60 research outputs found

    The human behavioral and practical model of ‘at-risk teacher training’ at Kazan Federal University: Sports and educational environment

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    Purpose of the Study: Risks have become an integral part of the modern world. Elevated risk levels resulted from an accelerated pace that modern society has developed at, extreme degree of digitalization and informatization of human life. The system of education is therefore challenged by additional tasks to educate future generations for situations of risk. In view of this, this research aims to find and justify a suitable measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the ‘at-risk teacher training’ model. The purpose of this empiric study is to examine whether the ‘at-risk teacher training’ model is efficient. Methodology: Beta-testing of the model of ‘at-risk teacher training’ has been run in the Institute of psychology and education at Kazan Federal University since 2013. The research tool used is the questionnaire on coping strategies developed by Heim. Main Findings: According to Russian researchers studying risks, a teacher’s willingness to work in risk situations is defined as the noxological competence. Noxological competence includes situational, motivational, cognitive, active, analytical, and reflexive components. Thus, the performance evaluation of the ‘at-risk teacher training’ model equals assessment of the noxological competence development of teachers. However, there is no single measure that can assess all components of the noxological competencies. According to this view, the authors designed the model of ‘at-risk teacher training’ building on the importance of action competencies in situations of risk which are essential for a professional teaching career in the modern world. Applications of this study: The research helped to identify student teachers’ motivation for communication, behaviour patterns in conflict situations, ability to understand non-verbal communication cues and gestures, which are referred to as essential professional teaching competencies needed to resolve and manage conflict situations. Novelty/Originality of this study: The authors suggested a possible suitable measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the ‘at-risk teacher training’ model

    Online collaborative cross-cultural learning: Students' perspectives

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    This article describes and analyzes students' perspective on the process of integrating online collaborative cross-cultural modules in the traditional (full-time) courses. Twenty-five US, Lithuanian and Russian students participated in a 6-week online international project The Power of Media. After the course, students completed the questionnaire that explored their learning experiences. The study showed a positive attitude of the students toward international online collaboration and illustrated beneficial impact of such cross-cultural projects on the development of linguistic and intercultural competences of learners. However, results revealed that while students learn from differences in peers' cultural and educational backgrounds, dissimilar communication and learning strategies, as well as varied ways of student-to-content and student-to-student interaction, may hinder successful learning experiences in collaborative online international learning (COIL) environments. The results speak for the need for similar cross-cultural projects to carefully plan content and activities, set clear deadlines, and use a range of online communication tools including synchronous

    The wireframe modeling in for the geometric representation of a part in a cad system

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    In the article describes several options for the geometric representation of a part in a CAD system. The choice of one or another option depends on the capabilities of the system and on the need for its application to create a control program. Not so long ago, the kulman was the main tool of the design engineer. With the advent of the first personal computers, a real revolution began in the field of design automation. Design engineers immediately appreciated the benefits of "flat scriber." Even the simplest CAD system for two-dimensional design allows you to quickly create various geometric elements, copy fragments, automatically apply hatching and affix dimensions. The main tools in flat design are lines, arcs, and curves. Using the operations of extension, cropping and joining of geometric elements, the creation of an “electronic drawing” takes place. For full-fledged work with flat graphics in the CAM system, additional information on the depth of geometry is needed. The wireframe model represents the geometry of the part in three-dimensional space, describing the position of its contours and faces

    Age- and sex-related characteristics and mechanisms of adaptations during the prepubertal and pubertal periods of development

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    Integrated study of the functional state of the sympathoadrenal system and the adrenal cortex in children of both sexes aged 10-15 years. The study was conducted on the basis of the daily adrenaline, noradrenaline, 17-ketosteroid, and 17-oxycorticosteroid excretion values, which allowed certain synchrony to be established in the manifestation of the activity of the transmitter link of the sympathoadrenal system and the adrenal cortex androgenic and glucocorticoid functions with age, during sexual maturation. The heterogeneous character of maturation was found in the sex groups: in girls at an age of 10 and 12 years and in the boys at an age of 14-15 years. Changes in the excretion of the hormones and hormone metabolites with different directions and rates in the age-sex groups were observed throughout the academic year. In 14- to 15-year-old boys, a sharp increase in the daily excretion of the glucocorticoid metabolites accompanied by a substantial decrease in the age-related noradrenaline excretion values and the sex hormone metabolite values at an age of 15 years was observed. In the girls, these values varied within the age range, which indicates a more perfect character of the neuroendocrine regulation of their physiological functions in the period of sexual maturation. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    The impact of increased physical exertion on the state of adrenal cortex and pubertal development in boys

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    © 2014, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. The study of the functional state of the adrenal cortex (AC) in young athletes aged 11 to 15 years, which was assessed by daily free (Cf) and bound (Cb) cortisol excretion levels, and the comparison of these levels with those of the boys from the control group made it possible to conclude that the increased physical exertion in the form of regular athletic training had a dominating effect on the age-related changes in the AC and pubertal development in the young athletes. It was found that the 12- to 14-year-old athletes had stably high Cf excretion levels, which were significantly decreased by the age of 15 years on the background of high Cb levels, as compared to the nonathletes, whose urinary cortisol levels were significantly lower (p < 0.05) and were progressively increased (p < 0.05) from 13 to 15 years of age. It was found that pubertal development (the development of secondary sex characteristics) was relatively delayed in the athletes, and pubertal changes in the glucocorticoid function of the AC reflected mainly its adaptive responses providing the increased resistance of the child’s body to increased physical exertion

    Influence of the initial autonomic tone on the state of hemodynamics of primary schoolchildren

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    The functional state of the cardiovascular system and its reaction to local isometric exercise in seven- and eight-year-old children was studied with consideration for the initial tone of the autonomic nervous system. Using the methods of variational pulsometry and tetrapolar thoracic rheography, it was established that children with predominant sympathetic influences on the heart rate (67-56. 55% of the total number of those examined) had increased stroke and minute blood volumes against the background of relative tachycardia, compared with normo- and vagotonics. In sympathotonic boys, the leading component in the mechanism of urgent adaptation of the cardiovascular system to static exercise is spastic reactions of the vascular bed, which allow this contingent of schoolchildren to be identified as a group of children at high risk of autonomic dystonia with the hypertensive vascular syndrome. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Moral education of high school students in national (TurkiC) schools through literature

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    © IAEME Publication This paper reveals the educational potential of fiction in working with senior high school students. The author considers the lesson of native literature as one of the most important subjects in school education from the point of view that it, throughout the entire educational activity, contributes not only to educational and cognitive development, but also to the educational development of students, their moral and aesthetic qualities. The paper not only analyzes the educational material proposed in the native literature textbooks for years 10-11, but also suggests some methods and techniques for studying fictional works that contribute to the formation of a moral personality

    Reaction of the adrenal cortex to graded exercise in children with different initial tonus of the autonomic nervous system

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    It was found that the response of the adrenal cortex to graded bicycle exercise in children depends on the initial autonomic tonus and is adequate to the background excretion level of hormone metabolites. Seven-year-old sympathotonic girls with increased excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids at rest demonstrated the lowest increase in this parameter after exercise in comparison with more pronounced increment in vagotonics with relative low initial level of glucocorticoid metabolites. Enhanced excretion of glucocorticoid metabolites with a decrease in androgens observed in 9-year-old sympathotonic girls attests to predominance of catabolic processes over anabolic ones and low efficiency of switching from muscle exercise to recovery in children. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    Purpose. To analyze levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) in plasma in patients with acute coronary syndrome.Materials and methods. The identification of concentrations of IGF-I in 71 patients with acute coronary syndrome, comparison groups and control.Results. IGF-I in myocardial infarction is lower than in the comparison group. Increased IGF-I in unstable angina pectoris has no significant differences with control groups and comparisons. The highest IGF-I levels in the comparison group, the lowest in cases of mortality. Patients older age group have lower concentrations of IGF-I and lower regenerative capabilities to repair damaged vascular wall and myocardium. In the aspect of the «cardiovascular continuum» reparative role of IGF-I is also defined for acute kidney injury in patients with ACS. Correlation of IGF-I with the basic laboratory parameters of renal system reflect the nature of the protein impact, an opportunity for an expanded range of applications. IGF-I in patients with ACS within the first 24 hours acts as a vector of mortality.Conclusions. IGF-I is a new highly sensitive biochemical marker of vascular inflammation and damage, can be used in the laboratory diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. IGF-I levels decline with increasing age of patients with ACS. In the aspect of the «cardiovascular continuum» reparative role of IGF-I is systemic in nature, exerting its beneficial effects on the kidneys.Цель. Анализ уровней инсулиноподобного фактора роста-1 (IGF-I) в плазме крови у пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом.Материалы и методы. Определение концентраций IGF-I у 71 пациента с острым коронарным синдромом, в группах сравнения и контроля.Результаты. IGF-I при инфаркте миокарда ниже, чем в группе сравнения. Повышение IGF-I при нестабильной стенокардии не имеет достоверных различий с группами контроля и сравнения. Самые высокие уровни IGF-I – в группе сравнения, самые низкие – в случаях летальности. Пациенты старшей возрастной группы имеют более низкие концентрации IGF-I и более низкие репаративные возможности для восстановления поврежденной сосудистой стенки и миокарда. В аспекте «сердечно-сосудистого континуума» репаративная роль IGF-I также определена при остром повреждения почек у пациентов с ОКС. Корреляция IGF-I с основными лабораторными показателями почек отражает системный характер воздействия белка, возможность расширенного спектра применения. IGF-I у пациентов с ОКС в первые 24 часа выступает как вектор летальности.Выводы. IGF-I – новый высокочувствительный биохимический маркер сосудистого воспаления и повреждения, может применяться в лабораторной диагностике острого коронарного синдрома. Уровни IGF-I снижаются с увеличением возраста пациентов с ОКС. В аспекте «сердечно-сосудистого континуума» репаративная роль IGF-I носит системный характер, оказывая свое благоприятное воздействие на почки

    Fractal Pedagogical Principles: Information Models and Evaluation Methods in Teaching “Computer Graphics"

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    Результатом исследования является усовершенствованная методика проблемного обучения дисциплине «Компьютерная графика» на основе адаптивного уровня теоретических и практических навыков специфических принципов и особенностей преподавания на основе фрактальной структуры; усовершенствованы методы преподавания дисциплины «Компьютерная графика» посредством информационных моделей, основанных на таких принципах фрактальной педагогики как нелинейность, рефлексивное взаимодействие и резонансный подход; усовершенствована методика тестирования при проверке усвоения студентами дисциплины «Компьютерная графика» на основе фрактальной гармонии и иерархических знаний; усовершенствована автоматизированная учебно-информационная система как средство обучения при определении междисциплинарной фрактальной и организационной базы основных понятий по предмету «Компьютерная графика», диагностирования результатов усвоения студентами по данному предмету, выявлении глубины знаний на основе древовидного фрактала и объема учебной деятельности.The purpose of the study is to improve the teaching meth ods of specialized disciplines based on elements of fractal pedagogy and information models (on the example of the subject “Computer Graphics”). The objectives of the research are to analyze the features and principles of fractal pedagogy, to improve the methodology of problem-based learning when teaching specialized subjects; design and development of information models that improve the methods of problem-based learning; development of an algorithm for determining the level of knowledge of students who have mastered the subject, and visualization of this process; offering a means of controlling the process of teaching specialized subjects, monitoring the dynamics of assimilation based on fractal features (using the example of the discipline “Computer Graphics”). The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: the methodology of problem-based teaching of the discipline “Computer Graphics” has been improved on the basis of an adaptive level of theoretical and practical skills of specific principles and features of teaching based on a fractal structure; the methods of teaching the discipline “Computer Graphics” have been improved through information models based on such principles of fractal pedagogy as nonlinearity, reflexive interaction and resonant approach; the testing methodology has been improved when checking students’ assimila tion of the discipline “Computer Graphics” based on fractal harmony and hierarchical knowledge; the automated educational and information system has been improved as a means of teaching in determining the interdisci plinary fractal and organizational base of the basic concepts on the subject of “Computer Graphics”, diagnosing the results of students’ assimilation in this subject, identifying the depth of knowledge based on a tree fractal and the volume of educational activity