442 research outputs found

    The multiplier accelerator theory in the study of municipal-level investment

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    In our research we specially adapted the multiplier accelerator approach for analysis of investment processes on the municipal level. We analyzed the databases of municipalities of the Bashkortostan Republic and found a one-year lag and ratchet effects in the development of investment processes, which manifested themselves through steady rates of growth in the volumes of shipped goods and services in these areas while the amount of investment was declining. Excessively high values of the investment accelerator in certain municipalities were explained, on the one hand, by the insignificant changes in the economic performance of these municipalities and, on the other hand, by the inflow of capital, which was not related to the incentive function of return from the previous investment. The main causes of the disincentive function include the low investment attractiveness of the territories; the poorly developed environment for investment stimulation; the inefficiency of the investment itself; and its short-term character. Our approach combines the multiplier accelerator theory with the concept of efficient management of investment in socio-economic systems of various levels and thus it has enabled us to develop a matrix for diagnostics of investment processes by calculating investment efficiency (with the help of the investment multiplier) and the focus of the investment process (with the help of the investment accelerator). Upon these results we have mapped municipalities according to their levels of investment development and proposed a differentiated approach to managerial decision-making. These findings can be used to study investment attractiveness on the municipal level and to develop guidelines for assessment of investment attractiveness and for managerial decision-making to enhance investment efficiency

    Expedition diary — insights into the history of organizing and conducting Russian Arctic expeditions in the early XXth century

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    The collections belonging to the Museum-Archive of the history of study and development of the European North of the Barents Center of the Humanities — Branch of the Federal Research Center «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (BCH KSC RAS), contain several handwritten diaries by members of Arctic expeditions organized in the first half of the XXth century. The article discusses the value of the expedition diary of a member of a Russian Arctic expedition to Dikson Island (1916), the hydrometeorologist Innokenty Tikhomirov (1890–1955), as a possible source of data on the history of organizing and conducting scientific research in the Arctic. Based on the data presented in the diary, the paper reconstructs the progress of work on the organization of the northernmost meteorological station on Dikson Island in 1916.В фондах, принадлежащих Музею-архиву истории изучения и освоения Европейского Севера Центра гуманитарных проблем Баренц региона — филиала ФИЦ КНЦ РАН, хранятся несколько рукописных дневников, авторы которых в первой половине ХХ в. были участниками арктических экспедиций. В статье рассмотрен потенциал экспедиционного дневника участника российской экспедиции на о. Диксон (1916) гидрометеоролога и климатолога Иннокентия Константиновича Тихомирова (1890–1955) как возможного исторического источника по истории организации и проведения научных исследований в Арктике. Благодаря дневнику И. К. Тихомирова реконструирован ход работ по организации в 1916 г. самой северной на тот момент метеорологической станции на о. Диксон

    Многоапектность цели занятия по иностранному языку для специальных целей

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    The article gives the analyses of goal aspects of foreign language teaching. The author suggests to apply the professional aspect of the goal, that determines the whole content of language for specific purposes teaching.В статье представлен анализ многоаспектности цели обучения иностранным языкам. Автор предлагает введение профессионального аспекта цели как определяющего все содержание обучения иностранному языку для специальных целей

    How to Teach Effective Listening?

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    L2 listening competence is a complex skill that needs to be developed consciously. It can best be developed with practice when students reflect on the process of listening without the threat of evaluation. The role of the teacher is very important, as the teacher not only guides students through the process of listening, but also motivates them and puts them in control of their learning. If students learn about the processes of listening they are likely to become more autonomous in their attitude and behaviour when presented with listening material. It is also likely that they will seek listening opportunities more readily outside the classroom, as they will view listening as a process as opposed to a product. Using listening activities to only test comprehension leads to anxiety which debilitates the development of metacognitve strategies

    Improving ESL Learners’ Listening Skills

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    With the increased awareness of the need to help second-language learners develop effective listening skills and with the greater availability of technology nowadays, teachers are able to explore more creative ways of teaching listening in and out of the class using authentic materials. Once we begin to explore the possibilities, a few of which are outlined here, we offer a richer language learning experience for our learners and create good listeners

    How to Teach Effective Listening?

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    L2 listening competence is a complex skill that needs to be developed consciously. It can best be developed with practice when students reflect on the process of listening without the threat of evaluation. The role of the teacher is very important, as the teacher not only guides students through the process of listening, but also motivates them and puts them in control of their learning. If students learn about the processes of listening they are likely to become more autonomous in their attitude and behaviour when presented with listening material. It is also likely that they will seek listening opportunities more readily outside the classroom, as they will view listening as a process as opposed to a product. Using listening activities to only test comprehension leads to anxiety which debilitates the development of metacognitve strategies

    Improving ESL Learners’ Listening Skills

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    With the increased awareness of the need to help second-language learners develop effective listening skills and with the greater availability of technology nowadays, teachers are able to explore more creative ways of teaching listening in and out of the class using authentic materials. Once we begin to explore the possibilities, a few of which are outlined here, we offer a richer language learning experience for our learners and create good listeners

    The linguistic gimmicks of advertising

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    The article deals with the linguistic means of manipulation in press advertisements. The author highlights different types of persuasion used in advertising and main advertising techniques. Manipulation of linguistic means is viewed as a type of foregrounding at different language levels

    The linguistic gimmicks of advertising

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    The article deals with the linguistic means of manipulation in press advertisements. The author highlights different types of persuasion used in advertising and main advertising techniques. Manipulation of linguistic means is viewed as a type of foregrounding at different language levels