322 research outputs found

    Solving the oscillating pipe flow problem by the boundary integral equations method

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    In the work, a solution to a problem of oscillatory flow of viscous incompressible liquid in a rectilinear pipe of circular section, completely filled with the liquid was presented. The way of solving flow generated by pressure pulsation and the pipe oscillation to the flow direction was also-discussed. The behaviour of the liquid for the selected spectrum of its frequency and viscosity-was further analysed

    Solving the unsteady heat transeer problem with periodic boundary condition by the boundary integral equations method

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    In the paper, a solution of unsteady heat transfer problem with periodic boundary condition by means of boundary integral equations method was presented. Also was presented the results of numerical simulation of heat transfer in two dimensional area with oscillating temperature on the boundary

    Algorithmization and modeling of multicoordinate mechatronic systems

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    A large quantity of meehatronie systems is based on trajectory constructing on topological manifolds (particularly on curves and surfaces) with given accuracy [1]. For automated control of these systems it is preferable for trajectory planning to be given in the form of finite equation or system of equations. These systems with the behavior which is established with exactness up to variety intersection are related to the class of meehatronie systems [2]

    Features of emotional well-being of first-graders

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problem of emotional well-being of primary school children. The results of studying the emotional component of first-graders are considered. The features of the emotional sphere, the emotional attitude to school of boys and girls of primary school age are studiedСтатья посвящена изучению проблемы эмоционального самочувствия младших школьников. Рассмотрены результаты изучения эмоционального компонента первоклассников. Изучены особенности эмоциональной сферы, эмоционального отношения к школе мальчиков и девочек младшего школьного возраст

    The relationship between the features of interpersonal relations of primary school children with their socio-psychological competence

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    The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the features of interpersonal relations of primary school children and their socio-psychological competenceСтатья посвящена исследованию связи особенностей межличностных отношений детей младшего школьного возраста с их социально-психологической компетентность

    Benchmarking as an effective tool for managing the quality of nursing care

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    The aim of the study – to analyze the work quality of the average medical staff of the day hospital, to develop and implement proposals for improving the management of the nursing care quality and methods for conducting benchmarking research in a private medical organization.Цель исследования – проанализировать качество работы среднего медицинского персонала дневного стационара, разработать и внедрить предложения по совершенствованию управления качеством медицинской сестринской помощи методам проведения бенчмаркингового исследования в частной медицинской организации

    Aplicarea sistemului de hidrochirurgie și a plasmajetului în debridarea toracoscopică a cavității pleurale la copii cu fibrinotorax

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    Toracoscopia a devenit o modalitate favorizată în tratamentul empiemului pleural la copii. Cu toate acestea, factorii care afectează rezultatul administrării toracoscopice rămân neclari. Scopul studiului este de a demonstra eficiența sistemului de hidrochirurgie "Versajet" și a unității de plasmă "Plasmajet" în tratamentul toracoscopic al copiilor cu complicații pleurale ale pneumoniei. MATERIALE SI METODE. În perioada 2015-2017, la Spitalul de Copii Speransky din Moscova, 377 copii cu pneumonie au fost tratați, la 62 pacienți (16,45%) din 377 am efectuat drenajul cavității pleurale, 14 pacienți cu vârste cuprinse între 1,6 și 15 ani (în medie, 3,2 ± 3,8 ani) cu empiem pleural au fost operați. S-a efectuat decorticarea pulmonară toracoscopică cu sistem de hidrochirurgie (Versajet-2). Sistemul hidrochirurgical este un instrument chirurgical bazat pe impactul jetului de apă de mare viteză asupra țesuturilor necrotice și inflamate, combinând avantajele debridării țesuturilor moi și evacuarea acestora prin pulsarea jetului de apă. Designul tubului de evacuare și apropierea acestuia de jetul lichid creează un vacuum local, care îndepărtează efectiv fibrina și conținutul lichid prin efectul Bernulli. Consimțământul informat a fost obținut de la toți părinții înainte de operare, iar procedura însăși a fost aprobată de comitetul de etică locală. REZULTATE. Recuperarea și reabilitarea fără particularități au fost în 13 cazuri. La un pacient cu empiem al cavității pleurale pe dreapta și leziune organică severă a sistemului nervos central a perioadei postoperatorii după o toracoscopie convențională complicată de recurența empiemului pleural.Retoracoscopia cu debridarea cavității pleurale de către sistemul de hidrochirurgie efectuată la șase zile după operația inițială, a avut rezultate satisfăcătoare. În cazul hemoragiei intraoperatorii, a fost efectuată coagularea plasmei de argon, obținându-se aerostasie completă la 2 pacienți și hemostază - la 1 pacient. Durata medie de funcționare a fost de 90 de minute (± 15 minute). Drenajul cavității pleurale este eliminat în ziua a 3-a sau a 4-a după operație. Copiii externați în ziua a 10-a (± 1,2 zile). Examinarea cu ultrasunete și cu raze X la patru luni după intervenția chirurgicală a confirmat absența inflamației în parenchimul pulmonar și reexpansarea plină pulmonară la toți pacienții. CONCLUZIE. Aplicarea sistemului hidrochirurgical în timpul toracoscopiei asigură o debridare sigură și eficientă a cavității pleurale, decorticările plămânului fiind fără deteriorarea severă a parenchimului pulmonar și crearea condițiilor pentru reabilitarea precoce a plămânilor compromiși.Thoracoscopy became a favored modality in pediatric pleural empyema treatment. However, factors affecting outcome of thoracos- copic management remain unclear. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate efficiency of hydrosurgery system "Versajet" and plasma unit "Plasmajet" in thoracoscopic treatment of children with pleural complications of pneumonia. MATERIALS AND METHODS. During the period of 2015-2017 at the Speransky Children’s Hospital in Moscow 377 children with pneumonia were treated, in 62 patients (16.45%) of 377 we perform drainage of pleural cavity, 14 patients from 1.6 to 15 years of age (on average, 3.2 ± 3.8 years old) with pleural empyema were operated. Thoracoscopic lung decortication with hydrosurgery system (Versajet-2) was performed. Hydrosurgery system is a surgical instrument based on impact of high-speed jet of water on necrotic and inflamed tissues, combining the advantages of soft tissues debridement and evacuation them by pulsating water jet. Design of the evacuation tube and its proximity to liquid jet creates a local vacuum, which effectively removes fibrin and liquid contents by Ber- nulli effect. Informed consent was obtained from all parents before operation, and procedure itself received approval from the local ethics committee. RESULTS. Recovery and rehabilitation was uneventful in 13 cases. In one patient with empyema of right pleural cavity and severe organic lesion of central nervous system postoperative period after conventional toracoscopy complicated by recurrence of pleural empyema. Rethoracoscopy with debridement of pleural cavity by hydrosurgery system performed six days after initial operation, with satisfactory results. In the event of intraoperative air leak or hemorrhage, application of argon plasma coagulation had been performed achieving complete aerostasis in 2 patients and hemostasis - in 1 patient. Average operation time was 90 minutes (± 15 minutes). Drainage of the pleural cavity removed on the 3rd or 4th day after surgery. Children discharged from the hospital on 10th PO day (± 1.2 days). Ultrasound and X-ray examination four months after surgery confirmed the absence of inflammation in the lung parenchyma and full lung reexpansion in all patients. CONCLUSION. Application of hydrosurgycal system during thoracoscopy provides safe and effective debridement of pleural cavity, decortications of the lung without severe damage to the lung parenchyma and create conditions for early rehabilitation of compro- mised lung


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    The paper presents technical solutions applied while developing a tower concrete-mixing plant. Separate typical details with indication of their main parameters are comprehensively described in the paper. The paper provides a sequence of concrete mixture component movement in the batching process, contains description of a recipient-oriented ready-made mixture feeding  to final consumers with the help of trolleys and a concrete waste recycling system.Приведены технические решения, примененные при разработке башенной бетоносмесительной установки. Детально описаны отдельные типовые узлы с указанием их основных параметров. Приведен порядок перемещения компонентов бетонной смеси в процессе дозирования. Описана адресная подача готовой смеси к конечным потребителям при помощи тележек. Представлена система по переработке бетонных отходов производства.