40,988 research outputs found

    Multichannel dynamical symmetry and cluster-coexistence

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    A composite symmetry of the nuclear structure, called multichannel dynamical symmetry is established. It can describe different cluster configurations (defined by different reaction channels) in a unified framework, thus it has a considerable predictive power. The two-channel case is presented in detail, and its conceptual similarity to the dynamical supersymmetry is discussed.Comment: published in Phys. Rev. C 87,067301 (2013

    Toward a unified light curve model for multi-wavelength observations of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992)

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    We present a unified model for optical, ultraviolet (UV), and X-ray light curves of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992). Based on an optically thick wind model of nova outbursts, we have calculated light curves and searched for the best fit model that is consistent with optical, UV, and X-ray observations. Our best fit model is a white dwarf (WD) of mass 1.05 M_\sun with a chemical composition of X=0.46, C+N+O=0.15, and Ne = 0.05 by mass weight. Both supersoft X-ray and continuum UV 1455 \AA light curves are well reproduced. Supersoft X-rays emerged on day ~ 250 after outburst, which is naturally explained by our model: our optically thick winds cease on day 245 and supersoft X-rays emerge from self-absorption by the winds. The X-ray flux keeps a constant peak value for ~ 300 days followed by a quick decay on day ~ 600. The duration of X-ray flat peak is well reproduced by a steady hydrogen shell burning on the WD. Optical light curve is also explained by the same model if we introduce free-free emission from optically thin ejecta. A t^{-1.5} slope of the observed optical and infrared fluxes is very close to the slope of our modeled free-free light curve during the optically thick wind phase. Once the wind stops, optical and infrared fluxes should follow a t^{-3} slope, derived from a constant mass of expanding ejecta. An abrupt transition from a t^{-1.5} slope to a t^{-3} slope at day ~ 200 is naturally explained by the change from the wind phase to the post-wind phase on day ~ 200. The development of hard X-ray flux is also reasonably understood as shock-origin between the wind and the companion star. The distance to V1974 Cyg is estimated to be ~ 1.7 kpc with E(B-V)= 0.32 from the light curve fitting for the continuum UV 1455 \AA.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Global Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to the Maxwell-Schr{\"o}dinger Equations

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    The time local and global well-posedness for the Maxwell-Schr{\"o}dinger equations is considered in Sobolev spaces in three spatial dimensions. The Strichartz estimates of Koch and Tzvetkov type are used for obtaining the solutions in the Sobolev spaces of low regularities. One of the main results is that the solutions exist time globally for large data.Comment: 30 pages. In the revised version, the following modification was made. (1) A line for dedication was added in the first page. (2) Some lines were added at the bottom in page 4 and the top in page 5 in the first section to make the description accurate. (3) Some typographical errors were corrected throughout the pape

    A combinatorial Li-Yau inequality and rational points on curves

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    We present a method to control gonality of nonarchimedean curves based on graph theory. Let k denote a complete nonarchimedean valued field.We first prove a lower bound for the gonality of a curve over the algebraic closure of k in terms of the minimal degree of a class of graph maps, namely: one should minimize over all so-called finite harmonic graph morphisms to trees, that originate from any refinement of the dual graph of the stable model of the curve. Next comes our main result: we prove a lower bound for the degree of such a graph morphism in terms of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian and some “volume” of the original graph; this can be seen as a substitute for graphs of the Li–Yau inequality from differential geometry, although we also prove that the strict analogue of the original inequality fails for general graphs. Finally,we apply the results to give a lower bound for the gonality of arbitraryDrinfeld modular curves over finite fields and for general congruence subgroups Γ of Γ (1) that is linear in the index [Γ (1) : Γ ], with a constant that only depends on the residue field degree and the degree of the chosen “infinite” place. This is a function field analogue of a theorem of Abramovich for classical modular curves. We present applications to uniform boundedness of torsion of rank two Drinfeld modules that improve upon existing results, and to lower bounds on the modular degree of certain elliptic curves over function fields that solve a problem of Papikian

    A Theoretical Light-Curve Model for the 1999 Outburst of U Scorpii

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    A theoretical light curve for the 1999 outburst of U Scorpii is presented in order to obtain various physical parameters of the recurrent nova. Our U Sco model consists of a very massive white dwarf (WD) with an accretion disk and a lobe-filling, slightly evolved, main-sequence star (MS). The model includes a reflection effect by the companion and the accretion disk together with a shadowing effect on the companion by the accretion disk. The early visual light curve (t ~ 1-15 days after maximum) is well reproduced by a thermonuclear runaway model on a very massive WD close to the Chandrasekhar limit (M_{WD}= 1.37 \pm 0.01 M_\odot), in which optically thick winds blowing from the WD play a key role in determining the nova duration. The duration of the strong wind phase (t~0-17 days) is very consistent with the BeppoSAX supersoft X-ray detection at t~19-20 days because supersoft X-rays are self-absorbed by the massive wind. The envelope mass at the peak is estimated to be ~3x10^{-6} M_\odot, which is indicating an average mass accretion rate ~2.5x10^{-7} M_\odot yr^{-1} during the quiescent phase between 1987 and 1999. These quantities are exactly the same as those predicted in a new progenitor model of Type Ia supernovae.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in ApJL, vol. 52

    A Modeling of the Super-Eddington Luminosity in Nova Outbursts: V1974 Cygni

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    We have modeled nova light curves exceeding the Eddington luminosity. It has been suggested that a porous structure develops in nova envelopes during the super Eddington phase and the effective opacity is much reduced for such a porous atmosphere. Based on this reduced opacity model, we have calculated envelope structures and light curves of novae. The optically thick wind model is used to simulate nova winds. We find that the photospheric luminosity and the wind mass-loss rate increase inversely proportional to the reducing factor of opacities, but the wind velocity hardly changes. We also reproduce the optical light curve of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992) in the super-Eddington phase, which lasts 13 days from the optical peak 1.7 mag above the Eddington luminosity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in ApJ

    Finite-Size Scaling for Quantum Criticality above the Upper Critical Dimension: Superfluid-Mott-Insulator Transition in Three Dimensions

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    Validity of modified finite-size scaling above the upper critical dimension is demonstrated for the quantum phase transition whose dynamical critical exponent is z=2z=2. We consider the NN-component Bose-Hubbard model, which is exactly solvable and exhibits mean-field type critical phenomena in the large-NN limit. The modified finite-size scaling holds exactly in that limit. However, the usual procedure, taking the large system-size limit with fixed temperature, does not lead to the expected (and correct) mean-field critical behavior due to the limited range of applicability of the finite-size scaling form. By quantum Monte Carlo simulation, it is shown that the same holds in the case of N=1.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Long term variation of the solar diurnal anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays observed with the Nagoya multi-directional muon detector

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    We analyze the three dimensional anisotropy of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensities observed independently with a muon detector at Nagoya in Japan and neutron monitors over four solar activity cycles. We clearly see the phase of the free-space diurnal anisotropy shifting toward earlier hours around solar activity minima in A>0 epochs, due to the reduced anisotropy component parallel to the mean magnetic field. The average parallel component is consistent with a rigidity independent spectrum, while the perpendicular component increases with GCR rigidity. We suggest that this harder spectrum of the perpendicular component is due to contribution from the drift streaming. We find that the bidirectional latitudinal density gradient is positive in A>0 epoch, while it is negative in A<0 epoch, in accord with the drift model prediction. The radial density gradient, on the other hand, varies with ~11-year cycle with maxima (minima) in solar maximum (minimum) periods, but there is no significant difference seen between average radial gradients in A>0 and A<0 epochs. The average parallel mean free path is larger in A0. We also find, however, that parallel mean free path (radial gradient) appears to persistently increase (decreasing) in the last three cycles of weakening solar activity. We suggest that simple differences between these parameters in A>0 and A<0 epochs are seriously biased by these long-term trends.Comment: accepted for the publication in the Astrophysical Journa
