30 research outputs found

    Atypical congenital cartilaginous rest of the neck in a one-year-old female patient

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    Å kržni ostatak u vratu je rijetko opisana prirođena anomalija za koju nema utvrđenog imena u literaturi, a često se pogjreÅ”no dijagnosticira kao prirođena lateralna cista i/ili vratna fi stula. Autori opisuju slučaj jednogodiÅ”nje djevojčice koja je praćena od rođenja zbog čvornatih tvorbi na vratu kako bi upozorili na važnost i Å”irinu diferencijalne dijagnostike prirođenih malformacija lateralne regije vrata kao i na ulogu ultrazvuka u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici, jer kirurÅ”ko liječenje ovisi o tome. Kliničkim pregledom nađena je tvorba veličine 2x1 cm, dobro diferencirana od povrÅ”ine, na desnoj strani vrata u II./III. regiji. Ultrazvuk vrata nije otkrio nikakve fi stule ili ciste. KirurÅ”kom incizijom nađena je hrskavična srž tvorbe koja je kirurÅ”ki odstranjena u općoj anesteziji bez ikakvih problema.Cartilaginous rests of the neck are rarely described congenital anomaly for which there is no defi nite name in the literature, and is often misdiagnosed as congenital lateral cysts and/or neck fi stulas. The authors present a case of a one-year old girl monitored from birth due to nodular formations on the neck, in order to highlight the importance and span of diff erential diagnosis of congenital malformations of the lateral neck region and the role of ultrasonography in diff erential diagnosis since the surgical treatment plan depends on it. Clinical examination revealed a formation of 2x1 cm, well diff erentiated from the surface, on the right side of the neck in region II/III. On the left side in region II/III, there was a smaller formation of 2-3 mm in diameter. Sonography of the neck did not reveal any fi stulae or cysts. On surgical excision in general anaesthesia, the cartilaginous core was found and excised without any problems

    Split from the 16th to 19th century through the prism of anthropological research

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    U članku su prikazani rezultati antropoloÅ”ke analize koÅ”tanog materijala pronađenog u sondi 9 dominikanskog samostana sv. Katarine u Splitu. Kako se radi o zajedničkoj grobnoj komori s većim brojem pokojnika, primijenjene su forenzičnoā€“antropoloÅ”ke metode s ciljem utvrđivanja minimalnog broja osoba. Također su prikazana antropoloÅ”ka obilježja populacije, demografska struktura, kvaliteta i uvjeti života kasnosrednjovjekovne/novovjekovne populacije. Rezultati su uspoređeni s rezultatima lokaliteta iz Hrvatske i svijeta.This article presents the results of anthropological analysis of bone material that was discovered in trench 9 in the Dominican Monastery of St. Catherine in Split. Due to the fact that it was a burial chamber with several skeletons, forensicā€“anthropological methods were applied with the aim to determine the minimal number of individuals. In addition, the anthropological characteristics of the population, the demographic structure, the quality of life and living conditions of the late mediaeval/ modern population were illustrated. The results were compared to the results of sites in Croatia and abroad

    Formation of Adhesions at Surgical Meshes in a Rat Experimental Model

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    Abdominal wall hernias are surgical problem that are easily solved with laparoscopic surgery. The determining factor for the success of the operation is the right choice and use of surgical mesh as the support material. The most common complication of surgical mesh placement is the formation of adhesions. Aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a statistic difference in formation of adhesions between different surgical meshes in lab environment. Wistar rats were used as the experimental model. After the anaesthesia a 1x1 cm defect of the abdominal wall was made, but the skin was left intact. The mesh was placed directly on the internal organs. The experiment considered four different mesh types. After set time periods of one, two or four weeks the animals were sacrificed and the amount of formed adhesions were evaluated based on the modified Diamond scale. Immediately after the first week we found a statistically significant difference in the adhesion occurrence rate between compared materials. The smallest amount of adhesions was caused by polypropylen + polydoksanon mesh, and the most by polypropilen mesh. Polypropylen + polyglactin mesh showed significant reduction of adhesion formation between the tested weeks. We can conclude that polypropylen + polydoxanon meshes are superior for ventral hernia operation, because those defects are in close contact with the internal organs and it is very important to have the smallest amount of adhesions

    Split from the 16th to 19th century through the prism of anthropological research

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    U članku su prikazani rezultati antropoloÅ”ke analize koÅ”tanog materijala pronađenog u sondi 9 dominikanskog samostana sv. Katarine u Splitu. Kako se radi o zajedničkoj grobnoj komori s većim brojem pokojnika, primijenjene su forenzičnoā€“antropoloÅ”ke metode s ciljem utvrđivanja minimalnog broja osoba. Također su prikazana antropoloÅ”ka obilježja populacije, demografska struktura, kvaliteta i uvjeti života kasnosrednjovjekovne/novovjekovne populacije. Rezultati su uspoređeni s rezultatima lokaliteta iz Hrvatske i svijeta.This article presents the results of anthropological analysis of bone material that was discovered in trench 9 in the Dominican Monastery of St. Catherine in Split. Due to the fact that it was a burial chamber with several skeletons, forensicā€“anthropological methods were applied with the aim to determine the minimal number of individuals. In addition, the anthropological characteristics of the population, the demographic structure, the quality of life and living conditions of the late mediaeval/ modern population were illustrated. The results were compared to the results of sites in Croatia and abroad

    Torsion of Epiploic Appendage Mimic Acute Appendicitis

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    Epiploic appendagitis is a rare cause of focal abdominal pain which, depending on its localisation, can mimic a variety of abdominal diseases. We report a case of 36-year-old woman who presented with a classic signs of acute appendicitis. On examination, the obese, afebrile, and had very strong right iliac fossa tenderness and guarding. The white cell count was 12.82Ā“109/L, and C reactive protein count was 15.13MG/DL. She underwent emergency laparoscopic procedure after the acute appendicitis diagnosis has been established. Laparoscopic exploration of the abdominal cavity showed vermiform, no inflamed, appendix and necrotic appendix epiploica of the caecum. The treatment consisted of typical laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic resection of the necrotic appendix epiploica. The patient made rapid recovery and was discharged from the hospital on second day after the operation. Histological investigation of the appendix epiploica revealed gangrenous epiploic appendage

    Partial Cecal Necrosis Treated by Laparoscopic Partial Cecal Resection

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    Acute colonic ischemia is the common cause of colitis in elderly population. However, isolated ischemic necrosis of cecum is rare entity, often associated with variety of conditions. Here we present a case of a 73-year old woman with a past history of hypertension presented with clinical symptoms of right lower quadrant abdominal pain and tenderness localized to the right lower quadrant, guarding and rebound tenderness. With diagnosis of acute appendicitis, the patient underwent laparoscopy where the cecal partial necrosis was discovered. Necrotic area of cecum was excised using two endoscopic cutters and laparoscopic appendectomy was performed. Pathologist report showed thrombosis of vessels and necrosis of entire cecal wall. The patient completely recovered without any surgical complications. This is the first case of partial cecum necrosis laparoscopicaly managed and with a partial cecal resection only

    Torsion of Epiploic Appendage Mimic Acute Appendicitis

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    Epiploic appendagitis is a rare cause of focal abdominal pain which, depending on its localisation, can mimic a variety of abdominal diseases. We report a case of 36-year-old woman who presented with a classic signs of acute appendicitis. On examination, the obese, afebrile, and had very strong right iliac fossa tenderness and guarding. The white cell count was 12.82Ā“109/L, and C reactive protein count was 15.13MG/DL. She underwent emergency laparoscopic procedure after the acute appendicitis diagnosis has been established. Laparoscopic exploration of the abdominal cavity showed vermiform, no inflamed, appendix and necrotic appendix epiploica of the caecum. The treatment consisted of typical laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic resection of the necrotic appendix epiploica. The patient made rapid recovery and was discharged from the hospital on second day after the operation. Histological investigation of the appendix epiploica revealed gangrenous epiploic appendage

    Anthropological individualization of relics from sarcophagus stored in Vodnjan monastery, Vodnjan, Croatia

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    Aim: To develop a methodology for the estimation of the preservation of human skeletal remains ā€“ the relics in the Vodnjan assembly; to estimate the minimum number of individuals (MNI), sex, and age; to evaluate the physical state of their remains, and to individualize the remains to verify the list of saints allegedly buried at the monastery. Methods: Standard crime scene investigation and forensic anthropology methods were used, including trace evidence marking, photography, minimum number of individuals (MNI) estimation, sex, age, stature estimation, pathological and traumatic changes examination, individuation, and individualization by the comparison to the biography. Results: The total sample of the bones in the Vodnjan relic collection was very poorly preserved. The MNI in the sarcophagus was twenty-two. Of those, three were female, twelve were male, and seven were subadults. Conclusion: The forensic approach to the documentation and analysis of relics was appropriate for this kind of skeletal material. The final identification was not possible because of the poor preservation of skeletal material and the lack of hagiographical (antemortem) data. However, the forensic anthropology approach enabled us to create osteobiographies, and after the comparison with the existing antemortem data, we could not exclude that the remains belonged to the named saints

    Kliničke upute za dijagnostiku, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka mokraćnog mjehura Hrvatskoga onkoloÅ”kog druÅ”tva i Hrvatskoga uroloÅ”kog druÅ”tva Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora [Clinical guidelines for diagnosing, treatment and monitoring patients with bladder cancer - Croatian Oncology Society and Croatian Urology Society, Croatian Medical Association]

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    Urothelial cancer is the most common bladder cancer. Hematuria is the most common presenting symptom in patients with bladder cancer. The most common diagnostics of bladder cancer is performed by transurethral resection of bladder after which pathohistological diagnosis is set. It is necessary to determine whether the cancer penetrated in muscle layer (muscle-invasive cancer) or not (muscle-noninvasive cancer). Decision on therapeutic modality depends on the clinical stage of disease and on prognostic and risk factors. For muscle non-invasive bladder cancer transurethral resection is preferred with or without intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-GuƩrin (BCG). For invasive cancer the method of choice is radical cystectomy. Radiotherapy is used in radical and palliative purposes. Metastatic disease is most frequently treated by chemotherapy metotrexate/vinblastine/doxorubicine/cisplatin (MVAC) or gemcitabine/cisplatin (GC). The purpose of this article is to present clinical recommendations to set standards of procedures and criteria in diagnostics, treatment and follow up of patients with bladder cancer in the Republic of Croatia