483 research outputs found

    Uygur Şairi Lutpulla Mutellip

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    Toplumların tarihinde silinmez izler bırakan şahsiyetler vardır. Sanatçılar da ürettikleri eserlerle tarihe damga vuran kişilerdir. Özellikle bazı edebî eserler, ait olduğu dönemi yansıtan ayna gibidir. Edebî şahsiyetler de bu aynanın mimarları olarak dönemini aydınlatan birer ışık kaynağıdır. Bu kişilerden biri Lutpulla Mutellip’tir. Lutpulla Mutellip, yirminci yüzyılın başlarında Uygurların özgürlük mücadelesine ve Uygur edebiyatının gelişmesine büyük katkılar sağlamıştır. Bu yönüyle Uygur edebiyatında unutulmaz şahsiyetler arasında yerini almıştır

    Sandıklı Friend Culture And Uyghur Meshrep in Terms Of Their Language And Culture Properties

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    Living in the distant geographies, Oghuz Turks and Uyghurs are two different Turkish societies. Living in distant places geographically, these two Turkish societies have many shared elements such as language, religion, and culture. Turkey’s Turkish belonging to Oghuz group of Turkish and Uyghur Turkish belonging to Qarluk group show similarities impressively in terms of carrying shared cultural values. Both societies have many shared values such as birth, death, wedding, eating and drinking,crafts,family relationships and beliefs. In these shared cultural values, there are also Uyghur meshreps and Sandıklı friend (yâren) meetings. Friend (yâren) tradition carried out in Sandıklı district of Afyonkarahisar has several characteristics in common with the meshreps. Educating the youth and training them as well-behaved and moral individuals are among the important principles of friend (yâren) culture. In the friend (yâren) meetings, games similar to the ones in the Uyghur meshreps are also played. Mimicries, tongue twisters and punishments having a purpose of entertainment are the common aspects between these two cultures. When the Uyghur meshreps and friend (yâren) tradition are compared, it is seen that they are cultural elements maintaining the order in society, continuation of folk-literature and social solidarityTürkiye (Oğuz) Türkleri ve Uygurlar birbirlerinden çok uzak coğrafyalarda yaşayan iki farklı Türk toplumudur. Coğrafya olarak birbirine uzak yerlerde yaşayan bu iki Türk toplumu dil, din, kültür olarak pek çok ortak ögeye sahiptir. Türkçenin Oğuz grubuna ait Türkiye Türkçesi ile Karluk grubuna ait Uygur Türkçesi ortak kültürel değerleri taşıma konusunda şaşırtıcı derecede benzerlik gösterirler. Her iki toplum doğum, ölüm, düğün, yeme içme, el sanatları, aile ilişkileri, itikatlar gibi pek çok konuda ortak değerlere sahiptir. Ortak kültürel değerler arasında Uygur meşrepleri ile Sandıklı Yâren meclisleri de yer almaktadır. Afyonkarahisar’ın Sandıklı ilçesinde sürdürülen yâren geleneği meşreplerle pek çok yönden ortak özellikler taşımaktadır. Toplumda gençleri eğitmek, onların edepli ve ahlaklı bireyler olarak yetiştirmek yâren kültürünün önemli prensiplerindendir. Yâren meclislerinde de Uygur meşreplerine benzer oyunlar oynanmaktadır. Taklitler, tekerlemeler, eğlence amaçlı cezalar iki kültür arasındaki ortak yönlerdir. Uygur meşrepleriyle yâren geleneği karşılaştırıldığında toplumda düzeni sağlayan, halk edebiyatının devamını ve sosyal dayanışmayı sağlayan kültürel ögeler oldukları görülecektir

    Uygur Şairi Sabit Abdurrahman

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    20. yüzyıl Uygur Türkleri için çalkantılarla geçen bir yüzyıl olmuştur. Yüzyılın başlarında Uygur edebiyatında pek çok yenilikler görülmektedir. 1930’lu yıllardan sonra da eğitim reformları yapılmıştır. Bu yıllar aynı zamanda özgürlük hareketlerinin de yoğunlaştığı döneme rastlar. Siyasi hareketlerin etkili olduğu bir dönemde yaşayan Sabit Abdurrahman’ın hayatı da mücadeleyle geçmiştir. Uygur edebiyatı kaynaklarında şairle ilgili bilgiler yok denecek kadar azdır. Onunla ilgili bilgilere ancak kendi yazdığı şiirler toplamından ulaşmak mümkün oldu. Sabit Abdurrahman’ın “Hayat Naxşiliri” adı verilen eseri, birbirine tema ve kronolojik olarak bağlı beşi asıl, ikisi ek bölüm olmak üzere yedi bölümden oluşmaktadır. Sabit Abdurrahman Uygur halkının bağımsızlık mücadelesini dile getiren pek çok şiir yazmıştı

    Balancing acts: Parental coping and adaptation during COVID-19 in Türkiye

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    The global health crisis, COVID-19, swiftly enveloped people all around the world. Upon the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 as a pandemic, numerous countries have determined their own road maps. The main purpose of this study was to understand the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the life balance of parents with children aged 0-6 years in Türkiye. This study was a cross-sectional design. The data was collected from 514 parents who have at least one child at the age of 6 or less. Results showed that there were several direct and indirect relationships between demographic measures (gender, age, educational status, number of children in home and employment status of parents), mediating variables (self-rated measures such as support from distance learning, support from others), and endogenous variables (life balance variables). The findings of the study showed that “new normal” has entailed potential job losses for some individuals and changed perspectives and delivery methods of education. The findings also highlighted the importance of parents’ engagement into education for understanding and helping children’s development

    The Effect of Counselling on Anxiety Level from the Perspective of Ecological Systems Theory: A Quasi-experimental Pre-test - Post-test Control Group Study

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    In this study, we aimed to examine how counseling service provided to college students, through a contextual clinical counseling model, affects the anxiety level of college students at a university in the east of Turkey. We followed a quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest and with control group design method. The experimental group comprised 205 and the control group comprised 75 college students. Seven supervisors with PhD degree in counseling and counselor education provided weekly supervision to 120 counselors-in-training who provided individual counseling services to the participants. Each client in the experimental group received in average six sessions, each for 45-55 minutes. We have used an adapted version of Beck Anxiety Inventory for Turkey to examine the clients’ anxiety levels. Throughout the counseling process, we have collaborated with the psychiatry department at the university when it was necessary. Additionally, in order to conduct the complex quasi-experimental study in a smooth process, we developed and utilized the contextual clinical counseling model, as such models are utilized in some of the best counseling departments in the USA. The model facilitated to conduct the complex and dynamic research and providing the services with limited resources. That means optimized the resources through the model and got significant results. As a result, receiving counseling service seems significantly decreasing anxiety level for this sample. The current study meets some important gaps in mental health. We disccussed the findings from an ecological systems theory perspective and suggested some implications in mental health

    Ermenek Vadisi (Karaman, Mersin-Türkiye)’nin Briyofit Florası

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    In this study, the bryophyte flora of Ermenek Valley (Karaman, Mersin) was investigated. In a total 163 taxa belonging to 27 families and 64 genera were determined by identifying the bryophyte specimens collected from 33 stations at different habitats and different vegetation periods between the years 2019 and 2020. Marchantiophyta, 10 taxa belonging to 8 families and 10 genera, Bryophyta, 153 taxa belonging to 19 families and 54 genera are represented. Among them, 39 taxa are new records for C12 grid square and, also Fissidens gymnandrus is recorded for the second time from Turkey. While Pottiaceae (44 taxa) and Brachytheciaceae (26 taxa) two largest families in the study area, Ptychostomum (11 taxa), Syntrichia and Grimmia (10 taxa) are the most species rich genera. Taxa in the floristic list, along with ecological characteristics and life forms were given.Bu çalışmada, Ermenek Vadisi’nin (Karaman, Mersin) briyofit florası araştırılmıştır. 2019 ve 2020 yılları arasında vejetasyonun farklı dönemlerinde 33 istasyonun farklı habitatlarından toplanan briyofit örnekleri teşhis edilerek 27 familya ve 64 cinse ait toplam 163 takson tespit edilmiştir. Marchantiophyta, 8 familya ve 10 cinse ait 10 takson, Bryophyta, 19 familya ve 54 cinse ait 153 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Bunlardan 39 takson C12 karesi için yeni kayıtır ve ayrıca Fissidens gymnandrus Türkiye’den ikinci kez kaydedilmiştir. Pottiaceae (44 takson) ve Brachytheciaceae (26 takson) en büyük iki familya olurken, Ptychostomum (11 takson), Syntrichia ve Grimmia (10 takson) tür bakımından en zengin cislerdir. Floristik listede taksonlar, ekolojik özellikleri ve hayat formları ile birlikte verilmiştir

    Znieczulenie do cięcia cesarskiego u rodzących z łożyskiem przodującym z/bez łożyska wrośniętego – badanie retrospektywne

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    Objectives: The aim of this retrospective study was to review placenta previa cases and determine the prognostic factors effective on morbidity and mortality and to evaluate the strategy of anesthetic management. Material and methods: 65 women with placenta previa scheduled for elective or emergency cesarean sections from 2004 to 2009 were examined. Patient demographic data, surgery and obstetric characteristics, anesthetic techniques, blood transfusions, the values of hemoglobin and complications were recorded. Results: Mostly, general anesthesia was preferred in the parturients with placenta previa (86.2%, 56/65). 9 patients (13.8%), 2 of whom were converted to general anesthesia due to bleeding and prolonged surgery, received regional anesthesia. 37 of 65 women (56.9%) with placenta previa had had cesarean sections previously. More than half of these patients (21/37, 56.7%) had abnormally invasive placentation and 16 of 21 cases underwent cesarean hysterectomy. The incidence of complications in women with previous cesarean section with abnormally invasive placentation was higher than in the other women (pCel pracy: Celem tego retrospektywnego badania była analiza przypadków łożyska przodującego pod kątem oceny czynników prognostycznych wpływających na zachorowalność i śmiertelność oraz ocena postępowania anestezjologicznego. Materiał: Przeanalizowano 65 przypadków kobiet z łożyskiem przodującym zakwalifikowanych do elektywnego lub pilnego cięcia cesarskiego w latach 2004-2009.Zebrano następujące dane: demograficzne, wywiad operacyjny i położniczy, techniki anestezjologiczne, transfuzje krwi, poziomy hemoglobiny i powikłania. Wyniki: Preferowaną metodą znieczulenia u rodzących z łożyskiem przodującym było znieczulenie ogólne (86,2%; 56/65). Przewodowe znieczulenie otrzymało 9 pacjentek (13,8%) ale u 2 z nich trzeba było przejść na znieczulenie ogólne z uwagi na krwawienie i przedłużony czas operacji. 37 z 65 kobiet (56,9%) z łożyskiem przodującym miało cięcie cesarskie w poprzedniej ciąży. Więcej niż połowa tych pacjentek (21/37, 56,7%) miała nieprawidłowo utworzone łożysko a 16 z 21 przeszło histerektomię położniczą. Częstość powikłań u kobiet po cięciu cesarskim w wywiadzie i z nieprawidłowo utworzonym łożyskiem w analizowanym materiale była wyższa niż u innych pacjentek (

    Surgical removal of a self-expanding metallic stent from jejunum in a patient with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy

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    Self-expanding metallic stent is useful in esophageal perforations, trachea-esophageal fistulas, benign esophageal strictures, and unresectable esophageal cancers. However, self-expanding metallic stent itself has the risk of mucosal necrosis with subsequent perforation and /or trachea-esophageal fistula development –particularly- in long-term usage. Further, gastro-esophageal reflux, stent occlusion, stent migration and intestinal obstruction are other common complications. We report surgical management of a case whose self-expanding metallic stent migrated from the esophagojejunostomy anastomosis towards to the jejunal Y-limp

    Akromegalia może wiązać się z zaburzeniami rozkurczu dolnego zwieracza przełyku (LES)

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      Introduction: Although prolonged small intestine and colonic transit time has been demonstrated in acromegaly patients, the influence of acromegaly on oesophagus motility and the pathological mechanisms involved are still not clarified. We aimed to investigate manometric measurements to ascertain whether oesophagus motility is affected in active acromegaly patients. Material and methods: The study was performed in an institutional referral centre at a tertiary care hospital. Twenty-three acromegaly patients (mean age 43.2 ± 13.2 years) and 25 sex- and age-matched healthy control subjects (mean age 48.6 ± 7.9 years) were recruited to a case-control study. Oesophageal manometry was performed using MMS (Medical Measurement Systems, Netherlands) Solar GI — Air Charged Intelligent Gastrointestinal Conventional Manometry. Results: In manometric measurements the lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was 18 ± 7 mmHg in acromegaly patients and 15.6 ± 4.4 mm Hg in controls, and there was no significant difference (p = 0.17). The percentage of relaxation was 64.8% and 81.8%, respectively, and it was significantly lower in acromegaly patients than in controls (p < 0.001). Additionally, the duration of relaxation was found to be 4 ± 1.9 seconds and 5 ± 1.7 seconds in patients and controls, respectively (p = 0.049). Conclusions: Our study has demonstrated a significant reduction in the percentage and duration of lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation in oesophagus motility even in acromegaly patients without any gastrointestinal symptoms. Further clinical and pathophysiological studies are required to clarify the underlying mechanisms of gastrointestinal motility disorders in acromegaly. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 308–312)    Wstęp: Chociaż u pacjentów chorujących na akromegalię wykazano wydłużony czas pasażu żołądkowo-jelitowego, wpływ akromegalii na motorykę przełyku oraz powiązane z tym mechanizmy patologiczne nadal nie są wyjaśnione. Celem pracy było zbadanie za pomocą pomiarów manometrycznych czy motoryka przełyku ulega zmianie u pacjentów z aktywną akromegalią. Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w ośrodku referencyjnym w szpitalu specjalistycznym. Dwudziestu trzech pacjentów chorujących na akromegalię (śr. wiek 43,2 ± 13,2 lat) oraz w grupie kontrolnej 25 osób dopasowanych pod względem płci i wieku (śr. wiek 48,6 ± 7,9 lat) zostało zakwalifikowanych do badania kliniczno-kontrolnego. Manometrię przełyku wykonano za pomocą MMS (Medical Measurement Systems, Holandia) Solar GI. Wyniki: W pomiarach manometrycznych u pacjentów ciepiących na akromegalię, ciśnienie dolnego zwieracza przełyku wynosiło 18 ± 7 mm Hg, a u osób kontrolnych wynosiło ono 15,6 ± 4,4 mm Hg, nie było więc znaczącej różnicy między grupami (p = 0,17). odsetek rozkurczu wynosił odpowiednio 64,8% i 81,8% i był on znacznie niższy u pacjentów z akromegalią (p < 0,001). Ponadto, długość trwania rozkurczu wynosiła odpowiednio 4 ± 1,9 sek. i 5 ± 1,7 sek. (p = 0,049). Wnioski: Niniejsze badanie wykazało znaczną redukcję odsetka i czasu trwania rozkurczu dolnego zwieracza przełyku w motoryce przełyku, nawet u pacjentów z akromegalią bez objawów żołądkowo-jelitowych. Należy przeprowadzić dalsze badania kliniczne i patofizjologiczne, aby wyjaśnić mechanizmy leżące u podłoża zaburzeń motoryki żołądkowo-jelitowej u pacjentów chorujących na akromegalię. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 308–312)