6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Debt To Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Return On Asset Dan Total Asset Turnover Terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio Pada Perusahaan Basic Materials

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how the influence of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Return on Asset and Total Asset Turnover on Dividend Payout Ratio in Basic Materials sector companies for the period 2018-2021. The technique applied is purposive sampling. The population used for 4 years. The data source used in this study is the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square) analysis assisted by the SmartPLS 4.0 program. The results of this study show that Debt to Equity Ratio and Current Ratio affect the Dividend Payout Ratio, while Cash Ratio, Return on Asset and Total Asset Turnover have no effect on Dividend Payout Ratio. Keywords: Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Return on Asset, Total Asset Turnover, Dividend Payout Ratio

    Rekayasa Simulator Penghancur Tablet dengan Kontrol Suhu & Motor

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    Dalam menentukan kualitas suatu tablet diperlukan 4 pengujian yaitu uji keseragaman ukuran, uji kekerasan, uji keregasan, uji waktu hancur (desintegration tester) dan penetapan kadar. Desintegration Tester adalah alat pengujian yang digunakan pada industri farmasi untuk mengetahui berapa lama waktu hancur obat. Proses uji waktu hancur tablet biasanya dilakukan secara manual dengan cara tablet dicelupkan kedalam air hangat selama beberapa waktu sesuai dengan bentuk tablet yang diuji, untuk pengujian seperti itu akan membutuhkan waktu dan tidak efisien. Dari acuan diatas maka penulis membuat perancangan desintegration tester dengan system kerja yaitu lengan penampang tablet digerakan dengan motor power window, dan tampilan suhu air didalam chamber yang dapat dipantau. Penelitian ini menggunakan sensor suhu ds18b20 dan dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler ATMega328. Suhu 37ºC akan ditampilkan pada LCD karakter 2x16 dalam proses berjalannya uji waktu hancur obat. Lengan penampang obat akan digerakan oleh motor power window. Hasil pengukuran suhu diperoleh nilai error sebesar 0,013% dan nilai error motor power window sebesar 0,39%

    Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Naturalis melalui Metode Bernyanyi pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the naturalist intelligence of early childhood through the singing method in group B RA Binayah. This research is an Action Research Class (CAR). The subjects of this study were 10 children consisting of 5 boys and 5 girls. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of three meetings. Data collection uses an observation sheet. The data analysis technique used is the average value and percentage. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in naturalist intelligence in children as seen from the average results of naturalist intelligence in cycle I reaching 30% of children who get an assessment of developing as expected. then in cycle II it reaches 30% of children who get an assessment of developing as expected. It is recommended for future researchers to use the Singing method to improve naturalist intelligence in early childhood


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    Tahu merupakan salah satu bahan makanan pokok di Indonesia. Tahu juga merupakanmakanan yang mengandung banyak gizi dan cukup mudah untuk diproduksi. Untuk membuat tahu,bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan hanya berupa kacang kedelai. Tidak heran jika di Kelurahan LedokKulon mayoritas warganya adalah pembuat tahu. Para pembuat tahu di Ledok Kulon termasuk dalamkategori Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). Cara pembuatan tahu pun masih dengan cara yangsederhana, sehingga peran individu dalam hal ini pekerja sangatlah besar didalam prosespembuatannya

    Curcumin Menghambat Karbonilasi Protein Lensa pada Model Tikus Diabetes yang Diinduksi Streptozotocin

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    Aim : lens protein carbonylation is one of mechanism th at involved in complication cataract of diabetes. T he aim of this study was proving the effect of curcumin antio xidant to inhibit lens protein carbonylation in dia betic mouse models. Material and Method: curcumin was solved in maize (corn) oil with concen tration 0.4 mL/100 mg curcumin. Diabetic mouse models were induced by intraperitone al Streptozotocin injection with dose 150 mg/kg of body weight. Curcumin was given once a day as long as two days t o the mouse that had glucose level more than 200 mg /dL. The effect of curcumin was compared to control group, a qua treated group, metformin group and curcumin+met formin group. Lens of diabetic mouse models were pounded t o get homogenate that will be examined the carbonyl protein level. Absorbance was read using spectrophotometer with wave length 375 nm. Result and Discussion: Carbonyl protein levels (nm/ml) were like below: Control gro up (33.16± 19.83), Diabetes+Curcumin group (32.07± 9. 52), Diabetes+Metformin (98.61± 17.72), Diabetes+Curcumin +Metformin group (57.27± 12.19), Diabetes+aquades gr oup (311.83± 73.69). Carbonyl protein level of diabetic mouse lens that given curcumin was not different wi th control group and curcumin+metformin group. Carbonyl protein leve l of diabetic mouse lens that given curcumin was si gnificantly different with aqua treated group and metformin gro up. Conclusion: curcumin inhibits carbonylation of lens protein in diabetic mouse models that induced by streptozotoci n. Suggestion: this experiment must be improved more in order to give option preventive therapy of cataract compl ication of diabetes