察凊行動》により《趣味・圹割行動》を継続するこずで《感情》を倉化させながら、生掻に折り合いを぀けおいた。よっお看護では、患者の痛みをできるだけ軜枛し本人が趣味掻動や自らの圹割が継続できるように揎助するこずの重芁性が瀺唆された。The objective of this study is to illustrate the coping behaviors of patients experiencing pain and inconvenience due to osteoarthrosis (OA). The subjects 10 elderly patients who were diagnosed with OA. The data were collected through semi-structural interview in analysis, the data were categorized according to semantic similarity, and correlation between categories was clarified. The results revealed that the subjects\u27 quality of life (QOL) decreased in response to pinful symptoms, while it improved when the subjects could rely on "coping behaviors" and "hobbies and role behaviors". In other words, it was found that the OA patients managed to lead a better life by changing their "feelings" toward the "painful symptoms" through "coping behaviors" and participation in "hobbies and role behaviors". Therefore, suggest that it is important for nurses to try to reduce patients\u27 pain, and to assist them so that they can continue doing their hobbies and role behaviors


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    本研究の目的は、看護孊生が盎接老幎者ず觊れ合う䜓隓でもった老幎者芳を明らかにするこずである。協力者は、4幎制倧孊の看護孊科2幎生の38名である。デヌタの分析は、通所斜蚭芋孊埌に提出された老幎者芳のレポヌトを、Berelson、B(1957)の内容分析の方法に基づいお行った。その結果、5぀の≪カテゎリヌ≫ず25のが抜出された。そこでは、≪掻発である≫≪気づかいができる≫≪衚情豊かである≫などポゞティブな老幎者芳が倚く抜出された。これは、通所斜蚭芋孊で、病気や障がいを持ちながらも元気に生掻しおいる老幎者を目の圓たりしたむンパクトの匷さが圱響したものず考える。たた、老幎者の特城である「個䜓差がある」こずに泚目できおいた。よっお、老幎看護孊教育においお、斜蚭芋孊を導入するこずは豊かな老幎者芳を育成する際に効果的であるこずが瀺唆された。The objective of this study is to illustrate nursing students\u27 outlook toward the elderly after having visited adult daycare centers. The subjects were 38 students in the second year of a 4-year nursing college. Data was collected from reports on their perceptions of the elderly,written after visiting the adult daycare centers, and were analyzed using Berelson\u27s method From the results,five categories and 25 subcategories were derived. Among the categories, there was a high frequency of three positive items "They are active," "They show concern for others " and "They have rich facial expressions" It can be assumed that the positive nature of these categories resulted from the strong impact of seeing ,with their own eyes ,how energetically the elderly lived despite sickness or handicap. Another characteristic of the elderly that students were able to take notice of gave the category "There are physical differences between them". Therefore, it was suggested that introducing a visit to an adult daycare center as a part of the elderly nursing education program is an effective way of enriching students\u27 perceptions of the elderly


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    本研究の目的は、終末期ケアを怜蚎するための知芋ずしお、高霢者自身が終末期における「生死」に関しおどのように考えおいるかを明らかにするこずにある。10䟋の察象者ぞ半構成的面接を行い、デヌタを質的に分析した結果7カテゎリヌを抜出した。高霢者は〈痛みの回避〉や〈傍にいおほしい〉等《苊痛緩和》を望んでいるこずがわかった。《死の準備》では〈劻ず察話〉〈身蟺敎理〉や〈遺蚀〉等を考えおいた。《延呜は望たない》では〈高床の医療は䞍芁〉等をあげおいた。《終の棲家》では、〈できれば自宅〉〈䜏み慣れた地域〉ずする䞀方、〈病状悪化時病院〉ずし、その裏には家族ぞの遠慮もある。《平安なる死》では〈眠るが劂き〉や〈自然死〉等を垌求しおいた。《死の恐怖感》では、〈死ぞの恐れ〉を抱き、それを抱く䞀方、〈死ず共に〉生死は衚裏䞀䜓ず考えおいる。《死埌の䞖界》には〈信じる〉〈肉芪に䌚える〉等、死埌の䞖界を垌求しおいるず考えられる。以䞊のような高霢者の気持ちを汲み取り尊厳・尊重した終末期の《苊痛緩和》ケアが重芁であるこずが瀺唆された。The purpose of this study is to clarify how senior citizens consider"life and death"at their end-of-life stage, which would be useful for end-of-life care. Semi-structured interview was conducted, targeting 10 subjects, and data was analyzed qualitatively and then 7 categories were extracted. It was found that senior citizens hope"to avoid pain"and "someone will be around them,"etc. to alleviate their agony. To prepare for death, they thought about"conversation with their wives,""putting their affairs straight,"and"testaments,"etc. Those who do not want life-prolonging treatment felt that advanced medicine is unnecessary. They wished to die"at home"or"in a place where they have lived, but they hoped to stay"at a hospital if their symptoms worsen,"caring about their family members. For peaceful death, they wished to"die as if they fell asleep"or"naturally."As for the fear of death, they consider that life and death are two sides of the same coin, while fearing death. They believe in the afterworld and think that they will be able to meet their parents there. This indicates that they dream of the afterworld. This study indicates that it is important to alleviate their agony at the end-of-life stage, by considering the abovementionedfeelings of senior citizens and respecting them
