260 research outputs found

    Quantification of Hepatic Iron Concentration in Chronic Viral Hepatitis: Usefulness of T2-weighted Single-Shot Spin-Echo Echo-Planar MR Imaging

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    Objective: To investigate the usefulness of single-shot spin-echo echo-planar imaging (SSEPI) sequence for quantifying mild degree of hepatic iron stores in patients with viral hepatitis. Methods: This retrospective study included 34 patients with chronic viral hepatitis/cirrhosis who had undergone histological investigation and magnetic resonance imaging with T2-weighted gradient-recalled echo sequence (T2-GRE) and diffusion-weighted SSEPI sequence with b-factors of 0 s/mm 2 (T2-EPI), 500 s/mm 2 (DW-EPI-500), and 1000 s/mm 2 (DW-EPI-1000). The correlation between the liver-to-muscle signal intensity ratio, which was generated by regions of interest placed in the liver and paraspinous muscles of each sequence image, and the hepatic iron concentration (mmol/g dry liver), which was assessed by spectrophotometry, was analyzed by linear regression using a spline model. Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used to select the optimal model. Results: Mean 6 standard deviation of the hepatic iron concentration quantified by spectrophotometry was 24.6616.

    Sensitivity mapping for seabirds and offshore wind power farms : A case study of Slaty-backed gulls in Hokkaido

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    洋上風力発電は陸上風力発電よりも極めて大きな発電量を持つことから、近年気候変動問題の緩和策として最も有力視されている再生可能エネルギーのひとつである。その一方で、風車への海鳥の衝突等、野生動物への影響も懸念されている。このため、海鳥の生息に配慮した風力発電事業計画のための実用的なセンシティビティマップが求められるが、多くの国で作成されていない。本研究は、海鳥類への影響を最小限にとどめることを目的に、オオセグロカモメ Larus schistisagusをケーススタディとし、本種の生息場選択に関わる要因を明らかにし、センシティビティマップを作成した。 2018年 6-8月に、北海道道東地方に生息するオオセグロカモメ 6個体に GPSロガーを装着し 5分間隔で利用場所を特定した。オオセグロカモメの利用頻度は海水面温度、クロロフィル a、および営巣地からの距離が関係しており、海水面温度やクロロフィル aの上昇に伴い増加し、営巣地からの距離に応じて減少した。しかし、営巣地からの距離が 25 kmを越えた辺りからは横ばいとなった。これらの結果を用いてセンシティビティマップを作成したところ、営巣地に近接した海域だけでなく、遠方であっても潜在的に餌資源量が多い海域であれば、本種が風車に衝突する可能性が高くなることが示唆された。国内での洋上風力発電事業が計画されつつある今日では、本研究で示された手順で緊急にセンシティビティマップを作成し、事前の開発地選択に活用する必要がある。Offshore wind energy is a renewable energy source that offers an opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while increasing energy security. However, many ecologists have suggested that offshore wind farms may have severe negative impacts on wildlife, especially seabirds. Thus, balancing seabird conservation with human energy demands is necessary when developing wind farms. Bird sensitivity mapping is a powerful and practical tool that can determine turbine collision risk within specific areas; however, sensitivity maps have seldom been generated for seabirds. Focusing on the Slaty-backed gull (Larus schistisagus), a red-listed species that often collides with wind turbines, we determined factors affecting habitat selection with the goal of reducing negative impacts of offshore wind farms. We then generated a sensitivity map using habitat modeling. GPS loggers set to record at 5-minute intervals between June and August 2018 were attached to six Slaty-backed gulls residing in Ochiishi Bay, Nemuro Prefecture, Japan. A Gaussian mixed model indicated that habitat selection was related to food availability (as determined by sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a content) and distance to the nest site. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a content were positively related area visitation frequency of Slaty-backed gulls, whereas distance to nest site was negatively correlated. Moreover, area visitation frequency was unchanged when the distance from the nest site was > 25 km. The sensitivity map indicated that areas both near and far from nest sites with potentially abundant food resources were high-risk areas with respect to turbine collisions for Slaty-backed gulls. Based on these results, we advocate the use of sensitivity mapping to reduce interactions between offshore wind farms and seabirds, especially for species that often forage far from their nest sites

    Clinical practice guidelines and real-life practice in hepatocellular carcinoma: A Japanese perspective

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    Striking advances in systemic therapy for unresectable advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have improved the average prognosis of patients with HCC. As a result, the guidelines for the treatment of HCC have changed significantly. However, various issues have emerged in clinical practice. First, there is no established biomarker that can predict response to systemic therapy. Second, there is no established treatment regimen after primary systemic therapy, including combined immunotherapy. Third, there is no established treatment regimen for intermediate-stage HCC. These points make the current guidelines ambiguous. In this review, we present the Japanese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of HCC based on the latest evidence; introduce various efforts mainly in Japanese real-life practice to update these guidelines; and present our perspectives on future guidelines

    Astrometry of H2_2O masers in the massive star--forming region IRAS 06061+2151 with VERA

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    We measured the trigonometric annual parallax of H2_2O maser source associated with the massive star-forming regions IRAS 06061+2151 with VERA. The annual parallax of 0.496±0.0310.496\pm0.031 mas corresponding to a distance of 2.020.12+0.132.02^{+0.13}_{-0.12} kpc was obtained by 10 epochs of observations from 2007 October to 2009 September. This distance was obtained with a higher accuracy than the photometric distance previously measured, and places IRAS 06061+2151 in the Perseus spiral arm. We found that IRAS 06061+2151 also has a peculiar motion of larger than 15 km s1^{-1} counter to the Galactic rotation. That is similar to five sources in the Perseus spiral arm, whose parallaxes and proper motions have already been measured with higher accuracy. Moreover, these sources move at on average 27 km s1^{-1} toward the Galactic center and counter to the Galactic rotation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted to PAS