84 research outputs found

    Low energy recoil detection with a spherical proportional counter

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    We present low energy recoil detection results in the keV energy region, from measurements performed with the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC). An 241Am9Be{}^{241}Am-{}^{9}{Be} fast neutron source is used in order to obtain neutron-nucleus elastic scattering events inside the gaseous volume of the detector. The detector performance in the keVkeV energy region was resolved by observing the 5.9 keV5.9\ keV line of a 55Fe{}^{55}Fe X-ray source, with energy resolution of 9%9\% (σ\sigma). The toolkit GEANT4 was used to simulate the irradiation of the detector by an 241Am9Be{}^{241}Am-{}^{9}{Be} source, while SRIM was used to calculate the Ionization Quenching Factor (IQF). The GEANT4 simulated energy deposition spectrum in addition with the SRIM calculated quenching factor provide valuable insight to the experimental results. The performance of the SPC in low energy recoil detection makes the detector a good candidate for a wide range of applications, including Supernova or reactor neutrino detection and Dark Matter (WIMP) searches (via coherent elastic scattering).Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, preprin

    Neutron spectroscopy with the Spherical Proportional Counter

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    A novel large volume spherical proportional counter, recently developed, is used for neutron measurements. Gas mixtures of N2N_{2} with C2H6C_{2}H_{6} and pure N2N_{2} are studied for thermal and fast neutron detection, providing a new way for the neutron spectroscopy. The neutrons are detected via the 14N(n,p)C14{}^{14}N(n, p)C^{14} and 14N(n,α)B11{}^{14}N(n, \alpha)B^{11} reactions. Here we provide studies of the optimum gas mixture, the gas pressure and the most appropriate high voltage supply on the sensor of the detector in order to achieve the maximum amplification and better resolution. The detector is tested for thermal and fast neutrons detection with a 252Cf{}^{252}Cf and a 241Am9Be{}^{241}Am-{}^{9}Be neutron source. The atmospheric neutrons are successfully measured from thermal up to several MeV, well separated from the cosmic ray background. A comparison of the spherical proportional counter with the current available neutron counters is also given.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    ACHINOS: A Multi-Anode Read-Out for Position Reconstruction and Tracking with Spherical Proportional Counters

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    The spherical proportional counter is a versatile gaseous detector with physics applications ranging from rare event searches to fast neutron spectroscopy. In its simplest form, the detector operates with a single channel read-out, and uses pulse-shape information to reconstruct the interaction radius, which is used for background discrimination and target volume definition. Recent developments in the read-out instrumentation have enabled the use of a multi-anode read-out structure, ACHINOS. The multiple anodes provide information about the interaction position which, coupled with the radial information, can be used to reconstruct an ionisation track. This ability has implications for several applications of the detector, for example, background discrimination in rare event searches.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    First operation of an ACHINOS-equipped Spherical Proportional Counter with individual anode read-out

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    The multi-anode sensor ACHINOS revolutionised the spherical proportional counter's capabilities by enabling large size, high pressure operation, and TPC like capabilities through individual anode read-out. First measurements with an individually read out ACHINOS are performed, which enables improved calibration and response homogenisation. Experimental results demonstrating the improvement in energy resolution brought by the individual anode calibration are presented. These are complemented by detailed simulation studies on the effect of sensor design and manufacturing imperfections, and how they may be corrected both in hardware and analysis.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Fast Neutron Spectroscopy with a High-pressure Nitrogen-filled Large Volume Spherical Proportional Counter

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    We present a fast neutron spectroscopy system based on a nitrogen-filled, large volume gaseous detector, the Spherical Proportional Counter. The system has been successfully operated up to gas pressure of 1.5 bar. Neutron energy is estimated through measurement of the 14N(n,a)11B and 14N(n,p)14C reaction products. These reactions have comparable cross sections and Q-values with the 3He(n,p)3H reaction making nitrogen a good alternative to 3He use for fast neutron detection. Two detectors were built at the University of Birmingham and are currently used for the measurement of fast and thermal neutrons in the University of Birmingham and the Boulby underground laboratory, respectively.Comment: 3 pages, 6 Figure

    Exploring light dark matter with the DarkSPHERE spherical proportional counter electroformed underground at the Boulby Underground Laboratory

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    We present the conceptual design and the physics potential of DarkSPHERE, a proposed 3 m in diameter spherical proportional counter electroformed underground at the Boulby Underground Laboratory. This effort builds on the R&D performed and experience acquired by the NEWS-G Collaboration. DarkSPHERE is primarily designed to search for nuclear recoils from light dark matter in the 0.05--10 GeV mass range. Electroforming the spherical shell and the implementation of a shield based on pure water ensures a background level below 0.01 dru. These, combined with the proposed helium-isobutane gas mixture, will provide sensitivity to the spin-independent nucleon cross-section of 2×1041(2×1043)2\times 10^{-41} (2\times 10^{-43}) cm2^2 for a dark matter mass of 0.1(1)0.1 (1) GeV. The use of a hydrogen-rich gas mixture with a natural abundance of 13^{13}C provides sensitivity to spin-dependent nucleon cross-sections more than two orders of magnitude below existing constraints for dark matter lighter than 1 GeV. The characteristics of the detector also make it suitable for searches of other dark matter signatures, including scattering of MeV-scale dark matter with electrons, and super-heavy dark matter with masses around the Planck scale that leave extended ionisation tracks in the detector.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering: Terrestrial and astrophysical applications

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    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) is a process in which neutrinos scatter on a nucleus which acts as a single particle. Though the total cross section is large by neutrino standards, CEν\nuNS has long proven difficult to detect, since the deposited energy into the nucleus is \sim keV. In 2017, the COHERENT collaboration announced the detection of CEν\nuNS using a stopped-pion source with CsI detectors, followed up the detection of CEν\nuNS using an Ar target. The detection of CEν\nuNS has spawned a flurry of activities in high-energy physics, inspiring new constraints on beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, and new experimental methods. The CEν\nuNS process has important implications for not only high-energy physics, but also astrophysics, nuclear physics, and beyond. This whitepaper discusses the scientific importance of CEν\nuNS, highlighting how present experiments such as COHERENT are informing theory, and also how future experiments will provide a wealth of information across the aforementioned fields of physics

    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering: Terrestrial and astrophysical applications

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    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) is a process inwhich neutrinos scatter on a nucleus which acts as a single particle. Thoughthe total cross section is large by neutrino standards, CEν\nuNS has longproven difficult to detect, since the deposited energy into the nucleus is\sim keV. In 2017, the COHERENT collaboration announced the detection ofCEν\nuNS using a stopped-pion source with CsI detectors, followed up thedetection of CEν\nuNS using an Ar target. The detection of CEν\nuNS hasspawned a flurry of activities in high-energy physics, inspiring newconstraints on beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, and new experimentalmethods. The CEν\nuNS process has important implications for not onlyhigh-energy physics, but also astrophysics, nuclear physics, and beyond. Thiswhitepaper discusses the scientific importance of CEν\nuNS, highlighting howpresent experiments such as COHERENT are informing theory, and also how futureexperiments will provide a wealth of information across the aforementionedfields of physics.<br

    Low-Energy Physics in Neutrino LArTPCs

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    In this white paper, we outline some of the scientific opportunities and challenges related to detection and reconstruction of low-energy (less than 100 MeV) signatures in liquid argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC) detectors. Key takeaways are summarized as follows. 1) LArTPCs have unique sensitivity to a range of physics and astrophysics signatures via detection of event features at and below the few tens of MeV range. 2) Low-energy signatures are an integral part of GeV-scale accelerator neutrino interaction final states, and their reconstruction can enhance the oscillation physics sensitivities of LArTPC experiments. 3) BSM signals from accelerator and natural sources also generate diverse signatures in the low-energy range, and reconstruction of these signatures can increase the breadth of BSM scenarios accessible in LArTPC-based searches. 4) Neutrino interaction cross sections and other nuclear physics processes in argon relevant to sub-hundred-MeV LArTPC signatures are poorly understood. Improved theory and experimental measurements are needed. Pion decay-at-rest sources and charged particle and neutron test beams are ideal facilities for experimentally improving this understanding. 5) There are specific calibration needs in the low-energy range, as well as specific needs for control and understanding of radiological and cosmogenic backgrounds. 6) Novel ideas for future LArTPC technology that enhance low-energy capabilities should be explored. These include novel charge enhancement and readout systems, enhanced photon detection, low radioactivity argon, and xenon doping. 7) Low-energy signatures, whether steady-state or part of a supernova burst or larger GeV-scale event topology, have specific triggering, DAQ and reconstruction requirements that must be addressed outside the scope of conventional GeV-scale data collection and analysis pathways