24 research outputs found

    The Examination and Applic ations of Fatih Mosque and I. Mahmut Li brary’s Drawings

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    Fatih Camii ve I. Mahmut Kütüphanesi’ne ilişkin onaylı rölöve, restitüsyon ve restorasyon projeleri doğrultusunda kurul kararı uyarınca oluşturulan Uzmanlar Kurulu ve Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğü kontrolünde restorasyon çalışmalarına başlanmış, ancak iskele kurulmasının ardından yapılan ölçümlerde tespit edilen sayısal farklılıklar ve 1/100 olarak onaylı projelerle uygulama yapılmasının mümkün olmaması nedeniyle 1/20 ölçekli detay çizimleri, malzeme analiz, hasar tespit ve müdahale paftaları hazırlanmış, fotoğraf albümleri oluşturulmuştur. Uluslararası koruma kriterlerine bağlı olarak yapı genelindeki muhdesler ve çimento sıvalar kaldırılmış, kubbe ve minarelerde strüktürel sağlamlaştırma, bozulan hatların ve kalemişi bezeme programının konservasyonu gibi restorasyon çalışmaları yapılmıştır

    Konya il merkezinde hizmet veren iki hastanenin tiroidektomi endikasyonlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Konya İl Merkezindeki iki farklı hastanenin Tiroidektomi uygulamalarını, endikasyonları bakımından karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Ocak 2007 ile Aralık 2008 tarihleri arasında Konya’da farklı iki A ve B hastaneleri hastanede tiroidektomi ameliyatı geçiren hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların yaş, cins, tiroit fonksiyon testleri TFT , tiroit ultrasonografi USG bulguları, yapıldıysa tiroit ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsileri İİAB raporları ve tiroit ameliyat raporları bulunanlar çalışmaya alındı. İki hastanenin tiroidektomi ameliyatı yapılan hastaları ameliyat endikasyonları ve malignite tespiti bakımından birbiriyle karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: İki yıllık süre içinde A hastanesinde 60, B hastanesinde 223 hastaya tiroidektomi ameliyatı yapılmıştı. Hastaların yaş ortalaması sırasıyla 53 , 49 idi. İki guruptaki vakalar cins, yaş ve dominant nodül çapları bakımından benzerdi. A hastanesinde tiroidektomi kararında klinik, USG ve İİAB ile belirlenen malignite riski öne çıkarken, B hastanesinde ise palpable nodül varlığı, USG’ de nodülün 1 cm den büyük olması ve USG ile malignite şüphesi tespit edilmiş olması yeterli idi. A hastanesinde basit nodüler guatrlı 53 hastanın 19 unda % 35.8 İİAB yapılmıştı. B hastanesinde hiç bir hastaya İİAB yapılmamıştı. A hastanesinde genel malignite oranı % 25, B hastanesinde ise % 13 idi p=0.028 . Sonuç: Nodüler guatrlarda, klinik, US ve İİAB’ nin birlikte kullanımı ile malignite riski daha iyi belirlenebilir. Ameliyat veya takip kararı buna göre verilmelidi

    Steroid Cell Tumor of Ovary Diagnosed After Delivery; Case Report

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    Introduction: Steroid cell tumors (SCTs) constitute less than 0.1% of all ovarian tumors. They are divided into 3 categories according to cell of origin: Stromal Luteoma arising from stromal cells of the ovary, Leydig cell tumor arising from Leydig cells, and SCT not otherwise specified (NOS) when the origin of the tumor is not defined. Case Presentation: Herein is presented a case of SCT diagnosed one month after a caesarian section delivery of a female fetus with ambiguous genitalia. The patient was admitted to the emergency department with the findings of acute abdomen, and surgery was performed under emergency conditions. The patient had virilization and hoarsening of the voice before surgery. Intraoperatively, a 21-cm ovarian mass was detected and resected with unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Conclusion: A histopathological examination of the tumor showed a tumor with cystic degeneration, necrosis, hemorrhage, and tumoral embolism. The pathological examination revealed ovarian SCT. Virilization was resolved immediately after the surgery. In women with virilization who give birth to a fetus with ambiguous genitalia, SCTs should be kept in mind

    Travmatik Sigmoid Kolon Perforasyonu Traumatic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon

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    Travmatik kolon perforasyonları nadir görülmesine rağmen acil cerrahi gerektiren bir durumdur. Özellikle cinsel istismar olgularında hastaların hikayeyi gizleme çabası nedeniyle tanı ve tedavide olan gecikmeler mortalite ve morbiditeyi arttırmaktadır. Bu yazımızda akut karın sendromu ile acil servise başvuran, ameliyat esnasında kolon perforasyonu tespit edilen bir olguyu sunmayı amaçladık. Gastrointestinal sistem perforasyonu düşünülen olgularda kolonik yaralanmalarda akılda tutularak bu hastalar travma yönünden de sorgulanmalıdırAlthough it is a rare condition, traumatic colonic perforation has a significant morbidity and mortality rate. Especially in cases with sexual abuse, the patient may not give detailed information and this may cause delays in diagnosis and treatment. Here, we present a patient with acute abdominal findings who was diagnosed with traumatic colonic perforation intraoperatively. In cases with gastrointestinal perforation, traumatic colonic perforation should be kept in mind and patients must be asked about traum

    Long term results of minimally invasive treatment of pilonidal disease by platelet rich plasma

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    Background: Although, there are several treatment options for treatment of pilonidal disease, nowadays minimally invasive modalities are becoming more common. The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of platelet rich plasma application for pilonidal disease. Methods: For this prospective cohort study, cases with pilonidal disease were evaluated. All cases that are eligible and accepted to be involved were included in the study. Platelet rich plasma was applied into the pilonidal sinus under local infiltration anesthesia. Healing of the disease and recurrence rates were recorded. Results: The success rate of the application was 97.1% at the first month. With a median follow up of 60.2 months the recurrence rate was 8.2%. Conclusion: Platelet rich plasma can be safely used for treatment of pilonidal disease with high success and low recurrence rate. © 2019 Elsevier Masson SA

    Traumatic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon

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    Although it is a rare condition, traumatic colonic perforation has a significant morbidity and mortality rate. Especially in cases with sexual abuse, the patient may not give detailed information and this may cause delays in diagnosis and treatment. Here, we present a patient with acute abdominal findings who was diagnosed with traumatic colonic perforation intraoperatively. In cases with gastrointestinal perforation, traumatic colonic perforation should be kept in mind and patients must be asked about trauma

    Traumatic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon

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    Travmatik kolon perforasyonları nadir görülmesine rağmen acil cerrahi gerektiren bir durumdur. Özellikle cinsel istismar olgularında hastaların hikayeyi gizleme çabası nedeniyle tanı ve tedavide olan gecikmeler mortalite ve morbiditeyi arttırmaktadır. Bu yazımızda akut karın sendromu ile acil servise başvuran, ameliyat esnasında kolon perforasyonu tespit edilen bir olguyu sunmayı amaçladık. Gastrointestinal sistem perforasyonu düşünülen olgularda kolonik yaralanmalarda akılda tutularak bu hastalar travma yönünden de sorgulanmalıdırAlthough it is a rare condition, traumatic colonic perforation has a significant morbidity and mortality rate. Especially in cases with sexual abuse, the patient may not give detailed information and this may cause delays in diagnosis and treatment. Here, we present a patient with acute abdominal findings who was diagnosed with traumatic colonic perforation intraoperatively. In cases with gastrointestinal perforation, traumatic colonic perforation should be kept in mind and patients must be asked about traum


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    Amaç: Son yıkamada kullanılan farklı kök kanal irrigasyon solüsyonlarının epoksi rezin esaslı kök kanal dolgu patının (AH Plus), kök kanal dentinine bağlanma dayanımı üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Materyal Metod: Kırk sekiz adet tek kanallı, alt çene, ön ve yan keser diş kullanılmıştır. Şekillendirme sırasında örnekler %2,5'luk sodyum hipoklorit ile irrige edilmiş, solüsyonuna göre örnekler rastgele 4 gruba ayrılmıştır (n = 12): Grup 1: 5 ml %17 etilendiamintetraasetik asit (EDTA); Grup 2: 5 ml %17 EDTA ardından 5 ml %2 klorheksidin glukonat (CHX), Grup 3: 5 ml QMix; ve Grup 4: kontrol grubu olarak 5 ml distile su. Tüm örnekler güta-perka ve AH Plus ile doldurulmuştur. Bağlanma dayanımı testi için her örnekten 1 mm kalınlığında dörder kesit elde edilmiştir. Bağlanma dayanımı verileri tek yönlü Anova ve Bonferroni testleri ile analiz edilmiştir (p <0,05). Bulgular: EDTA/CHX ile irrige edilen örneklerde bağlanma dayanımı değerleri istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek solüsyonlarından bağımsız olarak örneklerin çoğunda koheziv başarısızlık gözlenmiştir. Sonuçlar: Son yıkamada %17 EDTA'yı takiben %2 CHX kullanımı AH Plus'ın bağlanma dayanımı değerlerini arttırmıştır. Son yıkamada EDTA ve CHX ayrı ayrı uygulamak AH Plus'ın bağlanma dayanımını, içeriğinde EDTA ve CHX barındıran QMix'e göre daha olumlu etkilemiştirAim: To evaluate influence of different final irrigation regimens on bond-strength of epoxy resin based sealer (AH Plus). Material and method: Forty-eight mandibular incisors were irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite during and after completion of root canal preparation. Roots were divided into 4 groups (n = 12) according to the final irrigation regimens: Group 1: 5 mL 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); Group 2: 5 mL 17% EDTA followed by 5 mL 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX); Group 3: 5 mL QMix; and Group 4: 5 mL distilled water as control. All specimens were filled with gutta-percha (GP) and AH Plus. One-millimeter thick four horizontal sections from each root were sliced for bond-strength measurement. Data were statistically analyzed by one-way Anova and Bonferroni tests (p<0.05). Results: Specimens that were irrigated with EDTA/CHX displayed significantly the highest mean bond strength value (p<0.001). Specimens mainly showed a cohesive failure pattern, regardless of final irrigation regime. Conclusion: Using 2% CHX in the final irrigation after 17% EDTA was improved AH Plus’s bond-strength. Final irrigation with EDTA followed by CHX was more effective at improving bond strength of AH Plus compared to QMix that consists EDTA and CH

    Comparison of early and long term outcomes of open lichtenstein repair and totally extraperitoneal herniorrhaphy for primary inguinal hernias

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    PubMed ID: 30761846Background/aim: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common surgical procedures worldwide. There is still controversy over which method has the best postoperative results. The aim of this study was to compare early and late postoperative results of laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal herniorrhaphy (TEP) and open Lichtenstein herniorrhaphy (OLR). Materials and methods: The study was conducted in a randomized prospective manner and it was concluded with 302 patients (147 cases in TEP group and 155 cases in OLR group). All procedures were performed by two experienced surgeons in both open and laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Results: The groups were similar in terms of age, sex, and types of inguinal hernia according to Nyhuss classification. The mean operation time was shorter in TEP group with 49.2 ± 15.5 min vs 54.3 ± 14.6 min in OLR group (P = 0.004). The mean length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in TEP group (P = 0.001). The mean postoperative visual analogue scale score was significantly lower in TEP group. With a mean follow-up of 40.95 months, the recurrence rates were similar in both groups with a rate of 4.3%. In terms of chronic pain, TEP group has better results than OLR with 3.4% vs 25.2%, respectively (P = 0.001). Conclusion: In experienced hands, TEP procedure has better early and late postoperative results than OLR, whereas recurrence rates are similar. © TUBİTAK

    Role of CA125 in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis

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    Aim: Acute appendicitis (AA) is the most common surgical emergency in the world, and its diagnosis is mainly dependent on clinical findings. Recently, secretion of CA125 from peritoneal cells due to inflammatory stimulus has been shown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between CA25 levels and AA. Materials and Methods: In this prospective trial, CA125 levels were measured. Group 1 consisted histopathologically approved AA cases. Group 2 consisted healthy individuals. Results: Seventy-four cases (37 AA and 37 healthy individuals) were included in the study. In the AA group, the mean CA125 level was 9.8&plusmn;9.3 U/mL, and in the control group, it was 4.6&plusmn;1.5 U/mL. In Pearson correlation analysis, the CA125 level had a positive correlation with AA (r0.371, p0.001). Conclusion: Recent studies demonstrate that CA125 can help distinguish patients with or without AA. CA125 levels can be used as a marker of AA in cases with clinical doub