35 research outputs found

    Опыт применения ритмической периферической магнитной стимуляции при пояснично-крестцовой радикулопатии

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    Introduction. Lumbosacral radiculopathy is а leading cause of long-term disability. Taking into a consideration the duration of treatment radiculopathy, the risk of developing adverse reactions when taking analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the physiotherapeutic method — repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation may become a promising method of therapy.Aim of the study. Assessment of the effectiveness of the complex treatment for patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy using the course of the repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Materials and methods. Forty patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy were enrolled in the open non-randomized study, were divided into 2 parallel groups. The patients of the 1st group received a course of traditional treatment and a course of the repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation. The patients of the 2nd group were treated with the traditional treatment without the course of the stimulation. A magnetic stimulator MagPro (Magventure, Denmark) was used for repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Results. A significant difference (p <0.001) was registered regarding the reduction of pain syndrome and the improvement of the functional status after treatment in both groups. 14 (70 %) patients of the first group achieved a pain visual analogue scale relief by 50 % after 10 repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation sessions, while 6 (30 %) patients did this after 15 repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation sessions. We did not observed a statistically significant differences (p >0.05) in pain syndrome, functional status, anxiety level at the end of follow-up between the groups.Conclusion. We did not receive the benefits of the repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation course in comparison with a traditional treatment of a lumbosacral radiculopathy. Further placebo-controlled studies to study the effect of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation on pain and anxiety in patients with back pain and radiculopathy are required.Введение. Пояснично-крестцовая радикулопатия является частой причиной стойкой и длительной утраты трудоспособности. Если принимать во внимание длительность лечения радикулопатии, риск развития нежелательных реакций при приеме анальгетиков и нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов, перспективным направлением терапии становится применение физиотерапевтического метода — ритмической периферической магнитной стимуляции.Цель исследования – оценить эффективность комплексного лечения с применением курса ритмической периферической магнитной стимуляции у пациентов с пояснично-крестцовой радикулопатией.Материалы и методы. В открытом нерандомизированном исследовании приняли участие 40 пациентов с пояснично-крестцовой радикулопатией, которые были разделены на 2 группы. Пациенты 1-й группы получали курс традиционного лечения и курс ритмической периферической магнитной стимуляции. Больные 2-й группы — курс традиционного лечения без применения курса магнитной стимуляции. Для проведения стимуляции был использован магнитный стимулятор MagPro (Magventure, Дания).Результаты. Было показано достоверное различие (р <0,001) в отношении уменьшения интенсивности болевого синдрома, улучшения функционального статуса по окончании курса терапии в обеих группах. У 14 (70 %) пациентов 1-й группы уровень болевого синдрома уменьшился по визуально-аналоговой шкале на 50 % после 10 сессий ритмической периферической магнитной стимуляции, у 6 (30 %) больных — после 15 сессий. При оценке болевого синдрома, функционального статуса, уровня тревожности не было зарегистрировано статистически значимого различия (р >0,05) параметров между группами на момент завершения лечения.Заключение. Полученные результаты не показали преимущества курса ритмической периферической магнитной стимуляции у пациентов с пояснично-крестцовой радикулопатией в сравнении с курсом традиционной терапии. Требуются дальнейшие плацебо-контролируемые исследования для изучения влияния магнитной стимуляции на болевой синдром и уровень тревожности у пациентов с болью в спине и радикулопатией

    Defining the phospho-adhesome through the phosphoproteomic analysis of integrin signalling

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    Cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion is a fundamental requirement for multicellular existence due to roles in positioning, proliferation and differentiation. Phosphorylation plays a major role in adhesion signalling; however, a full understanding of the phosphorylation events that occur at sites of adhesion is lacking. Here we report a proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of adhesion complexes isolated from cells spread on fibronectin. We identify 1,174 proteins, 499 of which are phosphorylated (1,109 phosphorylation sites), including both well-characterized and novel adhesion-regulated phosphorylation events. Immunoblotting suggests that two classes of phosphorylated residues are found at adhesion sites—those induced by adhesion and those constitutively phosphorylated but recruited in response to adhesion. Kinase prediction analysis identifies novel kinases with putative roles in adhesion signalling including CDK1, inhibition of which reduces adhesion complex formation. This phospho-adhesome data set constitutes a valuable resource to improve our understanding of the signalling mechanisms through which cell–ECM interactions control cell behaviour


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    The basic provisions of technology of the cyclic longitudinal pulling down of bridges are presented in the article. The historical review and examples of effective application of technology for building of modern transport structures of complicated configuration in the straitened conditions of performing the work are given.В статье изложены основные положения технологии цикличной продольной надвижки мостов. Приведены исторический обзор и примеры эффективного применения технологии для строительства современных транспортных сооружений сложной конфигурации в стесненных условиях производства работ.В статті викладено основні положення технології циклічного поздовжнього насуву мостів. Наведено історичний огляд та приклади ефективного використання технології для будівництва сучасних транспортних споруд складної конфігурації в стиснених умовах виробництва робіт


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    The basic provisions of technology of the cyclic longitudinal pulling down of bridges are presented in the article. The historical review and examples of effective application of technology for building of modern transport structures of complicated configuration in the straitened conditions of performing the work are given

    The experience with repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation in subjects with lumbosacral radiculopathy

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    Introduction. Lumbosacral radiculopathy is а leading cause of long-term disability. Taking into a consideration the duration of treatment radiculopathy, the risk of developing adverse reactions when taking analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the physiotherapeutic method — repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation may become a promising method of therapy.Aim of the study. Assessment of the effectiveness of the complex treatment for patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy using the course of the repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Materials and methods. Forty patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy were enrolled in the open non-randomized study, were divided into 2 parallel groups. The patients of the 1st group received a course of traditional treatment and a course of the repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation. The patients of the 2nd group were treated with the traditional treatment without the course of the stimulation. A magnetic stimulator MagPro (Magventure, Denmark) was used for repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Results. A significant difference (p <0.001) was registered regarding the reduction of pain syndrome and the improvement of the functional status after treatment in both groups. 14 (70 %) patients of the first group achieved a pain visual analogue scale relief by 50 % after 10 repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation sessions, while 6 (30 %) patients did this after 15 repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation sessions. We did not observed a statistically significant differences (p >0.05) in pain syndrome, functional status, anxiety level at the end of follow-up between the groups.Conclusion. We did not receive the benefits of the repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation course in comparison with a traditional treatment of a lumbosacral radiculopathy. Further placebo-controlled studies to study the effect of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation on pain and anxiety in patients with back pain and radiculopathy are required

    Proteome analysis of tissues by mass spectrometry

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    Tissues and biofluids are important sources of information used for the detection of diseases and decisions on patient therapies. There are several accepted methods for preservation of tissues, among which the most popular are fresh-frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin embedded methods. Depending on the preservation method and the amount of sample available, various specific protocols are available for tissue processing for subsequent proteomic analysis. Protocols are tailored to answer various biological questions, and as such vary in lysis and digestion conditions, as well as duration. The existence of diverse tissue-sample protocols has led to confusion in how to choose the best protocol for a given tissue and made it difficult to compare results across sample types. Here, we summarize procedures used for tissue processing for subsequent bottom-up proteomic analysis. Furthermore, we compare protocols for their variations in the composition of lysis buffers, digestion procedures, and purification steps. For example, reports have shown that lysis buffer composition plays an important role in the profile of extracted proteins: the most common are tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, radioimmunoprecipitation assay, and ammonium bicarbonate buffers. Although, trypsin is the most commonly used enzyme for proteolysis, in some protocols it is supplemented with Lys-C and/or chymotrypsin, which will often lead to an increase in proteome coverage. Data show that the selection of the lysis procedure might need to be tissue-specific to produce distinct protocols for individual tissue types. Finally, selection of the procedures is also influenced by the amount of sample available, which range from biopsies or the size of a few dozen of mm2 obtained with laser capture microdissection to much larger amounts that weight several milligrams

    Proteomics and Transcriptomics of the Hippocampus and Cortex in SUDEP and High-Risk SUDEP Patients

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    Objective: To identify the molecular signaling pathways underlying sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and high-risk SUDEP compared to epilepsy control patients.Methods: For proteomics analyses, we evaluated the hippocampus and frontal cortex from microdissected post-mortem brain tissue of 12 SUDEP and 14 non-SUDEP epilepsy patients. For transcriptomics analyses, we evaluated hippocampus and temporal cortex surgical brain tissue from mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) patients: 6 low-risk and 8 high-risk SUDEP as determined by a short (< 50 seconds) or prolonged (≥ 50 seconds) postictal generalized EEG suppression (PGES) that may indicate severely depressed brain activity impairing respiration, arousal, and protective reflexes.Results: In autopsy hippocampus and cortex, we observed no proteomic differences between SUDEP and non-SUDEP epilepsy patients, contrasting with our previously reported robust differences between epilepsy and non-epilepsy control patients. Transcriptomics in hippocampus and cortex from surgical epilepsy patients segregated by PGES identified 55 differentially expressed genes (37 protein-coding, 15 lncRNAs, three pending) in hippocampus.Conclusion: The SUDEP proteome and high-risk SUDEP transcriptome were similar to other epilepsy patients in hippocampus and frontal cortex, consistent with diverse epilepsy syndromes and comorbidities associated with SUDEP. Studies with larger cohorts and different epilepsy syndromes, as well as additional anatomic regions may identify molecular mechanisms of SUDEP