Epiploic appendagitis is a rare cause of focal abdominal pain which, depending on its localisation, can mimic a variety
of abdominal diseases. We report a case of 36-year-old woman who presented with a classic signs of acute appendicitis.
On examination, the obese, afebrile, and had very strong right iliac fossa tenderness and guarding. The white cell
count was 12.82´109/L, and C reactive protein count was 15.13MG/DL. She underwent emergency laparoscopic procedure
after the acute appendicitis diagnosis has been established. Laparoscopic exploration of the abdominal cavity showed
vermiform, no inflamed, appendix and necrotic appendix epiploica of the caecum. The treatment consisted of typical
laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic resection of the necrotic appendix epiploica. The patient made rapid recovery
and was discharged from the hospital on second day after the operation. Histological investigation of the appendix
epiploica revealed gangrenous epiploic appendage