106 research outputs found

    Public-private partnership (ppp) as a strategy territorial development

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    The author reveals the concept of public-private partnership, the basics of federal legislation, identifies the goal of the state and the private sector, which should seek to subjects of publicprivate partnerships, as well as the effects of the successful implementation of public-private partnership projects. In addition, consider the experience of municipalities using public-private partnerships for the development of territories.Автор статьи раскрывает понятие государственно-частного партнерства, основы федерального законодательства, выявляет цели государства и частного сектора, к которым должны стремиться субъекты государственно-частного партнерства, а также эффекты успешной реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства. Кроме этого рассмотрен опыт муниципальных образований, использующих формы государственно-частного партнерства для развития территорий


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    The aim of the article is clarification of that role which in formation of the Soviet conservatism was played by Hegel`s philosophical system. It is shown that separation  of a dialectic method and idealistic system in Hegel's philosophy was the mistake based both on distortion of nature of Hegelian system, and on the simplified idea of the dialectics nature. There is given characteristic of  M.A. Lifshitz` essentially new understanding of the nature of systematic thinking.Целью данной статьи является прояснение той роли, которую в формировании советского консерватизма играла философская система Гегеля. Показано, что разделение диалектического метода и идеалистической системы в философии Гегеля было ошибкой, основанной как на искажении характера гегелевской системы, так и на упрощенном представлении о природе диалектики. Дана характеристика принципиально нового понимания природы систематического мышления у М.А.Лифшица

    Антропология А. А. Зиновьева: гомо советикус

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    The article discusses the anthropology of Alexander Zinoviev. The concept of homo soveticus introduced by the thinker is analyzed. Zinoviev's pamphlet "Homo soveticus" is being investigated. The interrelation of the anthropological type with the modern philosophical world is noted, as well as the relevance of the problem, especially in the context of geopolitical reality. The philosophical, cultural, social and historical phenomenon of homo soveticus, its relationship with the collective, reality, and democratic society are considered. The article concludes that Zinoviev's philosophy carries scientific insight, although the concept of man is not fully considered by the thinker. The authors claim that for the Russian person, the issues of being have never been secondary and alien to his consciousness.В статье рассматривается антропология Александра Зиновьева. Анализируется введённое мыслителем понятие гомо советикус. Исследуется памфлет Зиновьева ««Гомо советикус». Рассматривается философский, культурный, социальный и исторический феномен гомо советикуса, его взаимоотношения с коллективом, реальностью, демократическим обществом. Отмечается взаимосвязь антропологического типа с современным философу миром, а также актуальность проблематики, особенно в контексте геополитической реальности. В статье делается вывод, что философия Зиновьева не лишена научной прозорливости, хотя понятие человек не в полной мере рассматривается мыслителем. Авторы утверждают, что для русского человека вопросы бытийности никогда не были второстепенными и чуждыми его сознанию

    Automated Monitoring the Temperature under Buildings with Pile Foundations in Salekhard

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    In the paper, we consider a method of ground temperature monitoring using the thermometric boreholes and computer modeling the residential buildings with the pile foundation in the city of Salekhard; note that it is located in the permafrost zone. Construction of the residential buildings and industrial structures in the permafrost zone and their operation is carried out according to the principle of preserving the frozen state of foundations. For ground temperature monitoring, thermometric boreholes are used. In a given time period, the measured temperatures are transferred to a server for further processing. Information about the temperature is an important factor for the safety of the buildings and it can be used to evaluate the piles bearing capacity. It allows to propose options for the soil thermal stabilization or to eliminate the detected technogenic heat sources. An approach of mathematical modeling to reconstruct the temperature fields in the pile foundation base of a building is discussed taking into account the data of temperature monitoring. 24 boreholes were equipped with more than 400 in-borehole thermal sensors for testing the method under the residential building I. The preliminary modeling is carried out for December and January 2020 for the contact thermal conductivity model with phase transition with the upper part of the geological section typical for Salekhard (the sandy soils). The modeling describes the freezing processes during the months in detail. The thermal monitoring allows to say that the ground in the base of the Residential building I is stable. But there are detected heat transfers near the borehole T1 at the depth of 12–14 m. The combination of monitoring and computer modeling makes it possible to assess the safety of the operation of the residential buildings in cities located in the permafrost zones. © 2021, Russian Geographical Society. All rights reserved

    Modeling the Temperature Field in Frozen Soil under Buildings in the City of Salekhard Taking into Account Temperature Monitoring

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    Most residential buildings and capital structures in the permafrost zone are constructed on the principle of maintaining the frozen state of the foundation soils. The changing climate and the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment lead to changes in the boundaries of permafrost. These changes are especially relevant in the areas of piling foundations of residential buildings and other engineering structures located in the northern regions since they can lead to serious accidents caused by the degradation of permafrost and decrease the bearing capacity of the soil in such areas. Therefore, organization of temperature monitoring and forecasting of temperature changes in the soil under the buildings is an actual problem. To solve this problem, we use computer simulation methods of three-dimensional nonstationary thermal fields in the soil in combination with real-time monitoring of the temperature of the soil in thermometric wells. The developed approach is verified by using the temperature monitoring data for a specific residential building in the city of Salekhard. Comparison of the results of numerical calculations with experimental data showed good agreement. Using the developed computer software, nonstationary temperature fields under this building are obtained and, on this basis, the bearing capacities of all piles are calculated and a forecast of their changes in the future is given. To avoid decreasing the bearing capacity of piles it is necessary to prevent the degradation of permafrost and to supply the thermal stabilization of the soil. The proposed approach, based on a combination of the soil temperature monitoring and computer modeling methods, can be used to improve geotechnical monitoring methods. © 2022 by the authors

    Cryopreservation of raspberry cultivar accessions bred in Russia from the VIR <i>in vitro</i> collection

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    Cryobanks use plant cryocollections for long-term preservation of crops which cannot be preserved in seed collections. These are vegetatively propagated crops, accessions of species which form either a small amount of seeds, or recalcitrant seeds. Shoot tips (apexes) of in vitro plants are used for cryopreservation for most berry crops, therefore maintenance of in vitro collections is very important. The VIR in vitro collection includes 150 accessions of Rubus L. species, 85 of them are raspberry cultivars, 59 of which were bred in Russia. These cultivars reflect a wide ecogeographic diversity. Among them, there are raspberry cultivars created at the end of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries, including cultivars bred by I.V. Michurin and by the pioneer of northern horticulture V.V. Spirin. More than half of national raspberry varieties (33) are listed in the State Register for Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage. Raspberry cultivars from Russian breeding programs have a very limited representation in foreign genebanks. The first aim of the present work was cryopreservation of mostly folk and old Russian raspberry cultivars received by VIR from 1925 till 1950 and their transfer into the cryobank. The second aim of the work was to monitor post-cryogenic regeneration of raspberry cultivars transferred to the cryobank earlier. A modified protocol of the droplet vitrification method by “DV-biotech” was used for cryopreservation of shoot tips of in vitro plants of 10 raspberry cultivars (7 of which are folk and old Russian ones) from the VIR in vitro collection. Post-cryogenic regeneration was evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Ten raspberry cultivars (900 apexes) with an average mean post-cryoregenic regeneration value of 38.2±3.0% determined in control tests, were placed in the cryobank for long-term storage. A statistically significant effect of the genotype on the viability of explants after cryopreservation was noted, while the post-cryogenic regeneration was genotype insensitive. Additionally, levels of post-cryogenic regeneration were evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars (296 apexes) preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Post-cryogenic regeneration within the 20-70% range was displayed by four raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank for one year, and for 8 cultivars conserved there from three to five years post-cryogenic regeneration was within the 10-50% range. According to the results of monitoring, regeneration displayed by 12 raspberry cultivars was within the 10-70% range, which can be considered as a reliable rate of apex preservation in liquid nitrogen vapors in the VIR cryobank. Monitoring of the post-cryogenic regeneration of the raspberry accessions preserved in the VIR cryobank and cryopreservation of new raspberry cultivars will be continued

    Molecular markers in the genetic diversity studies of representatives of the genus <i>Rubus</i> L. and prospects of their application in breeding

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    According to estimates of various taxonomists, the genus Rubus L. (Rosaceae Juss.) consists of 12-16 subgenera comprising ~750 species. The two largest subgenera are Idaeobatus (Focke) Focke, which includes raspberries, and the type subgenus Rubus (=Eubatus Focke), which contains blackberry species. Representatives of the genus Rubus have high nutritional and economic values, as well as medicinal properties. Breeding programs are aimed at broadening genetic diversity and creating new varieties of raspberries and blackberries that are resistant to biotic and abiotic stressors and have high fruit quality. Modern breeding and genetic programs increasingly use the achievements of molecular genetics and genomics. This paper reviews the literature data on the application of molecular markers in fundamental and applied research aimed at studying the genetic diversity of cultivated and wild species of the genus Rubus. The review describes the main types of molecular markers (RFLP, RAPD, SCoT, SSR, ISSR, AFLP, SCAR, SSCP) and their application for studying the species of the genus Rubus. The results of the work on the use of DNA markers for solving different tasks are presented, including: studying the phylogenetic relationships of species, clarifying controversial issues of taxonomy, analyzing interspecific and intraspecific diversity, genotyping and pedigree analysis of raspberry and blackberry varieties, studying somaclonal variation and others. The most important applied result is the development of molecular genetic maps for raspberry and blackberry species, on which numerous genes and QTLs conferring various valuable traits have been mapped. At the same time, the number of markers that are promising for effective molecular screening is still insufficient

    Rapid production of pure recombinant actin isoforms in Pichia pastoris

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    Actins are major eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins, which perform many important cell functions, including cell division, cell polarity, wound healing, and muscle contraction. Despite obvious drawbacks, muscle actin, which is easily purified, is used extensively presently for biochemical studies of actin cytoskeleton from other organisms / cell types. Here we report a rapid and cost-effective method to purify heterologous actins expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Actin is expressed as a fusion with the actin-binding protein thymosin β4 and purified using an affinity tag introduced in the fusion. Following cleavage of thymosin β4 and the affinity tag, highly purified functional full-length actin is liberated. We purify actins from S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, and the β- and γ- isoforms of human actin. We also report a modification of the method that facilitates expression and purification of arginylated actin, a form of actin thought to regulate actin dendritic networks in mammalian cells. The methods we describe can be performed in all laboratories equipped for molecular biology, and should greatly facilitate biochemical and cell biological studies of the actin cytoskeleton

    Biochemical applications of surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

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    An overview is presented on the application of surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy to biochemical problems. Use of SEIRA results in high surface sensitivity by enhancing the signal of the adsorbed molecule by approximately two orders of magnitude and has the potential to enable new studies, from fundamental aspects to applied sciences. This report surveys studies of DNA and nucleic acid adsorption to gold surfaces, development of immunoassays, electron transfer between metal electrodes and proteins, and protein–protein interactions. Because signal enhancement in SEIRA uses surface properties of the nano-structured metal, the biomaterial must be tethered to the metal without hampering its functionality. Because many biochemical reactions proceed vectorially, their functionality depends on proper orientation of the biomaterial. Thus, surface-modification techniques are addressed that enable control of the proper orientation of proteins on the metal surface. [Figure: see text

    Hydrothermal Synthesis of Delafossite-Type Oxides

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    The syntheses of copper and silver delafossite-type oxides from their constituent binary metal oxides, oxide hydroxides and hydroxides, by low temperature (<210 °C) and low pressure (<20 atm) hydrothermal reactions are described. Particular emphasis is placed on how the acid-base character of a constituent oxide determines its solubility and therefore whether a particular delafossite-type oxide can be synthesized, a strategy utilized by geologists and mineralogists to understand the conditions necessary for the synthesis of various minerals. Thus, the geochemical and corrosion science literature are shown to be useful in understanding the reaction conditions required for the syntheses of delafossite-type oxides and the relationship between reactant metal oxide acid-base character, solubility, aqueous speciation, and product formation. Manipulation of the key parameters, temperature, pressure, pH, and reactant solubility, results in broad families of phase-pure delafossite-type oxides in moderate to high yields for copper, CuBO2 (B) Al, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ga, and Rh), and silver, AgBO2 (B ) Al, Sc, Fe, Co, Ni, Ga, Rh, In, and Tl)