36 research outputs found

    Impacts of Effective Temperature on Sectional View Drawing Ability and Implications for Engineering and Technology Education Students

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    Temperature can influence thermal comfort, working performance, and social behavior. In a classroom that is slightly cool, an assumption can be made that learning could be affected in a negative way. Considering this, a quasi-experimental study was done to determine if a significant difference of effective temperature have an effect on students’: a) spatial visualization ability, as measured by the MCT and b) ability to sketch a sectional view drawing. While not statistically significant, the students who received treatment using warm water outperformed their peers who received treatment using cold and hot water temperatures, respectively

    Green Ships: Keeping Oceans Blue

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    The article discusses the contribution by the marine transport sector to air and water pollution. According to a congressional research report, cruise ships produce large volume of wastes like sewage, wastewater from sinks, showers, and galleys, hazardous wastes, solid wastes, oily bilge water, ballas water and polluted air. Ship manufacturers are advised to create Green Ships that prevent pollution while governments are urged to strengthen the laws that prohibit dumping of waste to oceans to alleviate pollution

    Breathing Like a Fish

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    The article offers information on industrial oxygen rebreathers, an underwater breathing equipment used by divers. It states that rebreather is an electromechanical device that supply breathing gas through infusion of oxygen and reprocessing of carbon dioxide by using a chemical scrubber. It mentions that most rebreathers comprise of breathing loop, breathing lungs, and a canister where the scrubber is placed with the partial pressure (pO2) sensors and interface devices like heads-up display (HUD) to show pO2 levels. It also discusses types of rebreathers such as the oxygen rebreather, the oldest rebreather mainly used by navy diver, and the semi-closed-circuit, used by recreational divers that supplies underwater duration with deeper maximum operating depth compared to oxygen rebreathers

    Discovery of the Depths

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    Throughout history the oceans have directly or indirectly influenced humans. The importance of knowing how to protect this valuable resource and insure it for future generations is vital. Underwater Vehicles are tools essential for this process, and therefore research and development to perfect these devices is needed. However, the main goal of these devices--to transmit images from places where humans cannot go--remains the same, and their importance to future discoveries remains vital. This article discusses the different types of underwater vehicles and describes an activity wherein students will fabricate an underwater remotely operated vehicle

    Understanding Materials

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    The article discusses the importance of understanding the characteristics of materials that will be used for different applications. Through the years, the inventions and innovations in the technology of materials are becoming more technologically complex. Innovations in the materials are divided in different categories, including metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Example of such innovations in the technology of materials include the ceramic composite applied to the surface of the space shuttle panels to absorb and release high amounts of heat

    A Comparative Analysis of Holographic, 3D-Printed, and Computer-Generated Models: Implications for Engineering Technology Students\u27 Spatial Visualization Ability

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    A number of studies indicate that the use of holographic displays can influence spatial visualization ability; however, research provides inconsistent results. Considering this, a quasi-experimental study was conducted to identify the existence of statistically significant effects on sectional view drawing ability due to the impacts of holographic displays. In particular, the study compared the use of three different types of displays: 3D printed model, computer generated model, and holographic model to determine whether a significant difference exists towards sectional view drawing ability, among engineering technology students. According to the results of this study, it is suggested that the impact of the display type provides no statistically significant differences

    Rethinking the Development of Weapons and Their Impact

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    The article presents information on conventional weaponry and threats posed by it for the environment. Weapons consist of chemical, biological, depleted uranium, landmines, nuclear, jet fighters, and even the conventional lead bullets. It is stated that the manufacturing of biodegradable weapons that don\u27t pollute the environment must be promoted, as they also strengthen the laws which ban the use of toxic and other chemical weapons. A table on correlation with standards for technological literacy, is also presented

    Assistive Technology: Fixing Humans

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    The need for assistive technology--technology that assists persons with disabilities--is great. At no time has there been a greater need to provide assistive technologies than to assist the thousands of military veterans returning home from the Middle East with a range of physical and mental disabilities. Mobility impairment is a significant concern for many returning veterans. Assistive technologies are playing a major role in assisting war veterans returning with physical limitations through the loss of a limb or, in many cases, several limbs. This article presents the history and background of assistive technology and how mobile- and computer-assistive technologies can help people with disabilities or with war-related injuries. Examples are given on several ways that technology and engineering and career and technical education teachers can use assistive technologies

    Spatial Visualization Ability and Impact of Drafting Models: A Quasi Experimental Study

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    A quasi experimental study was done to determine significant positive effects among three different types of visual models and to identify whether any individual type or combination contributed towards a positive increase of spatial visualization ability for students in engineering technology courses. In particular, the study compared the use of different visual models - a 3D printed solid object, a 3D computer generated drawing and a 2D drawing

    Future Critical Issues and Problems Facing Technology and Engineering Education in the Commonwealth of Virginia

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the future critical issues and problems facing the K-12 technology and engineering education profession in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This study was based on the Wicklein nationwide studies (1993a, 2005). Even though this study did not exactly replicate the Wicklein studies--since it was limited to the Commonwealth of Virginia--the method and questions used were identical. The modified Delphi research design was used to draw consensus among technology and engineering education experts in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Seventy-five percent of the participants agreed with one another concerning the top five critical problems and issues that Virginia leaders should consider when planning future programs. This study identified what Virginia stakeholders felt were the most critical issues and problems facing the future of technology and engineering education programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Each of the critical issues and problems identified in this study bears further investigation and possible action to address the crisis (Wicklein, 2005). This research provides opinions of technology and engineering education teachers, administrators, and teacher educators, and it could be considered a starting point for future discussions