35 research outputs found

    Algal Diversity Along the Serbian Stretch of the Sava River

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    Phytoplankton analysis is an essential part in water quality monitoring and predicting changes in aquatic ecosystems. In this study we investigated structure and diversity of algal communities along the Serbian stretch of the Sava River. We detected 109 species in four sampling localities (Bosut, Sremska Mitrovica, Jarak and Makiš). Species richness increases from Bosut to Jarak. However, a sudden decrease of species richness was recorded in the Makiš locality, probably due to increased pollution. Divisive numerical classification separates species with relatively narrow distribution (that are grouped in three clusters) from more common species (that form four clusters). Correspondence analysis clearly separates upper-stream sites (Bosut and Sremska Mitrovica) from down-stream sites Jarak and Makiš.Water Research and Management (2016), 6(2): 27-3

    Significance of clinical parameters and treatment methods for prognosis and postoperative outcome of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Introduction: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) represents separation of neurosensory retina from retinal pigment epithelium, which is sight threatening condition. The procedures for surgical management of RRD are scleral buckle and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Various factors may affect the success of surgery and postoperative outcome. Patients with RRD represent one of the most difficult cases for surgical treatment, while postoperative visual recovery is not always complete. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the methods of treatment of patients with RRD, and clinical parameters relevant for prognosis and postoperative outcome. Material and methods: Retrospective study conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology, Clinical Center of Serbia, in Belgrade, from January 1. 2016 to December 31. 2016, included 203 consecutive patients hospitalized for RRD. The statistical analysis of the results on anatomical and functional outcome of operation, obtained from medical records, was carried out by t-test, Wilcoxon test and x2 test. Results: Scleral buckle was method of choice in treatment of 56.65% patients, while PPV was performed in 43.35% of patients. Retina was successfully reapplied at 88.7% of patients treated with scleral buckle and 67% operated with PPV method. Parameters that influenced the anatomical success included: number of retinal ruptures (p = 0.022) and macular attachment (p < 0.001). Statistically significant increase in postoperative visual acuity, compared to the measured preoperative visual acuity (p < 0.001) was shown. Functional success was evaluated using postoperative visual acuity and depended on: macular attachment, number of retinal ruptures and type of performed surgery. Conclusion: The presented results show that patients with RRD can have a good anatomical and functional recovery, especially those cases with a single retinal rupture and macula-on. Therefore, it is important to urgently refer patients with RRD to the surgical treatment, before it comes to the separation of the macula, in order to achieve better postoperative results

    Algal Diversity Along the Serbian Stretch of the Sava River

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    Phytoplankton analysis is an essential part in water quality monitoring and predicting changes in aquatic ecosystems. In this study we investigated structure and diversity of algal communities along the Serbian stretch of the Sava River. We detected 109 species in four sampling localities (Bosut, Sremska Mitrovica, Jarak and Makiš). Species richness increases from Bosut to Jarak. However, a sudden decrease of species richness was recorded in the Makiš locality, probably due to increased pollution. Divisive numerical classification separates species with relatively narrow distribution (that are grouped in three clusters) from more common species (that form four clusters). Correspondence analysis clearly separates upper-stream sites (Bosut and Sremska Mitrovica) from down-stream sites Jarak and Makiš.Water Research and Management (2016), 6(2): 27-3

    Efficacy and safety of triamcinolone acetonide posterior subtenon injection in patients with diabetic maculopathy

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    Introduction: Diabetic maculopathy (DM) is the main cause of visual impairment of the working population. Optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography give us a precise insight into retinal changes. In recent years, pharmacological treatment of DM is increasing. Posterior subtenon application is accompanied by a smaller percentage of complications compared to intravitreal application. Aim: The aim is to assess the efficacy and safety of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) posterior subtenon injection in the treatment of DM, by measuring intraocular pressure (IOP), central macular thickness (CMT) and visual acuity, before and two months after. Material and methods: The retrospective study included 49 patients admitted during 2016, for posterior subtenon injection of TA in the DM treatment, at Daily Hospital, for the treatment of vascular diseases of the eye and the macula Department of Ophthalmology, Clinical Center of Serbia. Data were collected from medical records on gender, age, type of retinopathy and visual acuity, IOP and CMT, before and two months after intervention. Results: The average age of patients was 63 ± 9.5 years. Out of 49 patients tested, 30.61% were female and 69.39 % were male. The frequency of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) in the study was 53.6%. There was a statistically significant difference in visual acuity and CMT, before and two months after the intervention, but there was no correlation between the improvement of visual acuity and CMT reduction. There was no statistically significant difference in IOP, before and two months after intervention. Conclusion: The most common type of diabetic retinopathy in this study was NPDR. After posterior subtenon application of TA, there was a significant increase in visual acuity and CMT reduction, but reduction of CMT is not connected with the increase of visual acuity. Posterior subtenon TA application is not accompanied by a significant increase in IOP, and it is an effective and relatively safe way of treating DM

    The influence of chemical characteristics of precipitation on tree health in Banjica Forest (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    The most represented tree species in the Banjica Forest are Acer negundo, Quercus robur, Acer pseudoplatanus, Populus nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Fraxinus ornus and Robinia pseudoacacia. According to the ICP Forests combined assessment (degree of defoliation and decolorization), endangered species are Populus nigra (64.3% of heavily damaged trees), Quercus robur (45.5%), Fraxinus pennsylvanica (37.0%) and Acer negundo (26.6%), while the situation is much better for Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus ornus. For Robinia pseudoacacia, 83% of trees are without decolorization, however, defoliation is established. In the period from April to October 2009, the average pH of rainwater was 5.46, and 5.18 in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- in the period from April to October 2009 amounted to an average of 24.21 mg/l, and 28.87 mg/l in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- and pH values is a possible explanation for the condition of the trees. [Acknowledgments. The results are a part of the project III47007 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia.

    First report and distribution of invasive species Actinocyclus normanii f. subsalsa Hustedt in Serbia

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    Actinocyclus normanii f. subsalsa is considered native marine or brackish water species (Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea). The species has spread into common freshwaters, throughout the world, and was considered as invasive or potentially invasive species (Kaštovský et al. 2010, Kipp et al. 2012). Phytoplankton, phytobenthos and epilithic samples were used for this study. In laboratory the field samples were treated with standard method with cold acid by Krammer and Lange-Bertalot (1986). Permanent slides were mounted in Naphrax. In Serbia, Actinocyclus normanii f. subsalsa, was registered in several rivers and canals. In 1997 was found as planktonic species in the Tisza River and in benthic samples (in mud) in the Veliki Bački Canal. In 2002 was found as planktonic species in the Danube–Tisza–Danube Canal (Kajtasovo) and the Ponjavica River (Brestovac and Omoljica). Four years later, in 2006, the species was found in plankton, benthos and epiphytic samples in the Ponjavica River (Omoljica). Actinocyclus normanii f. subsalsa is a cosmopolite, alkalibiontic (pH range from 8.0 – 8.83) and halophytic species. It occurs in waters with high conductivity (348 – 918 µS/cm) and it is indicator of eutrophied, polluted waters. Its spread is probably explained by eutrophication of surface waters. The presence of many diatom taxa could give evidence of a wide scale of the environmental possibilities for their development within the studied area. Identification of invasive algae species in water bodies is possible through the long-term floristic studies and continuous biomonitoring of surface waters. Therefore, we continue to monitoring the occurrence of invasive taxa in the waters of Serbia.11th International Conference „Advances in research on the flora and vegetation of the Carpato-Pannonian region”, Budapest, 12–14 February 201

    Distribution of invasive species Actinocyclus normanii (Hemidiscaceae, Bacillariophyta) in Serbia

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    In Serbia Actinocyclus normanii was registered in several rivers and canals. In 1997, it was found as planktonic species in the Tisza River and in benthic samples (in mud) in the Veliki Bački Canal. In 2002, it was found as planktonic species in the Danube–Tisza–Danube Canal (Kajtasovo) and the Ponjavica River (Brestovac and Omoljica). Four years later, in 2006, the species was found in plankton, benthos and epiphytic samples in the Ponjavica River (Omoljica). A. normanii is a cosmopolite, alkalibiontic and halophytic species. It occurs in waters with moderate to high conductivity and it is indicator of eutrophied, polluted waters. Its spread could be explained by eutrophication of surface waters

    The influence of chemical characteristics of precipitation on tree health in Banjica Forest (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    The most represented tree species in the Banjica Forest are Acer negundo, Quercus robur, Acer pseudoplatanus, Populus nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Fraxinus ornus and Robinia pseudoacacia. According to the ICP Forests combined assessment (degree of defoliation and decolorization), endangered species are Populus nigra (64.3% of heavily damaged trees), Quercus robur (45.5%), Fraxinus pennsylvanica (37.0%) and Acer negundo (26.6%), while the situation is much better for Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus ornus. For Robinia pseudoacacia, 83% of trees are without decolorization, however, defoliation is established. In the period from April to October 2009, the average pH of rainwater was 5.46, and 5.18 in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- in the period from April to October 2009 amounted to an average of 24.21 mg/l, and 28.87 mg/l in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- and pH values is a possible explanation for the condition of the trees

    Anatomski i funkcionalni faktori koji utiču na rezultate klasične hirurške procedure kod bolesnika sa regmatogenom ablacijom retine

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    Background/Aim. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a potentially blinding condition of the posterior segment of the eye. Currently, the only treatment modality is surgery and surgical options include scleral buckling, pars plana vitrectomy and pneumoretinopexy. Many factors may influence the outcome of the surgery. Well defined indications are essential for achieving the best postoperative results. The aim of this study was to assess anatomical and functional outcome of treatment with scleral buckling for macula-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. Methods. This prospective, nonrandomized, interventional study included consecutive patients underwent scleral buckling for macula-off retinal detachment in the tertiary centre for vitreoretinal surgery. Results. A total of 168 consecutive patients (mean age 58.2 ± 13.9 years) were included in the study. Postoperatively, anatomical success was achieved in 152 (90.5%) of the patients. Parameters that influenced the anatomical success included the number of retinal breaks (p = 0.040), lens status (p = 0.041), preoperative proliferative vitreoretinopathy (p lt 0.001), patients' age (p = 0.049), and marginally, the presence of typical symptoms (p = 0.057). Duration of macular detachment, previous ocular trauma and refraction of the eye did not affect the anatomical result. Functional success was evaluated using the postoperative visual acuity and depended mainly on the duration of macular detachment prior the surgery. Visual acuity 0.4 or better was significantly more often achieved if duration of macular detachment was up to seven days (p lt 0.001). Refraction and patients' age did not influence the functional result. Conclusion. Scleral buckling is an efficient surgical procedure for treatment of patients with retinal detachment. Optimal results are achieved if operation is performed within the first seven days of duration of macular detachment.Uvod/Cilj. Regmatogena ablacija retine je oboljenje zadnjeg segmenta oka koje, ako se ne leči, može dovesti do slepila. Trenutno, jedini način lečenja je hirurški i opcije su klasična metoda (scleral buckling), pars plana vitrektomija i pneumoretinopeksija. Mnogi faktori mogu uticati na ishod operacije. Jasno definisane hirurške indikacije su ključne za postizanje dobrih postoperativnih rezultata. Cilj ove studije bio je da se procene faktori koji utiču na anatomski i funkcionalni ishod lečenja klasičnom metodom lečenja bolesnika sa regmatogenom ablacijom retine sa zahvaćenom makulom. Metode. U prospektivnu, nerandomizovanu, interventnu studiju bili su uključeni svi bolesnici operisani klasičnom metodom zbog ablacije retine sa zahvaćenom makulom, u tercijarnom centru za vitreoretinalnu hirurgiju. Rezultati. Ukupno 168 bolesnika (starosti 58,2 ± 13,9 godina) bilo je uključeno u studiju. Postoperativno, anatomski uspeh postignut je kod 152 (90,5%) bolesnika. Parametri koji su uticali na anatomski uspeh operacije bili: su broj ruptura retine (p = 0,040), status sočiva (p = 0,041), preoperativno prisustvo proliferativne vitreoretmopatije (p lt 0,001), starost (p = 0,049) i, granično, prisustvo tipičnih simptoma (p = 0,057). Dužina odvojenosti makule, ranije povrede oka i refrakcija oka nisu uticali na anatomski rezultat. Funkcionalni uspeh procenjivan je na osnovu postoperativne vidne oštrine i zavisio je uglavnom od preoperativne dužine trajanja odvojenosti makule. Vidnaoštrina 0,4 ili bolja bila je značajno češće postignuta ako je dužina trajanja odvojenosti makule bila do sedam dana (p lt 0,001). Refrakcija oka i životno doba bolesnika nisu uticali na funkcionalni ishod operacije. Zaključak. Klasična metoda scleral buckling je efikasna hirurška procedura za nekomplikovane slučajeve ablacije retine. Kada je makula zahvaćena, najbolji rezultati postižu se operacijom u toku prvih sedam dana od početka simptoma