43 research outputs found

    Yago - a core of semantic knowledge

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    We present YAGO, a light-weight and extensible ontology with high coverage and quality. YAGO builds on entities and relations and currently contains roughly 900,000 entities and 5,000,000 facts. This includes the Is-A hierarchy as well as non-taxonomic relations between entities (such as relation{hasWonPrize}). The facts have been automatically extracted from the unification of Wikipedia and WordNet, using a carefully designed combination of rule-based and heuristic methods described in this paper. The resulting knowledge base is a major step beyond WordNet: in quality by adding knowledge about individuals like persons, organizations, products, etc. with their semantic relationships -- and in quantity by increasing the number of facts by more than an order of magnitude. Our empirical evaluation of fact correctness shows an accuracy of about 95%. YAGO is based on a logically clean model, which is decidable, extensible, and compatible with RDFS. Finally, we show how YAGO can be further extended by state-of-the-art information extraction techniques

    SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases

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    The Internet has enabled the creation of a growing number of large-scale knowledge bases in a variety of domains containing complementary information. Tools for automatically aligning these knowledge bases would make it possible to unify many sources of structured knowledge and answer complex queries. However, the efficient alignment of large-scale knowledge bases still poses a considerable challenge. Here, we present Simple Greedy Matching (SiGMa), a simple algorithm for aligning knowledge bases with millions of entities and facts. SiGMa is an iterative propagation algorithm which leverages both the structural information from the relationship graph as well as flexible similarity measures between entity properties in a greedy local search, thus making it scalable. Despite its greedy nature, our experiments indicate that SiGMa can efficiently match some of the world's largest knowledge bases with high precision. We provide additional experiments on benchmark datasets which demonstrate that SiGMa can outperform state-of-the-art approaches both in accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 10 pages + 2 pages appendix; 5 figures -- initial preprin

    STAR: Steiner tree approximation in relationship-graphs

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    Large-scale graphs and networks are abundant in modern information systems: entity-relationship graphs over relational data or Web-extracted entities, biological networks, social online communities, knowledge bases, and many more. Often such data comes with expressive node and edge labels that allow an interpretation as a semantic graph, and edge weights that reflect the strengths of semantic relations between entities. Finding close relationships between a given set of two, three, or more entities is an important building block for many search, ranking, and analysis tasks. From an algorithmic point of view, this translates into computing the best Steiner trees between the given nodes, a classical NP-hard problem. In this paper, we present a new approximation algorithm, coined STAR, for relationship queries over large graphs that do not fit into memory. We prove that for n query entities, STAR yields an O(log(n))-approximation of the optimal Steiner tree, and show that in practical cases the results returned by STAR are qualitatively better than the results returned by a classical 2-approximation algorithm. We then describe an extension to our algorithm to return the top-k Steiner trees. Finally, we evaluate our algorithm over both main-memory as well as completely disk-resident graphs containing millions of nodes. Our experiments show that STAR outperforms the best state-of-the returns qualitatively better results

    Yago: a large ontology from Wikipedia and WordNet

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    This article presents YAGO, a large ontology with high coverage and precision. YAGO has been automatically derived from Wikipedia and WordNet. It comprises entities and relations, and currently contains more than 1.7 million entities and 15 million facts. These include the taxonomic Is-A hierarchy as well as semantic relations between entities. The facts for YAGO have been extracted from the category system and the infoboxes of Wikipedia and have been combined with taxonomic relations from WordNet. Type checking techniques help us keep YAGO's precision at 95% -- as proven by an extensive evaluation study. YAGO is based on a clean logical model with a decidable consistency. Furthermore, it allows representing n-ary relations in a natural way while maintaining compatibility with RDFS. A powerful query model facilitates access to YAGO's data

    Bias in data-driven artificial intelligence systems—An introductory survey

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based systems are widely employed nowadays to make decisions that have far-reaching impact on individuals and society. Their decisions might affect everyone, everywhere, and anytime, entailing concerns about potential human rights issues. Therefore, it is necessary to move beyond traditional AI algorithms optimized for predictive performance and embed ethical and legal principles in their design, training, and deployment to ensure social good while still benefiting from the huge potential of the AI technology. The goal of this survey is to provide a broad multidisciplinary overview of the area of bias in AI systems, focusing on technical challenges and solutions as well as to suggest new research directions towards approaches well-grounded in a legal frame. In this survey, we focus on data-driven AI, as a large part of AI is powered nowadays by (big) data and powerful machine learning algorithms. If otherwise not specified, we use the general term bias to describe problems related to the gathering or processing of data that might result in prejudiced decisions on the bases of demographic features such as race, sex, and so forth. This article is categorized under: Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Fairness in Data Mining Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Ethical Considerations Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Legal Issues

    The Complexity of Reasoning about Pattern-based XML Schemas

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    In a recent paper, Martens et al. introduced a specification mechanism for {XML} tree languages, based on rules of the form r ! s, where r, s are regular expressions. Sets of such rules can be interpreted in an existential or a universal fashion. An {XML} tree is existentially valid with respect to a rule set, if for each node there is a rule such that the root path of the node matches r and the children sequence of the node matches s. It is universally valid if each node matching r also matches s. This paper investigates the complexity of reasoning about such rule sets, in particular the satisfiability and the implication problem. Whereas, in general these reasoning problems are complete for ExpTime, two important fragments are identified with PSpace and PTime complexity, respectively

    Graffiti: Graph-based Classification in Heterogeneous Networks

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    We address the problem of multi-label classification in heterogeneous graphs, where nodes belong to different types and different types have different sets of classification labels. We present a novel approach that aims to classify nodes based on their neighborhoods. We model the mutual influence of nodes as a random walk in which the random surfer aims at distributing class labels to nodes while walking through the graph. When viewing class labels as “colors”, the random surfer is essentially spraying different node types with different color palettes; hence the name Graffiti of our method. In contrast to previous work on topic-based random surfer models, our approach captures and exploits the mutual influence of nodes of the same type based on their connections to nodes of other types. We show important properties of our algorithm such as convergence and scalability. We also confirm the practical viability of Graffiti by an experimental study on subsets of the popular social networks Flickr and LibraryThing. We demonstrate the superiority of our approach by comparing it to three other state-of-the-art techniques for graph-based classification

    Database and Information-retrieval Methods for Knowledge Discovery

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    Our aim here is to advocate for the integration of database-systems (DB) methods and information-retrieval (IR) methods to address applications that are emerging from the ongoing explosion and diversification of digital information. One grand goal of such an endeavor is the automatic building and maintenance of a comprehensive knowledge base of facts from encyclopedic sources and the scientific literature. Facts should be represented in terms of typed entities and relationships and allow expressive queries that return ranked results with precision in an efficient and scalable manner. We thus explore how DB and IR methods might contribute toward this ambitious goal

    NAGA: Searching and Ranking Knowledge

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    The Web has the potential to become the world’s largest knowledge base. In order to unleash this potential, the wealth of information available on the Web needs to be extracted and organized. There is a need for new querying techniques that are simple and yet more expressive than those provided by standard keyword-based search engines. Searching for knowledge rather than Web pages needs to consider inherent semantic structures like entities (person, organization, etc.) and relationships (isA, locatedIn, etc.). In this paper, we propose NAGA, a new semantic search engine. NAGA builds on a knowledge base, which is organized as a graph with typed edges, and consists of millions of entities and relationships extracted from Web-based corpora. A graph-based query language enables the formulation of queries with additional semantic information. We introduce a novel scoring model, based on the principles of generative language models, which formalizes several notions like confidence, informativeness and compactness and uses them to rank query results. We demonstrate NAGA’s superior result quality over state-of-the-art search engines and question answering systems